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hen the Pluto in the Taurus

The native may have to appropriate his financial backing from others with

or without their consent or knowledge. There could be something illegal

about the native's earning power, which may be taking advantage of a

situation created by some fluke or error.

hen the Pluto in the Gemini

This position of Pluto creates an unsecret source of attention for the

Gemini native, since his/her expression, outbursts or propaganda efforts all

lead directly back to himself as the source. The native's tone of expression is

chilling, threatening and controversial.

hen the Pluto in the Cancer

The native is better be able to keep his/her true intentions under cover.

He/she is usually deeply engaged in upsetting or planning the overthrow of

established traditions, which he/she feels stand in the way of progress.

hen the Pluto in the Leo

The native must take great risks or gamble compulsively in trying to put

his/her undermining projects across. There may be great extravagance in

claims in order to attract attention. This would also create an unsatisfactory

situation in sexual relations, particularly as far as romantic notions are


hen the Pluto in the Virgo

The native's revolutionary tendencies would be directed toward

conditions of employment, service, servitude and all types of obligations and

duties. Participation in labor movements is favored, as well as reviewing all

forms of duty obligations.

hen the Pluto in the Libra

The native is likely to be in the front line of attack against obvious

enemies who might oppose the changes he/she feels are so essential.

hen the Pluto in the Scorpio

This location of the Pluto would be the most secretive application of the

revolutionary Scorpio tactics and therefore desirable for Scorpio. Sexuality is

definitely something to be exploited or used here as an instrument for

whatever else Scorpio may have in mind.

hen the Pluto in the Sagittarius

These people's sense of attack would be directed against the bastions of

traditional laws, codes of ethics, outmoded philosophies, out-of-touch


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