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however prove to be brilliant on one special subject or mental quirk. This

person should try to get his/her nerves under control. If problems with

his/her relatives should come up, he/she patiently look for an answer and

listen attentively to what is said to him/her.

hen the Uranus Falls in the Fourth House

Creating an odd state of subjectivity. Probably the search for the

native's roots or for a real home has worn the naive out for a long time.

Uranus affects the native's sense of security in some way, usually in an

upsetting manner. The native can devise ingenious programs with which

to seek objectives. They may sound impractical in some ways, but they

can at the same time achieve some astounding results if carried far

enough. Hopefully, this person will not make the mistake of letting

his/her fear of attachments cause him/her to pack up and move on

suddenly, continuing his/her search.

hen the Uranus Falls in the Fifth House

Unusual attitudes toward pleasures, love-making, relations to

offspring and creative pursuits. Such people have an original way of

expressing themselves and they put all their determination into it. The

element of uncon-ventionality is present in all attitudes toward romance,

sexual love-making and how to impress others with the individuality of

your creative ego. The key word in all of these areas tends to be "anything

goes." Generally, these peopel have an unusual love life, they are not the

type for long relationships because they get bored quickly and valiantly

defend their precious freedom. These people are easily impressed by new


hen the Uranus Falls in the Sixth House

With Uranus in the sixth house the native puts a lot of thought into

hi/her work and want to be constantly challenged. The everyday affairs of

job, duties and health matters all are subject to sudden and drastic


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