Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Marijuana refers to the dried Cannabis Sativa plant and is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. However, there are still many myths about the dangers of consuming it. It is also known as marijuana or hashish. It comes from the homonymous plant, which contains the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana refers to the dried Cannabis Sativa plant and is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. However, there are still many myths about the dangers of consuming it. It is also known as marijuana or hashish. It comes from the homonymous plant, which contains the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).


What if a marijuana user wants to stop using it?In 2018, illicit drug use in the U.S was driven primarily driven by marijuana use,with 43.5million marijuana users. However, until a few years ago it was difficultto find treatment programs specifically for marijuana users.

TreatmentDuring the treatment process, the treated cannabis users gain increasingconfidence in their own perceptions and in their interpersonal autonomy andeffectiveness. This result becomes a measure of therapeutic progress and a basisfor new degrees of correlation, increased self-confidence and self-esteem.Resistors for autonomous operation and for taking responsibility worktherapeutically through the realization, analysis and resolution of these difficultiesin all areas of the user's life. It provides a framework in which the therapist cantherapeutically work out pathological perceptual habits in relation to himself orherself, and to realize and modify pathological interactions through awareness.


During the treatment process, the treated cannabis users gain increasing

confidence in their own perceptions and in their interpersonal autonomy and

effectiveness. This result becomes a measure of therapeutic progress and a basis

for new degrees of correlation, increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

Resistors for autonomous operation and for taking responsibility work

therapeutically through the realization, analysis and resolution of these difficulties

in all areas of the user's life. It provides a framework in which the therapist can

therapeutically work out pathological perceptual habits in relation to himself or

herself, and to realize and modify pathological interactions through awareness.

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