OSA magazine Issue 90

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No 90 / January 2020

The Old Stationer

Number 90 - January 2020

MEMORIES of the 3 peaks challenge

T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

The Old Stationer

Number 90 - january 2020




Peter R Thomas

107 Jackdaw Close, Stevenage,

Herts. SG2 9DB ✆ 01438 722870

: peterthomas561@outlook.com


Stephen P Collins

85 Love Lane, Pinner,

Middx. HA5 3EY ✆ 020 8868 7909

: spc@woodhaven.me.uk

Past President

Peter Winter

5 Oakways, Warrington, WA4 5HD

07795 450863

: prcwinter1@btinternet.com

Honorary Secretary

Tony C Hemmings

5 The Mount, Cheshunt,

Herts. EN7 6RF

01992 638535

: hemmingsac@hotmail.com

Honorary Treasurer

Michael F Hasler

8 The Glebe, Weston Turville,

Aylesbury, Bucks. HP22 5ST

✆ 01296 614352

: mikehasler.oldstationers@gmail.com

Membership Secretary

Roger Engledow

118 Hertswood Court,

Hillside Gardens, Barnet, EN5 4AU

07817 111642

: osamembers@gmail.com

Honorary Editor

Tim Westbrook

7 Goodyers Avenue, Radlett,

Herts. WD7 8AY ✆ 0845 8724001

: tim@timwestbrook.co.uk

Website Off icer

Peter Gotham


: peter.gotham@gmail.com

Honorary Archivist

David D Turner

63 Brookmans Avenue, Brookmans

Park, Herts. AL9 7QG

✆ 01707 656414

: d.turner12@sky.com

Event Managers

Roger Melling

43 Holyrood Road, New Barnet,

Herts. EN5 1DQ ✆ 020 8449 2283

: melling@globalspirit.net

Peter A Sandell

11 Maplecroft Lane, Nazeing, Essex,

EN9 2NR ✆ 01992 892766

: peter.sandell@hotmail.co.uk

Ordinary Members

Andreas H Christou

22 Woodgrange Avenue, Bush Hill

Park, Enfield EN1 1EW

07722 117481

: andreashchristou@yahoo.com

Peter Bothwick

52 Hither Green Lane, Abbey Park,

Redditch, Worcs. B98 9BW

✆ 01527 62059

: pedrotres@hotmail.co.uk

David J Sheath Ksg

12a Bolton Crescent, Windsor,

Berks. SL4 3JQ

✆ 01753 855021

: davidsheath@hotmail.co.uk

Honorary Auditors

Chris Langford, Dave Cox

Clubs & Societies

Football Club

Liam Gallagher

38 Hadley Way, Winchmore Hill,

London N21 1AN

07793 220472

: liam@network-stratigraphic.co.uk

Golf Society

Roger Rufey

07780 450369

: rrufey@gmail.com

Apostles Club

Stuart H Behn

l67 Hempstead Road, Watford,

Herts. WD17 3HF

✆ 023 243546

: stuartbehn@hotmail.com

Luncheon Club

Roger Melling

Details as previous column

SC School Lodge no. 7460

Michael D Pinfield

63 Lynton Road, Harrow,

Middx. HA2 9NJ

✆ 020 8422 4699 07956 931174

: secretary7460ugle@gmail.com


Publishing Adviser

Tim Westbrook

Details as above

Design & Production Manager

Ian Moore

Homecroft, Princes Gate,

Pembs. SA67 8TG

✆ 01834 831 272

: ian@outhaus.biz - www.outhaus.biz

Printed by Stephens and George


Regular features

Editorial 4

President's Address 4

Dates for the Diary 4

Correspondence 22

Special features

OSA Christmas Lunch 2019 5

September Lunch at the Imperial 8

The New Master 9

President's Day 10


Class of '44 13

Class of '51 13

Class of '52 13

Class of '53 - 6th Reunion 14

Class of '54 15

Class of '55 15

Class of '63 16

Evacuation Memories 17

A Memory of a School trip to

Courseulles-Sur-Mer 1949 19

Me and My Motors - Triumph Tales 31

Down Memory Lane 33

Red Bull Soap Box Challenge 2019 34

Owen Rowe - Our oldest member 39

Clubs & Societies

Golf Society 11

OSFC Early season report 12

OSFC Ex-players Reunion Day 12

Far as you roam

Keeping in touch - Chris Wilkins 26

Memories of International travel -

Peter Bonner 26

My Favourite Walk 28


Puzzle Corner 36

Membership Report 36

OSA Members List 37

New Members 42

OSA Photographic Competition 47


Dudley Hollinghurst 44

Terence Weatherley 44

Tony Budd 44

Stephen Jeffreys 45

Michael (Ginner) & Sheila Johns 46

Hugh Alexander 46

Hugh Stockwell 46

Supplying items for publication

Text: Please supply as Word or typed documents if

possible. Images: Supply as original images or hi-res

(300dpi) digital files in tiff, jpeg or eps format.

Post or email to the Acting Editor, Tim Westbrook.

See Committee page for address details.


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0


Welcome to issue 90 of the

OSA Magazine. For those of

you that attended our

Christmas lunch in the Hall

you will recognise the front

cover picture of Roger

Engledow presenting our

Yorkshire 3 Peaks Walk

charity cheque to Evie

Wilson representing

Macmillan Nurses. We also

have a few late photos of the event on the inside cover.. In

fact this issue has a very strong “walking” theme with separate

articles reviewing a tour of pubs in Kings Cross evaluating

reunion venues, “My Favourite Walk” focussing on the

delightful countryside around Ayot St Lawrence and

including a visit to The Brocket Arms, plus “Down Memory

Lane” a guided tour of Crouch End starting at The Railway

Arms on Crouch Hill and finishing at Haringey Station. I

guess with very few members still playing football, cricket,

tennis or golf, a healthy walk followed by a modest libation is

now the extent of our collective investment in fitness!

In this issue is a summary of our membership database

presented by date of school entry which I hope will be helpful

in canvassing support for the various reunions that now take

place and for converting attendees who are not currently

members. There is evidence to show that our new member

growth from reunions is helping to sustain a steady overall

membership number.

While examining our membership records I discovered that

Owen Rowe is now our oldest member and while calling to

congratulate him, I spoke to his wife and son who have kindly

supplied details of his war time action with the Commandos,

his bravery in action and his decoration of “ Chevalier de la

legion d’honneur “ from The President of France. What a

heart- warming revelation that helps to wipe the memory of

that other Stationer, Wilfred Vernon whose unforgivable

treachery was mentioned in issue 89 (p17).

As part of my drive to encourage you all to contribute future

content I have launched a new feature, “ Me and my motors”

(borrowed from The Sunday Times Magazine.) John Cater

bravely volunteered to contribute the first article under the

heading of “ Triumph Tales” which I hope you enjoy enough

to make your own contribution to future issues. Surely we all

have recollections about the good, the bad and the ugly when

reviewing our motoring memories.

Finally, I am pleased to include a report on the 2019 Red Bull

Soap Box Challenge that I attended earlier this year which

proved to be a triumph of competitive optimism over

engineering frailty but where else could you enjoy the

spectacle of a giant BLT sandwich hurtling to oblivion at 30

miles per hour down Alexandra Palace hill!

Best wishes to you all for a happy and healthy 2020.




AGM and Annual Dinner

Friday 27th March 2020

at Stationers’ Hall, EC4

Booking form enclosed with this magazine.

Luncheon Meetings

Tuesday 12th May and Tuesday 15th September 2020

at The Royal National Hotel,

38-51 Bedford Way, WC1H 0DG

Contact Roger Melling. Booking insert enclosed in this

magazine for May 14th lunch.

Christmas Lunch

Wednesday 9th December 2020

at Stationers’ Hall

President’s Day lunch

and cricket match

Sunday 30th August


The past twelve months

have proved to be a very

busy time for the OSA

Committee, and my tenure

as your President will soon

be at an end. As we begin

the 125th Anniversary of

the founding of our

Association, I am pleased

to report that we continue

to sustain healthy OSA

membership levels and

membership retention

remains consistent. When

our Association was

formed all those years ago,

its intention was to

continue and expand the

bond of fellowship between school friends, beyond their school

years. That friendship is still evident throughout our membership

today, and long may it continue! Reunions are still the mainstay

for membership recruitment and in 2019 the 1944 intake

celebrated their 75th Anniversary, one of the oldest and most

regularly attended series of reunions! I am always impressed by

the efforts made by our Old Boys to join the reunions, some

travelling thousands of miles to attend. “….. Hearts thus united

no distance can sever!”


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

Many enjoyable events populated 2019, and we had good

attendances at our Annual Dinner, the three wonderful OSA

lunches, President’s Day and the ending of the year with an

uplifting Carol Service. These events have brought me into

closer touch with many of you. My highlight of the year, without

doubt, was my President’s Day. With a victorious win over the

home team Botany Bay, I must thank our Captain, Richard

Slatford for pulling together the team and knocking up an

impressive score with Colin Lane, and to the team for their

sterling efforts. A full report can be found in the following

pages. What turned out to be the hottest August Bank Holiday

in living memory, allowed us all to retire to the bar afterwards

and win the drinking competition, to boot! On a personal note,

it gave me immense pride to have several of the younger

members of my family travel down from Yorkshire, to play in my

President’s XI. In July I had the pleasure of witnessing the

installation of the new Master, Trevor Fenwick, at the Hall, with

all its ceremonial history and tradition. The Master joined us for

our September lunch, and we will again, be inviting him to our

Annual Dinner, on Friday 27th March, to witness the emblazoning

of your next President. In July, I had the pleasure of attending the

Golf Society’s after-match lunch at Aldwickbury Park where I

was able to catch up with several of our members. The Society

played against the Stationers’ Company, but sadly the adverse

weather conditions impacted on the Golf Society’s play.

I have also enjoyed joining some of our members for favourite

walks local to their home, which has enabled me to pen a regular

article for the magazine, titled ‘My Favourite Walk’. The walks

consist of a circular route of around 5-6 miles and are intended

to be taken at a leisurely pace over two to three hours and include

a brief stop at a local pub along the way for refreshments.

I mentioned earlier how busy our Committee has been. Peter

Winter has introduced some new events to our calendar,

including last year's walk centred around Stationers' Park and a

group walk planned for the Derbyshire Dales, this May. The

OSA did have its own rambling club (Ramclub), started in 1928

which was popular for many years until it was finally disbanded

in 1979, due to dwindling numbers, but perhaps now is the time

to resurrect the Ramclub? Last October, our Vice President,

Stephen Collins organised an interesting and enjoyable walk

‘Down Memory Lane’ through Crouch End, Hornsey and

Stationers’ Park (the site of the School), with professional guide,

Karen Lansdown. For me, the walk was made particularly

special with the anecdotes and memories added to the

commentary by the Old Boys. Stephen is planning to repeat the

Hornsey Walk this Spring, for the benefit of those that were

unable to attend, last October. Stephen also hopes to organise a

walk centred around Bolt Court, the original site of the School,

just off Fleet Street. In other areas, our Committee have made

significant progress in the updating of our digital library and the

sorting and cataloguing of our Archive and School Record

Cards. I would like to express my thanks to the Committee for

their support and their tireless work throughout the past year in

delivering the very best to you, its members.

I look forward to meeting many more of you at the remaining

events during my year. In the meantime, I would like to take this

opportunity to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!

Peter Thomas


OSA Christmas Lunch 2019

Christmas did not officially start in October when the new John

Lewis TV commercial aired, or in November when the gypsies

started selling fir trees on the A 41, no, it officially kicked off on

Wednesday December 4th at Stationers’ Hall when 105 Old

Stationers gathered together for our seasonal lunch, the best

attended OSA event of the year in spite of the industrial action

by South West Trains which prevented several of our members

from joining us. The Hall was beautifully decorated in appropriate

baubles and garlands and, as befits our sound financial status this

year we splashed out on a cracker each although we had to

endure the same joke several times due to a packing error at the

factory. There was no menu or wine notes but I can safely say

that the vino was easy on the palate and the food was a welcome

variant of the traditional turkey and roasties. After desert, our

President, Peter Thomas reminded us of the key dates for next

year and then introduced Roger Engledow who presented a

cheque to Evie Wilson from Macmillan Nurses representing the

amount raised for the charity from the OSA 3 Peaks Yorkshire

Challenge that took place earlier this year. The official proceedings

were brought to a close with a rousing chorus of The National

Anthem followed by the school song. Thereafter a large

contingent adjourned to the Cockpit for “afters” while awaiting

their chauffeurs, trains, buses and Ubers.


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

“Thank you so much to all The Old Stationers’ for hosting

me at your December 2019 lunch. It was an absolute

pleasure to attend and a real privilege to speak with you

all. Thank you also to the amazing group who completed

the Three Peaks Challenge and raised an incredible

£4,384.53. This will go such a long way in supporting

people currently living with cancer, in fact this could fund

150 hours of a Macmillan Nurse, so you should all be

incredibly proud.

Finally, it’s been a privilege to learn about the life of

Geraint Pritchard and the legacy he has left behind. One

of the quotes from the tributes left for him in your

magazine said “He simply made the world a better place”,

which you have all done in your support of Macmillan, so

thank you again”

Evie Wilson

Macmillan Cancer Support

5 December 2019


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

September LUNCH at the imperial

Our September lunch was the second of our lunches to be held

at our new venue, the Royal National. After previous teething

problems, the venue now appears to be settling down well with

our regular diners. Attended by 31 Old Boys and guests, arrivals

were welcomed at the hotel’s aptly named, Meeting Place Bar, for

pre-lunch drinks. We then proceeded to the Galleon Suite, to sit

down to a sumptuous meal. On this occasion, we decided to

depart from our usual main course of Steak and Kidney Pie and

sample the Chicken dish, instead. Grace was delivered by our

Vice President, Stephen Collins, providing an uplifting address

to remind us all of the important values of our friendship and the

global network of Old Boys, this created. The meal comprised of

Ham Hock Terrine for starters, followed with Garlic and Soft

Herb Chicken Paillard with Seasonal Vegetables. The meal was

then rounded off with Caramel Apple Crumble Pie and Custard.

Copious amounts of wine were served throughout the meal,

including, Champ de Grenet Merlot and Richebaron wines. Our

President, Peter Thomas, then welcomed our guests, the Master,

Trevor Fenwick and Clerk, William Alden. The Master, gave us

an interesting speech on his childhood days in Crouch End, his

first steps into the media industry and subsequent meteoric rise

in data publishing. The afternoon ended with a few Old Boys

retiring to the bar for further libations, whilst others took the

train home. Those present were:

Robin Baker

Stu Behn

Don Bewick

Ian Blackmore

Peter Bothwick

Peter Clydesdale

Stephen Collins

David Cox

Rod Dennison

Geoff Dent

Roger Engledow

Bob Francis

Mike Hasler

Tony Hemmings

David Hudson

Brian Humphreys

Terry Jaggers

Keith Knight

Peter Knight

Alec Linford

Tony Mash

Roger Melling

Sir David Metcalf

Tony Moffatt

John Partridge

Frank Pearce

Peter Redman

Peter Sandell

Sir John Sparrow

Peter Thomas

Kevin Waller


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

In keeping with the traditions of all Livery Companies, there is

a broad programme of social events many of which raise money

for charitable purposes. The Stationers’ Company focuses its

charitable work on education. Some of the bursaries that are

awarded each year are funded from the interest earned on the

money received from the sale of our school and its playing fields

in Winchmore Hill. The latest innovation has been the

organisation of Apprentice 19; a major event held at the

Guildhall which attracted displays from over 50 companies and

2,500 students over two days.

Many OSA members will recall some years ago singing our

school song at the opening of the Stationers Crown Woods

Academy in Elton, South-East London. The school goes from

strength to strength with improving GCSE and A level results.

The Stationers’ Company continues to be well represented on

the school’s Board of Governors and the Company has inspired

the development of a school Royal Marines Cadet Force, again

with echoes of our school days in Hornsey.

With over 60 Old Boys now members of the Company including

Stephen Platten who is currently Upper Warden and, ‘if elected’,

will be the next Master, the OSA is well represented. Our

interest in the Company is much appreciated and there is always

room for other Old Boys to apply to join the Freedom and

progress to becoming Freemen of the City of London.

Tony Mash

Trevor Fenwick addresses diners at the September OSA lunch


The Stationers’ Company has a new Master, Trevor Fenwick,

who joined us at the September luncheon and delighted us with

his early memories of living in Crouch End. He also proudly

confirmed his ardent support for Arsenal so is evidently a

splendid chap with excellent taste!

Trevor has taken ‘the Chair’ at a challenging time for the Company

as it works through the details of its plans to renovate the Hall to

ensure that it is fit for purpose for the next 100 years. The Hall is

Grade 1 listed and therefore it has taken a long time to get the

necessary permissions from Historic England and other bodies to

move forward. As a result of these changes, the Hall will be more

accessible to those with walking difficulties and will allow greater

use of the Hall for both internal and external functions. The

Company, supported by OSA member Kevin Waller as Project

Manager, is in the process of receiving quotations for each stage of

the reconstruction and the Hall is on current plans going to be

closed for the entirety of 2021 to allow the renovations to take place.

The Stationers’ Company is one of the 110 Livery Companies in

the City and one of the busiest too. For many Livery Companies,

their original industry sector has long since died. For example,

you don’t see much call for Fletchers these days. However, 90% of

the membership of the Stationers’ Company is made up of either

current or past participants in the Communications and Content

Industries not only in the UK but abroad as well. There is a

strong programme of industry-oriented meetings which bring

people together from all parts of the Communication supply

chain from paper and print to publishing, journalism and social

media. Others enjoy delving into the history of the Company

through evening lectures linked to the archive, which includes

registers of all books published in England from 1540 onwards.

The Stationers' Company's new Master, Trevor Fenwick


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0


OS President's XI 162-5 off 35 overs - Botany Bay 146-4 off 35

overs. President's team won by 16 runs.

Team: Mitch Brown, Tony Pigden, Richard Slatford, Colin Lane,

Ross Blackmore, Dave Hudson, Matt French, Keith Munroe, Barry

Soames, Geoff Blackmore, Tim Westbrook

So on a lovely summer's day the President's team won by 16 runs,

which on the face of it seems like a closely fought game, but

more of that later.

The new skipper/match-manager was helped out this year by

Peter Thomas not only having some relatives who wanted to play

but also very good ones to boot. This meant the usual frantic

struggle for players was not required this year. Our thanks to

Matt French, Keith Munroe and Mitch Brown coming down

from Hartlepool to play.

On a lovely day certainly too hot to field first the skipper

discussed with BB's skipper JJ that the normal form in this

match is we bat first , he was having none of it and wanted to

field in the cooler conditions later. Luckily the coin went our way

and we elected to bat with Hartlepool CC second team batsmen

Mitch Brown and the reliable Tony Pigden opening. It was

decided that due to the age of some of our team and the very hot

conditions a 35 over game was to be played.

In the first over Mitch struck two fours and it appeared that we

could all relax and enjoy his innings when the very next ball he

slashed at a widish delivery and was caught at gulley the quality

of the catch was above this level.

With little batting to come Richard Slatford joined Tony to try

and consolidate the innings before we pushed on. Against very

tight bowling by the Bay's Warner and Swanton scoring was

difficult and in truth both batsmen looked out of form and Tony

was forced to call for very dubious singles at one stage he

announced "I'm playing that badly I can't get myself out"!

The score moved to 38 before Tony succumbed to the inevitable

for 9. Colin Lane then joined the skipper and despite tight

bowling and watchful batting the initial target was to get the

team to a hundred. Colin and Richard started to hit some nice

shots although the spectators seemed either to be asleep or

listening to the Stokes test match unfolding as after a lovely

cover drive by Lane he commented that " he thought that shot

was worthy of some applause".

The President's winning team.

As the innings progressed,

both batsmen started to get

the measure of the bowling

using their feet nicely when

first Slatford and then Lane

reached their fifties. There

was also I suspect a first in

the Presidents game when

Colin successfully attempted

a reverse sweep. With two

overs to go and with the

Captain in full flow total passed 160 (a

partnership of 121) both

Richard (72) and Colin (61) decided to retire hoping that fresh

batsmen might run a bit quicker and get us to over 170. This did

not quite work as 3 quick wickets for three runs left Huddie

stranded and a score of 162 for the Bay to chase at 4.5 per over.

After tea and the obligatory team photos we opened the bowling

with Keith Munro and Tim Westbrook. This opening spell went

some way to us winning the game as both bowled very tightly .

Keith getting a wicket (bowled) in his 4th over and Tim bowling

out what may have been their best batsmen, shouldering arms for

three. After 11 overs the opposition were 28-3.

Geoff Blackmore came on first change and bowled tidily (6 overs

for 17) and Keith bowled out his allotted 7 overs (2-9). We were

very much in control as Bay's batsmen Wright and Epton could

not seem to hit the ball off the square let alone to the boundary.

An over from Barry Soames followed but when his arm gave

way Colin Lane came on to bowl his left armers and the scoring

slowed to a snails pace. With little other bowling options

remaining the skipper reluctantly used Matt and Mitch both of

whom bowled above this level of cricket. Mitch bowling off

about three paces was quite sharp (certainly the quickest the

skipper had kept to all season) .

At one stage we had three slips and one gulley and a fly slip.

Prompting the Bay's Epton to enquire that we should take the

bowlers off as it was only a friendly this irked Geoff somewhat and

he replied if you batted better you might be able to hit it. Eventually

Wright was out bowled French for 10 off we believe @ 80 balls.

This brought in their young opening bowler Swanston who did

score a bit quicker but with one over to go and the game won at

112-4 the last over was to be bowled by Dave Hudson.

A veteran in these matches, I think this was the first

time Huddie had turned his arm over in a Presidents

game. Unfortunately it showed, as he struggled to

get the ball to bounce less that 3 times and the

umpire was giving these as no balls. At one stage a

comment of "a legitimate ball going for six is a good

one" could be heard.

In effect Huddie's over was the equivalent of just

over three overs with his 21 balls costing 34 runs

giving the game a closer scoreline than we anticipated.

Once again our thanks go to the President, Botany

Bay for providing the opposition and Dick Hersey

who umpired in the heat without complaint and to

his usual high standards.



T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0



We come to the end of another golfing season where global

warming has not always been reflected on the days we were

playing and we experienced more rain than sun.

Both our matches against Old Tollies & Stationers Company were

lost, and we need to put out stronger teams next year since at

present they simply have better golfers than us. That being said the

Company match is always enjoyed by all, and the spirit in which it

is played reflects the bond and friendship that we all share.

The pairs cup played at Redbourne Golf Club was won by Bruce

Kitchener & Alan Nowell with 40pts just beating Tim Westbrook

& Colin Walker with 39pts.

Our three ball competition at Mill Green Golf Club was also

reinvented this year by seeding the entrants and drawing the

teams on the day to ensure that everyone had a better chance of

being on the winning team. I think this was successful because

although the weather was bad the winners were Peter Bennett,

Colin Watkins & Geoff Blackmore with Paul Butler, Bruce

Kitchener & David Turner coming second.

The winner of the players cup this year was Peter Bennett on a

countback with both Tim Westbrook & Ian Meyrick sharing the

same points total of 68 for the best two rounds out of a potential


On the new handicap system I would point out that the top six

golfers in the society remained comfortably at the top despite in

some cases being cut. Roy Saunders playing off 36 had a splendid

round of 41pts which I accompanied him on and he played really

well. He was immediately cut by 3 shots but got some of them

back with 18pts on his next outing! It has given some of us less

talented players more of a chance and I hope will encourage

people to join us knowing that friendship is our strength rather

than just golfing talent.

There’s no easy way of saying this, but none of us are getting

younger and the numbers playing are down on 2018. We do need

some new members urgently and it would be great if they were

to come from Old Stationers. That having been said, and as

reflected by our football teams, we could spread the net wider to

include friends in the future and this may be the only way to

continue the society in the future years. I would welcome your

thoughts on this before we set sail in 2020 and Bruce Kitchener

is going to research a possible long weekend in France, wine

tasting (with an occasional game of golf in between).

My thanks to Tim Westbrook who has always been helpful and

supportive, and to all of you for playing this year. I look forward

to your company again in 2020.

Roger Rufey

Geoff Blackmore smacks a drive down the fairway at Mill Green.

Peter Bennett, Colin Watkins & Geoff Blackmore

Paul Butler and Bruce Kitchener - runners up in the team event.

Roger presents Peter Bennett with the trophy for individual winner of the year.


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

The Stationers' Company

v Old Stationers' Association

On 30 July 2019, against the background of torrid weather

conditions with heavy rain and wind providing many an excuse

for poor play on both sides, the Stationers’ Company golf team

battled with the Old Stationers’ Association (OSA) for the

annual challenge cup at Aldwickbury Park Golf Club in


The competition has been running for 11 years with the

Company one up overall. The challenge cup itself dates from

1921 when it was used for an inter-house competition at the

Stationers’ Company’s School.

Despite having fewer players on the field, the Stationers’

Company team led by Liveryman Mike Kerlogue, retained the

Cup for the Company.

As always, the contest was scored in terms of Stapleford points

and Past Master Richard Brewster won the runner’s up prize

with a score of 36 points.

Peter Bennett of the Old Stationers’ Association took the top

individual prize with 38 points, and Peter together with Tim

Westbrook of the OSA won the awards for nearest the pin.

The day was organised by Roger Rufey of the OSA who was

thanked by all for making the arrangements (although he could have

done a little better with the weather!). Everyone agreed that they

would return the same time next year for the next Company vs OSA

Golf Day, when the OSA will clearly have to up their game.

Tony Mash

OSFC Early Season Report

Following the decision last season to run only one team we again

entered the new campaign with just the 1st XI.

However after the euphoria of promotion at the end of last

season and the opportunity to compete in SAL Senior Division

2 for the first time in 15 years, it did not take many games for the

players to appreciate the step up in standard of the opposition.

Despite retaining basically the same squad of players that gained

promotion, the opening few League games have confirmed that

every point is going to have to be hard fought for. To date in

mid-November we are propping up the Table with just 1 point

from 5 games, a home 0-0 draw against Carshalton (on the

Ex-Players Re-Union Day, see below) to show for our efforts.

Certainly the players' desire and commitment cannot be faulted

but too many chances squandered and mistakes clinically

punished have so far been our downfall. However there are still

plenty of points to play for and with the players continued

enthusiasm and the rub of the green, the players are confident we

can start to pick up points.

At least we now don't have any Cup runs to distract us, having

exited all 3 competitions entered in the early rounds.

Post match recouperation by supporters.

Ex-Players Re-Union Day

The Club's Annual Ex-Players Re-Union Day, held in early

October was again a great success and not only produced our

first, and so far, only point of the season but unsurprisingly, our

biggest crowd of the season.....maybe there's a link. The

following ex-OSFC stalwarts (and not a bad squad to choose

from!) braved a wet afternoon to watch the game and renew old

acquaintances in the bar afterwards

Peter Bennett, Geoff Blackmore, Nigel Clarke, Peter Clydesdale, Bruce

Donaldson, David Edwards, Rudi Ellis, Roger Engledow, Liam

Gallagher, Dave Gilligan, Keith Hacker, Tony Hemmings, Dick

Hersey, Ray Houldsworth, Dave Hudson, Peter Jarvis, John Jackson,

Tony Joyce, Mike Kassie, Ian Meyrick, Eddie Naughton, Gordon Rose,

Harry Shacallis, Dave Sheath, Keith Southam, Kevin Spence, Mark

Tansley, John Taylor, Vince Wallace, Mike Weatherly, Tim Westbrook,

Peter Wilson... once again apologies if you have been missed off

the list or indeed included and were not actually there!

Each year seems to produce a few faces that have either not

attended the Re-Union Day before or have not been for some

Gordon Rose, Dave Sheath and Nigel Clarke conduct the post match analysis.

years. We hope to see the numbers continue to grow each year....

look out for details of the October 2020 Re-Union Day nearer

the time.

You can keep up to date with the goings on at the club, fixtures,

results etc on the Club website at www.oldstationersfc.co.uk or

for any information please contact me at the email address below.

Finally, if you're bored at home on a Saturday afternoon try and

pop along to the odd home game if possible, info will be on the

website.....also we have a bar!

Ian Meyrick


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0


Class of '44

Six members of the Class of 44 met in the RAF Club, Piccadilly,

London, on 4 September 2019 - close to the date of their joining

the school, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of starting at

Stationers' school. Thanks to a most generous sponsor, Messrs

Bill Croydon, Brian Kill, John Miles, John Sparrow, Tony Tight

and Stanley Ward enjoyed a sumptuous lunch of chicken liver

parfait, cushion of lamb and a compote of forest fruits

accompanied by a Montagny 1er Cru 2017 and a Chateau

Rahoul Graves 2012.

The 2020 reunion has been provionally booked for 9 September

2020, again at the RAF Club, Piccadilly. For further details

please contact John Miles on 01480 465777 or e-mail -


John Miles

Class of '51

This was again held at the Old Manor, Potters Bar, on 28th

October 2019, attended by: L to R in the photo below - Richard

Hersey, John Partridge, Don Bewick, Richard Wilson, David Turner

and John Taylor - Manfred Evans also attended but had already

left, for his lengthy train journey back to to Herefordshire, by the

time we had thought of taking a photo. We were also expecting

Nigel Wade - a regular attender - and were later relieved to find

he is well but had just omitted to put this in his diary.

We were sorry to learn that Alan Marshall, another who

originally hoped to attend, is seriously ill, having suffered a stroke

- and a "get well" card was circulated to send to him.

Each of us, on arrival at the Old Manor, was presented with a

much reduced menu which had to apply, almost in the style of

the Faulty Towers "Gourmet" episode - although in this case this

was not due to a drunken chef but lack of a gas supply. Our

normal, very helpful waitress, was on hand to say she had tried to

contact me earlier, without any luck. All of us decided to stay on

and despite this setback, meaning we had mainly sandwiches,

plus "soup of the day", augmented of course with drinks, all

seemed to enjoy our little outing.

Apologies were received from: Michael Brady (in the middle of

moving house), David Cowling (visiting his son and family in

California), Michael Facey (due to clashing with a Freemason's

meeting) as well as from Chris Addington, David Davies,

Michael Davis, Anthony Cirsch, Bill Houldsworth, David

Sochon, Ray Stavrou and Les Reardon.

Don Bewick

Class of '52

The 1952 -1959 year group met on Wed. 2nd October at the

Premier Inn, Kings Cross. Eight of us were present including Les

Humphreys from Canada, David Maclean from Australia and

David Jowitt from Nigeria. As the photo below shows, it was a

happy occasion.

left to right: Les Humphreys, Cyril Cole, John Williams, Terry Butfield, David

Maclean, David Finch, a gap where Michael Shaw was sitting, David Jowitt.

Lunch took a couple of hours as there was much to talk about.

This was the first Reunion where all three of our overseas

members were able to meet. Wine bottles are evident as we drank

a toast to absent members especially those who have been

faithful attenders over the years

David Finch


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0


Attendees: Peter Critten, Wyndham Griffiths, Peter Knight, Keith

McKeown, Geoffrey Tapping, Roy Turner and David Cox

Apologies: Tony Farrington, Alan Green, Michael Hasler, David

Metcalf, Bill Niehorster, Stephen Pierson, Peter Redman and Anthony


And then there were seven: a mixed, but happy bunch, camaraderie


We again chose as our meeting point probably the grandest

Wetherspoon Tavern in the City of London, The Crosse Keys in

Gracechurch Street. Kick off was scheduled for 1pm but Wyn,

Roy and your correspondent could not wait until then to

reminisce about our hitchhiking days of yore (some 60 years ago)

and I had arranged without their knowledge for Wyn and Roy to

meet at noon at the barrier to the Northern Line at Bank

Station. I would pitch up a few minutes later to see the outcome

for myself. They had not seen each other for some 50 years and,

on arrival, I gather that they waited separately at the barrier the

one not entirely certain about the identity of the other just a few

metres away. Furtive looks passed between them. Finally, the

giveaway was Wyn’s OS tie and it was this that proved the

catalyst for the completion of their reunion. Roy had come all the

way from South Africa and Wyn straight from his vacation in

Nice to be with us on the day - “far as you roam” as Geraint was

accustomed to remind us.

Anyway, more about the mixed bunch. Perhaps I might leave it

to our contemporaries to try to put a face to the identity of the

attendees given the following pointers. We had an impresario, a

mountaineer, a multi-marathon runner, a late quantum physics

student, an intrepid hiker, a Spanofile and a surprising closet club

cricket watcher. Any answers by email to your correspondent.

By way of background, The Crosse Keys premises are the former

headquarters of the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking

Corporation. The grandiose building was designed by W.

Campbell Jones and opened for business on 22 October 1913.

The building takes its name from the inn that stood near this site

from the 1550s. The sign derives from the Keys of Heaven, held

by St Peter. Shakespeare’s troupe of actors, known as the

Chamberlain’s Men, were among those who performed plays in

the courtyard.

The Crosse Keys was destroyed in the Great Fire, and its

replacement burnt down in 1734, but was rebuilt. By the early

19th century, the Crosse Keys had become a busy coaching inn,

used by 40 or more coaches a day.

Its website makes very illuminating reading for those with an

interest in the history of the City of London and even includes

a framed illustration and text about the City Livery Companies.

As one of the smaller livery companies, The Worshipful

Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers does not,

however, have a mention per se in the accompanying narrative.

Here is the link to the website.



T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

The Cross Keys is a splendid venue for a small group such as

ours. The fare is excellent. There is a very wide choice of real ales

(more than 20) and meals with plenty of seating to take the

weight off 77 year old pins.

Needless to say, the conversation flowed as freely as the ale with

an interesting interchange of life stories especially from those

whose paths had not crossed for many a moon. It was not until

after 6pm that the final four eventually went their separate ways.

We shall aim for a reprise next year.

Before I close may I extend the best wishes of the whole

gathering to Michael for a speedy recovery from his operation.

We hope to see you soon.

David Cox


The class of 1954 return to their new reunion venue

This was the twelfth reunion for those who joined school in

1954 – after our inaugural fiftieth reunion in 2004 we met again

in 2009 and have assembled on an annual basis since then.

Following a long sequence at the Cheshire Cheese, we met for

the second time just outside the City of London boundary at

The Artillery Arms in Bunhill Row on Tuesday 1st October


We soon dispensed with medical updates and moved on to the

more important issues of the day: how many would Spurs score

against Bayern Munich that evening (two as it happened, but

Bayern scored seven), would Arsenal decide to have proper

defenders again, and how Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is even making

Mourinho’s performance at Man Utd look good. Tony Hemmings

is still an assistant referee (a linesman in old speak) and had

trenchant views on how long it takes for VAR decisions to be

made. We speculated whether using artificial intelligence was

really the way forward, giving 100% correct decisions in a few

seconds. Remember that you read about it first in the Old


We were delighted to have Les Humphreys as a guest at our

reunion, visiting from his home in Canada. Not only is Les the

older brother of Ray, but he was also a good friend of my own

brother John (sadly departed) and all three of us were in the

school swimming team in the late 1950s, when Stationers’

School won the North Middlesex championship at Wood Green

swimming baths, and we were placed second to Isleworth

Grammar in the County Finals at Marshall St baths. Les was

and still is a keen cyclist and arrived at the reunion looking

suitably bronzed.

Later discussions between a few of us who attended Campsbourne

Primary School led to us trying to remember if there was an

alleyway between Baden Road or Linzee Road (where an early

girlfriend lived) and Beechwood Road. Ken Saunders (who lived

in Beechwood Road) assured us that there was, although it now

seems to have been fenced in. That will inhibit such primary

school liaisons!

Further discourse after the fourth pint led to a solution to the

Brexit problem – although by now the recollection of our

discussions was more challenging, so unfortunately the details

have been lost. However, we did manage to get on to other

important social and cultural changes in society, and we wondered

how the OSA would cope if one of our members decided to

declare him/herself a transgender woman. Would the first line

of the School Song need to be rewritten?

As always, Roger Engledow had done most of the organisation

for the reunion and, although there were a few apologies, we were

pleased to hear that he had no reports of anyone from the 1954

cohort departing this world since our last reunion. The 16 who

attended (left to right in the photo above) were: Roger Melling,

Les Humphreys, Paul Edwards, Geoff Dawes, Ron Johnson, Tony

Hemmings, Mike Weatherley, Roger Engledow, Graham Ling, Ray

Humphreys, Ken Saunders, Doug Fussell, Bob Harris, Richard

Phillippo, Tony Moffat, Alan Williams. Bob Townsend left before the

photo was taken.

Apologies for absence were received from Martin Brown,

Richard Mavro-Michaelis, Tony McKeer, Roy Stevenson and

Richard Woods. We will return for our next reunion in 2020 on

Tuesday 6th October.

Bob Harris

Class of '55

15 of the 1955 intake met up at Le Colombier French restaurant

in South Kensington for a splendid lunch of smoked salmon,

roasted fillet of lamb and creme brulee. The restaurant has a top

floor function room which suited our needs perfectly. Mike


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

Geering had recom-mended Le Colombier and Keith Knight

kindly made all the arrangements . We were greeted on arrival

with a glass of champagne Ernest Rapeneau and were constantly

topped up during the meal with some superb Sauvignon wines.

Needless to say everyone was in good spirits and there was much

laughter and exchanging of stories and memories of our

wonderful School.We have been organising annual reunions

since 2015 (60th anniversary) and plan to continue into the

future so are considering our next venue for 2020.

Photo above, clockwise: Adrian Andrusier, Geoff Gascoigne, Roger

Edmondson, Mike Mote, Alan Hunt,Trevor Fenner, David Sheath,

Mike Geering, Mike Stringer, Martin Burr, Michael Heath. Keith

Knight, David Vicary, Peter Bonner, Brian Howlett.


On Wednesday 23rd October 2019 at around midday fifteen

Old Stationers from the Class of ’63 met at The Parcel Yard,

King’s Cross, for their fifth reunion in recent years. Once again a

good time was had by all.

Although we did not welcome any new faces this year we were

pleased to renew our acquain-tance with Tom Waples from

Leeds, an absentee from recent meetings. We attracted friends

from many parts of England.

Geoff Edis travelled up from

Teignmouth, Chris Bell from

Bradford-on-Avon, Tony Little

from Swindon, Clive Jackson

from Sussex, Nigel Dant from

Reading, Keith Hacker down

from Wellingborough and

Peter Winter from Warrington.

We have some contact with

about 45% of our year group,

and it is a matter of regret that

the majority either remain

elusive or choose to be absent!

Aided by a few well-chosen

pints we rolled back the years

and reminiscences were

bounced back and forth across

the long bench table. Tony

Little grudgingly admitted that

he drove a scooter and sidecar

in the Sixth Form and that his

nickname in the first form was

“Shirley”. Geoff Edis

pretended to forget that, again

in the first form, he got the

Potters Bar contingent into

trouble by shouting at a

Hornsey High girl on Potters

Bar station in the hearing of

chemistry teacher Dr Andrews.

An uncomfortable dressing

down followed later that day in

Dr Andrews’ Lab.

We also remembered the last

day of that summer term when

the leaving Sixth Form

scientists had spread a chemical

which exploded on contact along the corridor leading to the

Hall. Blocking the route stood Jimmy Bean (aka Mr Grant,

Head of Physics) who commanded us: “Go back, my children,

the Hall’s been mined!”

Clive Jackson impressed us with his memory of every woodwork

project we were set, in chronological order. Nigel Adams made a

speech full of backhanded compliments – although apparently

generous - thanking the organiser for his work in getting the group

together. In the course of his speech he only managed to insult the

organiser thrice (not bad for Nigel, pretty tame) thus ensuring his

exclusion from next year’s invitation (only joking, Nigel).

There was further chatter ranging on subjects as diverse as

goalkeeping, Antarctic expeditions and the cost of divorce (Nigel

A again!). All too quickly the lunch was over. Some said farewell,

others adjourned to Starbuck’s within St Pancras station to

continue our inane ramblings and await trains. 2020 is the

fiftieth anniversary of our leaving date and we determined to

meet again at the OSA Dinner in the Spring and again in the

Autumn of 2020.

Steve Bensley

(clockwise from front in photo): Geoff Edis, Bob “Neddie” Segall, Tom Waples,

Alan Burgess, Keith Hacker, Clive Jackson, Peter Winter, Tony Little, Dave

Clark, Nigel Dant, Chris Bell, Steve Bensley, Simon Gouldstone, Frank Clapp


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

and Nigel Adams.




"Mudlarks" - OSFC 1stXI v

Alexandra Park, Christmas 1950.

A game arranged to help funds to

rebuild Barnet clubhouse.

(bottom left)

1st stage of new clubhouse at

Barnet - 1951. It replaced two

wooden buildings destroyed by fire

in 1950.


The wrecking ball strikes to

demolish the school!


Dear Tony,


18th October 2019

RE: Stationers and Wisbech

Thank for your recent letter and invitation to the dinner in the


Which I shall be very happy to accept.

In answer to your questions I have enclosed a few more

recollections of the school’s evacuation.

“I used to discuss these events with fellow evacuees but these all

seem to have disappeared.

Talking to other boys when we first arrived we found that the

billets varied enormously. One boy found himself in a large

house where his hosts dressed for dinner every night and he ate

with the maid in the kitchen. Others said they were sleeping

three to a bed and the food was not very good. Mostly however

were with caring people and became part of their families,

corresponding with them long after we returned home.

Being in the Fens we were surrounded by fruit and vegetable

farms. As many local men had been called up, labour was scarce,

so we were able to earn pocket money by picking strawberries

and gooseberries. Strawberries were picked individually and

carefully, but with gooseberries you ran a gloved hand along the

stem knocking fruit leaves and thorns into your basket. As you

were paid by weight your pickings were tipped into what was

called “the blower”!. A man turned a handle which worked a fan

to remove the leaves and other debris.

On two occasions Army manoeuvres took place in town. AA

guns were erected at both ends of the bridge and the town was

flooded with army vehicles. One of the masters (Mr Englefield)

was in the Home Guard which also turned out to “defend” the

town. This was all very exciting for a young schoolboy.

One of the fifth formers who was dating a local 6th form girl

found that her friend was going out with Mr Jones (one of our

masters) and they made a foursome. Later Mr Jones was called


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

up to train as a pilot in the RAF. He was later killed in the first

1000 bomber raid on Hamburg. Rumour had it that for

propaganda purposes he and his crew – who were not fully

trained - had been included in the raid with other trainees to

make up the number.

You asked how we coped with being away for so long. I supposed

we just got on with it. I don’t remember being home-sick and

being with other boys it seemed a bit of an adventure. We kept

in touch with our families by letter. Not long after we arrived

there was an organized coach visit by parents one Sunday -

mainly just to see where we were staying. As my host had invited

my parents for Sunday lunch I remember my mother had

brought a packet of sliced ham to help out with the rationing.

After the main blitz on London eased off we went home for the

holidays but returned to Wisbech for the new term.

A scout group was formed and they assisted in collecting waste

paper which went toward the war effort.

There were many war time aerodromes in the Fens and RAF

planes were flying over all the time. One crashed in a near-by

field and we cycled to view the wreckage.”

Hope the above is of interest to you. If other recollections come

to mind I will write again. Perhaps I will meet you at the

December meeting in the Hall.


Alec Linford


The morning war was declared found me standing in the

unfamiliar playground of a school in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.

My school had been evacuated from London two days earlier

and we had been assembled from our various billets in order

to hear the Prime Minister’s announcement at 11 o’clock.

Earlier that year it had been decided that should war be

declared our whole school would be evacuated from London

to a safer location. Our parents had to decide whether their

sons should go with the school or stay in London and find

education elsewhere.

As my parents were pleased and a little surprised that I had

won a place in a prestigious grammar school they decided I

should go. Before we broke up for the summer holidays there

was a trial run when we turned up with a rucksack containing

change of clothing, washbag, gasmask, etc. Then we broke up

and I forgot all about it. At the end of the holidays I was

staying with an aunt in Woolwich. One afternoon she took

me and my cousin to the cinema. I still remember the film. It

was “Dawn Patrol” with Errol Flynn and David Niven. When

we returned at teatime we were surprised to find a note had

been put through the letterbox from my parents to say they

had come to collect me as I was being evacuated the next

morning. They were waiting in the café round the corner.

Apparently, as few people were connected to the phone, the

Government had made the announcement on the radio that

the general evacuation was to take place the next day, the 1st

of September.

Mother had heard the announcement and had to walk to the

phone kiosk down the road to phone Dad who was already at

his office. They had travelled by train and several buses to

collect me - only to find us out.

Early the next morning we assembled outside our school in

Hornsey, said goodbye to our parents, and walked off in

column down to Harringay railway station. At this point in

time, presumably for security reasons, neither the pupils nor

the masters nor our parents knew where we were going. At the

station a special train was waiting and we all got aboard. After

about an hour a master looked in the compartment and said

he had spoken to the guard and we were going to Wisbech

which meant nothing at all to us.

On arrival at Wisbech we were split into groups of about 20

and started out to find billets. The local guide had a list of

addresses of people who were prepared to take us in. She

would knock on the door and while we stood on the pavement

a housewife would come out, look us over and decide who she

would take in. This continued until the middle of the

afternoon when there were only two of us left when a kindly,

elderly widow took both of us in.

It was hard to think that we were the least attractive and the

last to be chosen but this turned out to be an advantage as the

further we walked from the station the area improved, the

houses became bigger and more modern and we had a more

pleasant billet than those first chosen.

The first thing we did was to write a letter home to let our

parents know where we had ended up.

Our school had to fit in with the local schools. Every

afternoon we took over the local grammar school and I am

not sure what their pupils did. Three mornings we went to

another school and the remaining two mornings we did

homework in various church halls. This went on for three

years when, as so many pupils had returned to London, the

school itself returned. Although the main blitz was over there

were many disturbed nights, bombs falling nearby and

windows blown in. As a senior scout I did fire watching at the

local cottage hospital on a Sunday evening, sleeping on a

stretcher in the main hall.

The last year at school was at the time of the V1 and V2

attacks, and during one of the final exams a flying bomb flew

close overhead and we were told to stop writing and to get

under our desks. When it had passed over we got up and

continued writing the exam paper as if nothing had happened.

The war was still going on when I started work in London. I

remember celebrating VE night in the West End with friends.

A year later I was called up and spent nearly 3 years in the

Royal Engineers stationed in Germany and the Low


I was demobbed in 1948. In those days, as well as a demob

suit, the Government gave grants to ex-servicemen towards

training towards a future trade or career. I spent the three

years studying to be a professional surveyor at Regent Street

Polytechnic at the Government’s expense.

Alec Linford


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

A Memory of a School trip to Courseulles-sur-mer

25th July to 9th August 1949

This is an account of a school trip to a colonie de vacances in

Courseulles relying on the memories of Peter Sargent and Tony

Grist and a diary kept by Tony. Messrs Sansom and Robertson

prepared the official journal which was typed and bound and

placed in the library but all attempts to locate it have proved

fruitless, as with the closure of the school the library was moved

and the contents distributed to different schools – no-one knows

where they are or cares. There is an account by Bruce Robertson

in the 1949 December school magazine, page 141. This article

adds to that.

On 25th July a party of some 25 pupils and 3 masters were seen

off by the Headmaster at Victoria Station. The party included

Messrs Dash, Grimes, Durrant, pupils Grist and Sargent,

Saunders, Chalkley, Priseman, Owens, Cowling, Freeman,

Robertson, Sansom, Crossland and Moses. The journey took

twelve hours from Victoria via Newhaven, Dieppe, Rouen,

Serquiny and Caen. We ended up in the Colonie de Vacances at

the Ecole des Filles where our accommodation had been

prepared – unfortunately there were no girls! The journey was

long and tiring and Saunders particularly remembers the public

loos at Caen Station – two places for the feet and a large hole.

Our hosts were Mile Chatelain-the Headmistress of the Schooland

M. Meriel who guided us round the beaches and the town.

Most of the days were spent swimming, sunbathing or walking

round the town.The beaches still had live ammunition buried in

the sand and the concrete bunkers half destroyed which recalled

the D-Day invasion. We also went to Arromanches to see the

Mulberry Harbour which was so important in the success of the

landings – now half destroyed. The party split and made several

visits to the town and surrounding countryside, sampling the

food and drink(!) and coming to terms with artichokes (Sargent

has had a passion for them ever since). However there were two

visits for which there is more to relate. Caen, the town nearly

destroyed by the fighting and Bayeux to see the famous tapestry.

Visit to Caen

On August bank holiday a group of us went to Caen via the

coast, crossing the Pegasus Bridge over the river Orme. Caen was

a complete ruin, but luckily the tomb of William the Conqueror

had survived, as had his Chateau. We caught the bus at 1.30 and,

in Caen, having cashed our travellers cheques, we looked for a

Cafe and found one with the notice English Spoken. The

proprietor and his wife who spoke a little English, showed us

their visitors’ book with many famous signatures including that

of Montgomery. We caught the train back at 6.00 but it was very

uncomfortable with wooden slatted seats and a bumpy ride. In

the same compartment as the two of us were two French women

and a middle-aged gentleman. At Caen St. Julie he went to the

door and spoke to a young girl on the platform. As the train

pulled out he started a conversation with us, noticing that we

were English because Sargent was reading a continental edition

of the Daily Mail. He was M. Lepargneur Professor of Law at

Caen University. He asked our names, what we were doing and

where we were staying, whether we liked France and many

similar questions. He invited us to dine with him and his family

at his home Le Manoir at Luc-sur-mer. This is an excellent

example of French hospitality, he spoke not one word of English.

We accepted the offer – how many seventeen year olds would go

off to the house of an elderly gentleman today? – and told our

colleagues that we would not be back at the Colonie for supper.

We left the train at Douvres la deliverance and walked down a


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

it was nearly 10pm we decided to

leave and walked down the road to

the bus stop with the whole family

as escorts.

We arrived at the school at 10.45pm

and found that everyone had gone to

the Salie Qui Vive to see the

performance of a French play by a

local amateur society. The play was

called Opportin. It did not finish

until 1.45am with the audience

adjourning for refreshment during

the many intervals.

Visit to Bayeux

On August 5th we went to Bayeux.

We climbed the bell tower of the

Cathedral and had a bird's eye view

of the building housing the famous

<Tapesserie de la reine Mathilde>.

We later visited the masterpiece

which had been saved from the

Germans. We spent some time in

Bayeux,and after drinks in a cafe

Sargent left the few francs change

from the bill for the waitress and as

we left we heard her say "ils sont tres

generoux des anglais" which put him

in his place Most of the holiday was

spent traveling round the town and

the countryside, on the beach or in

the water.We were well entertained

and many went shopping in the

town or Caen. Many activities were

arranged for us most of them ended

by us drinking too much.Sargent

and Sabine became friends and he

corresponded with her after the trip

,but distance and language meant

that he did not have a French wife.

country lane to his house. It was a two storied home, standing in

its own grounds and screened from the road by a high wall and

some trees. He had moved from Caen to avoid the bombing.

At Le Manoir we met his wife, his son, Jean Marie, one of his

daughters, Sabine, and her girlfriend. Jean Marie had spent a

year in the USA and his English was perfect. When we arrived

they had already started dinner but they made us feel at home. It

was a four course meal with plenty of red and white wine,

finishing with cheese and coffee. They allowed us to make a pot

of tea but the French brand meant that it was not a success.

During the meal conversation concerned our holiday and

Sargent was the luckier as he had Jean Marie next to him.

However we were both made to speak French, which is the only

way to learn. During the evening Jean Marie played a trick on us

by using their concealed radio to call us by name from home. As


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

On August 9th the visit ended with our return trip via Caen,

Rouen, Dieppe, Newhaven and Victoria.

Grist went back to Courseulles the following year and John

Sparrow remembers a School trip there in 1950 – were there any

others? Grist stayed a few days with Mile Chatelain and

corresponded with her for the next twenty years, always

exchanging Christmas cards. She became Tante Yvonne. In the

late 50s when he was flying DC6Bs and Bristol Britannias on

the polar route from Vancouver to Amsterdam, he would, during

the seven day stopover, hire a car and drive to Normandy,

sometimes with a couple of crewmates.They would visit her and

she always welcomed them with a glass of her potent calvados.

They would tour the beaches as this was where the Canadians

landed and they were always assured of a great welcome. People

have long memories. He lost touch with her in the 70s. It is

important to recognize the effort that M. Meriel and Yvonne

made in bringing youth together in the belief and hope that

understanding one another would avoid another War and


Tony Grist & Peter Sargent

WHO ARE THEY ANd what have they won?


David T Hartwell

18 Bogart Street, St.Catharines

Ontario L2M1E6

2ndAugust 2019

Good afternoon Roger,

Many apologies for

not responding

sooner, it is hard to

believe that I have

been in Canada for

50 years, longer in

fact than I lived in

the UK. We came to St. Catharines and

have never thought of moving back. This

City is only 15 minutes to Niagara Falls but

is in the centre of the wine region have over

40 wineries just minutes away. Also many

orchards with peaches/apricots/pears.

The Eastern boundary of the City is the

Welland Canal which connects Lake

Ontario to Lake Erie and there is a

constant flow of large cargo boats

throughout the season. My house is just a

very short walk to a lovely beach on Lake

Ontario and to the Canal. So apart for still

having to work for a living, we live in the

perfect place.

Professionally I am a Licenced Real Estate

Broker, unlike our UK counterparts we are

Government Licenced (undertake numerous

exams, etc bi-annually) but we draw

the legal purchase contracts, negotiate

directly and the Lawyer is only involved

when we have completed & financed the

transaction. In fact the Lawyers are the

hired help who register the deeds etc.

average fee $600.00!l!

Before I forget I would really appreciate

you forwarding me a contact number for

Martin Brown as I understand he has


Again many apologies and I look forward

to receiving the copies of OSA magazine.

David Hartwell

Dear all


20th October 2019

Recently I came across a picture which I

guess was taken in the early 1930s on the

back of which there is a note to return it to

Stuart Behn for him to forward it to Eric

Wonfor dated 1st October 1995.

So I contacted Stuart and his view was that

Eric would no longer be interested and it

should be saved in the archive. I am emailing

a copy of it and as can be seen it is still in

T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 8 5


good condition but although we could

return to the archive it is unlikely that

anyone would see it or would relate to it.

So I would appreciate your opinions.

In passing I find it interesting that the

second figure in the front row was Jed Cox

who I knew at Enfield Golf Club when I

joined in 1968 and with whom I played .

He was born in round about 1910 and told

me that he played for OSFC for twenty

five years from age 15 and every game was

in the first eleven.


David Turner


21st October 2019

Good morning David,

I think you will find that the picture of

that OSFC football team appeared on a

cigarette card, circa 1938, in a set of teams

which, I believe, included Ipswich Town,

then in the Southern Amateur League. I

also believe it has featured in one of our

Magazines some (long) time ago, with the

players' names.


Tony Hemmings

The Dukes Avenue

N10 Camping Club


31st July 2019

Ahead of Monday’s committee meeting,

which I cannot attend, I should report that

we have so far got 25 signed up for the

walks in October, reasonably spread over

the three dates. That number includes six

‘partners’, so the actual number of OS’s is

19. Applications continue to trickle in.

The ‘advert’ has just been loaded on the

website. We are aiming for a maximum of

45 over the three walks.

I should also report that I have today

received a charming little memoir entitled

“The Dukes Avenue N10 Camping Club”

written by Cecil Newton, who sent it to

me with apologies that he is unable to

come on the walks. He was born in 1923

but does not say which years he was at the

school; he was wounded in the War and

was appointed a Chevalier of the Legion

d’Honneur. The memoir recounts the

adventures of five denizens of Dukes

Avenue, two of whom lost their lives in the

War. It is based on records of the club’s

committee meetings (the committee

comprising all members of the club!) and

of their excursions in the years 1938-40.

Stephen P Collins

20th November 2019

Hello Tim & David,

In a borrowed copy of the No 89 issue of

“The Old Stationer” I notice David’s item

about an archived photograph of the


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

evacuees arriving at Wisbech.

The “Wisbech Standard” newspaper

carried several pictures of that event. I

attach a copy of one of them. To comment

on several points:

September 1st was a Friday. Because the

paper was a weekly, published on Fridays,

this and its other pictures did not appear

until September 8th.

There were two railway stations at that

time, on opposite sides of town. We arrived

at the M & G N station on Harecroft

Road (opposite the playing fields where

Stationers used to hold our annual Sports

Day). This picture shows us lined up in

the station yard to receive some quick

refreshment from a mobile canteen; we

had had nothing to drink on that all-day

train journey. Then we plodded a mile into

town to a reception centre set up in

Queens School.

We had with us only such belongings as

we could carry in a single backpack, such

as spare shirts and underwear. (Most of us

had by then consumed our issue of

emergency rations - a huge bar of

chocolate). More than one boy can be seen

with a square box containing his gas mask

- and/or an official name-tag label also

strung around his neck.

Parents with schoolboy sons could opt to

send any siblings along with them on the

evacuation operation. At the centre of this

picture is a little girl – my sister Mary. The

boy with the dark jacket standing

immediately behind her is myself. I am

privileged to be now alive, mentally and

physically active, at the age of 92, with

detailed memories of that extraordinary

day still vividly etched in my mind. A

happy dinosaur by comparison with most

of your readers.

John Bathurst 1938-43



2nd July 2019

Great magazine as always. Well done.

Pleased to note the letter from one of my

bridge cruises. Enjoyed articles on three

peaks. Not sure about puzzle corner

though, but good trying different things.

Be interesting to see what comments you

get on it. One criticism is I’d love to always

see a photo on the obituaries. Can you try

harder to get one? Even use an extract

from a school photo where available. Liked

the labelling of Bone's arm! Perhaps that

should have been a puzzle quiz. Very

enjoyable mag.


David Hudson


7th July 2019


Back from holidays to find the magazine.

It really is a great edition and one where

we can see your new editorial touch

coming through. Gillian read it and found

considerable interest… despite being a

Sheffield High girl!!!!! Thank you for

refreshing it the way you have.


Peter Winter

Hi Tim


1st July 2019


I hope I am not out of order in

correcting a minor mistake in Peter

Jollie’s excellent obituary by Michael

Brady, but as with most of us of a

certain age his memory is failing him

in naming the church opposite The

Flask as St. Andrew’s, it is in fact St.

Michael’s. It was here in March 1958

that I was in the aforementioned

establishment prior to my wedding

at the church opposite.

Ivor Evans


October 19th, 2019.

Dear Tim,

I was pleased to see in issue no.89 on

pp 39-40 my memoir of Robert

Brown. The name of the author

given at the bottom is 'Peter Jowitt',

but it should of course have been

'David Jowitt'.

Best wishes

David Jowitt



7th July 2019

Twice in the magazine you switched

my brother from Edward Winter to

David Winter, which is a little

spooky as my elder brother is David

Winter (1948-55)!!!

Peter Winter

Re: Down Memory Lane


25th July 2019

Dear OSA committee

Although almost all my contemporary

Old Stationers are retired and will no

doubt be happy to partake in this most

interesting pursuit, I chose the career of

orchestral conductor which is one of the

few professions in which one’s experience

remains in demand, rendering retirement

impossible. I therefore would regrettably

be unable to partake but send you all my

warmest wishes and look forward to

hearing about the walks in the Old

Stationer magazine.

Best regards

Paul Bateman


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

You are doing a great job with the


Best wishes to all OS’s everywhere.

Tony Turner 1955 -1962

PS I don’t think many people called me Tony

back then. We won’t go into my nicknames but

regarding page 33 my group referred to

Topley as “uncle lightning”

The pictures show Ursula with Messrs Clover

and Davis; The Pension, The Lion

Monument, A real bear and Joan of Arc’s

house at Domremy. Sorry about the poor

quality – my first “real” camera (Ilford

Sportsman) was still about eight years in the

future and these were taken on a strange

contraption with a large waist level

viewfinder but a poor little lens.

Where and When from last issue


date unknown

Hi Tim

Thank you for the latest The Old Stationer.

You have probably had a few replies already

from those who did not roam quite as far

and got their copies before me but I can

tell you about the where and when of the

mystery picture in the latest Old Stationer.

I am fairly sure that the picture came from

The Hornsey Journal in the summer of


The destination “Switzerland” shown by

the bus was correct!

The group were first (year of ‘55) and

second formers (year of ‘54) accompanied

by Messrs Davis and Clover.

We spent the first night at Dover and

crossed, with the bus, to Boulogne the next


Then south-east via Amiens, Rheims

(where we visited champagne cellars!) and

Besancon to Gsteigwiler, near Interlaken.

Each evening we were encouraged to get

out and look around and practice our

French. In Gsteigwiler, we stayed in a

boarding house called Pension Schonfels

where the bus had to be parked on one side

of the river Lütschine and we walked

across a covered bridge. There was an

attractive young waitress there that

everyone was taken with – Ursula?

I remember visiting the Bear Pit in Berne

and taking a funicular up the Jungfraujoch.

Perhaps someone else can add to the


We came back by a different route – I

think through Epinal, Domrémy-la-

Pucelle, Chalons-sur-Marne and St

Quentin. I marked the routes on dad’s

good atlas at the time – he was not well

pleased by my defacing it!

I think that the front row are all first

formers. I recognise myself in the picture

– front row third from the left .

The front row is (L to R and hoping I

don’t misname anyone) John Fiddy, Geoff

Wilson, Myself, Michael Heath?, Michael

Stringer, two unknown and Neil Parkyn.

I think that the fellow on the left hand end

of the second row is Michael Brett and

number three may be Peter Bonner. The

guy next to the driver may be David

Watterson. I don’t know any

others straight off but if there

are any suggestions from other

OS’s I can probably say yes, no

or maybe. As it says somewhere

else in the issue, form levels did

not mix much.

I still have a musical box in the

shape of a Swiss chalet that I

brought home for my mother. It

still works and my eight year old

granddaughter loves it!

If you can give me the email

address or phone number for

Ron Horne I will contact him

but sadly with 23 years between

our times at Stationers’ we won’t

have many people in common. If

my maths is not astray Ron must

be closing in on his century if he

started at Stationers’ in 1932.

Hi Tim


31st July 2019

I’ve attached a new scan of one of the Swiss

pics. If the quality is not ok I can do more.

Douglas was my form teacher in Form 1

and I was also in the school choir. I can

still remember many of the songs we sang

I had “Beaky” Davis for French from Form

3 to Form 5. I only got a grade 3 for GCE

but he did give me 1 for my oral!

We corresponded for a while years later

and I visited him at his home a couple of

times on trips back to the UK. Eventually

his sight deteriorated to the point where

he asked me not to write anymore.


Tony Turner


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0



5th September 2019

I am able to provide an answer to your

‘where and when’ caption to the photograph

on p.15 of the last magazine (No.89).

It was 1956 and we are about to set off for

Switzerland. I am standing in the back row

next to Mrs. ‘Beaky’ Davis, and Beaky was

also accompanied by his daughter Jennifer,

who is in the centre of the photo, and by

‘Four-leaf ’ Clover (English and music

master) and his wife.

We travelled, via Boulogne, through St.

Quentin, Reims and Besancon in Northern

France to our destination, the Hotel

Schonfelz in Wilderswil, just south of


We had day trips to Bern, Lucerne, the

Trummelbach Falls, Lake Thun and, by

rack-and-pinion railway, to the Jungfrau


On the coach journeys, Beaky would

regularly stand up in the aisle to announce

a point of interest we were passing and an

abiding memory is of one such occasion

when the coach rode over a bump in the

road and the rotund Beaky was catapulted

upwards, hit his head on the roof and

landed in a crumpled heap in the aisle, to

much difficult-to-mask merriment.

Whether our coach driver mischievously

aimed for this ‘mal-de-rue’ I shall never

know but Beaky wore a graze on his

forehead for the remainder of the tour.

Tony Hemmings


1st July 2019

Good day Tim and hope all is well

I travelled to Switzerland in, I think, in

1956. Mr Nunn waved us goodbye and

Davis was firmly in charge and it was a

white coach. The other gentleman shaking

Mr Nunn's hand is facially remembered

but can't recall his name.

But I am not in the photo so maybe it was

a regular annual trip.

But I do remember producing a little sing

song which went something like the below:

The coach was travelling mighty fast

Dover will not be the last

Soon go forward upon our way

To be in France the very same day

Chorus. Sing this song Yes Yes Yes.

We are the boys of the STS

STS was the name for the School Travel


Probably totally the wrong year ! Someone

might remember !

Best wishes

Alan Green

2nd July 2019


The school commute

How many of us pupils ever wondered

how, before the car-owning ‘60s, dozens of

teachers were already on the premises by

the time we drifted in? The one thing both

teachers and pupils preferred to avoid was

sharing the same bus or carriage. Most

teachers then owning cars chose to use

them for weekend leisure rather than for

the daily commute.

Only Charlie Street, for obvious reasons,

lived nearby; he had a council house

opposite the school. Few teachers lived

within walking distance; Gore was one,

and used the mile from Mayfield Road to

Muswell Hill for healthy exercise. Dash,

from the Highgate heights near the

Woodman, cycled down Wood Lane to

Wood Vale, to be joined there in convoy

by Englefield near the Hornsey Parish

church, now annually attended by an OS


As I cycled in, I never saw Nash or Naylor,

likewise of Muswell Hill. Distance

demanded that teachers travelled early.

Peter Lack


25th May 2018

Brian Douglas Smith obituary (OS 77)

addendum: de mortuis nil nisi verum

I now feel able to answer two questions I

have been asked since his death several

years ago:

1/ Was the death sudden or anticipated?

2/ What was his final term's "bizarre

incident" which Nunn chose to ignore?

Death was connected with a pre-existing

heart bypass condition; it was sudden but

not expected, although it could be


The final term incident was his removal of

revision file notes of all six members of the

year's Arts pupils, including of course his

own. Amazingly by today's standards, he

was entrusted with a key to the school,

which enabled his super-ego to make late

hour visits, like a lord surveying his domain.

Already fearing his grades would not

match those of peers, he could thus reduce

the competition! He then arranged for all

six of us to search the school that weekend,

when, lo and behold, one file turned up

under his direction, conveniently his own

... The others naturally never did,

presumably destroyed.

Nunn, Gore and Symons, with their

insight into teenage psychology, quickly

guessed the truth, but with no concrete

evidence of perpetrator, Nunn chose not to

act, despite one pupil's parents' letter

asking what was being done; yes, you've

guessed it, Mr and Mrs Smith! Nunn, with

term ending and the personal

embarrassment of having made BDS

school captain, chose to do nothing. We

victims later met with Nunn and collated

the convincing circumstantial evidence.

The grades in his two main subjects were

indeed undistinguished; his only

respectable grade was in Latin, taught by

guess whom. Fortunately for BDS, one

needed in those days only three pass grades

for (non Oxbridge) university entrance,

although I believe he had to repeat his first

year at King's, London.

Hi Tim,

OSA - “I’m a celebrity,

get ME out of here!!!


6th August 2019

I have attached the photo I mentioned, on

Monday, when Ben Stokes insisted that he

have his picture taken with Richard


The awkward bit came when he asked for

Richard’s autograph!


Peter Thomas


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 8 5


keeping in touch

After several trips between New South Wales and

Hertfordshire over a number of years, Jim Ridding (1957-62)

and Chris Wilkins (1957-63) decided that, on account of

advancing years, future meetings should take place at a

midway venue. I seemed to have got the better of the deal

when we agreed to meet in Barcelona. Several years of

Geography lessons with Sam Read indicated that Barcelona is

somewhat closer to England than Australia!

Jim left Blighty at the tender age of 19 and is now an Aussie

to all intents and purposes. He has married an Aussie (twice)

and his two children were born “Down Under”. He even

follows, avidly, Aussie rules football.

He was a bit of a sports star when he was in the UK. He

captained me, and others, in the school cricket team of our

year and starred for OSFC, White Star FC and Hillingdon

Borough (managed by the famous and much-revered “Wor”

Jackie Milburn), where he found cash in his boots.

Despite his “Aussieness”, however, he remains a devout Spurs

fan and has been with me to White Hart Lane a couple of

times in recent years. He watches most of the Spurs games live

on TV and we exchange views regularly.

A couple of years ago we decided that the four of us should go

on a Mediterranean cruise together, hence the Barcelona

meeting place. We met on the ship in June and the attached

photo shows Jim, Christine, Rosalind and me on our first

night on board. It was our first meeting for a couple of years

and we quickly agreed that none of us had aged!

The cruise was excellent. We cruised with Oceania on the

“Riviera”. It was an 18-day cruise, calling at ports in Majorca,

the French Riviera, Corsica, Italy, Sicily, Malta, Greece,

Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia and Venice. I will not bore you

with the details, but we explored each of the venues and we

would recommend this cruise and cruise company. For

Rosalind and me it was our first time visiting the former

Yugoslavian countries, which we agreed were stunning.

Needless to say, copious quantities of alcohol were imbibed.

Given that we had booked the “Booze” package, we were

determined to get our money's worth!

Despite our ageing bodies, middle (old!) age paunches and

various prostheses, Jim and I had a work-out every day. These

just about mitigated against the calories consumed!

Towards the end of what had been a wonderful trip, we decided

that a repeat trip is necessary. Canada is the favourite destination.

I must consult my notes from Sam Read’s lessons so as to check

on the respective distances from Sydney and Radlett!

Dredging my somewhat hazy recollections of the trip, I recall

that Jim and I did manage a rendition of the School song,

much to the embarrassment of our ladies. We certainly did

recall many of the OSFC after-match ditties. Amazingly Jim

remembered most of the words.

“…Hearts thus united no distance can sever, still you are

Stationers far as you roam…”.

Chris Wilkins


Not so long ago my younger son wondered how many

countries I had visited. I had no real idea, so he got hold of a

list and checked with me. The total came to nearly seventy.

I, like many Old Stationers, have tended to holiday in

Europe and indeed over the last sixty or so years have spent

time in most of the countries of Europe. I now calculate that

I have visited almost all but 4 or 5 of the EU countries, on

holiday or on business.

I first enjoyed travelling on business in 1972 in my Ever

Ready days (1966-1988) and visited some far flung places,

including a couple of years based in W Germany (as

Marketing Director Europe), Hong Kong, Iceland and all

the Scandinavian countries while many of the EU countries

I had not holidayed in added further countries to the list as

a Director of the British Standards Institution. These

included Japan and the USA. However, the major increase in

the number of places came in the 1998-2010 period after I

had set up my own consultancy dealing with Technical

Barriers to Trade (TBTs).

TBTs are a major impediment to world trade. Tariffs,

Quotas, Import Deposit Schemes i.e. financial impediments,

can be easily applied or removed. Our friend Mr D Trump is

fond of these. However, the more insidious impediments are

technical ones. These include Government Technical

regulations, Standards, Testing Criteria for compliance,

Certification, Inspection processes and Customs procedures.

The criticality of eliminating TBTs was not appreciated as a

major impediment to world trade until the establishment of

the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which developed

from the various post-war GATT agreements. Even the

Treaty of Rome (1957) failed to appreciate the importance of

TBTs and nowhere in the treaty is there reference to them.

This resulted in an incomplete 'Common Market' and led,

eventually, to the Single Market Act (1986) which attempts

to remedy this problem.

The WTO was established in 1995 and is based in Geneva,

in very pleasant grounds overlooking the lake. In 1997 the

WTO published the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement.

This covered territory that I was very familiar with.


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

I quit BSI and set up my own consultancy in 1998. The

timing was perfect as many developing countries and excommunist

countries in Eastern Europe had great difficulty in

seemingly understanding and implementing the TBT

agreement. Sadly, I discovered that many countries signed up

to the agreement for political reasons despite not having the

understanding or competence to comply.

Thus began my twelve years consultancy, visiting over thirty

developing countries and several Eastern European countries.

My main clients were the UK Government, the UN and the

European Commission. I perhaps can relate some of the most

interesting events in my travels during this time.

Japan – The Earthquake

My first visit to Japan in the 1980s involved a conference,

lasting some seven days. On the second night of the conference

I was awoken at 4.00am, to see the curtains and the central

light swinging towards me. In my stupor I had no idea initially

what was happening. I then realised that the curtains and lamp

were actually static and that the building was in fact moving! It

was shaking due to an earthquake and I was on the fourteenth

floor of a sixteen-storey hotel. Strangely enough I was not

petrified and after a few seconds the curtains and lamp returned

to their rightful position. I was quite excited, got dressed and

went down (by lift – probably foolish) and approached the 'Bell

Captain', dressed in a US-style uniform with scrambled egg on

his shoulders and cap, and asked him about the earthquake. He

informed me that the epicentre had been some 70 km away but

was estimated at nearly 7, whereas in Tokyo it was just over 4.

He also advised that the hotel had 'rubber' foundations and the

top floor could withstand movement of up to three metres. I

went to have an early breakfast and experienced a small

aftershock some two hours later.


– The General Strike and Riot

The countries of South Asia have been trying to set up a Free

Trade area, They have established an organisation called

SAARC (The South Asia Association for Regional

Co-operation). There are eight countries involved, including

India, Afghanistan and Pakistan (I visited most of them but

not Afghanistan!). The Secretariat is based in Kathmandu.

This is a very interesting place and the people are normally

friendly and gentle – but they do have a potential hard side

– witness the Gurkhas. I visited Kathmandu many times on a

project for UNIDO (The United Nations Industrial

Development Organisation, based in Vienna). One such trip

coincided with a turbulent period in Nepal. The uncle of the

King had killed his nephew, who was King and several other

members of the royal family. He had installed his son as King,

who had promptly dissolved parliament – sound a bit familiar?

- and started to rule by decree. The local head of the UN in

Kathmandu was terrified of this development as the new King

had tried to involve him to bolster his credibility. The result

was that this charming man had sent all his three children

abroad for their education – to the USA and UK – probably

never to return.

Shortly after, and coinciding with one of my visits, the

political parties declared a general strike, which degenerated

into a mini riot.

On the first day of this strike all taxis and public transport

went on strike. I was due to visit two ministries that day and

so was at a loss as to how to get there. The 'Bell Captain' tried

to get me a 'Tuk Tuk' but all were on strike as well. Finally he

managed to get me a bicycle rickshaw. This duly arrived at the

hotel and we set off to cover the two or so miles to the first

ministry. About halfway there we turned a corner to be faced

with a burning barricade of tyres manned by angry young

men. They took the driver to task for breaking the general

strike and surrounded me shouting and gesticulating.

Fortunately I had a UN Pass on me and by showing this to

them they grudgingly let me go. I had to walk for the rest of

the day! I feared for the rickshaw driver.

Riyadh and The Scottish Wool

Growers' Association

I visited Saudi Arabia some seven times over around eight

years. It is not a place I recall with fond memories. The Arab

Gulf states are attempting to create a common market and

have established two organisations. The Gulf Co-operation

Council (GCC) and The Gulf Standards and Metrology

Organisation. Most of the Arab Gulf States are friendly and

respectful to visitors – especially Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain.

The Emirates remind me of Hong Kong in the 1970s –

rampant capitalism. Qatar is run by crazy but rich people,

whilst the Saudis are contemptuous and arrogant.

Surprisingly, I had three different briefs for my various trips

to KSA. One for the EU, one for UNIDO and one for DfID

(Department for Internal Development). Prior to departing to

KSA for the latter, I was instructed to pay a courtesy visit to

the Commercial Attache at the British Embassy. This I did

although the visit was effectively social. We chatted about the

problems of dealing with the Saudis and he advised me that a

posting to KSA was considered to be a hardship posting

attracting a supplementary salary and was equivalent to a

posting to Moscow during the Cold War! As we were about

to part he asked whether I would like to attend a presentation

by the 'Scottish Wool Growers' Association'. I obviously

looked perplexed – 'Harris Tweed to you' he said. I laughed

– Harris Tweed to the Arabs! He grinned at me, 'It's here at

the Embassy on Friday afternoon' (the week-end in Muslim

countries). I thought about this for a few seconds and then it

clicked. 'This is Crown territory isn't it'? 'Yes', he replied with

a huge grin. 'So you can serve alcohol at the reception' I

replied. His grin became a guffaw. I attended!

Nice – The Hotel Fire

I was invited to attend a four-day conference at the Hotel

Negressco on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice.

I arrived from the airport in the early evening and went to my

room on the 4th floor, via the lift, and decided to have a

shower and then put on some appropriate clothes for a

planned pre-conference dinner. I turned on the shower to

warm it up, stripped off and went towards the shower. En

route I noticed that there was what I took to be steam around

the recessed lights in the ceiling. I entered the shower cubicle

to find the water was still cold! Surprised I tried to check

where this 'steam' was coming from and concluded it must be

smoke. I peeped out of the door into the corridor to see, to my

horror, that it was filling with smoke. There was no fire alarm

and no fire instructions on the door (illegal in most countries


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and ridiculous for a five-star hotel). I thought for a couple of

seconds and realised that I did not know where the stairs were.

I picked up the phone and rang reception and in my best

Beaky Davis French told the receptionist that there was a fire

in the hotel. 'I know' was the response. 'What should I do' I

asked. 'I don't know' was the answer. I put down the phone,

rapidly donned my slacks and shirt etc. grabbed my passport

and wallet, wetted a bath towel wrapping it around my head

and headed for the door again. On opening it I immediately

started to cough. The corridor was obscured by thick acrid

smoke. I shut the door immediately. I realised that the killer

was likely to be the smoke and I didn't know which way to

turn in the corridor to reach the stairs. Fortunately the room

had a balcony overlooking the sea, and so I went on to that, lit

a cigarette and waited to see what might happen. I soon heard

the fire engines approaching, I noticed that about five

balconies along smoke was gushing out. As I waited a lady

came out onto an adjacent balcony wearing one of those

bathrobes that some hotels supply. She noticed the smoke and

then me leaning against the balustrade smoking a cigarette.

Just then the first fire appliance arrived and firemen literally

fell out of the engine and unreeled hoses etc. A few minutes

passed and I began to hear strange noises in the corridor – like

a whale using his/her blow-hole. I guessed it was a fireman

with breathing apparatus, so banged on the inside of the door.

No result. I then surmised that using the breathing gear

reduced their ability to hear. The noise receded down the

corridor and then started to become louder again. I turned on

all the lights, donned the wet towel and waited until I assessed

that the fireman was close to my door and opened it. I guessed

right, the fireman was just outside. He grabbed me, pushed my

head down to where the smoke was thinner and we went on a

shambling run to the stairs, which were only about twenty

yards to my right. We went down two flights, the air cleared

and he left me to go upstairs again.

Reception was chaos. My clothes were smudged with large

greasy black spots. I met up with several of the other delegates

that I knew, some of whom had been similarly rescued. We

decided to have a meal in the adjacent hotel restaurant, as we

couldn't return to our rooms. We were refused entry to the

restaurant, which was still serving, as we were not appropriately

dressed! After some heavy debate they relented and put a

screen around our table to hide us from the rest of the guests!

Such are the French!

These are just a few of the episodes during my many trips

abroad. I have also been most fortunate to see some astonishing

sites and met some charming and interesting people. I have

noted examples of nepotism, assessed levels of corruption and

seen examples of poor governance. We often criticise our own

country but we do have a sound democracy and the rule of law

does prevail.

Happy travels!

Peter Bonner



Distance 6 1/2 miles -Time 3 hours

Nearest Post Code AL6 9BT - OS Explorer Map 182

In early November I joined former classmate, Ian Blackmore

(1967-74), to stroll along his favourite local walk between the

Ayot villages in Hertfordshire. Ian is an enthusiastic and

seasoned rambler, taking every opportunity in his spare time to

explore walks. In fact, he helped to plan and organise the

successful, OSA Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge, last May, in

memory of Geraint Pritchard. We were joined on the walk by our

Magazine Editor, Tim Westbrook. We met in the village of Ayot

St Lawrence, on Hill Farm Lane, the main thoroughfare through

the village and a quiet road which provides ample street parking

during the week, although I understand, that parking is more

challenging at weekends. At one end of the road are the remains

of the ruined 13th Century Church of St Lawrence, the startpoint

of our walk. With the Church behind us we turned right

and headed in a south-westerly direction, following the lane for

a short distance until we reached a bend in the road and a steel

five-bar gate on the right leading to a field. From here you can

see, in the distance, across the field, the successor to St Lawrence’s

Church, an 18th Century ‘New’ church, an incongruous building

for a church, with neoclassic, Grecian-style, designed exterior.

Continue south along the Lane until you reach a junction where

you will find a green gate leading to Shaw’s Corner, a modest

Edwardian villa and the former home of playwright, George

Bernard Shaw. Go past the junction and continue down Bride

Hall Lane. Towards the end of the Lane is a L-R dog-leg, where

opposite, you take a bridleway south-east which later runs beside

the narrow Stockings Spring Wood. Here you will find evidence

of ancient coppiced Hornbeam, a timber used many years ago in

the manufacture of hubs for wagon wheels and for fuel. Keep to

the right of the woods. Cross over Codicote Road continuing


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along the path until you arrive at an old brick railway bridge,

Hunter’s Bridge. Climb the embankment to the right-hand side

of the bridge to join the dismantled railway line, which now

forms the Ayot Greenway, a foot and cycle path. You have the

option to extend the walk by a further 2 miles at this point. You

can turn left and follow a circular route, passing through the

pretty village of Ayot Green, skirting the Brocket Estate, passing

through a golf course and past the Georgian Brocket Hall, scene

of the infamous Ferrari insurance episode! If you decide not to

walk the additional loop, then turn right at the bridge on Ayot

Greenway, until you reach a second bridge over the Greenway-

Sparrowhall Bridge. Climb up onto this bridge, then turn left

past Sparrowhall Farm with a short walk down a path until you

reach the Lower Lea Valley footpath. Before turning right

(north-west) on this path go left to the road which will provide

you with a pleasant view of Waterend House, on Waterend Lane.

In front of you is an impressive 17th Century house, the

birthplace of Sarah Jenyns (1660), wife of the first Duke of

Marlborough. Turn around and head back along the Lower Lea

Valley footpath continuing west, parallel with the River Lea. At

the end of the field, with a road ahead of you, turn right and then

left, joining the Hertfordshire Way, walking in a generally,

northerly direction past Lamerwood House, a former golf course

and clubhouse to reach Lamer House. Keep to the right of

Lamer House and bear north-east until you reach a path at

Harepark Spring Wood. This will lead you behind Ayot Farm

and back to the village to join Hill Farm Lane, where you began.

At the end of the walk we had lunch in the delightful Brocket

Arms, a 14th Century pub with low ceilings and inglenook

fireplaces. The house beer, Brocket Ale, is a pleasant draught

bitter brewed by Hertfordshire brewer Tring Brewery. The Pub’s

lunchtime menu includes a range of sandwiches with side salad

and chips starting at £7, main courses include, fish & chips,

sausage and mash and scampi with chips, all averaging £12.

Rooms are available for bed

and breakfast starting at £90 a

night. If you get time at the

end of the walk, a return to

Shaw’s Corner is well worth

the visit. The house and garden

are run by the National Trust.

The property includes a garden

study, where Shaw did most of

his writing, laid out with

writing desk and pens, much as

he left it.

The walk makes a very pleasant

morning stroll through the

Hertfordshire countryside taking in fine views and attractive

woodland. The terrain is undemanding, and the paths are well

established, generally clear and well sign-posted.

Peter Thomas 1967 - 1973

Historic Pubs Around

Kings Cross

After our successful search for a pub to host the 1954 School

intake reunions, we thought we would continue our pub hunt for

some historic pubs. The “Team” was Roger Engledow, Bob

Harris, Roger Melling and me. Bob had made some suggestions

for pubs around Kings Cross – so off we went.

The Doric Arch

Our first stop was The Doric Arch, a pub named after the old

Euston Arch at the front of Euston station. The pub is

immediately outside Euston Station, by the bus station, on the

first floor (Figure 1). We went up the stairs, where the friendly

staff were waiting for us. Being a Fuller’s pub, it gives CAMRA

members 15% off their beers and, if you register with Fuller’s, you

get 20% off food and drink during their promotions. The

manager, Simon McCarthy, was very friendly and came over to

sit with us (Figure 2). He told us that people should come to his

pub because of the quality of the beer – better than anywhere else

he said. The Oliver’s Island at 3.8% ABV was a good pint.

The original Euston Arch was designed by Philip Hardwick as

the entrance to the old Euston Station (Figure 3). Apparently it

is not strictly an arch, but a propylaeum of the Doric order – a

gateway (in Greek) just like the entrance to The Acropolis in

Athens. It was built in 1837 for the London and Birmingham

Railway and became the gateway to the Midlands and beyond. It


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The “Team” in the Doric Arch with Manager Simon McCarthy. Left to right:

Roger Melling, Tony Moffat, Bob Harris, Roger Engledow and Simon.

The Euston Arch in the 1890s (Wikipedia).

was not changed until 1870 when the London and North

Western Railway had the word (EUSTON) engraved on the

architrave in gold letters. By 1960, the existing station was

regarded as inconveniently sited and impractically small. A much

larger station was needed for both railway and Underground

trains. The original plans for the removal of the arch were to

re-erect it on another site in an appropriate dignified and open

setting. However, this was found to be too expensive and, in spite

of valiant efforts by people such as Sir John Betjeman, in 1961 it

was demolished. It was done by hand — explosives were out of

the question owing to possible damage to adjacent buildings

The ornamental iron gates were removed to their present

location in the National Railway Museum in York and much of

the stone was used to fill a hole in the bed of the River Lea at the

Prescott Channel in East London. At various times, stones have

been raised from the Channel in an attempt to rebuild the Arch

– but to no avail. There is even a stone from the original Arch

behind the bar of the Doric Arch.

The Lucas Arms

Walking down Gray’s Inn Road we came to The Lucas Arms, a

Greene King pub. It is very old fashioned and a bit jaded. It has

two distinct areas: at the front is a small, saloon with a small TV

screen; to the rear is a larger, raised area with wooden floors, a

CD juke box and larger TV screen. There is a small beer garden,

with 6 tables, which is heated in colder weather and there are

rugs in a basket by the door. There is an upstairs room for private

parties or meetings, 30 capacity, where the King’s Cross Railway

Union meet. Food from the traditional and reasonably priced

pub menu is served all week. However, they only served three real

ales: Greene King IPA, Abbott and Ferryman (4.2%, from the

Exeter Brewery, which was a good pint). Not all that much to

commend the pub really.

The Exmouth Arms

Crossing over to Farringdon Road, past the Mount Pleasant

Mail Centre, we came to Exmouth Market which is a semipedestrianised

street in Clerkenwell that draws its name from

the Exmouth Arms Pub which is situated centrally in the street.

Although the area has been a market place since the 1890s, it

became run down and had a reputation of being a seedy part of

London. However, since the 1990s, it has become a site of

regeneration and is now a busy and thriving street market with

plenty of interesting shops as well as good restaurants, cafes and

pubs. There is seating outside the pub so you can watch the

world go by and we were welcomed by a chap playing a

saxophone outside the pub (Figure 4). Of note across the street

is the church of Our Most Holy Redeemer which has the

The Doric Arch Pub

Roger Melling and Bob Harris being welcomed at The Exmouth Arms

by a saxophonist.


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

distinction of being London’s only Italian basilica-style church.

The pub was very busy when we got there and, although they had

six real ale pumps on the bar, only three had beer in them. One

of the beers was Thornbridge’s Lord Marples at 4%. It was

named by Simon Webster (CEO of Thornbridge) after George

Marples of Thornbridge, “He had no official title, so he made

one up, declaring himself Lord Marples, renovating the Hall and

building a private railway station so the Queen could visit.” And

there I was thinking that it was named after Baron Ernest

Marples, who served as Postmaster General (introducing

postcodes and Premium Bonds) and Minister of Transport.

With a wood floor and heavy wood tables, Bob summed it up as

“not a posh place”.

The Betsey Trotwood

Coming back onto Farringdon Road, we came to the small and

quaint Betsey Trotwood. Three storeys tall and well over a

century old, The Betsey Trotwood is a classic Victorian pub in

Clerkenwell, constructed in 1865 and one of the first structures

to be built above the London Underground. On three floors, the

pub has its main bar at street level, a cellar space which hosts the

pub’s live music, and an elegant upstairs room where various

comedy and music events are hosted. It has a good reputation for

live entertainment and the pub has made a name for itself on the

live music scene as a hotbed for new and upcoming acts. It may

mean that the pub is pretty loud on occasions, but you just have

to speak much more loudly. Outside, there is a small seating area

at the front of the pub for watching people walking past.

This Shepherd Neame pub has one of the best-stocked bars in

Clerkenwell and we had a pint of Spitfire at 4.2%. Their food is

also great, especially their home-made pies.

It is named after a character in Charles Dickens’ “David

Copperfield”. She was David Copperfield's great-aunt on his

father's side, and had a dislike of men and boys due to her

worthless husband having left her. In his later life, Betsey takes

David Copperfield in to live with her after he ran away from the

factory in Blackheath where he was working labelling wine

bottles. She pays for him at a good school in Canterbury and

gives him the opportunity to become a lawyer. So a bit of culture

as well as beer.

We plan to go to pubs around where the School was next, so

watch this space.

Tony Moffat

Me and my Motors

Triumph Tales

Back in 1961, like many of the group of students of 57-63, I had

a chance to undertake my driving test. The influence of

Headmaster Mr Nunn was with me and I passed!

A group or gang of Stationers that were involved in the following

tales were David Atkinson, Stewart Colley, Neil Mckeowan,

Marcus Manton, Oliver Manton, Russell Plumley and many

other friends.

Not long after passing, I got a phone call from my father from a

small village in Devon where he was staying with his sister. It

would seem that the local publican had sold my father a Black

Triumph Renown. How many pints had given rise to the sale I

don't know but I have my suspicions! My father had had a

driving licence as had my mother from the war, but since I was

in practice, off I went, hitchhiking to Devon. The straw and

birds' nests needing to be cleared out of the car and the tyres

were not in the best condition but then we were ready to set off.

The trip to Bounds Green went smoothly.

As I was now the family driver, it meant that I had almost total

use of the Renown.

The Renown was a classic vehicle of the times and I used to say

it was a poor man's Rolls Royce as not only was it Black but it

had a pair of large chrome headlights, running boards, Big

chrome Bumpers, and the rear boot lid lowered to produce a

picnic table, suitable for a trip to the races.

The first incident, of many... We were on our way to the

Midlands with my Mother and giving Marcus a lift, taking

advantage of the newly built M1. Tyres in those days had inner

tubes - fine unless you have a puncture! In which case the wheel

will go flat very quickly, which it did! Being a front wheel that

let go, the car became a bucking bronco and, struggling with the

steering, we crossed the central reservation (luckily no barriers

then!) and stopped on the hard shoulder of the opposite direction

lanes. So thanks, for the fact that so few cars were travelling that

Sunday - it initially seemed that there was no damage at all but

as we got ready to change the wheel it became evident that going

across the central reservation had cracked a rear spring mounting.

Otherwise we could have changed the wheel and set off

southbound for the next M1 Junction to return to our route!

Those large bumpers came in useful driving in London where

other motorists, especially taxis would initially try to force their

way past, but when they saw those bumpers they would give way!


Those were the days of all-night parties, where parents would

have foolishly turned their houses over to their offspring for the


It seems alarming but so often would so little be happening that

The Stationer gang would go out and about instead, exploring the

back lanes of Hertfordshire. I remember a particular outing when

it was decided to drive along with all the occupants spread around

the exterior of the Renown. So we had one on each running board


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and 2 standing on the rear bumper hanging on to the boot

handles. As I could see the road ahead was straight I produced an

element of excitement by switching off the headlights!

Cash was in short supply so it was a case of the crew chipping in

for petrol. The Renown would cruise at its ECO performance of

20 mpg, so 5/- shillings would buy 20 miles. The head gasket

would occasionally fail making the Renown appear to be driven

by steam! The good old RAC would come to the rescue. I

remember we made it to Russell Plumley's house on one

occasion and on taking out the sparking plugs turning the engine

produced a squirt of water that went clear across the road

So if fuel was a problem, a late night visit to The ACE transport

cafe nearby on the North Circular, was required, instead.

For the regular Rocker customers, in those days the only drugs

they were into were just cups of tea and racing each other on the

North Circular. Remember Dixon of Dock Green and the

famous Juke Box Record, where the director made up the

concept that a Rocker would put a 45 record on and try to go

along the North Circular to a junction and back again before the

record stopped. It was both necessary to break the speed limit

and run a red light. Interesting, but a pure imagination by the

director. I can imagine that after the episode was shown some

bikers may have tried it.

The cafe is back in business, very popular with the motoring

media now, having been a tyre and silencer establishment for

over 25 years. I went to a 25 year celebration of the closing of the

original cafe, this time on my BMW R80 (the Norton 650SS

had to stay at home as a friend wanted to ride pillion). As I had

old style leathers on, a cub TV reporter interviewed a group of

us, but he soon revealed his lack of knowledge. He was asking

how we got to the Ace. I, of course, said on a Triumph. I was

hoping he would say to the camera, and what c.c. was the

Triumph, as I could then proudly say 2 ltr! A capacity not heard

of in those days on bikes!

The good old Renown and I set off for 3 glorious years at Exeter

University. Just like some students are finding nowadays, on

arrival there were was a lack of digs so my first night there I spent

curled up on the back seat.

As I have mentioned, the Renown had a habit of its head gasket

failing. Luckily my father had kept the RAC membership going,

so they rescued me quite a few times including repairing the

gasket! Having watched the repair process a few times, when it

happened subsequently I would complete the task to 75% level,

get on the phone to my friendly RAC mechanic who would

expertly finish the task. Not possible these days!

Those were the days!

What does a prospective Airline Pilot need... but a Red Triumph

TR2. It looked good, went well, BUT was somewhat of a fake.

Each weekend it was a case of applying yet more fibre glass. The

mechanics at Kidlington Airfield were relaxed and helpful when

I had discovered yet another rust hole, this time in the chassis.

The newly invented MOT was coming up fast for the TR. The

guys lent myself and a friend a portable oxyacetylene welding set,

and some sheet metal, all on the strength of our statement that

we thought we knew what we were doing! Eventually we were

able to get the plate to stay in place with a few rough tacks

followed by a hefty coating of undercoat! Maybe I should not

have worried too much as when I duly took the TR to a local

garage for the test, I noticed another car was over the pit. I was

told to come back after an hour, after a coffee or was it a pint, I

returned to find my car was in exactly the same place, and the

same car was over the pit. Importantly the new MOT certificate

was on the car seat!

The TR had fairly low car doors so it was possible to re-enact

the original Le Mans 24 Hour starts, when the drivers ran across

the track and leapt into their cars before setting off.

My fiancé was in her last year at Exeter so the TR would be

required to quickly get me down to see her. I remember one time

on the empty roads of those days coming across a Mini Cooper

which seemed to be going the same way, so a bit of a race ensued,

with the TR pulling away on every straight and the Cooper

catching me on every bend. So we called it a draw. No Speed

Cameras then!

The Renown made its way to Kidlington as well and I remember

selling it to a member of the next course for £10. I suspect she

ended up being a home for birds again!

An irony is that Stewart Colley's father had Renown, and about

the time I acquired my TR2 Stewart acquired a TR3.

The solidness of the TR was demonstrated when, having

returned to North London and met up with the Old Boys, as we

were by then, and was giving 2 old boys a lift up the hill towards

Stewart's, came around a bend, to find I was in a headlong duel

with a Renault Dauphine coming down the hill. Muswell Hill

must have been a well-off area even in those days as there were

cars parked solidly on either side so there was no escape route.

The contest ensued, with the Renault being declared a write off,

yet the TR only needed a new radiator. Maybe it was due to the

strength of the weld on the chassis!

The other Triumph in my Triumph Family was a Black Spitfire.

By this time I was flying as a First Officer with BOAC, living in

Reading and having acquired a Croft Cottage in the Highlands

so the Spitfire built up the miles to and from Heathrow and to

the Isle of Skye. I remember sleeping in a lay-by on the way up

North with my wife fairly pregnant! One of the advantages of

this car was, like the E-type, that the whole bonnet opened

forward, meaning it was possible to sit on a front wheel and

tinker with the engine. On acquiring the MGB the Spitfire had

to go to a new home. In those days personal plates were not as

popular as today. My Spitfire had a reg. 5001 DP so maybe a

Dave Paterson would have given me 5 times what I sold it for.

Other vehicles I have had the chance to enjoy are MGB GT,

Ford Popular, Porsche 924, Porsche 944, Jaguar E-type 4.2,

Mercedes 500SL and BMW 840.

Happy Motoring!

John Cater


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0


As you may know, the OSA Committee decided last year to

arrange some guided walks for the benefit of members. We

thought that there would be no better way to inaugurate the

series than a trip Down Memory Lane, taking in the site of the

School and the surrounding area of Crouch End and Hornsey.

A professional guide, Karen Lansdown, planned and researched

the route with advice from the Committee. We selected three

dates in October, and a total of 21 Old Stationers plus nine wives

were lucky enough to enjoy good weather on all three occasions

and, most importantly, a thoroughly enjoyable tour.

Following lunch at the Railway Tavern on Crouch End Hill, the

tours commenced with the short walk down the hill to Hornsey

Town Hall where the School’s annual prize-giving used to take

place. The building is Grade II listed and represents a fine

example of Northern European Modernism. It is currently

covered in plastic sheeting while refurbishment work is carried

out and new residential units are being constructed at its rear.

On either side of the approach to the Town Hall building there

used to be the Electricity Showroom and Gas Board respectively;

hence the area became known as the “triangle of power”. The

buildings remain, and the former Electricity Showroom (now

Barclays Bank) is still adorned with murals evoking the industrial

uses of electricity.

Next came the famous clock tower, dedicated in 1895 to Henry

Williams, chairman of the Local Board (commemorated by a

plaque on the tower) on the site of a pilgrim’s cross (the Crouch in

Crouch End being a corruption of the word). The tower remains

the epicentre but, alas, the adjacent public conveniences have been

demolished and paved over. The shops along the Broadway had

changed enormously, and the school outfitters, Keevans, has long

since disappeared, though exists still in Wood Green.

Further down towards Hornsey the Broadway becomes

Tottenham Lane, where what is now a Virgin Gym used to be

The Queen’s Opera House with an impressive 1200 seats. On

the other side of the road there is now an Arthouse Cinema

occupying the old Salvation Army building; while close by,

illustrating the dynamics of change in the retail landscape, a shop

called Mathusium, an American franchise, offers maths tuition.

Still further along Tottenham Lane a small building next to Holy

Trinity Church was used to give free schooling to local children

whose families could not afford to pay for their education.

Incredibly, 100 children used to cram into this tiny building –

with its very steep roof to facilitate ventilation – which is now the

home of the Hornsey Historical Society.

Crossing Tottenham Lane and walking along Inderwick Road,

the next stop was the new Hornsey School for Girls, which is the

reincarnation of Hornsey High, formerly at the bottom of

Mayfield and Denton Roads. This was the best-performing

school in Haringey 2018 (oh what might have been had

Stationers’ not been closed!). Coming to Weston Park, we

learned that several scenes from the cult film “Shaun of the

Dead” were filmed there.

A short walk round the corner led to Mayfield Road. A primary

school now occupies the site once adorned by Hornsey High.

And at last, further up the hill, we came to Stationers Park, which

occupies the area of the School’s terraces (perhaps, also, part of

the ‘Wilderness’), plus some of the area on which stood the

newest part of the School building running parallel to Mayfield

Road. This is a delightful, well-maintained oasis of parkland (to

One of the groups at the bottom of Mayfield Road

The Arthouse Cinema

The Clock Tower


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Hornsey School for Girls

– that the tour concluded, close to a building called Chettle

Court, a gesture in memory of Henry Chettle, headmaster of the

School for 32 years from 1881, and therefore the first headmaster

on the School’s arrival in Hornsey in 1893.

The tours were universally appreciated by all those attending,

and we intend to repeat them in the spring for those wishing but

unable to come first time round – and, we hope, for others,

inspired by this report, to opt to come as well. In addition, we

are planning a walk to be entitled Origins, taking in Stationers’

Hall, Bolt Court (site of the first School) and the Fleet Street

area. Our thanks go to Karen Lansdown for delivering such an

illuminating guided walk.

Stephen Collins

Poor school

which the Stationers’ Company has contributed in the past). The

majority of the area on which the School buildings stood, at the

top of Mayfield and Denton Roads, is now occupied by flats.

Incredibly, there is no reference to the School, and therefore no

explanation of the name of the park, anywhere to be seen. (Tim

Westbrook is working on getting permission from the Council

to erect a plaque recording the historical heritage of the site.)

To the surprise – and maybe the delight or consternation – of the

locals, each tour then burst into a rousing chorus of the School

Song; one of these was recorded for posterity and can be found

on our website.

The tour then continued over Ridge Road, from where the

“Hog’s Back” used to provide a shortcut to Harringay West

Station. And it was at the station – now known just as Harringay

Group at Mayfield Road entrance to Stationers Park

No explanation of the name, and no apostrophe!

Earlier this year a friend of mine called to confirm he had been

accepted to race in the Red Bull Soap Box Challenge at

Alexandra Palace and invited me to use one of his spectator

tickets to view the event. Carts are driven by amateurs who have

built their homemade racers by hand. There is no engine or

pedals but the vehicles must have steering and breaking capability

to negotiate the 420 meter course which runs down a steep

gradient towards the station. The course includes a chicane, a

ramp, and a rumble strip and spectators are protected by straw

bales either side of the track. There are 4 judges who view the

challengers from an open top bus giving marks for outrageousness

and creativity in the bodywork design which, combined with the

Red Bull Soap Box Challenge

Sunday 7th July – Alexandra Palace


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

time taken to complete the course, determine the winner.

My friend was competing in a cart designed as a hospital bed (he

didn’t finish the course) but included in the 59 entries were, a

multi-section rocket, a Viking ship, a Red Arrow plane with

multi-colour vapour trails, a BLT Sandwich, a VW camper Van,

Mr Bean steering while on the roof of a mini and Del Boy

driving a replica of his yellow Robin Reliant.

There must have been around 15,000 spectators cheering each

competitor down the course and gasping at the many crashes

that occurred as wheels buckled, suspension snapped, steering

failed and in some cases carts just disintegrated leaving a trail of

debris for the marshals to sweep away.

The event was enormously entertaining and I recommend that

you look out for it when tickets go on sale in 2021, the year it

returns to North London. Maybe we should consider entering an

OSA-inspired cart as I am sure we have the engineering

capability lying dormant among our membership !

Photos top left and clockwise: The Course Map, The Start Line,

BLT Sandwhich, Vickings, Judges Scoring, Red Arrow in flight,

Cartoon characters, Hospital Bed ready to race.

Tim Westbrook


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

Word Search


Places around Stationers' School


Since last report 2019

Paying members at 1st Jan 2019 485

Life member 1

Honorary members 11

New members 11 16

Deaths (5) (6)

Re-instalments/Resignations 1 (1)

Deletions (for non-payment) (4) (6)













Greek Sudoku

The following are all anagrams of football teams in the Premier League.

The Sudoku puzzle

below is rated “Easy”

but, to make it more

interesting, has the

numbers 1 to 9 replaced

by nine Greek letters: α,

β, γ, δ, ε, λ, π, σ, ω.

To solve the Sudoku

Puzzle, fill the grid so

that every column, every

row and every 3 X 3 box

contains all the symbols.

Good luck. The solution

is on the inside back


11 new members have applied to join since

the last report, 5 at the lunch at Stationers’


They are Robert Bird, John Leonard, Keith

Southam, Adrian Andrusier, Alan Clarke,

Alan Brookes, Charles Traylen, Michael

Brookes, Stephen Cleak, Paul Catanach &

Malcolm Brown.

The deaths of Hugh Stockwell, Robert

Brown, Tony Budd, Alan Berwick and

Hugh Alexander have been reported to


The 4 debtors who have not paid their

subscription during 2019 will be deleted

from the database at the year-end as I have

not been able to obtain any information

regarding their non-payment. These

include 2 of our older members Peter

Hodgson and George Sprosson. If they

are still with us they have probably reached

a situation where the magazine is no

longer of value to them.

We have now restored our numbers to


Roger Engledow



Of the 500 OSA members, we only have

email addresses for around 300 and it

would be good to have more. Also at least

21 emails we do have now bounce back, so

must have been replaced.

Would any members who didn`t receive an

email from me on 13th November, please

send me an email to peter.sandell@

hotmail.co.uk so that I can add it to the

OSA database.

Many thanks

Peter Sandell


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

OSA members' list by year of school entry

Owen Rowe 30 38 Baldock

George Copus 32 40 East Sheen

Hugh Newton 33 41 Marlborough

Donald Green 36 41 London

Harold Perry 36 41 Welwyn Garden City

Norman Chapple 37 44 Solihull

Ronald Horne 37 42 East Hamilton

Alec Linford 37 44 Uxbridge

Anthony Bathurst 38 43 Lagarde Mirepoix

Peter Chantrell 38 43 Bude

Ian Jones 38 45 London

Denis Lofts 38 43 St Albans

Ronald Balaam 39 42 Ashtead

Alan Crump 39 43 Los Angeles

John Heale 39 44 Potters Bar

Eric Bowman 40 45 Near Kendal

John Dickens 40 46 East Barnet

James Barry 41 47 St Leonards-on-Sea

Richard Braithwaite 41 48 Sale

Dennis Butler 41 46 St Albans

Leonard Cole 41 45 Hurstpierpoint, Sussex

Roger Kennett 41 38 Weybourne, Norfolk

Barry Perry 41 46 Newcastle Co Wicklow

Peter Holden 42 46 Whetstone

Dudley Jones 42 47 Great Chesterford

Peter Limebear 42 49 St Albans

Roy Simmons 42 47 Woodford Green Peter

Constable 43 48 Brixham, Devon

Gordon Freeman 43 50 Staines

Kenneth Latter 43 49 Ebeltoft

Peter Moses 43 50 Brisbane

Roy Saunders 43 49 Ilford

William Croydon 44 49 Faversham

Arthur Field 44 49 Chichester W

Tony Grist 44 49 British Columbia

Brian Kill 44 49 Colchester

Gordon Rose 44 49 Cirencester

John Sheen 44 51 Storrington, W Sussex

John Sparrow 44 51 Stevenage

Graham Stacy 44 49 Highgate

Anthony Tight 44 50 Kingsbridge, Devon

Stanley Ward 44 49 Paddock Wood Kent

Gerald Cooke 45 50 Leigh-on-sea, Essex

Brian Cranwell 45 49 Sheffield

Jack Hammond 45 50 Crewkerne, Somerset

Peter Jolly 45 50 Newmarket, Ontario

Roger Mansfield 45 50 Fordingbridge, Hants

John Miles 45 49 St Ives, Cambs.

Terry Slinn 45 50 Wadhurst, E Sussex

Cedric Steet 45 50 West Wickham Kent

Peter Watcham 45 50 Harpenden, Herts.

Alan Cleps 46 51 Kings Lynn, Norfolk

Peter Hawkins 46 53 Whittlesford, Cambs.

David Hensher 46 51 Sandbanks, Dorset

Alan Johnstone 46 50 Toronto, Ontario

John Lettin 46 52 East Grinstead

Howard Midgen 46 51 Pinner

Peter Sargent 46 50 Epping

Michael Saunders 46 50 Hoddesdon

Brian Stokes 46 51 Weybridge, Surrey

Alan Unerman 46 53 Edgware

Roger Woollard 46 53 Sharnbrook, Beds.

Stuart Behn 47 53 Watford

Alan Berwick 47 52 Drayton, Norwich

John Browning 47 53 Stockport, Cheshire

Ivor Evans 47 51 Lymington, Hants.

Michael Gill 47 52 Beaconsfield, Bucks.

Peter Lack 47 55 Muswell Hill

Leslie Lane 47 53 Didcot, Oxon.

Terry Miller 47 51 Bournemouth, Dorset

Keith Ranger 47 53 Tonbridge, Kent

Terence Butler 48 53 Harpenden, Herts.

Geoffrey Croughton 48 54 Harpenden, Herts.

Alan Dallman 48 53 Muswell Hill

Nigel Friswell 48 55 Horsham, Sussex

Ian Hayward 48 53 Barnet

Ray Hermans 48 53 Aylesbury, Bucks.

David Lynes 48 55 Harpenden, Herts.

William O'Brien 48 53 Brora, Sutherland

Bob Patten 48 53 Inverness, Florida

John Smith 48 53 Alton, Hamps.

Alan Spry 48 52 Whetstone

David Wilkins 48 56 Loughborough, Leics.

Peter Clydesdale 49 54 Enfield

Edward Dennison 49 54 Billericay, Essex

Peter Engledow 49 54 Saffron Walden, Essex

Peter Evans 49 54 Queenscliffe, NSW

David Hill 49 54 Winchmore Hill

Kenneth Hills 49 56 Waltham Cross Herts.

Brian Humphreys 49 56 Woodside Park, London

Lucien Perring 49 54 Ross-on-Wye, Herefords.

John Wheeler 49 53 London

Clive Farmer 50 55 Soton, Hants.

Richard Hayes 50 57 Berkhamsted, Herts.

David Loveday 50 58 Chesterfield, Derbys.

Kenneth Merchant 50 55 Warlingham, Surrey

David Prime 50 55 Halesworth, Suffolk

John Prior 50 57 Abingdon, Oxfords.

Graham Rapley 50 55 Potters Bar, Herts.

Derek Stevens 50 57 Chiswick

Tony Ames 51 57 Epping, Essex

Don Bewick 51 56 Hatfield, Herts.

Michael Brady 51 56 Bathampton, Avon

David Cowling 51 58 Whetstone

David Davies 51 59 Hertford, Herts.

Ronald De Young 51 56 Broadbridge Heath

Ivorv Evans 51 56 Hereford

Michael Facey 51 57 Gerrards Cross, Bucks.

David Hall 51 56 Upminster, Essex

Richard Hersey 51 58 Southgate

William Houldsworth 51 56 Norwich

Roy King 51 58 Gwynedd

Alan Lewis 51 58 Watford, Herts.

Peter Lloyd 51 58 Holywood, C. Down

Richard Martin 51 56 Milton Keynes, Bucks.

Ian Moore 51 56 Dunfermline, Fife

John Taylor 51 56 Potters Bar, Herts.

David Turner 51 56 Hatfield, Herts

Nigel Wade 51 58 Ilford, Essex

David Waker 51 55 London

Terence Weatherley 51 58 Carlton Colville, Suffolk

Brian Whitehouse 51 57 Trelawnyd, Flints.

Richard Wilson 51 58 Pinner

Kenneth Ayling 52 57 Hoddesdon, Herts.

John Brown 52 59 Winchmore Hill

Anthony Cole 52 58 Oxted, Surrey

David Finch 52 59 Felixtowe, Suffolk

Brian Harris 52 58 Wellington NZ

Leslie Humphreys 52 59 Ontario

David Jowitt 52 59 Jos, Plateau State

David Kaye 52 58 Cheshunt, Herts.

David Maclean 52 59 Turramurra, NSW

Alex McPherson 52 60 Riesweiler,Germany

John Partridge 52 58 Southgate, London

Michael Shaw 52 59 Windsor, Berks.

Brian Spevak 52 58 Broxbourne, Herts

Eric Webb 52 57 Darien, Connecticut

Brian Wilkinson 52 59 Bedale,Yorks.

Keith Woodley 52 57 Bath, Avon

John Wrigley 52 55 Clacton-on-Sea, Essex

Graham Arnold 53 62 Kingsbridge, Devon

Anthony Cooper 53 60 Fleet, Hamps.

DavidwCox 53 60 Woodford Green, Essex

John Geering 53 60 Wokingham, Berks.

Alan Green 53 58 Moreton in Marsh, Glos.

Wyndham Griffiths 53 60 Stone, Staffs.

Michael Hasler 53 59 Aylesbury, Bucks.

James Hayman 53 58 West Malling, Kent

Michael Holding 53 58 Huddersfield, W. Yorks.

Peter Knight 53 58 London

David Metcalf 53 58 London

Alan Nafzger 53 61 North Finchley

Bill Niehorster 53 60 Stamford, Lincs.

Peter Redman 53 60 East Meon, Hants.

Anthony Richards 53 60 Bexhill-on-Sea, E Sussex

Ernest Russell 53 59 Slough, Berks

Christopher Seabrook 53 58 Rosettenville, S Africa

Geoff Tapping 53 59 Camberley Surrey

Tony Taylor 53 61 Saffron Walden, Essex

Roy Turner 53 58 Hillcrest, KwaZulu Natal

Richie Tyley 53 59 Godalming, Surrey

John Brackley 54 58 Chirstchurch, Dorset

Martin Brown 54 61 Great Dunmow

Nigel Chamberlain 54 60 Highgate

Geoffrey Dawes 54 59 Saffron Walden, Essex

Paul Edwards 54 59 Beckenham, Kent

Roger Engledow 54 61 Barnet

Douglas Fussell 54 59 Potters Bar, Herts.

Bob Harris 54 61 Coventry, Warwicks.

David Hartwell 54 59 St Catherines, Ontario

Tony Hemmings 54 59 Cheshunt, Herts.

Mike Hiron 54 58 Enfield, Middx.

Ray Humphreys 54 60 Billericay, Essex

Ronald Johnson 54 59 Welwyn, Herts.

Graham Ling 54 61 Hook, Hants.

Tony McKeer 54 61 Broadstone, Dorset

Roger Melling 54 62 New Barnet, Herts.

Morris Milner 54 61 Tottenham

Tony Moffat 54 61 Bar Hill, Cambs.

Richard Phillippo 54 62 Carshalton Beeches

Kenneth Saunders 54 62 London

Ian Smith 54 59 Croydon

Roy Stevenson 54 61 Frinton-on-sea, Essex

Robert Townsend 54 60 Barnet

Michael Weatherley 54 59 Frinton-on-Sea, Essex

Peter Weeks 54 60 Fleet, Hampshire

Andrew Wick 54 59 Broxbourne, Herts.

Alan Williams 54 60 West Malling, Kent

Adrian Andrusier 55 62 London

Barrie Bennett 55 59 Hertford

Peter Bonner 55 62 Potters Bar

Martin Burr 55 60 Merstham, Surrey

Andrew Dunlop 55 62 Sheffield, S.Yorks.

Roger Edmonston 55 60 Ansty,West Sussex

Trevor Fenner 55 62 London

Geoffrey Gascoine 55 60 Esher, Surrey

Michael Geering 55 62 Walton-on-Thames

Michael Heath 55 62 Emsworth, Hants.

Brian, Howlett 55 62 Keighley,W. Yorkshire

Alan Hunt 55 62 Farnham, Surrey

John Ivey 55 62 St Albans, Herts.

Keith Knight 55 63 Woodford Green

Michael Mote 55 60 Grange Park, London

David Pitt 55 61 Luton, Beds.

David Sheath 55 62 Castletown, Isle of Man

Micahel Smith 55 60 Amersham, Bucks.

Tony Turner 55 62 Manukau, Auckland

David Vicary 55 62 Chelmsford, Essex

John Cater 56 63 Padworth Common, Berks.

Stewart Colley 56 63 Teddington, Middx

Rodney Dennison 56 61 Freshwater, Isle of Wight

Reginald Eccles 56 59 Felpham, W. Sussex

David Freear 56 62 Nr Reading, Berks.

Barry Groves 56 63 Berkhamsted, Herts.

Anthony Henfrey 56 63 Alnwick, Northumberland

Ray Hind 56 63 Brighton, Victoria

Robert Hood 56 63 Twickenham, Middx.

Owen Hooker 56 61 Felixstowe, Suffolk

David Lincoln 56 63 Orpington, Kent

Oliver Manton 56 64 Toronto, Ontario

Bob Margree 56 63 King's Lynn, Norfolk

Keith Mullender 56 63 Much Hadham, Herts.

Jim Mulley 56 63 Woldingham, Surrey

Colin Munday 56 63 Broxbourne, Herts.

Roger Phillpot 56 63 Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Russell Plumley 56 64 London

Raymond Prestage 56 61 Palmers Green

Barry Skelding 56 63 Radlett,Herts

Ken Stevens 56 62 Nr Reading, Berks.

Mark Thompson 56 63 Leyburn, North Yorks.

Michael West 56 61 Cranleigh, Surrey


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

Glyn Williams 56 63 Northallerton, N. Yorks.

Chris Woodhams 56 63 London

Peter Armstrong 57 63 Nassau, Bahamas

John Carey 57 64 Ely,Cambs.

David Deane 57 62 High Barnet, Herts.

Kerry Hawkins 57 64 Exeter, Devon

Roger Kindell 57 65 E Bridgford, Notts.

Chris Langford 57 64 Tring, Herts

David Smith 57 62 Whetstone

Russell Stephenson 57 64 Welwyn Garden City

Chris Wilkins 57 63 Radlett, Herts.

Michael Andrews 58 65 Verwood, Dorset

Robert Assirati 58 65 Tonbridge Kent

Paul Biddulph 58 63 Leighton Buzzard, Beds

Malcolm Brown 58 66 Sandhurst,Kent

Michael Evans 58 64 Cheltenham, Glos.

Lorrimer Fellingham 58 65 Wantage, Oxon

Michael Fitch 58 65 Nr Ware, Herts.

Robert Francis 58 65 Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

Bob Gingell 58 64 Hemel Hempstead

Philip Hill 58 63 Highams Park

Peter Langridge 58 65 Liphook, Hants.

Peter Miller 58 66 Barnet

Robert Nelson 58 65 Farnham, Surrey

Frank Pearce 58 64 London

Stephen Platten 58 66 Berwick-upon-Tweed

Arthur Reeve 58 65 Hong Kong

Leslie Singleton 58 65 Pleshey, Essex

Steve Trew 58 66 Poole, Dorset

Malcolm Wakefield 58 63 Darlington, Co.Durham

John Ward 58 65 Norwich, Norfolk

Edward Winter 58 65 Betchworth, Surrey

Derrick Ashley 59 66 Hitchin, Herts.

Peter Cook 59 64 Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk

Geoff Holmes 59 66 Hexham, Northumberland

Barry James 59 65 New Southgate

Robert Pedder 59 65 Aylesbury, Bucks

Jim Townsend 59 66 East Barnet

John Aanonson 60 67 Uxbridge

Ian Ball 60 66 Winchmore Hill Alan

Barnard 60 67 Altrincham, Cheshire

Robert Bird 60 67 Linton, Cambs.

Alan Currans 60 67 Dartford, Kent

Reg Davies 60 67 Friern Barnet

Andrew Forrow 60 67 Welwyn Garden City

Anthony Innes 60 67 Snape, Suffolk

Philip Miall 60 67 Southgate

David Owen 60 67 Lairg, Sutherland

Martin Palmer 60 66 Bedford, Beds.

Mike Pinfield 60 66 Harrow

Simon Westbrook 60 67 Scotts Valley, California

Paul Westley 60 67 Frigiliana, Malaga

Keith Allen 61 68 Fritchley, Derbys.

Reg Bailey 61 67 Royston, Herts

Nigel Burt 61 68 Lutterworth, Leics.

Geoffrey Carrington 61 67 Enfield, Midds.

Richard Edis 61 68 Amersham, Bucks.

Peter Ford 61 66 Peterborough

Philip Geering 61 68 Winchmore Hill

Michael Heath 61 68 Kibworth, Leics.

Robert Hughes 61 68 Enfield

Tony Mash 61 68 Godalming, Surrey

Russell Miller 61 62 Winchmore Hill

Derek Mitchell 61 68 Spalding, Lincs.

Alan Palmer 61 68 Warrington, Cheshire

Anthony Pigden 61 67 East Barnet

John Rowlands 61 68 Loughton, Essex

Martin Slatford 61 68 Tadley, Berkshire

Colin Walker 61 68 Hertford

Steve Young 61 68 Potters Bar, Herts.

Neil Adkins 62 67 Darlington

Simon Attar 62 69 Edgware

Tony Bishop 62 66 Enfield

Daniel Bone 62 69 High Barnet

Peter Bothwick 62 69 Redditch,Worcs.

Stephen Chaudoir 62 63 Castle Cary,Somerset

David Chelsom 62 67 Ilminster,Somerset

Stephen Collins 62 69 Pinner

John Copleston 62 67 Andover, Hants

Geoffrey Dent 62 69 Haywards Heath

David Ford 62 ? Hove

Ian Gillies 62 68 Reading, Berks.

John Gray 62 68 Thorpe Bay, Essex

Graham Hobbs 62 69 Manchester, Lancs.

David Hudson 62 69 Chislehurst,Kent

Terence Jaggers 62 69 London

Peter Jarvis 62 68 Cuffley, Herts.

John Lambert 62 69 Hull, E. Yorks.

Peter Prazsky 62 67 Colchester,Essex

Graham Rawlings 62 69 Exeter,Devon

David Shaw 62 67 Chalfont St Giles, Bucks.

Barry Soames 62 69 Padbury, Bucks.

Ross Thompson 62 69 Northampton

Roger Turkington 62 68 Stradbroke, Suffolk

Steven Wallace 62 ? Reymerston, Norfolk

Malcolm Wandrag 62 68 Waterford,Herts.

Raymond Warren 62 67 Pinner

Charles Webster-Smith 62 68 St Albans, Herts.

John Welch 62 69 Sevenoaks, Kent

Timothy Westbrook 62 69 Radlett, Herts.

Colin Williams 62 69 Amersham, Bucks.

Terence Wyld 62 68 Cullompton, Devon

Nigel Adams 63 70 Dulwich

Christopher Bell 63 70 Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts.

Stephen Bensley 63 70 Welwyn Garden City

Alan Burgess 63 70 St Albans, Herts

Frank Clapp 63 69 Broxbourne

David Clark 63 68 Borehamwood

Richard Cotton 63 66 Camden Town

Nigel Dant 63 71 Reading, Berks.

Geoffrey Edis 63 68 Teignmouth, Devon

Peter Gotham 63 67 Cambridge

Keith Hacker 63 70 Wellingborough, Northants.

Martin Lawrence 63 70 Northampton

Anthony Little 63 70 Swindon, Wilts.

Derek Montague 63 69 Ringwood, Hants.

Geoffrey Quick 63 70 Farnham, Surrey

Robert Segall 63 71 St Albans, Herts.

Jonathan Stern 63 70 London

Derrick Williamson 63 68 N Mymms, Herts.

Peter Winter 63 70 Warrington, Lancs.

Geoff Aanonson 64 71 Brentwood, Essex

John Assirati 64 72 Wanstead, London

Robin Baker 64 71 Chigwell, Essex

Andrew Baldwin 64 69 Ross-on-Wye, Herefords.

Jonathan Champion 64 71 E Barnet

Carolos Dandolo 64 71 Leicester, Leics.

Alex Flemming 64 71 Wickede, Ruhr

Tim Grollman 64 71 Lewisham

Graham Hawkins 64 71 High Barnet

Nick Henwood 64 71 Northampton

Eric Hewitt 64 71 Swindon, Wilts.

Richard Hudson 64 71 Hornsey

Michael Kahn 64 71 Enfield

Ray Parsell 64 71 Dorchester, Dorset

Geoffrey Richmond 64 71 Malvern, Worcs.

Malcolm Smith 64 71 Surbiton, Surrey

Keith Southam 64 71 Norbury

Robert Tuttle 64 71 Newbury, USA

Robert Watts 64 71 Cheshunt

John Baldwin 65 69 Kings Langley

Paul Bateman 65 70 Halstead, Essex

John Berwick 65 70 Stevenage, Herts.

Geoff Blackmore 65 72 Baldock, Herts.

Richard Cave 65 72 Camberley, Surrey

Munawar Dawoodi 65 72 Munich, Germany

Graham Ellis 65 70 Eastleigh, Hants.

Richard Forty 65 72 Bishops Stortford, Herts.

Robert Fry 65 71 Enfield

James Knight 65 72 Fairford, Glos.

Laurie Maybanks 65 71 London

Dominic McStay 65 70 Peterborough, Cambs.

Eric Orros 65 69 Ongar, Essex

Anthony Powell 65 71 Horsell, Surrey

Steven Presland 65 72 London

Peter Sandell 65 72 Potters Bar

Richard Steff 65 71 Welwyn Garden City

Stephen Streater 65 72 Cuffley

Terence White 65 71 Goffs Oak, Herts.

Huw Williams 65 72 Bridgend

David Catanach 66 72 Newark, Notts.

Nigel Clarke 66 71 New Barnet

Stephen Cleak 66 73 London

Peter Emmerson-Darnell 66 72 Hayes, Kent

David Flynn 66 71 Sherborne St John, Hamps.

Andrew Hamment 66 73 Thame, Oxon.

Steve Hawkins 66 73 Truro, Cornwall

Alun Jeffreys 66 72 East Finchley

Cliff Lord 66 72 Waltham Cross, Herts.

Ian Meyrick 66 72 Barnet

Keith Archer 67 72 Pinner

Douglas Beckwith 67 73 Cambridge

Ian Blackmore 67 74 St Albans, Herts.

William Bushnell 67 71 Grays, Essex

Hyder Dastagir 67 74 South Norwood

David Fuller 67 74 Broxbourne, Herts.

Robert Giles 67 73 Weymouth, Dorset

Clive Giles 67 74 Newton Abbott, Devon

Hussein Hussein 67 74 Dagenham, Essex

Michael Morrison 67 74 Enfield

Ron Richardson 67 73 Reepham, Norwich

Nick Skinner 67 72 Knebworth, Herts.

Neil Steff 67 72 Welwyn Garden City

Peter Thomas 67 73 St Albans, Herts

Andrew Tzortzi 67 72 Southgate

Kevin Waller 67 73 Alexandra Park

Ken Wheatley 67 74 Bishops Stortford, Herts.

Michael Wood 67 73 Hemel Hempstead, Herts

Peter Bennett 68 70 Enfield

Ray Borella 68 75 Hertingfordbury, Herts

Richard Griffiths 68 75 Ashford, Kent

Stephen Hayward 68 73 Wolverhampton

John Leonard 68 75 Harpenden, Herts

Bill Martindale 68 73 East Barnet

Martin Wells 68 75 London

Michael Brookes 69 76 Knebworth, Herts

Andrew Clark 69 71 Pulborough, W Sussex

Peter Maddigan 69 76 Peterborough,Cambs.

Alan Clarke 70 76 Cuffley, Herts

Ian Morrison 70 76 High Wycombe, Bucks.

Pasquale Acierno 71 78 London

Alan Brookes 71 78 Huntingdon, Cambs.

Paul Catanach 71 76 Puckeridge, Herts

Glen Catlin 71 78 Wymondham, Norfolk

Richard Cocks 71 78 Enfield

David Gilligan 71 76 Enfield

Anthony Joyce 71 76 Arnos Grove

Keith Roberts 71 78 Cuffley, Herts.

Chris Williams 71 79 Waterlooville, Hants.

Marco Bittante 72 79 Chelmsford, Essex

Andrew Devon 72 79 Hove, E. Sussex

Nicholas Kouppari 72 79 Bakewell, Derbys.

Walter McKone 72 80 Wood Green

Charles Traylen 72 79 Brussels

Stephen Baldwin 73 80 Hitchin, Herts.

Paul Clague 73 80 Hampstead

Anthony Eade 73 80 East Barnet

Michael Howell 73 80 Fareham, Hants.

Michael Ttofi 73 80 Cheshunt, Herts.

Barry White 73 78 Enfield

Mark Willison 73 80 Milton Keynes

Steve Atkins 74 81 Windlesham, Surrey

Liam Gallagher 74 81 Winchmore Hill

Bekir Hassan 74 82 Leamington Spa

Richard Jenkins 74 81 Winchmore Hill

John Constantinou 75 82 East Barnet

Benjamin Udejiofo 75 82 Sheffield

Neerunjun Jootun 76 81 Nottingham

Richard Slatford 76 83 Mitcham, Surrey

Zaki Hassan 77 82 Wood Green

Adrian Broadbent 78 82 Bishops Waltham

Alan Dobbie 78 83 Wood Green

Max Salvadori 78 83 Waltham Abbey

Joshua Beadon 79 84 Exeter, Devon

Costakis Yiacoumi 79 84 Oakwood

Andreas Christou 80 85 Bush Hill Park

Peter Ibrahim Hinton St George, Somerset

Mary Pryor (Staff ) Berkhamsted


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

Owen Rowe - our oldest member

Born 13th October 1921. Lived in Mount

Pleasant Villas, Crouch End.

Started at Stationers on 15th September

1930. Stationers was a fee paying Boys

Grammar School under the control of the

Stationers' Company, a City of London

Worshipful Company; later taken over by

Middlesex County Council open to boys

who passed the 11+.

Miss Amy Preston first teacher in the

Lower Preparatory Department. Major

John Huck was the first Headmaster,

succeeded by Mr. Sydney Nunn.

Good times at school with excellent staff

who endeavoured to ensure that pupils

under their control had a good if not

intensive education. The school had high

standards in sport. Owen recalls Arsenal

first team player Bob John, a Welsh

International, coaching the school 1st 11

on a Wednesday afternoon! In 1935 the

school acquired a sports field at Winchmore

Hill previously owned by St Bartholomew’s

and The Royal London Hospitals. These

provided Stationers with 4 football pitches,

tennis courts, and athletic facilities and

enabled the school to compete at a higher

level with surrounding schools. Mr. R.

Scott was the Master in charge of sports,

assisted by Mr. AMP Jones, a Welsh Youth

Football International. The Cricket Square

was kept to such a high standard that the

Middlesex County 2nd Eleven played

their home matches on it.

It is with much regret that in the 80’s

Haringey Council closed the school and

sold the sports ground to Sainsbury’s.

In the spring of 1939 Owen sat his

London Matriculation, a university

entrance exam that he passed. Instead of

continuing with education he joined

Barclays Bank in the June as a junior

working in Crouch End and joined the

Territorial Army. Called up following the

outbreak of the 2nd World War that

started in September 1939 and joined the

Middlesex Regiment in Edgeware. The

Regiment was posted to France but, as

under 21, Owen was not allowed to go and

was transferred to Royal East Kent

Regiment, “The Buffs”, based in


Posted to Folkestone, dug trenches to

defend against invasion across the English

Channel. Regularly spotted German

Aircraft flying over to bomb London. Sent

to guard Manston Airfield with very

limited ammunition! Regularly “stukad”*,

a very frightening experience for an 18

year old.

The 'Royal Air Force Aerodrome Defence

Corps' (the Royal Air Force Regiment)

was established by Royal Warrant on 1st

February 1942, giving RAF commanders

control over the defence of their own assets

and releasing Army units for redeployment.

Back in Canterbury Owen had the

opportunity to join the Special Services

that later became the Commandoes.

Having volunteered he was transferred to

Achnacarry Scotland for 12 weeks initial

training and once passed was posted to No

4 Commandoes with training in Troon

and billeted into private residences rather

than barracks. Commanding Officer was

Lord Lovet, chief of the Frazer clan, a

superb leader of men with charisma with

those he commanded eager to follow.

Detailed training was undertaken around

the British Isles, with always a warm

welcome from the Scottish Highlands to

sea borne attacks on the coast in Cornwall.

Chevalier in the

Ordre national de la

legion d'honneur

Owen Rowe, was awarded the insignia of

Chevalier de la legion d’honneur by the

President of the Republic of France in

2015. This has been awarded to the 3,800

survivors of the 1944 Normandy invasion.

The award was established by Napoleon in

1802 as France's highest award for

excellence in civil or military conduct.

The letter that accompanied the insignia

described it “as the highest honour in

recognition of his acknowledged military

engagement and his steadfast involvement

in the Liberation of France during the

Second World War. The Europe of peace

we live in should never forget the heroes

who came from Britain and the

Commonwealth to begin the liberation of

Europe by liberating France.” The letter

notes that “France owes its freedom and

security to your dedication because you

were ready to risk your life.”

Overlord - June 6th 1944

Landing at Sword Beach in the early

morning the Commandos took just under

for hours to advance through enemy-held

territory to relieve the glider-borne force

lead by Major John Howard who had

successfully captured Pegasus Bridge. The

Commandos then crossed the Orne canal

and river taking up a defensive position

repulsing the Germans who were trying to


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

cut off the bridgehead. The Commando

regiment was withdrawn in September of

that year returning to the UK to reform

and re-equip. Owen returned to combat in

the Commando attack on the fortified

island of Walcheren to remove the dug-in

German forces preventing Allied access to

the port of Antwerp.

Within Overlord, No.4 Commando took on

an assault role. They were the first

Commandos to hit the beaches on D-Day.

Having disembarked from their landing

craft Princess Astrid and Maid of Orleans,

with 500 men, they landed on Queen Red

beach to find 8 Infantry Brigade pinned

down by enemy fire. In the mêlée that

followed the Commandos suffered forty

casualties including the Commander,

Lieutenant-Colonel Dawson. He handed

over his command to Menday. The

Commando pushed forward, breaking out

onto the coastal road and set off for

Ouistreham, led by Nos.1 and 8 (French)

troops of No.10 (IA) Commando. No.4

Commando joined the others at Hauger and

dug in between Sallanelles and Le Plein.

Continuous enemy pressure on the

Commando forestalled efforts to send a

relief force to No.45 (RM) Commando,

and by 8th June Nos.3 and 6 were both

forced to mount counter-attacks during

the day. By the evening, No.45 managed to

break out and reach No.4's lines. No.4

Commando was withdrawn, for some

much needed rest, and replaced by the

12th Parachute Battalion.

On 1st August, Mills-Roberts was ordered

to seize and hold a section of high ground

by dawn the following day. This was in

support of a further advance to Dozule by

6th Airborne Division. No.4 Commando

led with Nos.3, 45 and 6 following behind.

The Brigade infiltrated through the

German line and reached the objective

before the Germans realized it. There were

four counter-attacks throughout the day

but the brigade held firm.

No.1 SS Brigade landed at Southampton

and Gosport on 8-9 September, and No.4

Commando moved to Shanklin, Isle of

Wight to retrain, reequip and rest. During

this period new volunteers were recruited

and trained. No.4 Commando was later

sent back to the continent to take over

from the shattered No.46 (RM)

Commando, which was down to a strength

of only 200 men.

Walcheren - Nov 1 to 8 1944

The fortified island of Walcheren guarded

the approaches to Antwerp some 25 miles

up the Scheldt. The use of Antwerp

harbour was needed to supply the

advancing Allied forces, but first of all the

German's had to be removed from


In the assault on the island No.4

Commando was tasked with crossing from

Breskens and attacking Flushing. This was

to be done in concert with Nos.1 and 8

(French) Troops and supported by 155

Infantry Brigade. No.4 Commando landed

at 0545 hours and attacked Flushing after

having some trouble finding a suitable

landing spot. By 1600 hours they had

reached most of its objectives, and

consolidated, continuing the battle the

next day. Typhoons attacked enemy

positions and after a prolonged battle the

Germans made a bolt for it suffering

several casualties from No.5 (French)


No.4 handed over to 155 Brigade two days

later and embarked by LVT to assault two

gun batteries, W3 and W4, north-west of

Flushing, They landed in a gap in the dyke

but the attack was postponed to give the

Commando the rest it needed after 40

hours of continuous activity. The attack

was later cancelled when No.47 (RM)

Commando broke through. Now

concentrated at Zouteland, there was a

pause for re-supply. The next mission, in

conjunction with No. 48, was to clear the

Overduin woods, and then push onto

Vrouwenpolder to engage remaining

enemy resistance.

As the front moved westward No.4

Commando were made responsible for the

Walcheren area. After a period of refitting

and rest at Ostend they spent the remainder

of the war guarding the approaches to

Antwerp. Visit Walcheren for a full

account of the action.

No.4 Commando was wound down in

Germany having had a strength of only

180 men by June 1945. It was disbanded in

mid-November 1945.

After returning from North Africa, No. 6

Commando became part of the 1st Special

Service Brigade, commanded by Brigadier

The Lord Lovat. The grouping of the

commandos into brigades underneath the

divisional-sized Special Service Group

headquarters was part of the general

reorganisation that took place in late 1943

as the evolution of their role from raiding

to assault infantry was formalised. This

saw a change in the individual unit

establishments, with the addition of

organic transport assets, as well as an

increase in the allocation of indirect and

direct fire support weapons at commando

level. Further support units were added at

brigade level, including administration,

transport, logistics and signals.

On D-Day the 1st Special Service Brigade

was tasked with landing behind the 8th

Infantry Brigade, capturing the port of

Ouistreham and linking up with the 6th

Airborne Division on the eastern flank of

Sword Beach, where they were holding the

high ground near La Plein and the bridges

over the River Orne and Caen Canal. No.

6 Commando, with Lovat's brigade

headquarters, came ashore at the Queen

Red sector of Sword Beach, near La

Breche, at 8:40 am on 6 June 1944.

No. 6 Commando led the brigade from

the beach. Moving through a swamp that

briefly slowed their progress, the

commandos began to come up against the

German defences that had not been

destroyed by the naval bombardment.

Where possible they attempted an indirect

approach, penetrating the defences using

infiltration tactics. However, as they

advanced towards bridges that had been

captured by the paratroopers earlier in the

day, they assaulted four pillboxes as well as

an artillery battery that had been firing on

the landing beaches.

In the end it took the commando threeand-a-half

hours to advance the 6.5 miles

(10.5 km) to the bridges, with the lead

elements, mounted on bicycles, linking up

with glider borne troops from D Company,

2nd Battalion, Oxford and Buckinghamshire

Light Infantry under Major John Howard.

After effecting the link up, the commandos

joined with paratroops from the 9th

Battalion, The Parachute Regiment in an

attack on the village of La Plein, before

digging in to begin defending against

possible counterattack. By the end of the

day, No. 6 Commando had suffered three

killed and 32 wounded.

In the week that followed the brigade

undertook defensive duties as the Germans

attempted to apply pressure on the

beachhead by infiltrating the defensive

positions on the eastern flank. On 12 June,

the airborne troops launched an attack on

the village of Breville from where German

artillery had been shelling them during the

preceding week. Although successful,

British casualties were high. Having been

subjected to an intense artillery barrage,

No. 6 Commando suffered 16 casualties.

The barrage also wounded the brigade

commander, Lord Lovat, to the extent that

No. 6 Commando's commanding officer,

Mills-Roberts, although wounded himself,


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0


asked to take over from him. Major

Anthony Lewis, formerly of the Dorset

Regiment stepped up to take over as

commanding officer temporarily, before

being confirmed in the role on 24 June and

receiving a promotion to acting-lieutenant

colonel. He remained in command until 8

August 1944, when Lieutenant Colonel

Charles Courtney-Coade of the South

Staffordshire Regiment took over, and

Lewis reverted to the role of second-incommand.

Although they had initially been told that

they would be withdrawn from the front

within 48 hours, the strategic situation

called that they remained at the front

holding the ground on the eastern flank. In

late July a breakout from the beachhead

was attempted and the 1st Special Service

Brigade moved through the Le Bois de

Bavent, a large wooded area, as the

Germans began to withdraw. Nevertheless,

little progress was made, and, after a brief

move which saw No. 6 Commando

advance to Bavent, they went on the

defensive again.

On 18 August, however, a general advance

began and the following morning No. 6

Commando took part in an attack to seize

an area of high ground to the east of the

Dives, north of Dozule. The attack took

place under the cover of darkness and the

lead elements were able to infiltrate deep

into the German positions before they were

detected. By daybreak the position had

been captured and over the course of the

day four determined counter-attacks were

repelled. In one attack, a troop from No. 6

Commando rushed their attackers, killing

the senior German officer and capturing 25

prisoners as the attack was broken up.

On 27 September the Brigade was

withdrawn to an assembly area in De

Haan, Belgium. It then prepared for

another amphibious assault, on the Dutch

island of Walcheren. The island lay at the

mouth of the Scheldt River, which ran

from Antwerp to the sea. Until the island

and the northern banks of the river were

cleared, the port could not be used to

support the Allied advance. Allied bombers

breached the dykes on 3 October at

Westkapelle, Flushing and Veere, flooding

the island, leaving only a few dry areas

around its perimeter and greatly restricting

the Germans’ freedom of movement.

The 4th Special Service Brigade formed

the seaborne element of the attack while

British and Canadian infantry attacked

overland from the mainland. This time the

commandos came ashore in Landing


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

wailing sirens, becoming the propaganda

symbol of German air power and the

so-called blitzkrieg victories of 1939–1942.

The Stuka operated with considerable

success in close air support and antishipping

at the outbreak of World War II.

It led air assaults in the invasion of Poland

in September 1939. Stukas were critical to

the rapid conquest of Norway, the

Netherlands, Belgium and France in 1940.

Sturdy, accurate, and very effective against

ground targets, the Stuka was, like many

other dive bombers of the period,

vulnerable to fighter aircraft. During the

Battle of Britain its lack of maneuverability,

speed and defensive armament meant that

it required a heavy fighter escort to operate


Trevor Rowe

(Owen's son)

Vehicle Tracked, (also known as Buffaloes),

which had already proven their worth in

the Pacific campaign. 41 Commando was

tasked with assaulting the town of

Westkapelle and then to move north along

the causeway to Domburg. Just to their

south, 48 Commando took on a radar

station and naval gun battery, while 47

completed the encirclement of the western

part of the island by moving south towards


The brigade would spend the rest of the

war making raids across the Maas River in

Operations Incalculable and Bogart.

After occupation duties in Germany, the

Brigade returned to the United Kingdom

in 1946 and was disbanded. [Background

information from The Commando

Association Commemorative Souvenir

18th September 2005]

Owen rose to the rank of Captain and

remained in the Commandos until 1947.

Following the war and back to ‘civvy street’

Owen returned to work at Barclays Bank

with a number of roles: from working

again in high street branches;

‘Mechanisation’ all over the country that

involved introducing machines to replace

paper ledgers; ‘Inspection’ to ensure all was

as it should be and finally becoming a

branch manager in Weston super Mare

and then taking on the second largest

branch in the South West region at Bath.

Owen retired from Barclays in 1981 and

now lives in Cirencester.

* The Junkers Ju 87 or Stuka (from

Sturzkampfflugzeug, "dive bomber") was a

German dive bomber and ground-attack

aircraft. Designed by Hermann Pohlmann,

it first flew in 1935. The Ju 87 made its

combat debut in 1937 with the Luftwaffe's

Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil

War and served the Axis forces in World

War II.

The aircraft was easily recognisable by its

inverted gull wings and fixed spatted

undercarriage. Upon the leading edges of

its faired main gear legs were mounted the

Jericho-Trompete ( Jericho trumpet)

Adrian Andrusier


I left school in the summer of 1962 and

went to work for a small Israeli insurance

company in Fenchurch Street London.

The plan was to go to live on a kibbutz in

Northern Israel and in case it didn't work

out, to work for the company in Tel Aviv.

Sadly my father died in February 1963 and

so I shelved this plan to help support my

mother. I had an excellent opportunity to

learn many skills with a small team of

experts - from underwriting, agency work

and office skills to working closely with an

actuary calculating premium rates and

overseeing annual valuations of the

company's liabilities.

When the office manager in Manchester

fell ill, at the age of 20 I was sent there to

hold the fort and ended up managing the

office when he failed to return – travelling

the length and breadth of Northern

England visiting insurance brokers to

drum up business.

I married in 1969 . 1 had by then taken a

role in Manchester with one of the

company's major brokers with a nationwide

sales force and used the experience to

become au fait with how direct selling of

insurance products needed to be carefully

vetted and helped develop and run a team


of compliance officers who visited clients

post sale to ensure appropriate advice had

been given.

The company moved me to London in

1971 to manage a London sales team.

Three years later I decided that my

conscience demanded a change to provide

independent advice snd so a colleague and

I set up our own insurance brokerage in

1974. It was a risky time insofar as I had a

three year old daughter and as son on the

way - born in June 1974 and income was

of course uncertain. We also only had

electricity for three days a week!!! ( the coal

strike) However we did well and built up a

successful company in Regent Street

London W1.

In 2004 we merged our client bank with a

Leicester brokerage and I served a 5 year

buyout at the end of which I continued

advising my clients and am still at it.

I very much enjoy my work and the regular

contact with clients I have been advising

for up to 45 years !!

I remarried a wonderful Italian lady and

am blessed with a 12 year old son and an

Italian family and friends. My daughter

has 19 year old twins (a boy and a girl) and

my son has a 10 year old boy.

After two life threatening ailments in the

last 9 years, I am happily fit and with both

my wife and son go dancing at least twice

per week and have a pretty large circle of

dance friends all over the world.

Three week long dance seminars per

annum - Hungary, UK and Belgium -

maintaining my connection with Israel

from afar through Israeli dancing. I never

settled there but visit to meet old friends

who did whenever I can.

I have built up an archive of Jewish life

before the Holocaust - ephemera,

postcards, postal history and autograph

letters a pretty demanding hobby when

you lead a busy life!! Waiting for the time

to write a series of books! !


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

I rekindled my school connection when

invited to a reunion lunch by Keith Knight

and recently enjoyed our third annual

lunch just last month. Bizarrely I still

remember my class 1 school registera bit of

a party piece.

Wonderful and clear memories of

Stationers' Company's School, my life

there, the masters the classrooms, the

playgrounds, the boys, the field, the

wilderness special moments the ATC .

I was really lucky to have been at that

happy place in my formative years.

Alan clarke


I was at the school from 1970-76 and left

to join HSBC in the City where I stayed

for 33 years, mainly in the Global Markets

business as part of the management team

running the global foreign exchange

business. In 2011 before joined the Spanish

bank BBVA until retirement in 2016.

Married to Jane and we have two boys

Tom (27) and Luke (24), and we live in

Cuffley, Herts.

I play golf of a fashion with a 17 handicap,

that I never play to, and was a keen

footballer and played for OS briefly in

76/77 captained by Mike Mote, before

HSBC insisted I play for them!

I am now a season ticket holder at Spurs as

well as a keen theatre goer and proud to be

an OS.

Sean Leonard


After Stationers I joined the Halifax to

start a career in banking. There followed

39 eventful years during which the world

of retail banking changed out of all

recognition. Experiencing three major

mergers/takeovers and then going to the

brink of a bank collapse made for

interesting times.

On the family side I have been married for

34 years and have two daughters aged 29

and 24. We have lived in Harpenden

Hertfordshire for our entire married life

and despite travelling extensively for work

we have never felt the need to move.

After retiring in 2012 and taking some

time out I returned to work part time for a

small charity in Stevenage who run a

preschool specialising in early intervention

for children with Autism. My spare time

is taken up with a number of interests

including travel, photography and classic


Bob Bird


After Stationers’, I went to Lampeter (and

Bordeaux) where I studied for a degree in

French. Then, I did a PGCE at Lancaster,

where I met my wife, Linda who said she

could never live in a city, so we’ve been in

or near the countryside ever since, first in

Staffordshire, then Suffolk and, for the last

36 years, in Cambridgeshire. We have one

daughter, also a countryside enthusiast

when not playing the concertina. I spent

my working life in schools as a languages

teacher, and later in a further education

college as a work-based learning adviser. I

was also a CSE, GCSE and A level

examiner (not all at the same time) so have

never had a holiday in June (until recently).

In retirement I do volunteer driving in the

village, help organise concerts for the

music society and am working part-time

on a research degree in linguistics at the

University of Essex.

keith southam



1) Gospel Oak Junior School (then living

in Gospel Oak) to 1960.

2) Rokesley Junior School (then living in

Hornsey) to 1964.

3) Stationers' School from 1964 to 1971

(we lived at 49 Mayfield Road (opposite St

Lukes Church Hall) and I was never late

for school!!)

School accolades

1) Played football for Rokesley Junior

School, Stationers' School and Old

Stationers (until 1975).

2) I was a prefect, house captain (maybe

Meredith ?) and Deputy School Captain

in the upper sixth form (1970/1971)

Further education

Went to Leeds University in 1971 to study

"Food Science" but dropped out after a

year (couldn't get to grips with the very

complex organic chemistry !!)


Having returned to London, mainly

working in the city for pension scheme

actuaries and brokers (but have since


Personal life

Married in 1990 having previously moved

to South London and have two grown up

sons. Now divorced and living in Norbury

(not far from the former Barclays Bank

Sports Ground).

Interests and recreation

1) Still a Spurs fan (but only on Sky/BT

Sport!!) and haven't seen an actual game

for many years although I've been to the

new stadium a couple of times.

2) retired from playing OSFC in about

1975. Subsequently switched to tennis,

played for a few local clubs and later for

Sanderstead Tennis Club when I moved to

South London.

3) Retired from playing tennis in about

2008 then joined the Croydon Ramblers

and now lead "interest" walks for other

groups around london

Recent contacts with other

Old Stationers in my year

Richard Hudson and Tim Grollman

(every few months in town) and more

recently Mike Kahn, Geoff Aanonson,

Hugh Alexander and Malcom Smith.


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0



Dudley Stuart Hollinghurst D.Eng MIEE

MBIM, was born in Hornsey, North

London on 15th October 1919.

Dudley attended The Stationers’

Company’s School where he received an

excellent academic grounding; it also

shaped his character for many years to

come – he had a keen eye for detail and a

love of cricket!

Dudley joined the County of London

Supply Company in 1936, which later

became the London Electricity Board

where he was a First Engineer.

Dudley was a w/sgt in the Royal Corps of

Signals during the Second World War

from 1939 to 1946 and served for a time in


After the War, Dudley continued working

for LEB and also studied part-time in the

evening at Northampton Polytechnic,

London EC1. After 3 years’ study, in

1949, he completed an Ordinary Grade in

Electrical Engineering and then went on

to achieve a Higher Grade National

Certificate in Electrical Engineering in

1951 for Electrical Technology (with

Distinction), Electrical Power and


In 1956 Dudley was elected an Associate

Member of the Institution of Electrical

Engineers and in 1969 was admitted as an

Associate Member of the British Institute

of Management.


After 25 years’ service, Dudley moved to

Croydon in 1961 to work for South

Eastern Electricity as Planning Engineer.

In 1976 Dudley was awarded a 40 years’

service award and retired in February

1978, having worked in the electricity

supply industry for 42 years. During this

period, he was commended in 1949 for

valuable assistance and loyalty during the

strike and in 1978 when storms had

considerable effect on overhead network

and restored supplies very quickly with

little interruption to the consumers.

In February 1979 Dudley joined Segas as

Sector Electrical Engineer and retired

after 5½ years in November 1984. Even

when retired, he wanted to remain active,

so took on a few local part-time roles to

keep occupied; he worked at Courtlands in

Gatwick which he thoroughly enjoyed and

also did part-time work for Surrey County

Council ‘counting buses’.

In 1992 the Engineering Council

authorised Dudley to use the title of

‘Chartered Engineer’ – a great achievement.

Dudley fought a very brave battle with

oesophagus and stomach cancer and

although had pioneering surgery to replace

his oesophagus in 1992, he died at home,

nursed by my mother, on 3rd September

1993. Sadly, my mother, Ann Hollinghurst,

recently passed away on 22nd July 2019

aged 92.

Dudley had a marvellous sense of humour,

he was very brave, and he was my mentor

and Dad.

Karen Hollinghurst

Terence Weatherley

m.weatherley m.weatherley@virgin.net

19th November 2019

Hi Tim

I’m sorry to have to inform you that my

brother Terry died after a short illness in


Terry was at Stationers from 1951 – 58.

Upon leaving he trained to become a

teacher and upon completion of his training

joined an inner London Primary School.

In the late seventies he got married and

moved to Suffolk to be Headmaster at

Kessingland School and later moved on to

Ringsfield School also as Headmaster.

Terry was very proactive and he and some

of his pupils appeared on BBC Blue Peter

on two occasions. He retired in 1995 but

carried on supply teaching up to last year.

He was also involved with local history

and archaeological groups often giving

talks to community clubs.

Terry is survived by his wife, two daughters

and a son. His burial and committal was at

Ringsfield Church, Suffolk and I felt very

proud when over 100 people attended the



Mike Weatherley


Tony Budd

I was shocked and saddened to read in the

obituary column of the Daily Telegraph

dated 17th April 2019 that Tony Budd

had died.

I got to know Tony when l joined the Old

Statloners' Football Club on leaving school

in 1950.

Tony captained one of the most successful


T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

His radio plays were played in the

afternoon introduced by his sons Jack and

Ralph with his ‘Finsbury Park’ resonating

with those amongst us who knew the

tunnel at Wells Terrace, the state of

dilapidation under the railway arches in

Stroud Green Road, the nature of the

adjacent public lavatories and the effect of

Dave Matthews’ rattle as some of us made

our way to Highbury to watch inevitable

failure at 3.00 on Saturdays.

The later evening session was a series of

extracts from his performed works and

tributes from Director, Ian Rickson, actor

and fellow Arsenal season ticket holder,

David Westhead, fellow playwrights he

had nurtured and inspired, the National

student Drama festival he had supported

from time immemorial, his agent Mel

O.S.F.C. sides in 1957/58 when we won

the 'Old Boys' Senior Cup and the

Southern Amateur League Second

Division title.

Tony was the perfect gentleman, a captain

who was always calm and collected who

commanded respect not only on the field

but also on the Saturday night celebrations

following a game. The ladies would refer

to him as a charming personality.

In 1951 I moved to Somerset with my wife

Stella but continued to keep in touch with

Tony and Pauline, meeting up on a regular

basis especially on big Birthday arrd

Wedding Anniversaries. These occasions

involved other Old Stationers in particular

Ron Madley, Bern Kelly, Gordon Rose

and Derek Pyrke amongst others. However,

in recent years our contact has been

&rough Christmas cards only.

We send our condolences to Tony's family.

Jack Hammond

tribute to

Stephen Jeffreys

The Royal Court Theatre held a

“Celebration of the Life and Work of

Stephen Jeffreys” at the theatre on Sunday

29th September just over a year after

Stephen’s untimely death from a brain

tumour. Stephen had been a Board member

and inspiration to aspiring playwrights at

the theatre for a very long time.

The day was a miscellany of tributes to

Stephen’s life in theatre overlaid with

poignant reflections of his work and his

contribution to the development of fellow



T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 9 0

Kenyon and his sister Susan who drew

regular and humorous attention to the

recently published ‘Playwriting’ by Stephen


A stellar cast including Emma Thompson,

Toby Jones, Jason Watkins and Jane

Horrocks performed extracts that brought

out Stephen’s ability to draw out the

humour in any situation from Regency

disreputability to current themes of

friendship and money and family

businesses. Alongside all of this was a brief

rendition from his West End hit musical

about the early days of the Beatles.

These were interspersed with younger

playwrights giving thanks for the unfailing

help and guidance he had provided early in

their careers.

The event was overseen and directed by his

wife Annabel supported by the Royal

Court Theatre.

The evening ended on an upbeat note with

Tom Morley leading the audience in a

rendition of “Sloop John B” which brought

the house down.

As would be expected, the audience in

upbeat mood retired to the bar to sample

the ample hospitality provided by the

Royal Court. I was joined by Tony Mash,

Alan Palmer, George Hepburn, Rob

Hughes and Clive Blenkinsop and a good

time was had by all.

Stephen would have enjoyed his send off.

Michael Heath

Michael (Ginner)

& Sheila Johns

scattering of ashes

The 14th August 2019 would have been

Michael and Sheila’s Golden Wedding

anniversary. To mark the occasion their

elder daughter Kate brought their ashes

back from South Africa where they had

lived since their marriage in 1969. They

were married at St James Church, Muswell

Hill and the ashes were scattered there

around a Camellia tree planted earlier.

14 relatives and friends attended the

ceremony and Revd. Canon David Finch

(Kate’s godfather) and Old Stationer

1952-59 and I attended on behalf of the

year of 1953. It was pouring wet day but

they had a splendid commemoration and

then we all adjourned to a local restaurant

for a meal and drinks. Michael and Sheila

would have approved.

Michael’s obituary written by David and

also one by Chris Seabrook 1953-59

appeared in magazine no.86 February

2018. Sheila died soon after having had a

period of ill health.

Michael Hasler





14th December 2019

I read on facebook the other day, that

Hugh died on Monday aged 66; I have no

other details at this stage.

He was a year above me & I know he

came to a few dinners over the years.

I have emailed his daughters who posted

the message on his facebook page, to

request funeral arrangements so it can be

posted on the website. I have also asked for

an obituary in due course that we can place

in the magazine and copied John Assirati

who was friends with Hugh at school who

will no doubt contact any other contemporaries.

Hugh lived in Wilton in Somerset.

Peter Sandell


Funeral is on Monday 6th January but

have not got the location yet.

News just in!

I am pleased to confirm that after

years of battling the bureaucracy at

Haringey Council I now have their

agreement to erect a commemorative

plaque at Stationers Park which will

notify visitors that this was the site of

Stationers' Company's School for

nearly 100 years. We havn't agreed yet

exactly where on the site this plaque

will be placed but I anticipate it will

be "in situ" early in the new year.

Tim Westbrook


OSa phOtOgRaphIc cOMpEtItIOn – “SpORt”

The inaugural OSA Photographic Competition had as its

theme, “Sport” which was interpreted liberally, although it

was great if it related to the School or OSA activities. The

theme of “Sport” was chosen as this is always a popular OSA

topic. The winner is to get a bottle of Champagne, presented

to him at the Annual Dinner in March 2020, where it is our

intention to display the entries.

OSA Members, could enter up to three photographs which

they should have taken. Four Members took up the

challenge and entered three photographs each, to give the

judges 12 photographs from which to choose the winner.

As judges, we used the following criteria: composition,

originality, interpretation of the theme, technical quality and

most importantly – how did an entry stand out from the


And the winner is: Tim Westbrook, for “After lunch wakeup

call for Botany Bay opening Batsman!” This was an

action shot taken on OSA President’s Day, at Botany Bay in

2013. It features Jack Wilkins (Chris Wilkins’, son) opening

the bowling for the President’s XI. We thought that the

winning photograph provides a perfectly balanced composition

of an action shot of the game. The photographer has

manged to capture the dynamics of the delivery, with the

speed and determination of the bowler and the flight of the

ball, both framed by the stumps, with the batsmen and

Umpire looking on in anticipation. The puff of chalk from

the bowler’s foot adds to the excitement of the delivery. We

felt that this picture evokes memories of the School and its

encouragement in both sport and competition, carried

through to the present day in the Association’s President’s

Day Match.

There was another photograph to which we decided to give

a Highly Commended Award. It was also one submitted by

Tim Westbrook, titled, “Fighting for possession” – An OSA

First Team match at Old Elizabethan’s, on Vet’s Reunion


Look out for the details of the next OSA Photographic

Competition, in a future edition of, ‘The Old Stationer’

magazine, so that you can enter too.

Tony Moffat and Peter Thomas

puzzlE SOlutIOnS

gREEk SuDOku



1. Liverpool

2. Manchester City

3. Tottenham

4. Manchester United

5. Leicester

6. Chelsea

7. Arsenal

8. Bournemouth

9. West Ham

10. Southampton

The Old Stationers’ Association

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