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developed as the foundation from which the native can project his/her

programs. Such people's sense of emotional security is very much in constant

jeopardy, but at the same time they tend to become responsive to the most

volatile and uniquely progressive ideas. If Uranus has a challenging aspect

here, the native's family life may be prone to sudden changes, which, most

certainly, will not always be easy to deal with.

hen the Uranus in the Leo

This position of Uranus generally encourages wild fancies of the ego and

extremely unconventional, romantic activities and attachments. Since Leo

encourages far-out activities and all sorts of ego extensions, almost anything

can be expected from this position of Uranus. If Uranus is well fortified, it can

lead to brilliance in creativity; if not, then to the wildest sort of ego


hen the Uranus in the Virgo

Since this is a tied-down area of life, the Uranus principle is working to

help or resist the more tedious and offensive forms of obligation and human

slavery. On the whole the final results should be more constructive than not,

even though it may prove so at the expense of those who would hold others

down. If Uranus receives negative aspects here, the native may be prone to

sudden physical ailments. It may help to entrust his/her health to a natural

healer because he/she is skeptical of standard medicine.

hen the Uranus in the Libra

With the planet Uranus in Libra, the native usually belongs to a

generation of people who formulate new concepts of relationships and

coexistence. Generally this position for Uranus should be more constructive

than not because it passes the unpredictable quality from the native's nature

to the effect of others on him/her. It is not the native who blows things up as

much as unexpected reactions to and from others prompting the native to

think differently and introduce new concepts which he/she would not have

conceived on his/her own.

hen the Uranus in the Scorpio

This naturally introduces into the native's life unusual events, which are

unexpectedly and explosively produced by Uranus. The effect should be good

because the aftermath and possibilities resulting from drastic changes are

almost limitless and therefore favored for growth and introduction of new



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