Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Marijuana refers to the dried Cannabis Sativa plant and is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. However, there are still many myths about the dangers of consuming it. It is also known as marijuana or hashish. It comes from the homonymous plant, which contains the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana refers to the dried Cannabis Sativa plant and is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. However, there are still many myths about the dangers of consuming it. It is also known as marijuana or hashish. It comes from the homonymous plant, which contains the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).


Acute toxicity from cannabinoid overdose may manifest itself with panicsymptoms, paranoid ideas, hallucinations, anxiety, violent reactions andaggressive behaviour, euphoria or discomfort, anxiety and suspicion. Its chronicuse may affect ones perception, memory, learning ability and emotional world.Cannabinoid users may experience financial, legal and work problems,communication problems, deficient social skills, mood disorders, difficultycontrolling anger and severe interpersonal issues. They may also be lackingmotivation, and experience loss of interest in activity and inability to participateand achieve a long-term goal.

Hemp is often used as a sedative for internal tension and stress, making the feelingof inner emptiness and dissatisfaction less threatening. It acts as a shield, retainingthe most painful emotions, as a means of anesthetizing the individual againstmental pain and as a means of escaping reality. The goal of treatment, which willlead to abstinence, is to deal with negative situations, especially internal ones, byunderstanding oneself and regaining responsibility.

Acute toxicity from cannabinoid overdose may manifest itself with panic

symptoms, paranoid ideas, hallucinations, anxiety, violent reactions and

aggressive behaviour, euphoria or discomfort, anxiety and suspicion. Its chronic

use may affect ones perception, memory, learning ability and emotional world.

Cannabinoid users may experience financial, legal and work problems,

communication problems, deficient social skills, mood disorders, difficulty

controlling anger and severe interpersonal issues. They may also be lacking

motivation, and experience loss of interest in activity and inability to participate

and achieve a long-term goal.

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