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suffer many serious setbacks and moments of deep despair until he/she

finally releases some favorite superstitions he/she has acquired and gets

down to the nitty gritty of permanent value structures.


ranus is The Patron of the Heavens

In Astrology Uranus denotes a break with tradition as well as new

development; it is spirit, intuition and spontaneity.

hen the Uranus in the Aries

The native's eccentricity—such as it may be—is obviously apparent in the

native's everyday personality. This may make the native difficult to adjust to,

or it may make him/her harmless but obviously different, if not to say queer.

The native usually doesn't care what anybody thinks and goes right on his/her

merry way doing just what comes naturally to him/her, which may be quite

out of step with conventional modes of behavior. It is possible, that these

people lose from time to time their perspective of societal structures by

continually placing their own ego first. This could prove to be detrimental to

their plans for changing the world according to their own concepts.

hen the Uranus in the Taurus

Uranus in Taurus is anything but regular or conventional in the manner or

type of nourishment that the native draws to him/herself. It should generally

be considered favorable for supplying him with the most unusual kind of

supply for whatever HE NEEDS. Although such people are attached to

possessions and are constantly collecting things, they have an unorthodox

relationship to them. The spontaneous element of the planet Uranus in

Taurus can express itself in sudden changes in the native's financial situation.

hen the Uranus in the Gemini

The native's thought patterns and style of communication are most

unusual, if not to say unique. The native is bound to be brilliant on some

subjects on which he/she is uniquely gifted, but his/her everyday responses

may leave much to be desired. Generally, if Uranus in Gemini receives

challenging aspects, the native can easily overexert him/herself in too many

different activities. This person should choose a few areas instead of being

content with rather deficient competence in a lot of different areas.

hen the Uranus in the Cancer

This is not so favorable a position for Uranus because it introduces the

most unstable qualities into the native's subjective nature, which should be


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