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July 2020

Wind Chimes

The Woodridge High Newsletter

Truly this adventure has just begun.

It is not only a trail of memories through

the hallways of Woodridge High,

but also the tinkling laughter

of our children like Wind Chimes

at the door of discovery.

This Newsletter will be a positive

wind, blowing through the campus

and beyond. These thoughts and dreams

of all our dear students

and staff will be showcased in the

annals of this newsletter .Through Wind Chimes

each one will find the

Me time and enable their heart ’s chime .

These sounds will definitely

make us realise and appreciate the

silent peace around .

So lets get cracking Woodridge family and

start penning down our visions and views ,

Be the wind chiming in the change

”Change for the better ”

Like a Tree....

Ever Upward Ever Onward

Frances Rozario

( Principal)

“ The chimes were clinging in the wind.

Or were they clanging, and clinging to hope?”

- Jarod Kintz

I am delighted to introduce WindChimes, the monthly Newsletter of Woodridge High..

The gentle tinkling sound of wind chimes help attract positive energy. The more you feed your mind with positive

thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life.

Let #optimistic vibes be the new mantra in all our endeavors.

In the Year 2020, we celebrate many rsts, 10 years of Woodridge High, our excellent results from the rst batch of

Grade X, the beginning of Grade 11 and lastly we are proud of how our teachers for the very rst time have risen above

the fears of COVID – 19 and are doing their best to educate the students of Woodridge High.

WindChimes, will provide a perfect opportunity to immerse oneself in the articles written by the staff and students!

Each article, will be carefully picked, representing our students and their talents, we wish to nurture the students

writing skill and expression, so that the newsletter has a signicant impact on each student.

WindChimes, aims to enlighten, entertain and enrich each and every student, with interesting articles and will

include contributions on current situations, reviews, poems, stories, as well as book and movie reviews,

educational news, Woodridge High updates ,achievements of students in curricular, co-curricular , and

extra-curricular excellence will be highlighted through this newsletter. We believe the writing potential exists in

all but it is the urge to write that only a few possess. We hope that this head start will help them develop into the

thinkers and writers, they deserve to be in life.

WindChimes, is served by a very competent editorial board helping to make the newsletter impactful and highly


acclaimed in Aurangabad. I congratulate each one of them on this 1 edition . I also extend my appreciation to all

those who have contributed to this edition through their articles and experiences, I hope all the readers have as much

fun in reading this newsletter as we had in making it for you.

Our inaugural issue of WindChimes, covers, school programs, an interesting article on COVID - 19 for students,

an insight into what our students were doing during the Lockdown period through their interesting Journaling .....

Well Done !

I close this message by inviting more students to come forward and participate in WindChimes – Your Newsletter! !

We hope to hear from you all soon and welcome your articles.

Happy reading through WindChimes !!

Samantha Kothari



W 10



The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The small steps taken by Wooridge High have reached the

TEN year milestone. My heartiest congratulations to all the children, staff, parents and the Management of the school.

We celebrate this landmark with the Grade 10 results. Our first batch has won laurels for themselves and done the

school and parent fraternity very proud. We wish our children all the best and bless them for a beautiful and bright


My journey with these kids and the school began ten years ago in the Little Woods Nursery Kanchanwadi building.

Though the beginning was very humble, the dreams were big BUT the vision was very clear. The trust and support of

all the stakeholders made these dreams achievable.

Every step we took revealed a new horizon and a new challenge -Together, we braved the odds and fought our way

through rough times.

The year 2013 was a major turning point as we stepped into the new Woodridge High building. The airy classrooms,

the bright corridors, the daunting atrium were soon filled with the sounds of happy children and ever enthusiastic

teachers. Within no time we settled into our new home .

2015 saw the launch of our Middle school section, the nature of our approach started evolving. Woodridge High was

being noticed and we were getting recognition for our Academics. It motivated the team to work harder !

We have laid equal emphasis on co curricular activities and they have been integrated beautifully in our curriculum.

Our field trips have been a major highlight, they have ensured learning in a fun way. When most schools are shying

away from taking students out for camps or out of town educational trips, Woodridge High gave children experiences

they will cherish all their lives. For example The Pench trip , Pune-Mumbai educational tour, Sahas Camp,

Tadoba-Sabarmati and the Hyderabad trip have enriched students learning and bonded them with their teachers

even further.

As we grew, our children started participating in Competitive Examinations and Sports tournaments at the District,

State and National levels. This exposure gave us an insight into the world of ruthless competition. These are the thing

that children no matter how protected, cannot escape. With the launch of Senior Secondary, this aspect will be

reinforced and children will be prepared to enter the Global Scenario and take on challenges in a more structured way.

In these testing times, the Team Woodridge High stands strong and unified as we take on the new challenge of online

Teaching. Undeterred, we continue to reach out to our children, reinvent and better ourselves to ensure that each

child continues to learn in the safe environs of his/ her home.

We salute the commitment of each and every teacher and thank them for their unwavering support in this, Ever

Upward Ever Onward Journey.

In the words of Robert Frost,

We have promises to keep and miles to go before we sleep.

- Smita Joshi



Heartiest Congratulations to all

100% Result of the first grade X batch.

Swayam Chidrawar topper in Woodridge with 96.4%









Top 5 performers -

Swayam Chidrawar 96.4%,

Saifee Khadija 96.2%,

Vishwajeet Jadhav 95.6%,

Guransh Singh Sodhi 95.4%

Shreya Patil 95.2%.









Subject wise toppers :

English - 97- Swayam Chidrawar.


94 %







Hindi - 99 -

Harsh Malpani.

Maths - 100 - Vishwajeet Jadhav,

Saifee Khadija,

Aryanka Kade,

Yash Kothari,

Urvi Bagadiya.

















Science - 95 - Vishwajeet Jadhav,

Guransh Singh Sodhi

Manav Achha.

Social Studies - 100 - Swayam Chidrawar

Rutuja Chitlangi.









5 students scoring 100/100 in Mathematics

is a unique achievement.









55 students score 90 marks and above

in Social Studies.

40 students score 90 marks and above

in Mathematics.









37 students score 90 marks and above in Hindi.

No student is below 60%.

School aggregate average percentage 82.2%


Woodridge High Senior Secondary

The Hub for Future Learning!

Preparing Senior Secondary School students

for an Ever Upward and Ever Onward journey of life.

The Woodridge High Attributes - a paradigm shift towards preparing students for global

competence skills

• Co-curricular Activities

• Social Service Involvement

• Experiential Learning

• Pre Learning Preps

• Workshops

• Consultations

• Personality Enhancement

• CV/Resume building in 2 years

• Use of Learning Videos

• Revision Folders

• Mind Mapping

Students who intend to pursue a career in

Commerce, Science and Humanities

Our staff is all set to take off the Senior Secondary...

get the best of

teaching-learning environment. Senior Secondary at Woodridge High will be your guaranteed

pathway to University and Professional Courses.


Accountancy & Sociology












Economics & Legal Studies




Informatics Practices


Business Studies





Helping Ourselves





An instrument called ‘Bulbul Tarang’ is played by my grandfather

as a hobby. Due to the lockdown he is stuck in the village.

So I decided to repair it.

(Day 2 , 11/07/2020)

(Day 4 , 11/07/2020)

Being influenced by dad’s conversations

over the phone, I decided to give a try for

art films and found out that the movies

which are considered as the crap of the

industry were better than any commercial

or romantic or any other films.

Changing of a


In this time of pandemic and lockdown

it could be difficult to avail fresh vegetables.

So from the soil at home I decided

to start a small kitchen garden.

I started with coriander which

turned out to be good & now

I have planted fenugreek (methi).


We are Together

An Initiative by Us

(students of Grade X).



Python Bootcamp Course


Taking the most appropriate

care of our health…


are vital to maintain

the functioning of various

life processes


A BIRD! A tiny bird had fabricated a beautiful

nest in my window pane! And here it is…

feeding its new born chick!


13/05/2020, I Made a Bell Pepper

Pizza with my own hand for the first time

I completely modified the business

website for my BancBridge internship,

adding user interfaces and minimalizing

the presentation.



- Gauravi Chobe, 9 D

Ever since humans have existed on this planet

their existence was a result of their curiosity.

Curiosity is a seed which is sown in the human

brain very deeply. When early humans saw a

round stone roll down from the cliff they were

curious and wanted to know the science behind

it once they acquired the knowledge, eventually

it led to the development of the wheel due to which

the whole world is set in motion. We can also thank

the advent of the wheel for globalisation. Likewise,

the invention of Fire started with fear, but once they

understood the science behind it, they were curious

about the application of it in their daily life.

These two inventions were made when humans

thought outside the box and had overcome their fear.

From this, we understand that when you think out of the box with fascination you

come up with solutions that make your life easier, and it also leads to one good thing

~ you may overcome your fear.

Similarly,the seed of curiosity sown in my mind has always fascinated me about

the world I live in. The spectrum of my fascination for the world varies from the

world inside my mind and the world outside my mind. The world inside my country

and the world outside my country. The world on this planet and the world outside

this planet. The fascination with the world also includes my fascination with the

ideology of people and the human behaviour. Different diverse and vibrant places

on this earth have always excited me.

My fascination with the outside world begins with the very fact that the moment

you step outside your comfort zone you learn many more things which you would

never learn while staying in your comfort zone. This very fact states that you must

be willing to sacrifice something in order to learn something new.”Fascination” with

the outside world is fulfilled to some extent when you explore.

This exploration has helped us become more independent, open minded and

grateful. This also helps us shape our perspectives and beliefs. This happens

when we understand the perspective of different people. This exploration is not

only of the world but also of our own mind.This fascination helps me understand

the gap between the world inside my mind and the world around me!! Just like a

student who is excited to choose a field of study,also, like a newly adopted puppy

who is very curious to look around every nook and corner of his house because that

house is going to be his new world. Same is true with humans and that's how it is

true with me. As curious as we were to explore our geological neighborhood, I am

now even more eager to explore our cosmological neighborhood. This curiosity of

humans will never end and this curiosity is the only reason behind the dominance of

humans on this planet. Nothing in this world is boring but it seems boring when you

stop getting excited about it.

As Albert Einstein rightly quoted "the important thing is to never stop

questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence."

Home is no more the First School,

and school no more the Second Home!


Ink pen or a digital stylus; Notebooks or a virtual whiteboard; Getting scolded for not completing

an assignment or saying that your webcam wasn't working!? Finally, fun in the corridors or

uploading weird screenshots of your friends' ugly faces – what do you prefer?

Talking of any thing new, a comparison of it with the old, always hits us. Acquiring online savvy

is the new craze everyone is into. Needless to say, even we are a part of it and it also has to be very

obvious! So before beginning with appreciating or cursing online meets, let's take a rewind to how

and why it began…

Remember the 16th day of March 2020? Yes, holiday for the next 15-days declared! Everyone likes

a surprise vacation, don't we? But before those 15 days could get over, we ended up into

something new-fangled – “lockdown”! Then the actual thoughts of despair started arising in our

heads – If I had spent a more considerable amount of time in the lunch room with my friend that

day! How we miss those days! Right?

One thing though, goes well with most of you – successfully saved from the rst periodic test,

and I shall be reluctant speaking of online exams and you know why.

“Schools will reopen in June” – where did that June go? We all have already entered July and that

to into its latter half; not just of the month, but also the year! But here we are with something to

learn: #OnlineClasses, the so-called virtual teaching. Is it the year 2157 yet? If you have read

'The Fun They Had' by Isaac Asimov – Margie said, 2157 was when students learnt through

computer screens! Does it imply that we are developing even faster!!? Oh my god! Just a virus

made us do things we never did in life!

Anyway, jokes apart – this can be a serious thing to talk of. Online classes are actually underrated,

you can do most things online. In my opinion, there's nothing you now can't do just by sitting at

home. I don't say online classes are better than us going to school – and they'll never even be,

online classes just can't cope up with the friends' corner gossips or those silly poor lame jokes

which we still found to be funny!

Yet, online classes have its own perks! Like you can get up just fteen minutes before the class

begins (or some even later), have a quick shower (some don't even do that) and boom – you're

done! No one is even going to stop you from eating whatever you wish (that too during a class),

who actually cares if it is a break or not? But no one admits it unless you're under inuence of

some truth serum.

Speaking of my experiences, the very rst thing I want to mention is that I never eat anything

during an online class unless it's a break (FYI, I am not under the truth serum's inuence!)

Online classes are not bad, the teaching goes smoothly as well, until the villain comes into the

picture – uctuating network! Something we all hate, right?

Other things concerned, I am super cool with having online classes and #SchoolFromHome till

we are back in school and have fun with our friends. If you ask me, online teaching somehow

makes you value time even more. It gives a sense of self-discipline and responsibility as well.

It does partially disconnect you with the teachers, and keeping all in mind – online teaching can

never be chosen as an option for school.

The situation has compelled us to adapt to this change as the need of the hour is the

NEW NORMAL - Online Education. But we must also never forget the favours technology has

done for us. Schools will begin soon for sure, but in the future age technology will and must play

an important role in learning.

P.S. How many of you are troubled by your siblings during your online classes!?


Dr.Jasmine Dordi

Joseph Campbell mythologist and writer once said, “Follow your bliss” a

recommendation universally echoed for then you are happy and motivated. In our

column “Meet Your Teacher”, you all would be getting to know different faculty

members and what makes them tick and how they have followed and achieved this

bliss so as to say.

When we talk to our new English Teacher Dr Jasmine Dordi and ask her why

she became a teacher, she tells us that her English Teachers left an indelible mark on

her. She was greatly inspired by the way they spoke so eloquent and articulate, getting

“ their vowels” so very right as she puts it. So, she became a teacher because she loves

Literature, and wants to share her passion for the subject with Generation Z.

Her Journey as an English Teacher began about 12 years back when she joined an International Baccalaureate School

in Indore. Reflecting back on her career she feels she is thoroughly at home in a class, “ her true calling” as she says.

Ask her what she finds most satisfying and fulfilling as a teacher? She laughingly replies, “surge of euphoria for simple

things, like a holiday.” On a more serious note she tells us that the greatest perk of being a teacher is that you learn

something new every day and that students enlighten one in ways, one might not even expect!

It is after a sabbatical of a few years that she has joined Woodridge High. She feels that she is truly blessed for, the

school has warmly opened its doors for her. Helmed by great educators, she feels Woodridge High has understood the

connotative meaning of the word “educate” meaning “educere” to evoke latent potential.

Lesser Known Heroes of Woodridge High.

The greatness of humanity is not in being

human, but in being humane - Mahatma Gandhi.

In this column we will feature, people who do their jobs in silence and in the

background, but their work speaks volumes.

In our first issue of WindChimes, we speak about 1 such person....

He is ALEEM FAKRUDDIN SHAIKH, well known Bus Driver of bus no.

7 and then 11. He is a proud father himself of 2 daughters. One daughter has passed

out from the 12th Std with 64% and the other is in 11th Std.

In Woodridge High he is known as ALEEM BHAI ( PILOT).

The first driver who joined along with his conductor Jambo. He has been driving our

students safely to school and back, for the past 20 years, he began his journey as a bus

driver from Little Woods Nursery and now he is working in Woodridge High. He says,

he enjoys his work and is so happy doing it that he says he will continue working for the students like this for many

more years. He has the utmost respect and regard for Samantha Ma’am and Deepak Sir, he thinks that they are a

blessing for him and he says he couldn’t have had better employers anywhere!!

He says, "They have always supported me and trusted me and I always think of that and try to give my best”.

ALEEMM feels that whatever he is today is because of Sir and Ma’am. He loves the school, the staff and the

children. He appreciates the fact that everyone is good and talks with respect to him, even though he is a bus driver!!

He says there is nothing more he could ask for... He is praying hard that these hard times should pass and school

should reopen and that he should be back on Bus No. 11 bringing the students to Woodridge High!

We're all in this together...

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide, leading to the near-total closures of

schools, universities and colleges. Most governments around the world have temporarily closed educational

institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19. Approximately 1.725 billion learners are

currently affected due to school closures in response to the pandemic. According to UNICEF monitoring,

134 countries are currently implementing nationwide closures and 38 are implementing local

closures, impacting about 98.5 percent of the world's student population.

Age-specific health education:

Find herewith suggestions on how to engage students of different ages on preventing and controlling the

spread of COVID-19 and other viruses. Activities should be contextualized further based on the

specific needs of children (language, ability, gender, etc.).

PRESCHOOL: (for the little ones in the family)

* Focus on good health behaviors, such as covering coughs and sneezes with the

elbow and washing hands frequently.

* Sing a song while washing hands to practice the recommended 20 second duration.

* Children can practice washing their hands with hand sanitizer.

* Develop a way to track hand washing and reward for frequent/timely hand washing.

* Use puppets or dolls to demonstrate symptoms (sneezing, coughing, fever) and what to do if they

feel sick (i.e. their head hurts, their stomach hurts, they feel hot or extra tired) and how to comfort

someone who is sick (cultivating empathy and safe caring behaviors).

* Have children sit further apart from one another, have them practice stretching their arms out

or ‘flap their wings’, they should keep enough space to not touch their friends.


* Make sure to listen to children’s concerns and answer their questions in an age-appropriate manner;

don’t overwhelm them with too much information. Encourage them to express and communicate their

feelings. Discuss the different reactions they may experience and explain that these are normal reactions

to an abnormal situation.

* Emphasize that children can do a lot to keep themselves and others safe.

* Introduce the concept of social distancing (standing further away from friends, avoiding

large crowds, not touching people if you don’t need to, etc.)

* Focus on good health behaviors, such as covering coughs and sneezes with the elbow and washing hands.

* Help children understand the basic concepts of disease prevention and control. Use exercises that

demonstrate how germs can spread. For example, by putting colored water in a spray bottle and spraying

over a piece of

white paper. Observe how far the droplets travel.

* Demonstrate why it is important to wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.

* Put a small amount of glitter in students’ hands and have them wash them with just water, notice how much

glitter remains, then have them wash for 20 seconds with soap and water.


* Make sure to listen to students’ concerns and answer their questions.

* Emphasize that students can do a lot to keep themselves and others safe.

* Introduce the concept of social distancing.

* Focus on good health behaviors, such as covering coughs and sneezes with the elbow and washing hands.

* Remind students that they can model healthy behaviors for their families.

* Discuss the different reactions they may experience and explain these are normal reactions to an abnormal

situation. Encourage them to express and communicate their feelings.

* Have students make their own Public Service Announcements through school announcements and posters.

* Incorporate relevant health education into other subjects. Science can cover the study of viruses, disease

transmission and the importance of vaccinations. Social studies can focus on the history of pandemics and

evolution of policies on public health and safety. Media literacy lessons can empower students to be critical

thinkers and makers, effective communicators and active citizens.

We're all in this together...


* Make sure to listen to students’ concerns and answer their questions.

* Emphasize that students can do a lot to keep themselves and others safe.

* Introduce the concept of social distancing.

* Focus on good health behaviors, such as covering coughs and sneezes with the elbow and washing hands.

* Discuss the different reactions they may experience and explain these are normal reactions to an abnormal

situation. Encourage them to express and communicate their feelings.

* Incorporate relevant health education into other subjects. Science courses can cover the study of viruses,

disease transmission and the importance of vaccinations. Social studies can focus on the history of

pandemics and their secondary effects and investigate how public policies can promote tolerance and social


* Have students make their own Public Service Announcements via social media, radio or even local tv


* Media literacy lessons can empower students to be critical thinkers and makers, effective communicators

and active citizens.


The nationwide lockdown that brought 1.3 billion people to a stop has apparently caused positive changes

in the environment, atleast temporarily. Skies are clearer and river water seems cleaner.

* Schools are extensively using technology to deliver uninterrupted learning sessions as per their academic

schedules. Technology used for the purpose is not new, but its usage has increased multifold with improved

interface and user experience. Learners, teachers, trainers and guardians are now accepting it as a part of

learning process and delivery; mainly in response to social distancing. Woodridge High has taken the step

ahead with its comprehensive Google Classroom with G-Suites to make teaching-learning most beneficial

and interesting for students.

* Not only are we stuck at home, but most restaurants and delivery services have stopped. Many of us have

also become cautious about eating outside food because we don’t want to catch Covid-19. As a result, more of

us are eating home-cooked food. Home cooking usually uses less oil, fresh ingredients, and little to no

processed foods, making it a healthier option than eating out.

* With domestic help also needing to stay home, we find ourselves needing to do our own housework.

This is a good thing for several reasons. Housework is one of the most productive ways to keep busy and not

get bored. You are personally invested when you are cleaning your own home so you do a much better job.

You find things that you haven’t used in a long time and can take the call to throw them out. And you end up

with a much cleaner living space. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, and cleaning cobwebs are all ways to keep

active and burn extra calories.

* With parents working from home and kids not having to go to school, this is the best time to bond as a

family. As parents get involved in home-schooling, they start to understand what their kids are learning in

school, what their difficulties are, and how they can help them. Families also have more time to do fun stuff

together like play board games, cook meals, do arts and crafts, and much more. This time together is a great

way to relieve stress and improve mental health.

I think my school is the best,

here the teachers never rest.

School is like my second family,

teachers are like my mother,

like them there can be no others.

My school has many classrooms,

they are spick and span,

as maids clean them with brooms

and even dust pans.

My school is cool,

Cool is my school.

Clean is my school,

Green is my school.


- Tanaya Patil ( 5th F)


Sun's bright eye is my school,

Sea's light wave is my school.

My school consists of,

little ones who can

take away our woes.

Each child is a sapling,

who grows and becomes a helpful tree,

who is the star of his parents'

eyes, and makes them proud.


The wonderful school session,

is about to start,

I'll learn new things,

and become very smart.

I'll learn about countless activities,

sports and clubs at every single turn.

For arts and craft, always use

colours and glue gun.

During Math class,

I learn shapes and sums

ten times ten equals one hundred,

that's a class I don't dread.

I also enjoy learning

difficult words to spell.

My ears programmed,

for that school bell.

To get the most from school,

I should consistently attend.

Around each corner,

there's always a friend.

I just have one more

new session suggestion,

remember to raise your hand,

when you have a question!

- Aarana Agrawal (4thB)

My school is cool,

Cool is my school.

Clean is my school,

Green is my school.

Akshara Dube (6th D)



Spring is here, blowing air.

Passed away winter season fair.

Changes are on the tree,

old leaves fall away, new leaves in.

Birds returning from the south,

Bees are buzzing all about.

Weather is looking very bold,

Not feeling hot gone away cold.

I love this season the most,

That's why this poem I post.

- Sankalp Jha ( 6th C )

- Gul Chotlani (Alumni)


It is difficult to find a person in India who has not tasted me even once in their life.

I am a fluffy, juicy, spongy and pearly Indian dessert famously known as Rosogolla

or Rasgulla. I enjoy my beautiful journey in an earthen pot during every Bengali or

Oriya festival. No festive feast in Bengal and Odisha is complete without me. There

is a little confusion about my birth place. In 2015, Odisha claimed that, I was born in Odisha as an offering at the

Jagannath Temple. In 2016, the West Bengal government applied for a Geographical Indication (G.I.) tag to call me a

Banglar Rosogolla (Bengali Rosogolla).

Let me clarify that, I am different in colour, texture, taste, juiciness and my presentation is also different in both

the states. You can easily prepare me by kneading chehna (cottage cheese) and then adding a small amount of semolina.

You can give me a round shape like a ping-pong ball and boil me in sugar syrup at around 110⁰ C. Have you ever

wondered how hot I must be feeling inside the bubbling water? Sometimes people use jaggery instead of sugar to

prepare me and no doubt it enhances my taste remarkably. Remember my softness depends on how well you have

kneaded the cheese; the more you knead the cheese the more spongy I become. I should always be cooked on a high


In 1868, Nabin Chandra Das who lived in Kolkata made an attempt to prepare a new kind of dessert and that is how I

was born in Bengal. He gave me my name 'Rosogolla'. He modified his recipe and gave me a durable life. I became more

spongier and people ate me to their heart's content. Thanks to K.C. Das, son of Nabin Chandra Das for shifting me

from earthen designed pots to tin cans. I was excited at the thought that I would be able to occupy a permanent place

on the dining tables acrossthe world and become famous globally.

How quickly time flies! I have to say goodbye to you now. If you wish to bring some creativity in my

recipe, please do so and let me know how I tasted.

- Rajika Banerjee (5th A)


Cubing is a game in which we solve a Rubik cube puzzle. It needs just

a little practice and patienceto solve it. The world record is 3.47

seconds. The cuber whoholds the record is Yusheng Do. Most cubers

have magnetic cube. Cubing just gives every cuber and me euphoria.

One of my friends started cubing after observing me.If you start cubing, your brain will be able to

solve brain teasers and puzzles. There are innumerable ways to solve a cube. With this article,

you must have understood the importance of this simple yet brain challenging puzzle.

- Harshpreet Singh (5th E)

The Four Cyclists

Once upon a time, in a village, lived four cyclists named Ina, Tina, Seema and

Mohini. They had 'Super cycle'. These cycles had super powers and with the

help of these cycles, they would do many good things for the village.

Nobody knew that these simple looking cycles were actually super cycles.

One day as they were cycling in the woods near their village, they came across

a treasure map. They decided that they should go on an adventure to find the

treasure and if they found it, then they would distribute it among the poor.

Tina said, “Why wait? Let's go immediately!” They set off on their journey on

their super cycles.

Ina was carrying the map, so she was guiding the others. They had to go through a deep jungle. As they were

passing a dark cave, they saw a huge sleeping dragon. Ina whispered into Mohini's ear “What should we do now?”

Mohini replied a little louder, “I don't know!” Hearing this, the dragon woke up. It tried to catch Seema,

but Seema used the super hammer on the super cycle to hit the dragon. Mohini cried “Don't hurt the dragon

otherwise he will get angrier!” Tina got an idea. She said, “We have cough syrup.” Seema replied, “But why do you

need it now? Get serious and fight the dragon.” Tina said, “I have read in the Fantastic Facts journal that dragons

are allergic to cough syrup.” Seema replied, “Yes I know but how do we make the dragon drink the cough syrup?”

Tina said, “When the dragon opens his mouth to throw flames at us, we will quickly pour the cough syrup in its mouth.

He will start sneezing and we will escape.” Everyone liked the idea. Tina flew near the dragon's mouth on her super

cycle. As the dragon went near her to catch her in its vicious mouth, Tina quickly poured the syrup in its mouth and

flew away from the dragon. The poor dragon started sneezing and the girls escaped.

On their way they had to cross a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel was the treasure. As soon as they reached the

tunnel, it started raining. It was dark and they couldn't see anything. They switched on the torches on their super

cycles. They heard frightening voices coming from around them but they couldn't see anything. They started singing

songs to calm themselves. Finally,they crossed the tunnel.

Mohini asked, “Have we reached our destination?” Ina said, “Yes.” Mohini exclaimed, “I can't believe it! What a

beautiful place!” They saw two beautiful unicorns guarding the treasure. One of them said, “We know you girls.

You are always helping everyone. Are you here to take the treasure?” The girls said yes. The other unicorn asked,

“What will you with this treasure? We have been guarding it for centuries.” Ina replied, “We don't want it. We are

going to distribute among the poor.” The unicorns said, “Then you can take it. We will help you carry it to your

village.” Seema said, “Thank you but we have our cycles too.” The first unicorn pointed to some carts kept under a

tree and said, “You can attach that cart to our backs and you can sit in it with your cycles.” The girls did as the

unicorns told them to do. The unicorns flew and took them then to their village. As it was night, no one saw them.

In the morning, when some people saw the treasure kept outside their houses, they shouted with joy.

The girls were happy that they had completed one more mission. They promised each other to always guard their

secret of their super cycles and keep doing good work.

Just yesterday, while digging in her backyard, Seema found a shiny green stone that vibrated when you touched it.

I think the Four Cyclists are on a mission again.

- Noorzara Bassath (5th F)

Greetings, To All The Students and Staff

Celebrating Their Birthdays !!


From 1 August to 14 August



Tejas Vishwasrao 1A

Aarav Gaikwad 1B

Anvika Dobhal 1C

Viraaj Chalge 1D

Gaurang Nyalamwar 1F

Harsh Nagori 1F

Vedika 1F

Mane Gayatri 2A

Yadav Aarna 2A

Patni Hitesh 2A

Kadam Sonakshi 2A

Kulkarni Rudrani 2A

Khan Zaid 2B

Mhaske Arnav 2C

Kedar Dhairya 2C

Masure Aarya 2D

Maher Samar 2D

Baheti Aditya 2E

Chavan Jivika 2E

Pagore Ansh 2E

Dixit Ananya 2F

Modani Shipra 2F

Jalnawala Arnav 3A

Mandhare Rudra 3B

Kamble Bhakti 3C

Satalkar Arnav 4A


Satalkar Archit 4B

Shelke Vishwajeet 4B

Pitty Dhruvi 4B

Ajmera Dhruvi 4B

Chavan Sejal 4C

Khan Haniya 4D

Bhujbal Om 4E

Choudhary Aradhya 4F

Chordiya Rashi 4F

Bhise Pratishtha 5A

Gadkar Viraj 5C

Kunte Harish 6B

Malu Vedika 6B

Nandure Harshvardhan 6C

Lahane Ishwari 6C

Pathak Arya 6D

Lalsare Swanand 7B

Hiwale Dhruv 7C

Ansari Hajra 7C

Jadhav Divya 7D

Nathani Samiksha 7E

Kale Anushree 7E

Israni Mahek 8A

Tated Prajwal 8B

Chhabda Navdeep 8B

Bhosale Sarthak 8C

Rawas Animesh 8C

Parmar Tiya 8C

Zanwar Gopala 8C

Patil Meet 8D

Banerjee Avira 8E

Ghodele Ishika 8E

Tambe Prathamesh 8E

Arora Taranjyot 9A

Khurana Anshpreet Singh 9A

Malkhare Sanika 9B

Patkari Prachi 9B

Pere Payal 9B

Darda Rishi 9C

Katariya Naman 10A

Choudhary Sangeeta 10A

Walimbe Sanika 10B

Rana Ravneet 10C

Kotecha Saksham 10C

Kotecha Swayam 10D

Jaiswal Tejas 10D


Rakhi Khandelwal

Payal Patil

Gautam Khotkar

Anjali Kapadia

Chitra Pawar

Asma Khan

Seema Bhargava

Shrijit Hampras

Trapti Jaiswal

Shilpa Choudhari

Preeti Jain

Kanchan Pardeshi

Bhavna Patil

Bhumika Naik

Trusha Parikh

Bhushan Badgujar

Dear Readers

We leave you with this thought provoking conversation to mull over.

The Conversation beautifully encapsulates man's journey from Being to Becoming!

Me: Hello God.


God: Hello...

Me: I'm falling apart. Can you put me back together?

God: I'd rather not.

Me: Why?

God: Because you're not a puzzle.

Me: What about all the pieces of my life that fall to the ground?

God: Leave them there for a while. They fell for a reason.

Let them be there for a while and then decide if you need to take any of those pieces back.

Me: You don't understand. I am breaking.

God: No, you don't understand. You're transcending, evolving. What you feel are growing pains.

You are getting rid of the things and people in your life that are holding you back.

The pieces are not falling down. The pieces are being put in place.

Relax. Take a deep breath and let those things you no longer need fall down.

Stop clinging to pieces that are no longer for you. Let them fall. Let them go.

Me: Once I start doing that, what will I have left?

God: Only the best pieces of yourself.

Me: I'm afraid to change.

God: I keep telling you: YOU'RE NOT CHANGING... YOU'RE BECOMING.

Me: Becoming? Who?

God: Becoming who I created you to be... A person of light, love, charity,

hope, courage, joy, mercy, grace and compassion. I made you for so much more than

those shallow pieces you decided to adorn yourself with and that you cling to with so much

greed and fear. Let those things fall off you. I love you

Don't change Become, Become who I want you to be, who I created.

Me: There goes another piece.

God: Yes. Let it be like this.

Me: So... I'm not broken?

God: No, but you're breaking the darkness, like dawn.

It's a New Day. Become, Become who you really are."

(Author unknown)


Editor-in-chief: Samantha Kothari

Editor: Frances Rozario

Asst. Editor: Sandeep Malu

Editorial Team:

Megha Girme

Shalaka Deshpande

Soniya Matharu

Jasmine Dordi

Layout and Design:

Payal Sheth

Shubha N.S

We welcome articles and feedback

from our readers.

Do write in to us at


A student committee would infuse

more insights into Wind Chimes from

the August edition

Woodridge High

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Aurangabad - 431001

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