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hen the Uranus in the Sagittarius

Uranus in Sagittarius is often associated with higher knowledge. This is

why a renaissance in esoteric fields can be observed in this time period.

Astrology advanced especially quickly, because it is practically applicable.

Uranus here is most responsive to the change in conditions that these

principles SHOULD reflect. This is generally an excellent focus for the Uranian

flash of insight and extended vision.

hen the Uranus in the Capricorn

Uranus here suggests conditions over which the native generally has little

or no control. His breaks or opportunity for recognition seem to rest on the

most improbable chain of events, which most often seem to work against the

native rather than for him/her. The generalized judgment of others is a rather

resolved thing—not casually bestowed. Therefore, to be upset or realigned

(especially in the native's favor) must take a most unexpected series of events

more like an intervention of fate or destiny itself.

hen the Uranus in the Aquarius

Uranus here can generally do little harm. The situation that is

constructively blown apart tends to be the native's allegiance to groups with

which he is apparently not truly identified. This may be generally disruptive of

friendships but is consistently beneficial to the native's own sense of growth

and unique destiny. Such people with Uranus in Capricorn are usually

extremely creative researchers and are able to dedicate themselves hopefully

to developing methods to utilize our planet less destructively.

hen the Uranus in the Pisces

Apparently the native should have some conscious concern with the

condition of those less fortunate in life who have suddenly and

catastrophically been cast into a position that demands all their resources.

The native apparently has some unique approach to such problems,

particularly in getting to the bottom. Generally, if Uranus receives negative

aspects, the native may tend to obstinacy and impracticable ideas while

shying away from responsibility.


eptune - The Seven Spirit

In Astrology Neptune represents deception, mysticism, imagination,

dreams, extrasensory capabilities, a foreboding and inspiration.


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