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need them. Usually this position of the Sun is not good from the

perspective of profession as a fall is indicated.

MERCURY (Budhadev)

Om Bhum Budhaya Namah

Mercury in native's horoscope shows the focus of his/her mentality as the

instrument and reflection of the ego-force.

Books, publishing, knowledge, mathematics, sculpture & arts all come under

his domain. If he is exalted in one's horoscope, the native will become a

great scholar. Mercury is in fact never far removed in space from the sun—

never more than 28° ahead or behind.

hen the Mercury Falls in the First House

Mercury in the the first house makes a person a scholar. Person

gathers stimuli from his/her immediate environment. Others sense and

react to the native as a highly perceptive being. his/her personality image

reflects a mental alertness that is obvious to others. Such person may even

appear brilliant. This position of Mercury also confers high longevity.

hen the Mercury Falls in the Second House

In the second Mercury makes native wealthy and humble. People's

reflective processes should produce ingenious ideas for making money and

increasing their store of possessions. Much of native's best thinking will be

centered on these matters. Such people will also have poetic faculties


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