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A Tel: Lincoln 26101 FAMAY LINCOLNSHIRE ECHO OCTOBER 19,1962 "MAC AND HIS BANKRUPT GANG Tel: Lincoln 26101 Did Not Think Car Needed ARE AN R.A.F. Waddington corporal, who left a 15years-old car in an un- MoT Test FAILURES" adopted Lincoln side street, thinking it did not need to be Questioned by police, Mos- insured or have an M.O.T. crop is alleged to have said: certificate, was fined a total "I was not running the jar, NC R. MARCUS KIMBALL, M.P. for Cainsborough, of £6 at Lincoln Magistrates' and was waiting for some Court. spare parts. I thought I had was told at a Market Rasen meeting that Conser- He was 27-years-old Derek parked it off the road." vative policy looked "suspiciously like an attempt by William Moscrop, who pleaded a bankrupt gang of politicians to hold on to their guilty to using a car in Clar- jobs." ence-street, Lincoln, on CATHEDRAL SERVICES August 14 without an insur- "What you are trying to SATURDAY.-8: Holy Com- must expect great changes in ance policy covering third munion. (Sailors' Chapel). do," Mr. W. Sternfield went on the next 10 years, whether party risks, and without a test 9.45: Matins. said. 4.30: Even- "is to make the rich countries Britain goes into the Common song, Morley (Short Service); certificate issued during the richer and the poor countries Market or not. anthem, "0 Lord of life," Bach, previous 12 months. 1978 poorer. He strongly denied that the You and your Prime Mini- question. "Commonwealth or ster have completely failed to Common Market," so often make out a case." posed, had any real validity. Mr. Sternfield, of Holton "The very success of British Beckering, said he was stag- farmers in producing 60 per Get together w ith gered by the extent to which cent. of our foodstuffs means the Tories had gone over to that you are in direct com- the Liberal point of view on petition with the Common- Motorists the Common Market. wealth in this sphere," he He was one of several at said. the meeting, which included CHANGE many farmers, to whom Mr. iteNV Beware Kimball had been speaking. The Commonwealth countries were changing as \jOTORISTS may be de- "CONSISTENCY" rapidly as we are ourselves. saysWilfrecl P ick,les layed in the following Replying, the Gainsborough He spoke of Smith and places this week-end, says the M.P. spoke of the consistency Nephew, the plastics firm A.A.: of the Conservative point of which, he said, had just taken ines Ads. Boston.Spileby, pipe-laying at Burton Corner; A.52. Boston- view. a successfu1 Market Rasen Grantham, pipe.laying at Honing. He claimed the Govern- enterprise. ton; A.17. Long Sutton.Sutterton, ment had to give a lead "Smith and Nephew were re-surfacing and kerb laying at Foadyke; A.17. Sleaford.SwInes- and were giving it. going to build it New Zealand head, pipe-laying at liecking.ton. Earlier he said farmers factory," said Mr. Kimball. "But they have been told that they are not wanted there. New Zealand wants to make such goods for them- A link with the past. These three lovely working horses of Mr. W. H. Barker, of Blankney, spinning out potatoes at Metheringham. The wagoner is Mr. F. G lossop, of Blankney, who has been with horses for 38 years. The horses are called Sharper (left), Prince (ce ntre), and Bonny. Answer To Surplus Wheat? 1.1111111■11MMEMOMMONSIEMMINNIMIL Two Lincoln girls who will meet Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at the Founder's Day Festival on the 81st anniversary of the Church of England Children's Society in London. Eleven-years-old Linda Garner (left), and her 14-years-old sister, Margaret of 18 Blankney-crescent, Lincoln, look at the ses w selves." TH E effects entry into by becoming more prosper- whole would benefit by entry Another Market Rasen ous ourselves." A manufacturer had been told Europe would prob- into the Common Market by FORECAST The question of taxation being able to increase effi- Australia does not want his ably have on the British fishing floats. was also put to Sir John, who ciency. Mr. K. How, man- farmer were listed by said that he would be very aging director, commented "Our overseas countries Sir John Maitland, M.P. FOR THE foolish to make any definite that employment at the do not want floats from for Horncastle, at a statement. Wragby plastics factory might Market Rasen or, broadly well drop by 25 per cent if speaking, our British manu- meeting at Wragby He did say higher food Britain did not join the Six. factures. What they want is Town Hall. FARMER prices would bring in the money for their own devel- tem of annua1 agricultural farmer more money, therefore CEREAL PRICES: Betopment and the only way alleviating the need for heavy ter. price review. in which we can provide Entry into Europe would, if Government subsidy. that money is by making MHLK: Improvement pos- Four Riders anything, improve land prices He said industry as a our economy stronger." sible. in this country. Mr. Kimbal1 said an initial PHGS: Down in price. COMMONWEALTH advantage for British agricul- SHEEP: Not so good. Drove At ture when it was lined up side BEEF: Good. On the Commonwealth he by side with that on the Con- said that after his recent Sir John said Europeans tinent was what he called the visit to Canada, he was con- 50-55 ni.p.h were generally soft wheat "disgracefully low yields" fident Canadians were not eaters and this might allevi- and inadequate mechanisation opposed to Britain joining FOUR motor cyclists, who ate the problem of surplus which was to be seen on many Europe. were alleged to have European farms. soft wheat. He was also of the opinion driven along Newark-road, He said that in the Common that Britain could help Aus- Lincoln, on August 16, at 50-55 In place of the present Market there would be a sys- tralia and New Zealand to a m.p.h. overtaking a 1ine of system of deficiency payments, the farming industry greater extent if we went slow-moving traffic, believed would have a managed BUILDER CLEARED OF into Europe. they were in a 50 m.p.h. res- market. "What these countries striction area, it was stated at MURDER Mr. R. Brocklesby said that want most of all," said Sir Lincoln Magistrates' Court. Wilfred Charles Vanstone in this country half a mil- John, "is capital. We can Two of them — Michael (53), builder, of Northlion people provided Britain let them have more capital Grant, of Ralph-crescent, street, Witheridge, was Kingsbury, Tamworth, and with 60 per cent. of its food acquitted by a jury at Devon Anthony Wilson, of Dosthill. while in Europe a quarter of Assizes, Exeter, yesterday, of COLONEL IS road, Two Gates, Tamworth the population was employed murdering Henry Rice (43), CHAIRMAN AGAIN —were fined £5 each for ex- in providing food. a farmer, of Charnaford Col. J. S. C. Oates, of Besceeding the speed limit. Mr. Kimball said that this Farm, Witheridge. thorpe, near Newark, was re- The other two — Geoffrey was a commentary on the He was also acquitted of elected chairman at yester- Alan Wallis, of Main-road, relative inefficiency of Con- manslaughter and was disday's annual meeting of Nomans Heath. Tamworth, tinental agriculture. But it charged. During the trial Newark County magistrates. and Ronald Arthur Walpole, must not be th ught that this Vanstone said he used a Col. W. M. E. Denison and of Hawthorne-road, Gillway, state of affairs mid continue pocket knife in self defence Mrs. C. E. Parlby were re - Tamworth — were fined £. 21 indefinite warned. and when Rice attacked him in a elected de uty-chairmen, and Whiteway's Cream Btitish Sherry, Pale Dry Btitish Sherty, 8/- a bottle. Whiteway's Rich Ruby, Btown British Sherry, Sweet White Wine, 7/3d each. .';thernes that say Frilcome best ofa 11' XXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxXXXXXVCWWWIWZW.41:01 XX V.Y.V.ZZZYIZIGIXIXXXWA Z'XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXxxxxXxxxxxxxxxximoriczymcsrAxxxx BRACEBRIDGE SERVICE STATIO. io Newark Road, Lincoln NOW OPEN ■1111.1111.-... ■■ ■ .11MIN ■ Tel. 27969 Tel. 27969

--t€theTifines that say Welcome hest of all' Tel. 27969 Whiteway's Cream British Sherry, Pale Dty British Shetty, 8/- a bottle. Whiteway's Rich Ruby, Brown British Sherry, Sweet White Wine, 7/3d each. Two Lincoln girls who will meet Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at the Founder's Day Festival on the 81st anniversary of the Church of England Children's Society in London. Eleven-years-old Linda Garner (left), and her 14-years-old sister, Margaret of 18 Blankney-crescent, Lincoln, look at the purses which they will present to --ay Queen Mother. nsning noats. "Our overseas countries do not want floats from Market Rasen or, broadly speaking, our British manufactures. What they want is money for their own development and the only way in which we can provide that money is by making our economy stronger." Mr. Kimbal1 said an initial advantage for British agriculture when it was lined up side by side with that on the Continent was what he called the "disgracefully low yields" and inadequate mechanisation which was to be seen on many European farms. In place of the present system of deficiency payments, the farming industry would have a managed market. Mr. R. Brocklesby said that in this country half a million people provided Britain with 60 per cent. of its food while in Europe a quarter of farmer were 11Sted ny Sir John Maitland, M.P. for Horncastle, at a meeting at Wragby Town Hall. CEREAL PRHCES: Better. MHLK: Improvement possible. PHGS: Down in price. SHEEP: Not so good. BEEF: Good. Sir John said Europeans were generally soft wheat eaters and this might alleviate the problem of surplus soft wheat. He said that in the Common Market there would be a sys- FOR THE FARMER tem of annual agricultural price review. Entry into Europe would, if anything, improve land prices in this country. COMMONWEALTH On the Commonwealth he said that after his recent visit to Canada, he was confident Canadians were not opposed to Britain joining Europe. He was also of the opinion that Britain could help Australia and New Zealand to a greater extent if we went into Europe. "What these countries want most of all," said Sir John, "is capital. We can let them have more capital BUILDER CLEARED OF MURDER Wilfred Charles Vanstone (53), builder, of Northstreet, Witheridge, was acquitted by a jury at Devon Assizes, Exeter, yesterday, of COLONEL IS the population was employed 'in mpro vidiminbgalfl ic oosda . murdering Henry Rice (43), CHAIRMAN AGAIN a farmer, of Charnaford Col. J. S. C. Oates, of Bes- id that this Farm, Witheridge. thorpe, near Newark, was re- was a commentary on the He was also acquitted of elected chairman at yester- tr jeul ea ut itvaef inefficiencye of Con- manslaughter and was disday's annual meating of But charged. During the trial Newark County magistrates. smtautset onfo ta ffbaef rtsh wo uoguhl td that uthis u e Vanstone said he used a Col. W. M. E. Denison and pocket knife in self defence Mrs. C. E. Parlby were re- indefinitely, fie warned, and when Rice attacked him in a elected deputy -chairmen, and in Goons"- : ierey lloginkingfac. lane late one night. 4. Rice died Mr. W. A. Muddell was also was Ming rapidIrw. from knife wounds. appointed a deputy chairman. VI, CO CLAJV pla LV L-71/ UU,,,,, Ill/ said that he would be very foolish to make any definite statement. He did say higher food prices would bring in the farmer more money. therefore !alleviating the need for heavy Government subsidy. He said industry as a aging director, commented that employment at the Wragby plastics factory might well drop by 25 per cent if Britain did not join the Six. Four Riders Drove At 50-55 m.p.h FOUR motor cyclists, who were alleged to have driven along Newark-road, Lincoln, on August 16, at 50-55 m.p.h. overtaking a line of slow-moving traffic, believed they were in a 50 m.p.h. res. striction area, it was stated al Lincoln Magistrates' Court. Two of them — Michael Grant, of Ralph-crescent, Kingsbury, Tamworth, and Anthony Wilson, of Dosthill. road, Two Gates, Tamworth —were fined £5 each for ex. ceeding the speed limit. The other two — Geoffrey Alan Wallis, of Main-road, Nomans Heath, Tamworth, and Ronald Arthur Walpole, of Hawthorne-road, GillwaY, Tamworth — were fined £9 each. 11 four, wrote to th-7, MA ruipap, M.P '311WZXZWAWICAVIWWWWWAY.1 ZWAZWAXXXXXXXXXXVIWWWWWXY.V1%. WICAZY,WAXXXIB. XX ICAZIMAY.XWAWAX 'X XV. XVIZY.WitWX03COMICX XY,XXXXXXXXXIMGCMCCA)OCCATMOCICCWWWW21"A BRACEBRIDGE SERVICE STATION LTD. Newark Road, Lincoln NOW OP N 24 HOUR SERVICE FOR PETROL & OIL SALES and LUBRICATION SERVICE Come in for Courteous Attention REPAIRS OVERHAULS SELF-DRIVE HIRE Tel. 27969 BODYWORK ACCIDENT REPAIR SPECIALISTS BUSY MOTORISTS ! TRY OUR NIGHT LUBRICATION SERVICE TYRES AND BATTERIES ON EASY TERN S 24 HOUR BREAKDOWN SERVICE CLEVELAND QUALITY FUELS chg,.........c...........xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.x....xxxxxxxxxxxx.....................

A Tel: Lincoln 26101 FAMAY LINCOLNSHIRE ECHO OCTOBER 19,1962<br />


Tel: Lincoln 26101<br />

Did Not Think Car Needed<br />

ARE<br />

AN R.A.F. Waddington corporal,<br />

who left a 15years-old<br />

car in an un- MoT Test FAILURES"<br />

adopted Lincoln side street,<br />

thinking it did not need to be<br />

Questioned by police, Mos-<br />

insured or have an M.O.T.<br />

crop is alleged to have said:<br />

certificate, was fined a total<br />

"I was not running <strong>the</strong> jar,<br />

NC R. MARCUS KIMBALL, M.P. for Cainsborough,<br />

of £6 at Lincoln Magistrates'<br />

and was waiting for some<br />

Court.<br />

spare parts. I thought I had<br />

was told at a Market Rasen meeting that Conser-<br />

He was 27-years-old Derek<br />

parked it off <strong>the</strong> road."<br />

vative policy looked "suspiciously like an attempt by<br />

William Moscrop, who pleaded<br />

a bankrupt gang of politicians to hold on to <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

guilty to using a car in Clar-<br />

jobs."<br />

ence-street, Lincoln, on CATHEDRAL SERVICES<br />

August 14 without an insur-<br />

"What you are trying to<br />

SATURDAY.-8: Holy Com-<br />

must expect great changes in<br />

ance policy covering third munion. (Sailors' Chapel).<br />

do," Mr. W. <strong>St</strong>ernfield <strong>we</strong>nt on <strong>the</strong> next 10 years, whe<strong>the</strong>r<br />

party risks, and without a test 9.45: Matins. said. 4.30: Even-<br />

"is to make <strong>the</strong> rich countries Britain goes into <strong>the</strong> Common<br />

song, Morley (Short Service);<br />

certificate issued during <strong>the</strong><br />

richer and <strong>the</strong> poor countries Market or not.<br />

an<strong>the</strong>m, "0 Lord of life," Bach,<br />

previous 12 months.<br />

1978<br />

poorer.<br />

He strongly denied that <strong>the</strong><br />

You and your Prime Mini- question. "Common<strong>we</strong>alth or<br />

ster have completely failed to Common Market," so often<br />

make out a case."<br />

posed, had any real validity.<br />

Mr. <strong>St</strong>ernfield, of Holton "The very success of British<br />

Beckering, said he was stag- farmers in producing 60 per<br />

Get toge<strong>the</strong>r w ith<br />

gered by <strong>the</strong> extent to which cent. of our foodstuffs means<br />

<strong>the</strong> Tories had gone over to that you are in direct com-<br />

<strong>the</strong> Liberal point of view on petition with <strong>the</strong> Common-<br />

Motorists <strong>the</strong> Common Market. <strong>we</strong>alth in this sphere," he<br />

He was one of several at said.<br />

<strong>the</strong> meeting, which included<br />

CHANGE<br />

many farmers, to whom Mr.<br />

iteNV<br />

Beware Kimball had been speaking. The Common<strong>we</strong>alth countries<br />

<strong>we</strong>re changing as<br />

\jOTORISTS may be de- "CONSISTENCY" rapidly as <strong>we</strong> are ourselves.<br />

saysWilfrecl P ick,les<br />

layed in <strong>the</strong> following Replying, <strong>the</strong> Gainsborough He spoke of Smith and<br />

places this <strong>we</strong>ek-end, says <strong>the</strong> M.P. spoke of <strong>the</strong> consistency Nephew, <strong>the</strong> plastics firm<br />

A.A.:<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Conservative point of which, he said, had just taken<br />

ines Ads. Boston.Spileby, pipe-laying<br />

at Burton Corner; A.52. Boston- view. a successfu1 Market Rasen<br />

Grantham, pipe.laying at Honing. He claimed <strong>the</strong> Govern- enterprise.<br />

ton; A.17. Long Sutton.Sutterton, ment had to give a lead "Smith and Nephew <strong>we</strong>re<br />

re-surfacing and kerb laying at<br />

Foadyke; A.17. Sleaford.SwInes- and <strong>we</strong>re giving it. going to build it New Zealand<br />

head, pipe-laying at liecking.ton. Earlier he said farmers factory," said Mr. Kimball.<br />

"But <strong>the</strong>y have been told<br />

that <strong>the</strong>y are not wanted<br />

<strong>the</strong>re. New Zealand wants to<br />

make such goods for <strong>the</strong>m-<br />

A link with <strong>the</strong> past. These three lovely working horses of Mr. W. H. Barker, of Blankney, spinning out<br />

potatoes at Me<strong>the</strong>ringham. The wagoner is Mr. F. G lossop, of Blankney, who has been with horses for 38<br />

years. The horses are called Sharper (left), Prince (ce ntre), and Bonny.<br />

Ans<strong>we</strong>r To Surplus Wheat?<br />


Two Lincoln girls who will meet Queen Elizabeth <strong>the</strong><br />

Queen Mo<strong>the</strong>r at <strong>the</strong> Founder's Day Festival on <strong>the</strong> 81st<br />

anniversary of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Church</strong> of England Children's Society<br />

in London. Eleven-years-old Linda Garner (left), and<br />

her 14-years-old sister, Margaret of 18 Blankney-crescent,<br />

Lincoln, look at <strong>the</strong> ses w<br />

selves."<br />

TH E effects entry into<br />

by becoming more prosper- whole would benefit by entry<br />

Ano<strong>the</strong>r Market Rasen<br />

ous ourselves."<br />

A manufacturer had been told Europe would prob-<br />

into <strong>the</strong> Common Market by<br />

FORECAST The question of taxation being able to increase effi-<br />

Australia does not want his ably have on <strong>the</strong> British<br />

fishing floats.<br />

was also put to Sir <strong>John</strong>, who ciency. Mr. K. How, man-<br />

farmer <strong>we</strong>re listed by<br />

said that he would be very aging director, commented<br />

"Our overseas countries Sir <strong>John</strong> Maitland, M.P. FOR THE foolish to make any definite that employment at <strong>the</strong><br />

do not want floats from for Horncastle, at a<br />

statement.<br />

Wragby plastics factory might<br />

Market Rasen or, broadly<br />

<strong>we</strong>ll drop by 25 per cent if<br />

speaking, our British manu- meeting at Wragby<br />

He did say higher food Britain did not join <strong>the</strong> Six.<br />

factures. What <strong>the</strong>y want is Town Hall. FARMER prices would bring in <strong>the</strong><br />

money for <strong>the</strong>ir own devel-<br />

tem of annua1 agricultural farmer more money, <strong>the</strong>refore<br />

CEREAL PRICES: Betopment<br />

and <strong>the</strong> only way<br />

alleviating <strong>the</strong> need for heavy<br />

ter.<br />

price review.<br />

in which <strong>we</strong> can provide<br />

Entry into Europe would, if Government subsidy.<br />

that money is by making MHLK: Improvement pos-<br />

Four Riders<br />

anything, improve land prices He said industry as a<br />

our economy stronger." sible.<br />

in this country.<br />

Mr. Kimbal1 said an initial PHGS: Down in price.<br />


advantage for British agricul- SHEEP: Not so good.<br />

Drove At<br />

ture when it was lined up side BEEF: Good.<br />

On <strong>the</strong> Common<strong>we</strong>alth he<br />

by side with that on <strong>the</strong> Con-<br />

said that after his recent<br />

Sir <strong>John</strong> said Europeans<br />

tinent was what he called <strong>the</strong><br />

visit to Canada, he was con-<br />

50-55 ni.p.h<br />

<strong>we</strong>re generally soft wheat<br />

"disgracefully low yields"<br />

fident Canadians <strong>we</strong>re not<br />

eaters and this might allevi-<br />

and inadequate mechanisation<br />

opposed to Britain joining<br />

FOUR motor cyclists, who<br />

ate <strong>the</strong> problem of surplus<br />

which was to be seen on many<br />

Europe.<br />

<strong>we</strong>re alleged to have<br />

European farms.<br />

soft wheat.<br />

He was also of <strong>the</strong> opinion<br />

driven along Newark-road,<br />

He said that in <strong>the</strong> Common that Britain could help Aus-<br />

Lincoln, on August 16, at 50-55<br />

In place of <strong>the</strong> present Market <strong>the</strong>re would be a sys- tralia and New Zealand to a<br />

m.p.h. overtaking a 1ine of<br />

system of deficiency payments,<br />

<strong>the</strong> farming industry<br />

greater extent if <strong>we</strong> <strong>we</strong>nt<br />

slow-moving traffic, believed<br />

would have a managed BUILDER CLEARED OF into Europe.<br />

<strong>the</strong>y <strong>we</strong>re in a 50 m.p.h. res-<br />

market.<br />

"What <strong>the</strong>se countries<br />

striction area, it was stated at<br />

MURDER<br />

Mr. R. Brocklesby said that<br />

want most of all," said Sir<br />

Lincoln Magistrates' Court.<br />

Wilfred Charles Vanstone<br />

in this country half a mil-<br />

<strong>John</strong>, "is capital. We can<br />

Two of <strong>the</strong>m — Michael<br />

(53), builder, of Northlion<br />

people provided Britain<br />

let <strong>the</strong>m have more capital<br />

Grant, of Ralph-crescent,<br />

street, Wi<strong>the</strong>ridge, was<br />

Kingsbury, Tamworth, and<br />

with 60 per cent. of its food acquitted by a jury at Devon<br />

Anthony Wilson, of Dosthill.<br />

while in Europe a quarter of Assizes, Exeter, yesterday, of COLONEL IS<br />

road, Two Gates, Tamworth<br />

<strong>the</strong> population was employed murdering Henry Rice (43), CHAIRMAN AGAIN<br />

—<strong>we</strong>re fined £5 each for ex-<br />

in providing food. a farmer, of Charnaford Col. J. S. C. Oates, of Besceeding<br />

<strong>the</strong> speed limit.<br />

Mr. Kimball said that this Farm, Wi<strong>the</strong>ridge.<br />

thorpe, near Newark, was re-<br />

The o<strong>the</strong>r two — Geoffrey<br />

was a commentary on <strong>the</strong> He was also acquitted of elected chairman at yester-<br />

Alan Wallis, of Main-road,<br />

relative inefficiency of Con- manslaughter and was disday's annual meeting of<br />

Nomans Heath. Tamworth,<br />

tinental agriculture. But it charged. During <strong>the</strong> trial Newark County magistrates.<br />

and Ronald Arthur Walpole,<br />

must not be th ught that this Vanstone said he used a Col. W. M. E. Denison and<br />

of Hawthorne-road, Gillway,<br />

state of affairs mid continue pocket knife in self defence Mrs. C. E. Parlby <strong>we</strong>re re -<br />

Tamworth — <strong>we</strong>re fined £. 21<br />

indefinite warned. and when Rice attacked him in a elected de uty-chairmen, and<br />

Whiteway's Cream Btitish Sherry, Pale<br />

Dry Btitish Sherty, 8/- a bottle.<br />

Whiteway's Rich Ruby, Btown British<br />

Sherry, S<strong>we</strong>et White Wine, 7/3d each.<br />

.';<strong>the</strong>rnes that say Frilcome best ofa 11'<br />



Newark Road, Lincoln<br />

NOW OPEN<br />

■1111.1111.-... ■■ ■ .11MIN ■<br />

Tel. 27969 Tel. 27969

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