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hen Libra in The 2-th House

There is usually balance and harmony in material affairs when Libra is

the sign on the cusp of the second house. The native is generally fortunate

in all money matters, and financial comfort is generally indicated which

flows to the native without too much fuss or effort.

hen Scorpio in The 2-th House

The native's concentration is on money and resources and how to take

them. Under the pattern of the Scorpio/Pluto configuration some means of

force may be necessary in order for the native to get what he/she considers

should be his/her. On the other hand, despite the native's natural inherent

possessiveness, with Pluto ruling the house of finances, there can be some

major ups and downs in the native's financial life.

hen Sagittarius in The 2-th House

This is a fortunate placement of Jupiter and indicates a certain

abundance of resources and the talent for creating materially successful

situations. The native should eventually be paid for his/her efforts. As a

rule, these people are the most generous persons, willing to share what

they have with those in need. The native's attitude toward money is often

philosophical. This person's interest in financial matters extends only to

taking care of his/her needs and sharing.

hen Capricorn in The 2-th House

The native is interested in money and intends to get a fair share of it or

know the reason why. He/she invariably does acquire money, although

he/she may find it hard to enjoy it. The native's early life is generally

marked by a scarcity of resources, while his/her later years may be

distinguished by a certain abundance because he/she is loath to part with it

or spend it.


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