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best used to restore harmony and balance, perhaps by developing artistic

skills, or by reconciling people in conflict.

hen the Mars in the Scorpio

Sexuality is often an opening gambit to gain the native's objectives, or a

restoration of programs left for dead by others could be in order. These

people's motivations are so strong that it is almost impossible to deflect them

from a chosen course of action.

hen the Mars in the Sagittarius

The native needs to make foreign contacts, travel, and expand his formal

education and intellectual capacities. Such people usually set their sights on

distant heights and leave others to sort out the details. They often become


hen the Mars in the Capricorn

The native must be aggressively competitive with those in higher

authority, even if a fight ensues. This person is best suited to living and

working at a practical level.

hen the Mars in the Aquarius

The native must argue within his group or with his friends before he

knows where he really stands. Generally such people seek radical solutions to

old problems. They are usually idealistic but impractical.

hen the Mars in the Pisces

This is one of the most impractical positions for Mars. The native must go

behind the scenes and experience the actual suffering of despair and

breakdown before he/she can realize the full import of his/her mission. The

native can learn much from others who have failed.


upiter is the Luckiest Star

Jupiter spends about a year in each sign, taking twelve years to complete

the journey through all twelve signs.

hen the Jupiter in the Aries

This position of Jupiter reveals a personality with large-scale and personal

ambitions, perhaps reaching the top of a career or excelling in a particular

skill. The native may be quite a spellbinder. His/her personality and his/her


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