24 Seven August 2020

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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a Healthcare Proxy document

set up. This will protect you in

circumstances when you are

unable to make decisions for

yourself. Also, have an Advance

Health Care Directive compiled

so it is clear to your person who is

making decisions for you, when

you can’t, what your wishes are.

Be Prepared

It is wise to ensure which

hospitals in your area are in your

health insurance network ahead

of time. You can also check

the hospital(s) ratings. Some

hospitals are safer than others.

You can check the LeapFrog

Hospital Safety Grade website,

and if you are having surgery,

you can check your surgeon’s

ratings at Propublica’s Surgeon

Scorecard site.

Communication Plan

This pandemic has made very clear the need to have

a communication plan while in the hospital. You may

have many family members or friends that want to be

involved in your status and recovery. It is essential to

have one person who is dedicated to liaising with the

nursing staff, social workers, and medical team to stay

on top of the plan of care and test results.

It is wise to set up a patient portal for the hospital

so certain data can be monitored. This person needs

to introduce him/herself to the medical team as the

person to be directly involved in every detail of the

hospitalization. Ask each member of the medical

and hospital team for a business card/contact

information and the best times to get updates.

Monitoring Progress

Always be aware of what the daily treatment plan

is for the day. Frequently, the plan of care and/or

goals are written on a whiteboard in the patient’s

room. Understand what all of your medications are

indicated for and their possible side effects. If a new

medication is started while in the hospital, make

sure you know who prescribed it and why. Ask what

the potential benefits and side effects are.

If you have any imaging tests, ask the reason

for the test. Request the results as soon as they are

available and if the results require any additional

treatment. Understand the lab results they are

collecting and what they mean.

This may all be too much for you as the patient

From The Story


pandemic has

made very

clear the need

to have a


plan while in

the hospital.”

since you may want to concentrate on healing. Have

your loved one, friend, or private patient advocate

maintain a notebook and keep detailed notes on your

progress and actions taken while in the hospital.

Hospital Tool Kit

It can be helpful to have a bag containing

vital information should you have an emergent

hospitalization. This could include the following:

• Fact sheet – contains your name, address, phone

number, date of birth and any allergies

• Emergency contact person – name, phone

number, email and text information

• Medication list – list all the prescribed drugs, over

the counter drugs and supplements you take

• Medical conditions – list any chronic or acute


• Past surgeries and hospitalizations – a list of any

surgeries or hospitalizations you have had listed in

date order

• Insurance information – a copy of the front and

back of your insurance card

• HIPAA or Healthcare Proxy document

• Advance directive

• POLST or MOLST form, if available

• Power of Attorney

• Patient portal information

• Overnight bag with your cell phone and charger,

24 hours of medications, hearing aid, glasses,

notebook and pen, toiletries.

• Other – a note about anything special the hospital

staff or emergency responders should know about

you if you are not able to communicate yourself.

There were many people during this pandemic that

were admitted to the hospital in an emergency and

there was unavoidable stress due to no visitation for

family members. Being prepared with a plan, a contact

person, and the above information can increase the

ability to communicate and lessen the stress.

About The Author


Lorie Gardner founded Healthlink Advocates,

Inc., to assist people with all aspects of their

healthcare. As private nurse patient advocates

and board certified health and wellness coaches,

they partner with clients seeking assistance

navigating the complex healthcare system

and those seeking self-directed, lasting health

improvements aligned with their values.

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