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3.0 King’s Lynn B Power Station Connection Project Draft Flood Risk Assessment Project No 21071 March 2012

3.0<br />

King’s Lynn B Power<br />

Station Connection Project<br />

Draft Flood Risk Assessment<br />

Project No 21071<br />

March 2012


Project No.: 110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

Title: King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

Client: TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

Date: March 2012<br />

Office: Hemel Hempstead<br />

Status: Final<br />

Author KY Cheng Technical reviewer M E Cheeseman<br />

Signature [delete row<br />

if not required]<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

Signature [delete<br />

row if not required]<br />

Date: 19.03.2012 Date: 19.03.2012<br />

Project manager C Patmore<br />

Signature [delete row<br />

if not required]<br />

Date: 19.03.2012 Date:<br />

Quality reviewer<br />

[optional]<br />

Signature [delete<br />

row if not required]<br />

RSK LDE (RSK) has prepared this report for the sole use of the client, showing reasonable skill and care, for the intended<br />

purposes as stated in the agreement under which this work was completed. The report may not be relied upon by any other<br />

party without the express agreement of the client and RSK. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the<br />

professional advice included in this report.<br />

Where any data supplied by the client or from other sources have been used, it has been assumed that the information is<br />

correct. No responsibility can be accepted by RSK for inaccuracies in the data supplied by any other party. The conclusions<br />

and recommendations in this report are based on the assumption that all relevant information has been supplied by those<br />

bodies from whom it was requested.<br />

No part of this report may be copied or duplicated without the express permission of RSK and the party for whom it was<br />

prepared.<br />

Where field investigations have been carried out, these have been restricted to a level of detail required to achieve the stated<br />

objectives of the work.<br />

This work has been undertaken in accordance with the quality management system of RSK LDE.


1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................1<br />

2 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................2<br />

3 CONTEXT AND SCOPE OF WORK................................................................................................3<br />

4 PLANNING CONTEXT.....................................................................................................................4<br />

4.1 Application of Planning Policy ..................................................................................................4<br />

4.2 PPS25 Flood zones and Land Use Vulnerability .....................................................................4<br />

4.3 Sequential Test Analysis ..........................................................................................................5<br />

4.4 Exception Test Analysis ...........................................................................................................5<br />

5 SITE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................6<br />

5.1 Site Location and Description...................................................................................................6<br />

5.2 Hydrology .................................................................................................................................6<br />

5.3 Geology ....................................................................................................................................7<br />

5.4 Hydrogeology ...........................................................................................................................7<br />

6 DEVELOPMEMT PROPOSALS ......................................................................................................8<br />

7 SOURCES OF INFORMATION .......................................................................................................9<br />

7.1 Environment Agency Consultation ...........................................................................................9<br />

7.2 East of Ouse Polver and Nar Internal Drainage Board ..........................................................10<br />

7.3 Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk....................................................................10<br />

7.4 King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Strategic Flood Risk Assessment..............................................10<br />

7.5 The Wash Shoreline Management Plan ................................................................................10<br />

7.6 Climate Change......................................................................................................................11<br />

8 SOURCES OF FLOOD RISK.........................................................................................................12<br />

8.1 Flooding from Rivers (Fluvial Flood Risk) ..............................................................................12<br />

8.2 Flooding from the Sea (Tidal Flood Risk)...............................................................................12<br />

8.3 Flooding from Land (Overland Flood Risk) ............................................................................13<br />

8.4 Flooding from Groundwater....................................................................................................13<br />

8.5 Flooding from Sewers ............................................................................................................13<br />

8.6 Flooding from Other Sources .................................................................................................13<br />

9 POTENTIAL IMPACTS ..................................................................................................................15<br />

9.1 Construction Activities ............................................................................................................15<br />

9.2 Proposal .................................................................................................................................15<br />

9.3 Post-Development Situation...................................................................................................17<br />

10 MITIGATION MEASURES .............................................................................................................18<br />

10.1 Context ...................................................................................................................................18<br />

10.2 Ground Levels ........................................................................................................................18<br />

10.3 Flood Resilient Construction ..................................................................................................18<br />

10.4 Flood Warnings ......................................................................................................................18<br />

10.5 Flood Plan ..............................................................................................................................19<br />

10.6 Safety ....................................................................................................................................19<br />

11 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................20<br />

12 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................21<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />



Figure 1 Site Location Plan (with location of existing watercourses)<br />

Figure 2 Environment Agency online British Geological Survey Aquifer data map<br />

Figure 3 Site Proposals<br />

Figure 4 Environment Agency Flood Zone map with flood level nodes<br />

Figure 5 King’s Lynn & West Norfolk SFRA Flood map<br />

Figure 6 King’s Lynn & West Norfolk SFRA Flood Map including Climate Change<br />

Figure 7 King’s Lynn & West Norfolk SFRA Hazard Map<br />

Figure 8 Proposed Access routes, Location of Box culvert and Pontoon Crossings<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />


Appendix A Service Constraints<br />

Appendix B PPS 25 Annex E – Guidance on Requirements for Undertaking a FRA<br />

Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems – Drainage Impact<br />

Assessments<br />

Appendix C PPS 25 Annex D.1: Flood Zone and D.2: Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification<br />

Appendix D EA Correspondence and Flood Data<br />

Appendix E Internal Drainage Board Correspondence<br />

Appendix F Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Correspondence<br />

Appendix G Anglian Water Asset Records<br />

Appendix H Details of Tower Types<br />

Appendix I Details of Pontoon Crossings


TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 1 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

RSK Land & Development Engineering Ltd was commissioned by TEP on behalf of<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> to review hydrology and flood risk issues for the proposed King’s Lynn<br />

400kV Connection development.<br />

As part of the investigation, a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is produced to support an<br />

application by <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> Electricity Transmission plc ("<strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong>") under the<br />

Planning Act 2008 for the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> (King’s Lynn B Power Station Connection)<br />

Development Consent Order (the "Application"). This would grant powers to construct<br />

and maintain a new 400,000 volt (400kV) overhead electric line in the County of Norfolk<br />

and the Borough of King's Lynn and West Norfolk (the "Project").<br />

The Project, a 2.8km (1.75 miles) 400kV overhead electric line, will connect the<br />

proposed King’s Lynn B 981 MW CCGT power station to the existing high voltage<br />

transmission overhead line (ref. 4VV) that connects the substations at Norwich and<br />

Walpole.<br />

This assessment has been produced in accordance to PPS25 (Ref. 1) and the Interim<br />

Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage (Ref. 2) with site-specific advice from the<br />

Environment Agency (EA), the East of Ouse Polver and Nar Internal Drainage Board<br />

(IDB), the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and the client.<br />

In additional, sewer records were obtained from Anglian Water with an assessment of<br />

the surface water drainage regime developed as part of this study.<br />

This assessment has identified the following flood and drainage related issues that<br />

would need to be considered for any development on this site:<br />

• The EA flood map has confirmed that the site is mostly within Flood Zone 3 with<br />

some of the land protected by the flood defences.<br />

• The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) covering the site indicates that the<br />

site is currently located in an area with Low to Medium risk of fluvial flooding.<br />

• The SFRA flood map with the effect of climate change considered indicates that<br />

the site will be located within an area of high risk of both fluvial flood risk (eastern<br />

area) and tidal flood risk (western area).<br />

• In terms of flood storage, the proposed development will create additional<br />

impermeable area but it is not anticipated that this area will result in a significant<br />

increase in surface water runoff.<br />

• It is not anticipated that flood compensation will be required as a result of<br />

development as floodwater will flow pass the pylons freely without obstruction<br />

and the increase in impermeable area will be minimal.<br />

• The pylons will be located at more than 60m from the flood defences on the River<br />

Nar; therefore they will have minimal impact on the defences. Even in the unlikely<br />

event that the pylon falls over, it will not reach the existing flood defences.<br />

This assessment concludes that the site is at low risk of flooding with flood defences in<br />

place. It is considered that the residual risk of flooding is medium at present and will<br />

increase to high risk in the future. Development on this site will be possible as proposal<br />

does not impede flood flows and will have minimal effect on overall flood storage<br />



TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 2 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

RSK Land & Development Engineering Ltd was commissioned by TEP on behalf of<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment for the proposed King’s Lynn<br />

400kV Connection development. The comments given in this report and the opinions<br />

expressed are subject to RSK Group Service Constraints provided in Appendix A.<br />

This document relates to an application by <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> Electricity Transmission plc<br />

("<strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong>") under the Planning Act 2008 for the <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> (King’s Lynn B<br />

Power Station Connection) Development Consent Order (the "Application"). This would<br />

grant powers to construct and maintain a new 400,000 volt (400kV) overhead electric<br />

line in the County of Norfolk and the Borough of King's Lynn and West Norfolk (the<br />

"Project").<br />

The Project, a 2.8km (1.75 miles) 400kV overhead electric line, will connect the<br />

proposed King’s Lynn B 981 MW CCGT power station to the existing high voltage<br />

transmission overhead line (ref. 4VV) that connects the substations at Norwich and<br />

Walpole.<br />

This document has been prepared for compliance with the requirements of Regulation 5<br />

of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure)<br />

Regulations 2009 and in accordance with the Department for Communities and Local<br />

Government guidance ‘Planning Act 2008: Application Form Guidance’ and the<br />

Infrastructure Planning Commission's Advice Note 6 on Preparation of Application<br />

documents under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 as an Application document. It is<br />

required in order to assess the potential risk of flooding to the site and its surrounding<br />

area as a result of the development. In addition, a FRA is required for this site as it is<br />

located in the EA’s identified Flood Zone 3.<br />

The assessment has been prepared in accordance to Planning Policy Statement (PPS)<br />

25 and the Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage with site-specific advice<br />

form the Environment Agency, East of Ouse Polver and Nar Internal Drainage Board<br />

(IDB), West Norfolk Council and TEP.<br />

This document forms part of suite of Application documents, and should be read<br />

alongside and is informed by those documents.<br />

The principal aspects of the Project are as follows:<br />

• Construction and operation of a 400kV overhead electricity transmission line;<br />

• The permanent and/or temporary compulsory acquisition of rights to use land<br />

for the Project;<br />

• Access routes and culverting;<br />

• Any necessary temporary interference with the highway and public rights of way<br />

networks in the vicinity of the Project;<br />

• Overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land for the Project;<br />

• Such ancillary, incidental and consequential works and provisions as are<br />

necessary for the Project.<br />

The Project would be subject to specific requirements regarding the approved plans,<br />

construction works and methodology set out in the DCO.


TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 3 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

A key element of project development is to prepare a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) to<br />

establish the risk associated with the proposed development and to proposed suitable<br />

mitigation measures, if required, to reduce the risk to a more acceptable level.<br />

The EA considers that because the site falls within Flood Zone 3, for the development<br />

to accord with PPS25, a FRA is required to demonstrate that the Exception test can be<br />

passed.<br />

The scope of work relating to a FRA is based on the guidance provided in PPS25 and<br />

(Ref. 3)<br />

the accompanying guidance published by the Communities and Local<br />

Government Office and comprise of the following elements:<br />

• To obtain information on the hydrology and hydrological regime in and around<br />

the site.<br />

• To obtain the view of the EA including scope, location and impacts.<br />

• To determine the extent of new flooding provision and the influence on the site.<br />

• To review site surface water drainage based on the proposed layout. To<br />

determine the extent of infrastructure required.<br />

• To review architect plans and planning information and other studies to<br />

determine the existing site conditions.<br />

• To assess the impact on the site from climate change effects and anticipated<br />

increase in rainfall over the lifetime of the development.<br />

• Preparation of a report including calculations and summaries of the source<br />

information and elements reviewed.<br />

Appendix B of this report includes Annex ‘E’ of PPS25, together with the scope of<br />

Drainage Impact Assessment is described in Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable<br />

Drainage Systems (ICPSDS) (Ref.2) .


4.1 Application of Planning Policy<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 4 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25) (Ref. 1) was first issued by the Department for<br />

Communities and Local Government in December 2006, revised in March 2010.<br />

PPS25 deals specifically with development planning and flood risk using a sequential<br />

characterisation of risk based on planning zones and the EA Flood Map. The main<br />

study requirement is to identify the flood zones and vulnerability classification relevant<br />

to the proposed development, based on an assessment of current and future<br />

conditions.<br />

4.2 PPS25 Flood zones and Land Use Vulnerability<br />

Within PPS25 Annex D (Ref. 1) each flood zone has a list of appropriate land uses<br />

dependent on vulnerability to flooding. The flood zones are described in Table D.1:<br />

Flood Zones reproduced as Table 4.1 contained in Appendix C.<br />

(Note: These flood zones refer to the probability of river and sea flooding, ignoring the<br />

presence of defences).<br />

The vulnerability classes are related to the sensitivity of the development to flooding<br />

and also consider the risk to people, property and services. The vulnerability<br />

classification Table D2 from PPS25 is in Appendix C.<br />

In applying the sequential test, reference is made to the following table (D3), contained<br />

within PPS25.<br />

Table 1: Flood Risk Vulnerability and Flood Zone ‘Compatibility’<br />

Flood Risk<br />

Vulnerability<br />

Classification<br />

(Table D2)<br />

Flood<br />

Zone<br />

(Table<br />

D1)<br />

Essential<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Water<br />

Compatible<br />

Highly<br />

Vulnerable<br />

More<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Less<br />

Vulnerable<br />

Zone 1 Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate<br />

Zone 2 Appropriate Appropriate Exception<br />

Test<br />

Required<br />

Appropriate Appropriate<br />

Zone 3a Exception Test Appropriate Should not be Exception Appropriate<br />

Required<br />

permitted Test<br />

Required<br />

Zone 3b Exception Test Appropriate Should not be Should not Should not<br />

functional Required<br />

permitted be be permitted<br />

floodplain<br />

permitted<br />

From PPS25, “Essential Infrastructure” is appropriate to Flood Zone 1 and 2 with Zone<br />

3a and Zone 3b only appropriate if the Exception Test is passed.<br />

As the site is identified as located within Flood Zone 3 by the King’s Lynn and West<br />

Norfolk Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Ref. 4) , the Sequential and Exception Tests are<br />

required for this site.<br />

In applying the sequential test, reference is made to the TABLE 1 above, Table D3 in<br />


4.3 Sequential Test Analysis<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 5 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

The Sequential Test is required to assess flood risk and PPS25 recommends that the<br />

test be applied at all stages of the planning process to direct new development to areas<br />

with the lowest probability of flooding (Flood Zone 1).<br />

The following table summarises the sequential test as detailed in PPS25.<br />

TABLE 2: Sequential Test<br />

Sequential Test Question Responses<br />

1 Is the site specifically allocated (following sequential<br />

testing) for the use proposed in the Local Plan?<br />

2 Is the site in a location where the use is allowed<br />

(having regard to the SFRA) as a windfall<br />

development under the Interim Plan?<br />

3 Are there any Interim Plan allocated sites that are<br />

available in a lower flood risk category area?<br />

4 Does the Interim Plan or background documents<br />

identify reasonably available alternative allocations<br />

in the same flood zone but subject to a lower<br />

probability of flooding from all sources (as identified<br />

in any SFRA)?<br />

4.4 Exception Test Analysis<br />

No<br />

(If answer is YES Sequential Test<br />

has been passed if NO proceed to<br />

the next question)<br />

No<br />

(If answer is YES Sequential Test<br />

has been passed if NO proceed to<br />

the next question)<br />

No<br />

No<br />

(If answer is No to 3 and 4 the<br />

sequential test has been passed)<br />

Although passing the sequential test, further clarification is also provided by considering<br />

the Exception test.<br />

TABLE 3: Exception Test Analysis<br />

Exception Test Question Response<br />

Is it a housing development within the defined town centre?<br />

[This is an 'A' and a 'B' test as per D9 in PPS25]<br />

Is the site brownfield?[This is a 'B' test as per D9 in PPS25] No<br />

Would a significant community benefit arise that could not<br />

be realised in an alternative location at lesser flood risk?<br />

[This is an 'A' test as per D9 in PPS25]<br />

If the proposal includes a 'more vulnerable use' is this<br />

excluded from the ground floor? [This is an 'A' test as per D9<br />

in PPS25]<br />

Is the development is a translocation of an existing use /<br />

development which in its existing location is at greater or<br />

similar flood risk compared to the proposed site [This is a 'B'<br />

test as per D9 in PPS25]<br />

The applicant has provided evidence that there are no<br />

suitable alternative brownfield sites where the development<br />

could be located [This is a 'B' test as per D9 in PPS25]<br />

No<br />

Yes, the proposal will connect the<br />

proposed King’s Lynn B 981 MW<br />

CCGT power station to the existing<br />

high voltage transmission overhead<br />

line that connects the substations at<br />

Norwich and Walpole.<br />

(planning policies, strategy etc)<br />

Not applicable<br />

No<br />

Not applicable<br />

By considering flood risk at this site, the proposal will enable this site to be better<br />

protected against the residual effects of flooding and ensure that development will not<br />

increase flood risk elsewhere.


5.1 Site Location and Description<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 6 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

For the purposes of this FRA, “The Site” is defined as the 3.5km linear connecting<br />

route, including all temporary access roads and compounds associated with the<br />

working area. The proposed new overhead line will comprise 9 new pylons, including<br />

one replacement pylon on an existing overhead line.<br />

The site is located approximately 3km south of King’s Lynn town centre. The Puny drain<br />

is located beyond the eastern site boundary of the site with the village of West Winch<br />

located further to the east. The Great Ouse Relief/Cut Off Channel is located to the<br />

west of the site with the Great Ouse River located further west.<br />

The surrounding area is predominantly flat with much of the land comprising large-scale<br />

arable farmland. Built development in the area surrounding the site generally comprises<br />

small villages, individual properties and farms. With the exception of King’s Lynn, the<br />

most significant area of development is West Winch.<br />

The Dairy Farm, which is located in the centre of the site may be located by <strong>National</strong><br />

<strong>Grid</strong> Reference at TF 613155. A site location plan is presented as Figure 1.<br />

5.2 Hydrology<br />

5.2.1 Area Hydrology<br />

The site area and surrounding area is characterised by low-lying farmland, which is<br />

drained by a series of controlled waterways. The majority of the watercourses and<br />

drains in the area are managed and maintained by the East of Ouse, Polver & Nar<br />

Internal Drainage Board (IDB) and flow in a south to north direction. The drainage<br />

network eventually discharge into The Wash via the Great Ouse River, which lies<br />

approximately 7km to the north of King’s Lynn and is a nature conservation site of<br />

international importance.<br />

5.2.2 Site Hydrology<br />

The principal watercourse is River Nar, which flows south to north, with the site area<br />

crossing the Nar twice.<br />

The site and the area immediately surrounding the site is crossed by several smaller<br />

drainage ditches, with named drains such as The Puny Drain (fluvial) located<br />

approximately 500m to the east of the site, the North Sea Bank drain flows adjacent to<br />

the High Road to the north of the site and the Thiefgate drain is located between the<br />

River Nar and the Thiefgate Lane to the south of the site. These drainage features are<br />

all managed and maintained by the IDB.<br />

The Great Ouse Relief Channel is located approximately 500m to the west of the site<br />

with the River Great Ouse (tidal), 1km -1.5km further west.<br />

The River Nar, The Great Ouse Relief Channel and the River Great Ouse are all<br />

classified as Main Rivers.

5.3 Geology<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 7 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

According to the published 1:50,000-scale geological map of the area, superficial<br />

geology of the site is underlain by tidal flat deposits with clay and silt. The bedrock<br />

geology of the site is characterised by the Kimmeridge Clay formation.<br />

5.4 Hydrogeology<br />

As shown on the EA map (Figure 2), the nearest aquifer is approximately 1km to the<br />

east of the site in West Winch where the superficial deposits is made up of ‘Secondary<br />

(Undifferentiated)’ and the bedrock aquifer as ‘Principal’. ‘Secondary (Undifferentiated)’<br />

aquifers indicate that the layer has previously been designated as both minor and nonaquifer<br />

due to variable characteristics of the rock type. ‘Principal’ aquifers are major<br />

aquifers with high permeability.<br />

The site itself is located on a non-aquifer, however, depending on the exact make up of<br />

the superficial geology (tidal flat deposits) some perched shallow groundwater may be<br />



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King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

The Project, a 2.8km (1.75 miles) 400kV overhead electric line, will connect the<br />

proposed King’s Lynn B 981 MW CCGT power station to the existing high voltage<br />

transmission overhead line (ref. 4VV) that connects the substations at Norwich and<br />

Walpole.<br />

The principal aspects of the Project are as follows:<br />

• Construction and operation of a 400kV overhead electricity transmission line;<br />

• The permanent and/or temporary compulsory acquisition of rights to use land<br />

for the Project;<br />

• Access routes and culverting;<br />

• Any necessary temporary interference with the highway and public rights of way<br />

networks in the vicinity of the Project;<br />

• Overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land for the Project;<br />

• Such ancillary, incidental and consequential works and provisions as are<br />

necessary for the Project.<br />

The project would be subject to specific requirements regarding the approved plans,<br />

construction works and methodology set out in the DCO.<br />

The proposed route is shown in Figure 3.


7.1 Environment Agency Consultation<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 9 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1(1)<br />

A FRA is required due to the site being located within Flood Zone 3 and the proposed<br />

development classified as ‘Essential Infrastructure’. However, EA considers that given<br />

the nature of the development, only a basic FRA will be required to acknowledge flood<br />

risk in relation to the development site. EA recommends that the FRA should consider:<br />

• Construction methods and flood resilience of pylons in event of flooding;<br />

• Potential effects on existing flood defences; and<br />

• Any effects on operation of the overhead line during a flood event.<br />

Correspondence from the EA is contained in Appendix D.<br />

Flood level information has been provided by the EA as follows with full dataset<br />

contained in Appendix D:<br />

TABLE 4: Flood Levels<br />

Flood Event (mAOD)<br />

Unique ID (Label) 1 in 5 1 in 25 1 in 50 1 in 100 1 in 200<br />

ANG_78.2 (at River Great<br />

Ouse)<br />

N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.02<br />

EA05210744 (at River Nar) N/A 2.3 N/A 2.27 N/A<br />

The EA have also provided defence level information for the River Great Ouse and<br />

River Nar, which are both man-made raised defences.<br />

TABLE 5: River Great Ouse (Raised Defence – Man Made)<br />

Unique ID<br />

(Label) Easting Northing<br />

Standard<br />

of<br />

Protection<br />

(Return<br />

Period)<br />

Overall<br />

Condition<br />

Grade<br />

05201210<br />

50401R06 559504 316300 1 in 200 3<br />

TABLE 6: River Nar (Raised Defence – Man Made)<br />

Unique ID<br />

(Label) Easting Northing<br />

Standard<br />

of<br />

Protection<br />

(Return<br />

Period)<br />

Overall<br />

Condition<br />

Grade<br />

05201210<br />

70401R08 561579 315535 1 in 50 3<br />

Statutory<br />

Defence<br />

Level<br />

Upstream<br />

Crest<br />

Level<br />

(mAOD)<br />

Downstre<br />

am Crest<br />

Level<br />

(mAOD)<br />

Not<br />

Known 7.0 7.0<br />

Statutory<br />

Defence<br />

Level<br />

Upstream<br />

Crest<br />

Level<br />

(mAOD)<br />

Downstre<br />

am Crest<br />

Level<br />

(mAOD)<br />

Not<br />

Known 4.91 5.01<br />

Grade 3 indicates that the flood defences are in fair condition and that any defects<br />

could reduce the performance of the asset.<br />

A Flood Defence Consent will also be required for any works within 9m of the landward<br />

toe of the raised embankment of the Relief Channel.<br />

The EA has also confirmed that they currently do not hold any other site-specific<br />

information for this site.

7.2 East of Ouse Polver and Nar Internal Drainage Board<br />

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The East of Ouse Polver and Nar Internal Drainage Board (IDB) have been consulted<br />

with their email correspondence contained in Appendix E.<br />

The IDB is aware of the proposed development and have had discussion with regarding<br />

the location of the proposed pylons.<br />

The IDB is not aware of any recent history of flooding in this area.<br />

The IDB Policy Statement and Bye-laws can be found on their website below:<br /><br />

7.3 Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk<br />

The council has been consulted with their email correspondence contained in<br />

Appendix F. The council has no historic records or reported issues on flooding and/or<br />

drainage in the area.<br />

There is one private water supply location identified in the area (NGR 561598, 315364),<br />

which is currently serving a single domestic dwelling.<br />

7.4 King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Strategic Flood Risk<br />

Assessment<br />

The King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (Ref. 4) was<br />

first published in 2005, more information has since become available and the SFRA<br />

was updated in 2008.<br />

Much of the assessment is concentrated in the major towns. As a result, most of the<br />

site is located outside the King’s Lynn study area in the SFRA with only the most<br />

northern portion of the site within KL1 South Lynn & South Expansion Area. However,<br />

all proposed works will be located outside the study area.<br />

The SFRA mapping does, however, cover the entire borough, including the Flood Risk<br />

Assessment Map of the Present Day situation, Hazard Zone and the Climate Change<br />

map. Indications of these maps are further discussed in Section 8.<br />

7.5 The Wash Shoreline Management Plan<br />

The Wash Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) (Ref. 5) was published at the end of 2010.<br />

The Plan covers approximately 110km of coast from Gibraltar Point to Old Hunstanton.<br />

It determines the best ways to manage the risks of flooding and coastal erosion in a<br />

sustainable way for the next 100 years.<br />

King’s Lynn is in the Policy Development Zone (PDZ) 1: Gibraltar Point – Wolferton<br />

Creek. The intension for this PDZ is to sustain the current level of flood risk for the<br />

communities and their hinterland, within an increase of management as required in the<br />

face of climate change with the summary of policies as below:<br />

TABLE 7: Summary of policies for Policy Development Zone 1<br />

Policy Development<br />

Zone<br />

Gibraltar Point to<br />

Wolferton Creek<br />

Short-Term (present<br />

day – 2025)<br />

Hold the line<br />

Medium–Term (2025-<br />

2055)<br />

Hold the line/<br />

Managed realignment<br />

Long-Term (2055-<br />

2105)<br />

Hold the line/<br />

Managed realignment

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Generally this PDZ is characterised by a wide low-lying area with good grade<br />

agricultural land and a relatively uniform settlement pattern. The shoreline consists of<br />

sea banks that protect this whole area against tidal flooding and the foreshore for the<br />

whole area consists of an intertidal area with an important role in flood defence and as<br />

a habitat.<br />

As the site is located 7km south of the Wash with the existing flood defence<br />

mechanisms in place are in satisfactory condition, it is not anticipated that tidal flooding<br />

directly from the Wash would be a major concern for the site. The site is, however,<br />

located close to the tidal Great Ouse River and may be at risk should the linear<br />

defences on this watercourse ever be overtopped or breached.<br />

7.6 Climate Change<br />

There is an increasing body of scientific evidence that the global climate is changing. It<br />

is predicted that in the UK, it will result in more frequent short-duration, high-intensity<br />

rainfall and more frequent periods of long-duration rainfall. This will lead to increased<br />

risk of river flooding and also for local flash flooding.<br />

The government established the UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) to assess<br />

the potential impacts as a result of climate change and plan appropriate adaptation<br />

strategies.<br />

Table 1 is extracted from Table B.1 from the PPS25, indicating the recommended<br />

contingency allowances for net sea level rise.<br />

TABLE 8: Recommended Contingency Allowances for Net Sea Level Rise<br />

Net Sea Level Rise (mm/yr) Relative to 1990<br />

Administrative Region 1990-2025 2025-2055 2055-2085 2085-2115<br />

East of England, East Midlands,<br />

London, SE England (south of<br />

Flamborough Head)<br />

4.0 8.5 12.0 15.0<br />

Southwest 3.5 8.0 11.5 14.5<br />

NW England, NE England (north of<br />

Flamborough Head)<br />

2.5 7.0 10.0 13.0<br />

Furthermore, while making an assessment of the impacts of climate change on flooding<br />

from the land, rivers and sea as part of a flood risk assessment, the sensitivity ranges in<br />

Table B.2 of PPS25 may provide an appropriate precautionary response to the<br />

uncertainty about climate change impacts on rainfall intensities, river flow, wave height<br />

and wind speed. A copy of the table is shown below.<br />

TABLE 9: Recommended <strong>National</strong> Precautionary Sensitivity ranges for Peak Rainfall<br />

Intensities, Peak River Flows, Offshore Wind Speeds and Wave Heights.<br />

Parameter 1990 to 2025 2025 to 2055 2055 to 2085 2085 to 2115<br />

Peak rainfall intensity +5% +10% +20% +30%<br />

Peak river flow +10% +20%<br />

Offshore wind speed +5% +10%<br />

Extreme wave height +5% +10%<br />

As a result, it is anticipated that rainfall volume and sea level will rise overtime.


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The tidal outfall channel of the Great Ouse, the Great Ouse Relief Channel and the<br />

River Nar are the principal flood risk sources for the Lynn South Expansion Area that<br />

are near to the site.<br />

The most significant flood alleviation works undertaken in the Borough since 2005 is the<br />

Puny Drain Diversion Scheme, as part of the Nar Ouse Regeneration Area (NORA)<br />

development. As a result, the Puny Drain no longer has an outfall to the tidal waters<br />

and a land drainage pumping station was constructed to pump discharge from the drain<br />

into the Great Ouse Relief Channel.<br />

8.1 Flooding from Rivers (Fluvial Flood Risk)<br />

The fluvial flood risk sources include the Great Ouse Relief Channel (downstream of<br />

Denver Sluice), River Nar and the Puny Drain.<br />

The EA online Flood Map (Figure 4) indicates that most of the site is located within<br />

Flood Zone 3 with some of the land currently protected by the flood defence.<br />

The flood map reproduced as Figure 5 from King’s Lynn & West Norfolk SFRA shows<br />

that the site is located within an area affected by fluvial flood risk with a Low to Medium<br />

risk (1.0% to 0.1% AEP) of flooding.<br />

When taking climate change into consideration (Figure 6) – The Predicted Situation in<br />

2115, the eastern part of the site (east of River Nar) is within an area with a high risk<br />

(>0.1%) of fluvial flood risk.<br />

The EA has confirmed that that in accordance with the SFRA protocol, the SFRA Flood<br />

Risk Category Maps including Climate Change (Figure 6) should be used for individual<br />

planning applications and not the Environment Agency’s Flood Zone Maps.<br />

Therefore, there is no immediate fluvial flood risk to the site but this will increase to high<br />

risk when climate change is included by 2115.<br />

8.2 Flooding from the Sea (Tidal Flood Risk)<br />

The western part of the site (west of River Nar) is within an area with a high risk<br />

(>0.5%) of tidal flood risk from the River Great Ouse, according to Figure 6 but is in<br />

Low to Medium risk in present day (Figure 5). It is therefore predicted that there is no<br />

immediate tidal flood risk to the site but this will increase overtime and become high risk<br />

by 2115.<br />

Flood levels provided by the EA, as shown previously in Section 7.1, indicates that the<br />

flood defence at River Great Ouse will be around 1m above the 1 in 200 year flood level<br />

in the River Great Ouse. The flood defence at the River Nar is at more than 2.5m above<br />

the 1 in 100 year flood level in the River Nar.<br />

There is likely to be a residual flood risk due to failure of the flood defences or a design<br />

flood event is greater than the standard of protection of the defences.

8.3 Flooding from Land (Overland Flood Risk)<br />

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Flooding from land can happen when intense rainfall, often of short duration, is unable<br />

to soak into the ground or enter the drainage systems quick enough and is then run<br />

quickly off land and result in local flooding.<br />

Due to the relatively flat topography of the existing site, it is predicted that any rainfall<br />

that cannot percolate into the ground immediately will sit above the saturated soil until<br />

infiltration is possible. Localised ponding may present in heavy rainfall with more<br />

extreme storm events.<br />

8.4 Flooding from Groundwater<br />

As quoted from the King’s Lynn & West Norfolk SFRA, flooding from groundwater is not<br />

considered to be of strategic significance in King’s Lynn and West Norfolk. Therefore, it<br />

is not anticipated that groundwater flooding poses a significant risk to the site.<br />

8.5 Flooding from Sewers<br />

Anglian Water record maps in Appendix G show that there is clean water pipe running<br />

in High Road to the west of the site. There are both surface and foul sewer located to<br />

the north of the site adjacent to the Low Road roundabout. There is also a foul sewer<br />

running close to the northern site boundary. This sewer connects further east beyond<br />

the Puny Drain.<br />

There are no sewers from Anglian Water in the area where the overhead line and<br />

pylons are to be built; therefore there is no risk of flooding from sewers within the site.<br />

8.6 Flooding from Other Sources<br />

It is possible that other types of flooding may affect the site that not mentioned above.<br />

They are further discussed below.<br />

8.6.1 Pumping Station<br />

There is a risk of flooding from the failure of land drainage pumping stations. The Puny<br />

Pumping Station is located within the site at NGR TF 60701502. This station pumps<br />

water under the railway line through a culvert into an open drain to the River Nar where<br />

it goes under the river via a siphon into an open drain which gravitates into the Flood<br />

Relief Channel.<br />

There is a risk that if the pumping station fails to operate, it can give rise to a residual<br />

flood risk within the area. Any such flooding would be local and confined to low-lying<br />

land as the area is relatively flat with minimal change in levels.<br />

8.6.2 Direct Breach & Hazard Zone<br />

There are currently flood defences along the River Great Ouse, the River Nar and a<br />

defence running from east to west connecting the River Nar and the Great Ouse Relief<br />

Channel, just to the south of the Dairy Farm and the Saddlebow House.

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The Hazard Zone is also known as the Rapid Inundation Zone, which is defined by the<br />

EA as areas of land behind both fluvial and tidal defences, which flood flow velocities,<br />

exceed 0.5m/sec or the depth of flooding exceeds 0.25m.<br />

Most of the Hazard Zone created is as a direct result of a breach for up to the 100-year<br />

(fluvial)/ 200-year (tidal) situation. Hazard Zones have been mapped for the King’s Lynn<br />

and West Norfolk SFRA and reproduced as Figure 7. This shows that the southern part<br />

(to the southeast of Dairy Farm) of the site is located in this zone.


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As the site is within a SFRA identified Flood Zone with climate change included, the<br />

main criterion for assessment is to determine the extent of any predicted flooding on the<br />

site as well as the influence of the proposed site drainage on local watercourses and<br />

any effects that the proximity of the flood zone may have on the pylons.<br />

In accordance with PPS25 (Ref. 1) and advice from the EA, a prediction of flood levels<br />

is required along with the effects of climate change from the present for the design life<br />

of the development. To consider the effect of climate change, PPS25 Annex B Table B2<br />

(TABLE 9) recommends a consideration of a 20% increase in rainfall intensity and 20%<br />

increase in peak river flows for the proposed development.<br />

9.1 Construction Activities<br />

Construction of the site should not influence the flooding regime and defences in the<br />

area. The following items should be considered:<br />

a) Construction and excavation works in the vicinity of the existing watercourses will<br />

have to be carried out to ensure no damage to the structure or blocking of the<br />

watercourse occurs.<br />

b) Any works near the flood defences must be carried out to ensure there is no<br />

negative effect on the integrity of the defence structures.<br />

c) Care will need to be taken during construction phase to reduce the risk of accidental<br />

spillage that could lead to the polluting of the nearby watercourse or underlying<br />

soils. In particular, direct surface water drainage connections into the watercourse<br />

or contaminated releases or silts into the existing drainage network.<br />

d) Safety of works should be considered with provision of emergency route and made<br />

aware of the EA flood line while working within the flood risk zones. Unpredictable<br />

weather may result in flash flood.<br />

9.2 Proposal<br />

9.2.1 Proposed Access<br />

It is proposed that construction activities will begin with preparation and installation of<br />

access to each pylon site. Existing accesses from public highways may need to be<br />

widened or temporary new accesses be constructed. Temporary tracks would be<br />

constructed on agricultural land using crushed stone and track way panels.<br />

Access to the site will be via the High Road from the north and the Thiefgate Lane from<br />

the south, which are then connected to the work areas through temporary stone roads<br />

as shown on the site layout in Figure 8.<br />

The work areas will result in crossing of the drainage ditches and the River Nar in the<br />

area. River scaffolds will be placed on both sides of the River Nar bank with pontoon to<br />

form crossings at the river.<br />

Any works, large or small, on the flood defence will have an effect on the integrity of the<br />

defence structure, therefore it should be avoided where possible. If it is not possible,

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any works on the flood defence should not lower the crest level to below the existing<br />

flood level, which is 2.9m AOD for the 1 in 100 year flood event for the River Nar with a<br />

600mm freeboard included.<br />

In addition, applicant will require the Flood Defence Consent, this is a written consent of<br />

the EA, which is required for any proposed works or structures, in, under, or within 9<br />

metres of the landward toe of the raised embankment of the relief channel.<br />

9.2.2 Impermeable Surfaces<br />

As the temporary access roads will be made of crushed stones, the roads will remain<br />

semi-permeable with surface runoff anticipated only at extreme rainfall events.<br />

Once the overhead line is constructed, temporary access tracks and working areas at<br />

the pylon sites will be removed and ground reinstated by removing stone and trackways.<br />

Soils will be restored to agricultural land and cultivated. Other surfaces will be<br />

reinstated and widened accesses will be restored to their original condition.<br />

Therefore, the proposed accesses will not have a permanent effect on the site. The<br />

increase of impermeable surfaces and surface water runoff will only be noticeable<br />

during construction.<br />

9.2.3 Pylons (Towers)<br />

Foundations will be piled onsite with pre-mixed concrete delivered to site in wagons<br />

along with steelwork for the foundation frames and bases.<br />

A number of tower types have been proposed with their details contained in<br />

Appendix H.<br />

There will be a total of nine towers to be installed onsite with one temporary tower<br />

located 50m to the south of tower nine. The towers will all have four areas of foundation<br />

created to support the four bases of each pylon.<br />

The footprint area of the foundation is unlikely to create enough hard surfaces to<br />

generate significant surface runoff flow.<br />

There is a remote but potential risk that the velocity of floodwater could cause the<br />

pylons to collapse or fall over during flooding. However, as any floodwater would simply<br />

flow through the pylon structure, resistant of the pylons to floodwater will be minimal.<br />

Furthermore, pylons are constructed with inherently flood resilient materials. As a result,<br />

it is not anticipated that flooding will have an effect on the operation of the pylons and<br />

the overhead lines.<br />

An issue raised by Environment Agency in its email dated 26 th October 2011 is that<br />

during flooding, the velocity of floodwater could cause pylons to topple and cause an<br />

obstruction/ potentially damage to the existing flood defences.<br />

The height of the towers range from 48.07m to 53.46m, the proposed overhead route<br />

will cross the River Nar with the nearest pylon (Last 8 L6 (M) D STD) located over 60m<br />

away from the River Nar. Therefore, in the unlikely event that a pylon does fall over, it<br />

will not have a direct effect on the existing flood defence at River Nar.

9.2.4 Crossing<br />

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A box culvert (2m x 1.25m deep) is proposed to the north of Tower 1 as part of the<br />

development work as discussed with the EA. The culvert is to be installed immediately<br />

south of the private access road to the substation.<br />

Two crossings at the River Nar will be required as part of the construction. Pontoon<br />

crossing has been proposed at these locations with scaffolding erected at either side of<br />

the banks for pedestrian access. Pontoon crossings will have less impact to the<br />

watercourse by having minimal construction in the riverbed. Effect to the river flow from<br />

pontoon crossing is also minimised. Details of the two pontoon crossings at the river<br />

are contained in Appendix I. <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> has consulted Environment Agency and<br />

Natural England on these proposed crossings.<br />

The location of the box culvert and the pontoon crossings are shown in Figure 8.<br />

9.3 Post-Development Situation<br />

Development will introduce new impermeable areas, as the proposal comprises a new<br />

400kv headline supported by steel pylons. A number of aspects will need to be<br />

considered.<br />

9.3.1 Site Drainage<br />

Generally, the preferred drainage regime would be to maintain the existing drainage<br />

pattern with any additional volume generated as a result of development contained<br />

within the site boundary by using SUDS methodology, to minimise the volume and peak<br />

surface water and thus avoiding pollution. This is to minimise any potential impacts that<br />

the development may have to its river wide catchment area.<br />

However, as development will have minimal increase in surface water runoff due to<br />

limited impermeable surfaces. The additional runoff will likely dissipate into the ground<br />

prior to reaching any nearby watercourses. Therefore, it is not anticipated that<br />

additional drainage system will be required as a result of development.<br />

9.3.2 Flood Compensation<br />

As the site is located in Flood Zone 3 (both tidal and fluvial), like-for-like flood<br />

compensation will be required.<br />

In undefended coastal areas, as development is less likely to impact on the water levels<br />

from tidal sea flooding, compensatory storage may not always be required.<br />

Compensatory flood storage or conveyance will be necessary for most developments<br />

located within the undefended fluvial floodplain areas.<br />

However, as the pylons will have minimal footprint and their structure will allow any<br />

floodwater to flow through freely with minimal obstruction, the development will not<br />

impede overland flow. It is not anticipated that flood compensation will be required as<br />

land take from the proposed pylons will be very limited.


10.1 Context<br />

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As the site is defended up to 1 in 50 year by the defence at the River Nar and up to 1 in<br />

200 year by the raised defences on the River Great Ouse. Mitigation measures would<br />

relate to the provision of drainage controls and residual flood risks.<br />

10.2 Ground Levels<br />

One of the most robust methods of removing a development from the floodplain is to<br />

raise ground levels above the predicted design flood levels.<br />

As the proposed development will mainly comprise of overhead lines supported by<br />

pylons. It is not anticipated raising of the ground for these structures will be necessary.<br />

However, other onsite compounds may need to be raised above the 1 in 100 year flood<br />

level, which is currently provided at 2.27mAOD for the River Nar. A freeboard of 300mm<br />

is recommended on top of this level. It is not anticipated that onsite compounds will<br />

remain onsite once construction is completed. Therefore, it is not considered necessary<br />

to include climate change in this case.<br />

10.3 Flood Resilient Construction<br />

Any development susceptible to floodwater should be constructed using the latest best<br />

practice flood resilient construction techniques. These would include design features in<br />

relation to the finish materials and the heights of service. This will ensure the site<br />

remain operational and will reduce damage in the unlikely event of a breach in the flood<br />

defence.<br />

In general, the design should include reference to “Preparing for Floods” a DEFRA<br />

publication (ref. 6) , CIRIA guidance C624 “Development and flood risk” (ref. 7) and the CLG<br />

document “Improving the flood performance of new buildings” (ref. 8) .<br />

However, as much of the onsite buildings will be temporary, it may be more cost<br />

effective to place the buildings above flood level, where possible, than using flood<br />

resilient constructions.<br />

10.4 Flood Warnings<br />

Flood Warnings are EA provision of advance warning of conditions that are likely to<br />

cause flooding to property and potential risk to life.<br />

Unfortunately, due to the existing agricultural nature of the site, the EA flood warning<br />

system does not cover this area. The nearest Flood Warning Areas is in King’s Lynn,<br />

directly to the north of the site and to the south, in the Parish of Wiggenhall St<br />


10.5 Flood Plan<br />

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It is recommended that a Flood Plan be drawn up for the site. This Flood Plan should<br />

detail appropriate action to take in a flood event and should include suitable evacuation<br />

procedures, safe egress route and a plan showing the locations of assembly point. The<br />

assembly point should be outside the floodplain, which is toward the east in the parish<br />

of West Winch.<br />

This is particularly important during the construction and decommissioning phase, as<br />

this is when most workers and personnel will be onsite. The Flood Plan should also be<br />

made available for maintenance staff during operational phase to ensure they<br />

understand the correct evacuation procedure during a flood event.<br />

10.6 Safety<br />

The SFRA Flood Hazard Zone (Figure 7) indicates that a small southern portion of the<br />

site is located within an area at risk of rapid inundation, if flood defences were to breach<br />

or overtop. It is advised that in the case of emergency, construction and maintenance<br />

workers should evacuate toward the north (beyond the IDB owned Puny Pumping<br />

Station), away from the south (i.e. Diary Farm), preferably toward the northeast in the<br />

parish of West Winch when safe and possible to do so. The safe egress route should<br />

be developed and included as part of the Flood Plan mentioned above.<br />

The risk of a defence breach is considered to be minimal as long as regular inspection<br />

and maintenance works are carried out appropriately.


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Construction of the proposed pylons with associated overhead lines on the site will be<br />

possible with careful consideration of the proximity of the pylons to the River Nar and<br />

other water features in the area.<br />

Other flood risks considered in this assessment included overland flow, groundwater,<br />

sewer and existing infrastructure i.e. pumping stations have been assessed, and they<br />

do not pose a significant flood risk to the site.<br />

The proposal will result in minimal increase of impermeable area, hence limited<br />

additional runoff of surface water. The limited volume of the additional surface runoff, as<br />

a result of development, will percolate into the ground before they can reach and drain<br />

into any water sources in the area. Therefore, It is not anticipated that additional<br />

drainage system will be required.<br />

The proposal will not impede flood flows and will have minimal impact on the flood<br />

storage volumes, as any floodwater will flow through the pylon structure without<br />

obstruction.<br />

The nearest tower will be located at more than 60m from the flood defence in River Nar,<br />

therefore they will have minimal impact on the defences. Even in the unlikely event that<br />

a pylon falls over, it is unlikely to reach the existing flood defences due to the physical<br />

distance between the towers and the riverbanks.<br />

Pontoon crossings are proposed for pedestrian access across the River Nar. Pontoon<br />

crossings will have less impact to the watercourse by having minimal construction in the<br />

riverbed with effect to the river flow from pontoon crossing also minimised.<br />

If works are required at the flood defence, the crest level of the defence should not be<br />

lowered to more than the 1 in 100 year flood event for the River Nar with 600mm<br />

freeboard included at 2.9m AOD. This is to ensure the local environment currently<br />

benefiting from the flood defence will not be affected.<br />

In summary, this assessment considers the site to be at low risk of flooding with flood<br />

defences in place. Appropriate maintenance of the defences will ensure the residual<br />

risk of flooding is minimised.<br />

Tidal and fluvial flood risk will, however, increase to high risk with climate change<br />

included. Even at high risk, it is not anticipated that the structure and operation of the<br />

pylons will be affected during a flood event. The climate change event has also<br />

assumed that the flood defences and other defence mechanism in the area remain<br />

unchanged over the years and do not take into account any intermediate improvement/<br />

bank raising to the flood defences and embankments in the future in accordance to the<br />

Great Ouse Tidal River Strategy (ref. 9) .


1. Communities and Local Government “Planning Policy Statement – Development and<br />

Flood Risk” PPS 25, March 2010.<br />

2. DEFRA “Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems” <strong>National</strong> SUDS<br />

Working Group, July 2004.<br />

3. Communities and Local Government “Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and<br />

Flood Risk Practice Guide”, December 2009.<br />

4. Faber Maunsell “King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2007/8<br />

Revision” Final Report, December 2008.<br />

5. Environment Agency et al “The Wash Shoreline Management Plan 2 – Gibraltar Point<br />

to Old Hunstanton”, August 2010.<br />

6. DTLR “Preparing for Floods Interim guidance for improving the flood resistance of<br />

domestic and small business properties” Feb 2002.<br />

7. CIRIA “Development and Flood Risk guidance for the construction industry” C624,<br />

2004<br />

8. Communities and Local Government “Improving the flood performance of new buildings<br />

– flood resilient construction”, May 2007.<br />

9. Environment Agency “Great Ouse Tidal River Strategy Review, Strategic<br />

Environmental Assessment: Non-Technical Summary”, September 2009<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> 21 of 21<br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />



TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


Relief Channel<br />

River Great Ouse<br />

Thiefgate drain<br />

River Nar<br />

Reproduced from Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright reserved (Licence No: 100002620)<br />


PLAN<br />

Client: TEP Figure No: 1<br />

Site: King’s Lynn 400kV<br />

Connection<br />

Puny Drain<br />

Job No: 110488<br />

Scale: NTS Source: Promap

Environment Agency - What's in your backyard?<br />

Enter a postcode or place name:<br />

Map legend<br />

The map displays the extents<br />

of groundwater zones<br />

gfedcb<br />

Groundwater source<br />

protection zones<br />

Inner zone<br />

(Zone 1)<br />

Outer zone<br />

(Zone 2)<br />

Total catchment<br />

(Zone 3)<br />

Special interest<br />

(Zone 4)<br />

gfedc<br />

Aquifer Maps -<br />

Superficial Deposits<br />

Designation<br />

Principal<br />

Secondary A<br />

Secondary B<br />

Secondary<br />

(undifferentiated)<br />

Unknown (lakes and<br />

landslip)<br />

gfedc<br />

Aquifer Maps - Bedrock<br />

Designation<br />

Principal<br />

Secondary A<br />

Secondary B<br />

Secondary<br />

(undifferentiated)<br />

gfedc Groundwater<br />

Vulnerability Zones<br />

Major Aquifer High<br />

Major Aquifer<br />

Intermediate<br />

Major Aquifer Low<br />

Minor Aquifer High<br />

Minor Aquifer<br />

Intermediate<br />

Minor Aquifer Low<br />

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Other topics for this area...<br />

Groundwater<br />

X: 561,984;Y: 315,662 at scale 1:75,000<br />

Groundwater<br />

Text only version<br />

© Environment Agency copyright and database rights 2011. © Ordnance Survey Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380.<br />

Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2011.<br />

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British Geological Survey Aquifer data:<br />

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The Aquifer Extents are not displayed at scales greater than 1:75,000 (Ordnance Survey 1:250,000 scale) as the data<br />

was only modelled to this level and is not accurate pass this.<br />

New BGS Aquifer Designation Maps<br />

From 1st April 2010 new aquifer designations replace the old system of classifying aquifers as Major, Minor and Non-<br />

Aquifer. This new system is in line with our Groundwater Protection Policy (GP3) and the Water Framework Directive<br />

(WFD) and is based on British Geological Survey mapping.<br />

Groundwater Source Protection Zones data:<br />

The Source Protection Zones are not displayed at scales greater than 1:20,000 (Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 scale) as<br />

the data was only modelled to this level and is not accurate pass this. They should not be compared against field<br />

boundaries.<br />

Groundwater Source Protection Zones<br />

Groundwater provides a third of our drinking water. We ensure that your water is safe to drink defining Source<br />

Protection Zones. These zones help to monitor the risk of contamination from any activities that might cause pollution<br />

in the area.<br />

Facts and figures of our groundwater resources<br />

Find out more about groundwater and groundwater levels.<br />

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Author: The Environment Agency |<br />

Last updated: 17th November 2011<br /><br />


!H<br />

M etres<br />

0 100 200 400<br />

Key<br />

This m ap is based upon O rdnance Survey m aterial with the<br />

perm ission of O rdnance Survey on behalf of the Controler of Her<br />

M ajesty’s Stationery O fice © Crown copyright. U nauthorised<br />

reproduction infringes Crown copyright and m ay lead to prosecution<br />

or civil proceedings. L icence N o. 100024241 2011.<br />

Project:<br />

Title:<br />

Drawing N o:<br />

Date:<br />

!.<br />

Preferred R oute Corridor<br />

E xisting Power Station<br />

(K ings L ynn A)<br />

E xisting 400kV O verhead L ine<br />

E xisting 132kV O verhead L ine<br />

Proposed Infrastructure<br />

Proposed O verhead L ine<br />

R oute Alignm ent<br />

Proposed R oute Tower Positions<br />

Proposed Duct R oute<br />

for F ibre O ptic Cable<br />

Rev Description Dwn App Date<br />

A Additional F ibre O ptic R oute CB CG 31/10/2011<br />

Genesis Centre<br />

Birchwood Science Park<br />

W arrington W A3 7BH<br />

Tel 01925 844004<br />

F ax 01925 844002<br />

em ail<br />

King's Lynn Connection<br />

Interim Alignment<br />

F igure 3<br />

TE P R ef N o:<br />

12-10-11 G1907.087a<br />

Drawn: Checked: Approved:<br />

CB<br />

CG<br />


Environment Agency Flood Zone Map centred on TF 61796 15674 request CCN/2011/29932 created 21 December 2011<br />

ANG_78.2<br />

EA052101744<br />

Development Site<br />

© Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2009. All rights reserved. © Crown Copyright and database right. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380, 2009.<br />

Contact Us: <strong>National</strong> Customer Contact Centre, PO Box 544, Rotherham, S60 1BY. Tel: 08708 506 506 (Mon-Fri 8-6). Email:<br />

Legend<br />

Scale 1:25,000 -<br />

Defences<br />

Main River<br />

Areas Benefitting From Defences<br />

Flood Map - Flood Zone 3<br />

Flood Map - Flood Zone 2

(<br />

"This document has been prepared by Faber Maunsell Limited ("FM") for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget fees and the terms of reference agreed between FM and the Client.<br />

Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by FM, unless otherwise expressly stated in the document. No third party may rely upon this document without the prior and express written agreement of FM"<br />

See<br />

Sheet<br />

5<br />

Reproduced from the Ordnance<br />

Survey map with the permission<br />

of the Controller, H.M.S.O<br />

© Crown Copyright<br />

Environment Agency<br />

Licence No. 100026380, 2007<br />

((((((((<br />

((((((((((((((((<br />

((((((((((<br />

See Sheet 4<br />

((((((((((((((((<br />

((((((((((((((<br />

(((((((((((<br />

(((((((((((((<br />

(((((((((((((((((((<br />

(((((((((((((<br />

((((((((((((((((<br />

See Sheet 9<br />

See<br />

Sheet<br />

7<br />

Key<br />

Title:<br />

cm<br />

((((((<br />

See Sheet 4<br />

Kings Lynn & West Norfolk<br />

Borough Boundary<br />

Environment Agency Main River<br />

IDB Maintained Watercourses<br />

IDB Pumping Station<br />

Fluvial Flood Risk<br />

Category 1 - Little or No Risk (1.0%)<br />

Tidal Flood Risk<br />

Category 1 - Little or No Risk (0.5%)<br />

See Sheet 1<br />

Sheet 5<br />

Sheet 8<br />

Design: Clare Marsh<br />

Chk'd:<br />

Date:<br />

Sheet 10<br />

Sheet 4<br />

Sheet 2<br />

Sheet 6<br />

Sheet 9<br />

Sheet 11<br />

Key Plan<br />

Sheet 1<br />

Sheet 3<br />

Sheet 7<br />

Rev Date<br />

Detail<br />

Made Chk'd App'd<br />

Client:<br />

Project:<br />




FIGURE 5.1<br />




SHEET 6 OF 11<br />

No.<br />



BB<br />

Clare Marsh<br />

BB<br />

December 2008 Scale: 1 : 25 000<br />

1 The Forum,<br />

Minerva Business Park,<br />

Lynch Wood<br />

Peterborough, PE2 6FT<br />

Note:<br />

The flood extents are<br />

based on the assumption<br />

that breaches in the<br />

defences occur when<br />

'soft' defences are<br />

overtopped. Where a<br />

flood extent is not<br />

shown, the defences are<br />

not overtopped.<br />

CAD:<br />

App'd:<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 1733 391 456<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 1733 391 139<br /><br />

60036933 / 3563 / 005.1<br />

Rev:<br />

03<br />

A1<br />


"This document has been prepared by Faber Maunsell Limited ("FM") for the sole use of our Client (the "Client") and in accordance with generally accepted consultancy principles, the budget fees and the terms of reference agreed between FM and the Client.<br />

Any information provided by third parties and referred to herein has not been checked or verified by FM, unless otherwise expressly stated in the document. No third party may rely upon this document without the prior and express written agreement of FM"<br />

(<br />

See<br />

Sheet<br />

5<br />

Reproduced from the Ordnance<br />

Survey map with the permission<br />

of the Controller, H.M.S.O<br />

© Crown Copyright<br />

Environment Agency<br />

Licence No. 100026380, 2007<br />

(((((((<br />

(<br />

(((((((((((((((((<br />

See Sheet 4<br />

(((((((((((((<br />

(<br />

(<br />

(<br />

(((((((((((((<br />

(((((((((((((<br />

(((((((((((((<br />

See Sheet 9<br />

See<br />

Sheet<br />

7<br />

Key<br />

Title:<br />

Design:<br />

Chk'd:<br />

Date:<br />

cm<br />

((((((((((((<br />

See Sheet 4<br />

IDB Pumping Station<br />

See Sheet 1<br />

Sheet 5<br />

Clare Marsh<br />

Sheet 8<br />

Sheet 10<br />

Sheet 4<br />

Sheet 2<br />

Sheet 6<br />

Sheet 9<br />

Sheet 11<br />

Key Plan<br />

Sheet 1<br />

Sheet 3<br />

Sheet 7<br />

Rev Date<br />

Detail<br />

Made Chk'd App'd<br />

Client:<br />

Project:<br />




1 The Forum,<br />

Minerva Business Park,<br />

Lynch Wood<br />

Peterborough, PE2 6FT<br />

No.<br />



BB<br />

October 2009<br />

Kings Lynn & West Norfolk<br />

Borough Boundary<br />

Environment Agency Main River<br />

Other Principal Open Watercourses<br />

Fluvial Flood Risk<br />

Category 1 - Little or No Risk (1.0%)<br />

Tidal Flood Risk<br />

Category 1 - Little or No Risk (0.5%)<br />

Note:<br />

The flood extents are<br />

based on the assumption<br />

that breaches in the<br />

defences occur when<br />

'soft' defences are<br />

overtopped. Where a<br />

flood extent is not<br />

shown, the defences are<br />

not overtopped.<br />

FIGURE 5.2<br />



SHEET 6 OF 11<br />

CAD:<br />

App'd:<br />

Scale:<br />

Tom Hudson<br />

BB<br />

1 : 25 000<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 1733 391 456<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 1733 391 139<br /><br />

60036933 / 3563 / 005.2<br />

Rev:<br />

05<br />

A1<br />


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Service Constraints<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1<br />



1. This report and the Drainage design carried out in connection with the report (together the "Services") were compiled and carried out<br />

by RSK LDE Ltd (RSK) for TEP (the "client") in accordance with the terms of a contract between RSK and the "client" dated<br />

November 2011. The Services were performed by RSK with the skill and care ordinarily exercised by a reasonable Civil Engineer at<br />

the time the Services were performed. Further, and in particular, the Services were performed by RSK taking into account the limits<br />

of the scope of works required by the client, the time scale involved and the resources, including financial and manpower resources,<br />

agreed between RSK and the client.<br />

2. Other than that expressly contained in paragraph 1 above, RSK provides no other representation or warranty whether express or<br />

implied, in relation to the Services.<br />

3. Unless otherwise agreed the Services were performed by RSK exclusively for the purposes of the client. RSK is not aware of any<br />

interest of or reliance by any party other than the client in or on the Services. Unless expressly provided in writing, RSK does not<br />

authorise, consent or condone any party other than the client relying upon the Services. Should this report or any part of this report,<br />

or otherwise details of the Services or any part of the Services be made known to any such party, and such party relies thereon that<br />

party does so wholly at its own and sole risk and RSK disclaims any liability to such parties. Any such party would be well advised<br />

to seek independent advice from a competent environmental consultant and/or lawyer.<br />

4. It is RSK’s understanding that this report is to be used for the purpose described in the introduction to the report. That purpose was<br />

a significant factor in determining the scope and level of the Services. Should the purpose for which the report is used, or the<br />

proposed use of the site change, this report may no longer be valid and any further use of or reliance upon the report in those<br />

circumstances by the client without RSK's review and advice shall be at the client's sole and own risk. Should RSK be requested to<br />

review the report after the date hereof, RSK shall be entitled to additional payment at the then existing rates or such other terms as<br />

agreed between RSK and the client.<br />

5. The passage of time may result in changes in site conditions, regulatory or other legal provisions, technology or economic conditions<br />

which could render the report inaccurate or unreliable. The information and conclusions contained in this report should not be relied<br />

upon in the future without the written advice of RSK. In the absence of such written advice of RSK, reliance on the report in the<br />

future shall be at the client's own and sole risk. Should RSK be requested to review the report in the future, RSK shall be entitled to<br />

additional payment at the then existing rate or such other terms as may be agreed between RSK and the client.<br />

6. The observations and conclusions described in this report are based solely upon the Services, which were provided pursuant to the<br />

agreement between the client and RSK. RSK has not performed any observations, investigations, studies or testing not specifically<br />

set out or required by the contract between the client and RSK. RSK is not liable for the existence of any condition, the discovery of<br />

which would require performance of services not otherwise contained in the Services. For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise<br />

expressly referred to in the introduction to this report, RSK did not seek to evaluate the presence on or off the site of asbestos,<br />

electromagnetic fields, lead paint, heavy metals, radon gas or other radioactive or hazardous materials.<br />

7. The Services are based upon RSK's observations of existing physical conditions at the Site gained from a walk-over survey of the<br />

site together with RSK's interpretation of information including documentation, obtained from third parties and from the client on the<br />

history and usage of the site. The Services are also based on information and/or analysis provided by independent testing and<br />

information services or laboratories upon which RSK was reasonably entitled to rely. The Services clearly are limited by the<br />

accuracy of the information, including documentation, reviewed by RSK and the observations possible at the time of the walk-over<br />

survey. Further RSK was not authorised and did not attempt to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of information,<br />

documentation or materials received from the client or third parties, including laboratories and information services, during the<br />

performance of the Services. RSK is not liable for any inaccurate information or conclusions, the discovery of which inaccuracies<br />

required the doing of any act including the gathering of any information which was not reasonably available to RSK and including the<br />

doing of any independent investigation of the information provided to RSK save as otherwise provided in the terms of the contract<br />

between the client and RSK.<br />

8. The phase II or intrusive environmental site investigation aspects of the Services is a limited sampling of the site at pre-determined<br />

borehole and soil vapour locations based on the operational configuration of the site. The conclusions given in this report are based<br />

on information gathered at the specific test locations and can only be extrapolated to an undefined limited area around those<br />

locations. The extent of the limited area depends on the soil and groundwater conditions, together with the position of any current<br />

structures and underground facilities and natural and other activities on site. In addition chemical analysis was carried out for a<br />

limited number of parameters [as stipulated in the contract between the client and RSK] [based on an understanding of the available<br />

operational and historical information,] and it should not be inferred that other chemical species are not present.<br />

9. Any site drawing(s) provided in this report is (are) not meant to be an accurate base plan, but is (are) used to present the general<br />

relative locations of features on, and surrounding, the site.


PPS25 Annex E – The Assessment of Flood Risk/ Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable<br />

Drainage Systems – Drainage Impact Assessment<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />



General Principles<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1<br />

Properly prepared assessments of flood risk will inform the decision-making process at<br />

all stages of development planning. There should be iteration between the different<br />

levels of flood risk assessment.<br />

Any organisation or person proposing a development must consider whether that<br />

development will not add to and should where practicable reduce flood risk. The future<br />

users of the development must not be placed in danger from flood hazards and should<br />

remain safe throughout the lifetime of the plan or proposed development and land use.<br />

At all stages of the planning process, the minimum requirements for flood risk<br />

assessments are that they should:<br />

• be proportionate to the risk and appropriate to the scale, nature and location of the<br />

development;<br />

• consider the risk of flooding arising from the development in addition to the risk of flooding<br />

to the development;<br />

• take the impacts of climate change into account;<br />

• be undertaken by competent people, as early as possible in the particular planning<br />

process, to avoid misplaced effort and raising landowner expectations where land is<br />

unsuitable for development;<br />

• consider both the potential adverse and beneficial effects of flood risk management<br />

infrastructure including raised defences, flow channels, flood storage areas and other<br />

artificial features together with the consequences of their failure;<br />

• consider the vulnerability of those that could occupy and use the development, taking<br />

account of the Sequential and Exception Tests and the vulnerability classification<br />

including arrangements for safe access;<br />

• consider and quantify the different types of flooding (whether from natural and human<br />

sources and including joint and cumulative effects) and identify flood risk reduction<br />

measures, so that assessments are fit for the purpose of the decisions being made;<br />

• consider the effects of a range of flooding events including extreme events on people,<br />

property, the natural and historic environment and river and coastal processes;<br />

• include the assessment of the remaining (known as ‘residual’) risk after risk reduction<br />

measures have been taken into account and demonstrate that this is acceptable for the<br />

particular development or land use;<br />

• consider how the ability of water to soak into the ground may change with development,<br />

along with how the proposed layout of development may affect drainage systems; and<br />

• be supported by appropriate data and information, including historical information on<br />

previous events.

Site-specific Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs)<br />

At the planning application stage, an appropriate FRA will be required to demonstrate how flood<br />

risk from all sources of flooding to the development itself and flood risk to others will be managed<br />

now and taking climate change into account. Policies in LDDs should require FRAs to be<br />

submitted with planning applications in areas of flood risk identified in the plan.<br />

Planning applications for development proposals of 1 hectare or greater in Flood Zone 1 and all<br />

proposals for new development located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, should be accompanied by a<br />

FRA. This should identify and assess the risks of all forms of flooding to and from the<br />

development and demonstrate how these flood risks will be managed, taking climate change into<br />

account. For major developments in Flood Zone 1, the FRA should identify opportunities to<br />

reduce the probability and consequences of flooding. A FRA will also be required where the<br />

proposed development or change of use to a more vulnerable class may be subject to other<br />

sources of flooding or where the Environment Agency, Internal Drainage Board and/or other<br />

bodies have indicated that there may be drainage problems.<br />

The FRA should be prepared by the developer in consultation with the LPA. The FRA should<br />

form part of an Environmental Statement when one is required by the Town and Country<br />

Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999 as<br />

amended.<br />

The detail and technical complexity of a flood risk report will reflect the scale and potential<br />

significance of the study but, in all cases, whenever a flood risk assessment is undertaken for<br />

any location, the resulting report should address, as a minimum, the following requirements:<br />

• A location plan at an appropriate scale that includes geographical features, street names<br />

and identifies all watercourses or other bodies of water in the vicinity. This should include<br />

drainage outfalls and, if necessary, cross-refer to their operational arrangements in the<br />

body of the report.<br />

• A plan of the site showing levels related to Ordnance Datum, both current and following<br />

development.<br />

• A more detailed indication, if appropriate, of flood alleviation measures already in place,<br />

of their state of maintenance and their performance.<br />

• An assessment of the source of potential flooding - rivers, tidal, coastal, groundwater,<br />

surface flow or any combination of these.<br />

• A plan of the site showing any existing information on extent and depth of flood events or<br />

on flood predictions. Information may be anecdotal, photographic, survey results or<br />

model estimates. The events should be identified with date/time, source of the data and<br />

supporting information provided on rainfall and/or return period, or probability of<br />

occurrence of the flood or storm surge event, or combination. Recorded data are<br />

particularly valuable and, if available, should be highlighted along with evidence of any<br />

observed trends in flood occurrence. Any changes that have taken place since the last<br />

event should be identified.<br />

• A plan and description of any structures which may influence local hydraulics. This will<br />

include bridges, pipes/ducts crossing the watercourse, culverts, screens, embankments<br />

or walls, overgrown or collapsing channels and their likelihood to choke with debris.<br />

• An assessment of the probabilities and any observed trends and the extent and depth of<br />

floods for the location and in the catchment context and, if appropriate, routes and speed<br />

of water flow. At this stage best estimates, based on the most up-to-date findings, should<br />

also be made of climate change impacts on probabilities. The assessment should ensure<br />

that the development meets an acceptable standard of flood defence for the design life of<br />

the development.<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


• A cross-section of the site showing finished floor levels or road levels, or other relevant<br />

levels relative to the source of flooding, and to anticipated water levels and associated<br />

probabilities.<br />

• An assessment of the likely rate or speed with which flooding might occur, the order in<br />

which various parts of the location or site might flood, the likely duration of flood events<br />

and the economic, social and environmental consequences/impacts of flooding.<br />

• An assessment of the hydraulics of any drains or sewers, existing or proposed, on the<br />

site during flood events. The methodology for assessment must be clearly stated.<br />

• An estimate of the volume of water which would be displaced from the site for various<br />

flood levels following development of the site and of the run-off likely to be generated<br />

from the development proposed.<br />

• An assessment of the likely impact of any displaced water on neighbouring or other<br />

locations which might be affected subsequent to development. This should address the<br />

potential for change of the flooding regime both upstream and downstream of the site due<br />

to ground raising or flood embankments.<br />

• An assessment of the potential impact of any development on fluvial or coastal<br />

morphology and the likely longer-term stability and sustainability.<br />

• Because of the uncertainties in flood estimation and expected climate change impacts,<br />

hydrological analysis of flood flows and definition of defence standards should include the<br />

allowances for increased flows and sea-level rise in MAFF’s project appraisal guidance<br />

for flood defence.<br />

• An assessment of the residual risks after the construction of any necessary defences.<br />

Where new or modified flood defence arrangements are provided, consideration should<br />

always be given to their behaviour in extreme events greater than those for which they<br />

are designed and information should be provided on the consideration given to<br />

minimising risks to life in such circumstances.<br />

Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems<br />

Drainage impact assessments<br />

The drainage impact assessment (DIA) or drainage assessment (DA) will ensure that<br />

consideration is given to the impact of the proposed development on the catchment. It should be<br />

submitted with the first planning application for developments that require waste or surface water<br />

to be drained.<br />

The DIA is site-specific, and guidance on the completion of the assessment recommends the<br />

implementation of a drainage system that provides the best environmental protection and states<br />

that SUDS is the preferred method of surface water drainage.<br />

The basic requirements for a drainage impact assessment include:<br />

• an examination of drainage patterns including overland flood pathways during extreme<br />

events<br />

• concept drawing of the development proposal<br />

• brief summary of how the drainage design provides SUDS techniques (in accordance<br />

with CIRIA guidance)<br />

• summary of SUDS to be incorporated<br />

• soil classification for the site<br />

• evidence of soil porosity sites (where possible at site of infiltration devices)<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


• consideration of ground and groundwater conditions<br />

• calculation for runoff flow for the range of critical rainfall events<br />

• attenuation and treatment designed for a relevant return period rainfall events<br />

• wastewater drainage proposals<br />

• confirmation of maintenance responsibility<br />

copy of letter from sewerage undertaker giving location of nearest public sewer and confirmation<br />

of their availability for servicing the site.<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />



PPS 25 Annex D.1: Flood Zone and D.2: Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1<br />

Annex D.1: Flood Zone<br />

Zone 1 Low Probability<br />

Definition<br />

This zone comprises land assessed as having a less than 1 in 1000 annual probability of river or sea<br />

flooding in any year (1%) or a 1 in 200 or greater annual probability of flooding from the sea (>0.5%) in any<br />

year.<br />

Appropriate uses<br />

The water-compatible and less vulnerable uses of land in Table D.2 are appropriate in this zone.<br />

The highly vulnerable uses in Table D.2 should not be permitted in this zone.<br />

The more vulnerable and essential infrastructure uses in Table D.2 should only be permitted in this<br />

zone if the Exception Test (see para. D.9) is passed.<br />

Essential infrastructure permitted in this zone should be designed and constructed to remain<br />

operational and safe for users in times of flood.<br />

FRA requirements<br />

A FRA should accompany all development proposals in this zone. See Annex E for minimum<br />


TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1<br />

Annex D.1 (continued): Flood Zone<br />

Zone 1 Low Probability<br />

Policy aims<br />

In this zone, developers and local authorities should seek opportunities to:<br />

i. reduce the overall level of flood risk in the area through the layout and form of the development<br />

and the appropriate application of sustainable drainage techniques;<br />

ii. relocate existing development to land in zones with a lower probability of flooding; and<br />

iii. create space for flooding to occur by restoring functional floodplain and flood flow pathways and<br />

by identifying, allocating and safeguarding open space for flood storage.<br />

Zone 3b High Probability<br />

Definition<br />

This zone comprises land where water has to flow or be stored in times of flood.<br />

Local Planning Authorities in their SFRAs should identify areas of functional floodplain and its<br />

boundaries accordingly, in agreement with the Environment Agency. The identification of functional<br />

floodplain should take account of local circumstances and not be defined solely on rigid probability<br />

parameters. But land which would flood with an annual probability of 1 in 20 (5%) or greater in any<br />

year, or is designed to flood in an extreme (0.1%) flood, should provide a starting point for<br />

consideration and discussions to identify the functional floodplain.<br />

Appropriate uses<br />

Only the water-compatible uses and the essential infrastructure listed in Table D.2 that has to be<br />

there should be permitted in this zone. It should be designed and constructed to:<br />

– remain operational and safe for users in times of flood;<br />

– result in no net loss of floodplain storage;<br />

– not impede water flows; and<br />

– not increase flood risk elsewhere.<br />

Essential infrastructure in this zone should pass the Exception Test.<br />

FRA requirements<br />

All development proposals in this zone should be accompanied by a FRA. See Annex E for minimum<br />

requirements.<br />

Policy aims<br />

In this zone, developers and local authorities should seek opportunities to:<br />

i. reduce the overall level of flood risk in the area through the layout and form of the development<br />

and the appropriate application of sustainable drainage techniques; and<br />

ii. relocate existing development to land with a lower probability of flooding.<br />

D.2: Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification<br />

Vulnerability<br />

classes<br />

Essential<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Description<br />

• Essential transport infrastructure (including mass evacuation routes)<br />

which has to cross the area at risk,<br />

• Essential utility infrastructure which has to be located in a flood risk area<br />

for operational reasons, including electricity generating power stations<br />

and grid and primary substations; and water treatment works that need<br />

to remain operational in times of flood.<br />

• Wind turbines

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />

110488-FRA-R1<br />

D.2 (continued): Flood Risk Vulnerability Classification<br />

Vulnerability<br />

classes<br />

Highly<br />

Vulnerable<br />

More Vulnerable<br />

Less Vulnerable<br />

Watercompatible<br />

Development<br />

Description<br />

• Police stations, Ambulance stations and Fire stations and Command<br />

Centres and telecommunications installations required being operational<br />

during flooding.<br />

• Emergency dispersal points.<br />

• Basement dwellings.<br />

• Caravans, mobile homes and park homes intended for permanent<br />

residential use.<br />

• Installations requiring hazardous substances consent. 1 (where there is a<br />

demonstrable need to locate such installations for bulk storage of<br />

materials with port or other similar facilities, or such installations with<br />

energy infrastructure or carbon capture and storage installations, that<br />

require coastal or water-side locations, or need to be located in other<br />

high flood risk areas, in these instances the facilities should be classified<br />

as “Essential Infrastructure” 2 )<br />

• Hospitals.<br />

• Residential institutions such as residential care homes, children’s homes,<br />

social services homes, prisons and hostels.<br />

• Buildings used for: dwelling houses; student halls of residence; drinking<br />

establishments; nightclubs; and hotels.<br />

• Non–residential uses for health services, nurseries and educational<br />

establishments.<br />

• Landfill and sites used for waste management facilities for hazardous<br />

waste. 3<br />

• Sites used for holiday or short-let caravans and camping, subject to a<br />

specific warning and evacuation plan.<br />

• Police, ambulance and fire stations which are not required to be<br />

operational during flooding<br />

• Buildings used for: shops; financial, professional and other services;<br />

restaurants and cafes; hot food takeaways; offices; general industry;<br />

storage and distribution; non–residential institutions not included in ‘more<br />

vulnerable’; and assembly and leisure.<br />

• Land and buildings used for agriculture and forestry.<br />

• Waste treatment (except landfill and hazardous waste facilities).<br />

• Minerals working and processing (except for sand and gravel working).<br />

• Water treatment works which do not need to remain operational during<br />

times of flood<br />

• Sewage treatment works (if adequate measures to control pollution and<br />

manage sewage during flooding events are in place).<br />

• Flood control infrastructure.<br />

• Water transmission infrastructure and pumping stations.<br />

• Sewage transmission infrastructure and pumping stations.<br />

• Sand and gravel workings.<br />

• Docks, marinas and wharves.<br />

• Navigation facilities.<br />

• MOD defence installations.<br />

• Ship building, repairing and dismantling, dockside fish processing and<br />

refrigeration and compatible activities requiring a waterside location.<br />

• Water-based recreation (excluding sleeping accommodation).<br />

• Lifeguard and coastguard stations.<br />

• Amenity open space, nature conservation and biodiversity, outdoor<br />

sports and recreation and essential facilities such as changing rooms.<br />

• Essential ancillary sleeping or residential accommodation for staff<br />

required by uses in this category, subject to a specific warning and<br />

evacuation plan.


Environment Agency Correspondence and Flood Data<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


Kings Lynn B Connection Project - Your ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

Ka Yan Cheng<br />

From: Carolyn Gratty []<br />

Sent: 08 November 2011 09:47<br />

To: Peter Whipp<br />

Subject: FW: Kings Lynn B Connection Project - Your ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

Attachments: KINGS LYNN GROUNDWATER READINGS_up to 04-10_2011.pdf; Kings Lynn_Draft logs<br />

BH15_16_18_19_20_23_24_25.pdf; 05.04.11 - Email from Emily Crook Environment Agency.docx<br />

Carolyn Gratty TEP<br />

01925 844051<br />

From: Carolyn Gratty<br />

Sent: 08 November 2011 09:46<br />

To: ''<br />

Subject: FW: Kings Lynn B Connection Project - Your ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

Peter,<br />

Apologies for the delay in getting this over to you. Please find attached bore hole survey data ,<br />

correspondence from EA and the latest message below.<br />

Please note that the proposal is for an overhead line only. Please ignore the EA reference to a substation<br />

in the correspondence it does not form part of this scheme. There will be one built at the power station<br />

but it already has consent.<br />

I trust this is helpful and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please give me a call if you need<br />

anything else.<br />

kind regards<br />

Carolyn<br />

Carolyn Gratty TEP<br />

01925 844051<br />

From: Crook, Emily []<br />

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 2:41 PM<br />

To: Bridges, Will<br />

Cc: Leadbetter, Andrew<br />

Subject: RE: Kings Lynn B Connection Project - Your ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

Dear Will,<br />

Thank you for your email. I apologise for the delay in responding.<br />

With regard to the need for a FRA for the 8 new pylons. I've discussed with Andrew and we've decided<br />

that because the site falls within flood zone 3 (high risk) for the development to accord with PPS25, which<br />

classifies this kind of development as ‘Essential Infrastructure’, it will be necessary for a FRA to be<br />

submitted with the IPC application and the Exception Test to be passed.<br />

However, given the nature of the development we consider that only a basic FRA will be required to<br />

acknowledge the flood risk to the site. We recommend that your FRA should confirm that:<br />

· The pylons will be capable of withstanding a flood/ breach event;<br />

· Would not cause an obstruction/potentially damage existing flood defences if they were to topple; &<br />

· Whether or not the pylons would remain on/working during a flood event.<br />

Andrew would be more than happy to discuss this further. He can be contacted on 01480 483086.<br />

Our External Relations Team can provide any relevant flooding information that we have available.<br />

21/12/2011<br />

Page 1 of 4

Kings Lynn B Connection Project - Your ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

Please be aware that there may be a charge for this information. Please contact 1522 785031/785879 or email:<br /><br />

In addition, thank you for confirming that a substation will not form part of this application.<br />

Regards<br />

Emily Crook<br />

Planning Liaison Officer<br />

(Anglian Region, Central Area)<br />

� Environment Agency, Bromholme Lane, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE28 4NE<br />

� Internal: 750 3924<br />

� External:01480 483924<br />

�<br />

� Please consider the environment before printing this email<br />

From: Bridges, Will []<br />

Sent: 14 October 2011 15:25<br />

To: Crook, Emily<br />

Cc: Leadbetter, Andrew; Carolyn Gratty<br />

Subject: Kings Lynn B Connection Project - Your ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

Importance: High<br />

Dear Emily<br />

Click here to report this email as spam.<br />

Further to your letters regarding the above project and specifically your letter of 5 th April 2011. You referred to flood risk<br />

and specifically the need for an FRA for any substations. We are now in the process of drafting a scoping report to submit<br />

to the IPC and I have just spoken to Andrew, copied into this email, who confirmed that as the substation was consented<br />

by Centrica in their application to the Secretary of State in 2009. We would only be seeking consent for 8 new pylons<br />

running south from the powerstation (see attached plan for indicative proposal) and as such Andrew confirmed that an<br />

FRA would not be required. To provide a robust evidence base for our scoping report I would be grateful if this could be<br />

confirmed (via email is fine). Andrew suggested writing to you but copying him in.<br />

I hope to hear from you shortly, should you have any questions please do contact me.<br />

Kind Regards<br />

Will<br />

<br />

Will Bridges BA(hons) MA MRTPI<br />

Consents Officer<br />

21/12/2011<br />

Page 2 of 4

Kings Lynn B Connection Project - Your ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

Land and Development Group<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> House<br />

Warwick Technology Park<br />

Warwick<br />

CV34 6DA<br />

Mob. 07867 670572<br />

Tel. 01926 656147<br />

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21/12/2011<br />

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Kings Lynn B Connection Project - Your ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> group please use the attached link:<br /><br />

21/12/2011<br />

Page 4 of 4

From Crook, Emily -<br />

To<br />

Date 5 Apr 2011 12:19 PM<br />


Mr AJ Connolly<br />


<strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> Community Relations<br />

PO Box 3028<br />

Bristol<br />

BS1 9FF<br />

Our ref: AC/2011/114052/01-L01<br />

Your ref: Letter dated 16th March 2011<br />

Date: 5th April 2011<br />

Dear Andrew Connolly<br />





Thank you for your letter received 17th March 2011.<br />

Further to our earlier correspondence with you (letters dated 23rd &<br />

29th March 2011 ref AC/2010/111229). We have no objection in principle<br />

to the proposed development. However, we wish to make the following<br />

comments.<br />

Flood Risk<br />

The proposed route requires the cable to cross a designated Main River;<br />

The River Nar. Under the terms of the Water Resources Act 1991, and the<br />

Land Drainage Byelaws 1981, the prior written consent of the Environment<br />

Agency is required for any proposed works or structures, in, under, over<br />

or within 9 metres of the top of the bank of any designated 'main<br />

river' or coastal flood defence. Flood Defence Consent would need to be<br />

obtained before commencement of the works. We advise that early<br />

consultation is required and we would encourage a meeting to discuss<br />

these option at the earliest available date to avoid any delays during<br />

the consenting process. Please contact Paul Stewart (Tel: 01480 483039)<br />

for further information.<br />

In addition, any proposed substation works which may be required as part<br />

of the electricity transmission route works may require a Flood Risk<br />

Assessment to be produced. A substation would be classed as essential<br />

infrastructure in accordance with Table D.2 of PPS25. It would therefore<br />

be required to be designed and constructed to remain operational in<br />

times of flood. Flood level data can be obtained by contacting our<br />

external relations department on 01522 785031 or by emailing<br /> . The FRA must prove<br />

that the development would remain operational in a 1 in 1000 year tidal<br />

flood event.<br />

Furthermore, if any substation were to be proposed within flood zone 3<br />

(high risk) it would be required to pass the PPS25 Exception test.

If you would like to discuss the above flood risk comments further<br />

please contact Hayley Newcombe Development and Flood Risk Engineer<br />

(01480 483960).<br />

Environment Management<br />

There is a licensed abstraction within this area. However, the<br />

development should not affect this activity.<br />

If dewatering activates are to be carried out as part of the<br />

construction processes then, under the terms of the Water Resources Act<br />

1991, the prior agreement of the Environment Agency is required for<br />

discharging dewatering water from any excavation or development to a<br />

surface watercourse.<br />

If you would like to discuss the above flood risk comments further<br />

please contact Anna Pearce Environment Officer (01480 483632).<br />

Biodiversity<br />

Depending on the agreed final routing the development may impact on<br />

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (including the River Nar SSSI), we<br />

ask that the applicant communicate with natural England, Richard<br />

Leishman 0300 0601970 so that they are able to highlight any concerns.<br />

There may also be impacts on county wildlife sites in the area. We<br />

suggest that the applicant communicate with the Norfolk Wildlife Trust,<br />

tel: 01603 625540 so that they are able to highlight any potential<br />

concerns they may have<br />

Extensive works and any infrastructure plans may require the need for a<br />

protected species survey, the results of which may impact on the choice<br />

of the best routing option. We would ask to see the results of any<br />

species surveys carried out.<br />

If you would like to discuss the above flood risk comments further<br />

please contact Kye Jerrom Technical Officer - Fisheries, Recreation and<br />

Biodiversity (01480 483980).<br />

We hope that this information is of assistance to you. If you have any<br />

further queries please do not hesitate to contact me, on the direct dial<br />

number detailed below, or the technical specialists detailed above.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Miss Emily Crook<br />

Planning Liaison Officer<br />

Direct dial 01480 483924<br />

Direct fax 01480 435193<br />

Direct e-mail<br />

Information in this message may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you have received this message by<br />

mistake, please notify the sender immediately, delete it and do not copy it to anyone else.<br />

We have checked this email and its attachments for viruses. But you should still check any attachment before opening<br />

it.<br />

We may have to make this message and any reply to it public if asked to under the Freedom of Information Act, Data

Protection Act or for litigation. Email messages and attachments sent to or from any Environment Agency address may<br />

also be accessed by someone other than the sender or recipient, for business purposes.<br />

If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please read our terms and conditions which you can get by<br />

calling us on 08708 506 506. Find out more about the Environment Agency at

Dear K. Cheng<br />

Our ref: CCN/2011/29932<br />

Date: 21 December 2011<br />

Land East of West Winch, Kings Lynn, ref - TF 61796 15674<br />

Thank you for your request dated 1 December 2011 to use our Product 4<br />

information. The enclosed datasheet should be read in conjunction with the supplied<br />

Flood Zone Maps. This information is the best available to us at the present time.<br />

If you have requested this information to help inform a development proposal, then<br />

you should note the following: In England, you should refer to the Environment<br />

Agency’s Flood Risk Standing Advice, PPS25 and its associated Practice Guide for<br />

information about what flood risk assessment is needed for new development in the<br />

different flood zones. These documents can be accessed via the following internet<br />

address/link:<br /><br />

The site falls within Flood Zone 3 of the Environment Agency’s current Flood Zone<br />

Maps and within Fluvial Flood Zone 3 including Climate Change of the King’s Lynn<br />

and West Norfolk Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Maps.<br />

In accordance with the SFRA protocol, the SFRA is the most up to date, and for the<br />

consideration of individual planning applications, the SFRA Flood Risk Category<br />

Maps including Climate Change will be used and NOT the Environment Agency’s<br />

Flood Zone Maps. A copy of the SFRA and associated maps can be downloaded<br />

from the King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council website.<br />

As you may be aware the site is located within the East of Ouse Internal Drainage<br />

Board area. The Internal Drainage Board should also be consulted regarding<br />

flooding from watercourses under their jurisdiction. Please contact:<br />

Mr Gerald Allison<br />

Clerk to the IDBs<br />

21 London Road<br />

Downham Market<br />

Norfolk<br />

PE38 9AP<br />

Tel: 01366 383638<br />

Brampton Office, Bromholme Lane, Brampton, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE28 4NE<br />

Customer services line: 08708 506 506<br />

Email:<br />

I hope that we have correctly interpreted your request. Please see the<br />

attached Standard Notice for details of the permitted use of the information<br />

provided.<br />

If you wish to discuss matters relating to a FRA for the proposed development site,<br />

please contact Hayley Newcombe, Development and Flood Risk Engineer on 01480<br />

483960 or e-mail<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Paul Stewart<br />

Development and Flood Risk Officer<br />

Direct dial 01480 483039<br />

Direct e-mail<br />

Enc.<br />

Product 4 Datasheet<br />

Environment Agency Flood Zone Map, 1:10,000<br />

Environment Agency Flood Zone Map 2, 1:24,000<br />

Standard Notice

Environment Agency Flood Zone Map centred on TF 61796 15674 request CCN/2011/29932 created 21 December 2011<br />

ANG_78.2<br />

EA052101744<br />

Development Site<br />

© Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2009. All rights reserved. © Crown Copyright and database right. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380, 2009.<br />

Contact Us: <strong>National</strong> Customer Contact Centre, PO Box 544, Rotherham, S60 1BY. Tel: 08708 506 506 (Mon-Fri 8-6). Email:<br />

Legend<br />

Scale 1:25,000 -<br />

Defences<br />

Main River<br />

Areas Benefitting From Defences<br />

Flood Map - Flood Zone 3<br />

Flood Map - Flood Zone 2

Product Four – Datasheet<br />

Customer Our reference Site Location [NGR]<br />

RSK Ltd CCN/2011/29932 TF 61796 15674<br />

This datasheet provides all the information we hold relating to a Product 4, relevant<br />

to the above site. Where we have no relevant data for your site we will clearly state this.<br />

1.0 Model Information<br />

The following table shows a summary of the model information relevant to the area of interest:<br />

Model Name<br />

Tidal Hazard Mapping Project<br />

Defended Scenario<br />

River Nar Improvements Scheme -<br />

Retrospective<br />

Modelled Flood<br />

Group Code<br />

Production Date<br />

EA052326 August 2010<br />

EA052297 31 May 2007<br />

The following table shows level information from the above models:<br />

Flood Event (mAOD)<br />

Unique ID (Label) Easting Northing Model Code 1 in 5 1 in 25 1 in 50 1 in 100 1 in 200<br />

ANG_78.2 559085 315370 EA052326 N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.02<br />

EA05210744 561547 315601 EA052297 N/A 2.3 N/A 2.27 N/A<br />

The above levels are in metres Above Ordnance Datum. They do not include any allowance for Climate Change. This is the best<br />

information available to us at the present time.

2.0 Defence Information<br />

River Great Ouse (Raised Defence – Man Made)<br />

Unique ID (Label) Easting Northing<br />

Standard of<br />

Protection<br />

(Return<br />

Period)<br />

Overall<br />

Condition<br />

Grade<br />

0520121050401R06 559504 316300 1 in 200 3<br />

River Nar (Raised Defence – Man Made)<br />

Unique ID (Label) Easting Northing<br />

Standard of<br />

Protection<br />

(Return<br />

Period)<br />

Overall<br />

Condition<br />

Grade<br />

0520121070401R08 561579 315535 1 in 50 3<br />

Key to Overall Condition Grades:<br />

Statutory<br />

Defence<br />

Level<br />

Upstream<br />

Crest<br />

Level<br />

(mAOD)<br />

Downstream<br />

Crest Level<br />

(mAOD)<br />

Not<br />

Known 7.0 7.0<br />

Statutory<br />

Defence<br />

Level<br />

Grade Rating Description<br />

Upstream<br />

Crest<br />

Level<br />

(mAOD)<br />

Downstream<br />

Crest Level<br />

(mAOD)<br />

Not<br />

Known 4.91 5.01<br />

1 Very Good Cosmetic defects that will have no effect on performance<br />

2 Good Minor defects that will not reduce the overall performance of the asset<br />

3 Fair Defects that could reduce performance of the asset<br />

4 Poor Defects that would significantly reduce the performance of the asset. Further investigation needed.<br />

5 Very Poor Severe defects resulting in complete performance failure<br />

3.0 Historic Flood Event Information<br />

Unfortunately we have no information regarding historical flooding. It is possible that other flooding may have occurred that we do not<br />

have records for. We therefore recommend you consult other organisations, such as the Local Authority or Internal Drainage Board to<br />

enquiry about any records they may have.

Use of Environment Agency Information for Flood Risk Assessments /<br />

Flood Consequence Assessments<br />

Important<br />

If you have requested this information to help inform a development<br />

proposal, then you should note the following: In England, you should<br />

refer to the Environment Agency’s Flood Risk Standing Advice and<br />

PPS25 and its associated Practice Guide for information about what<br />

flood risk assessment is needed for new development in the different<br />

flood zones. These documents can be accessed via:<br /><br /><br />

floodrisk<br /><br />

practiceguide<br />

You should also consult the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment produced<br />

by your local planning authority.<br />

In Wales, you should refer to TAN15 for information about what flood<br />

consequence assessment is needed for new development in the<br />

different flood zones<br /><br />

You should also refer to any Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment<br />

produced by your local planning authority.<br />

In both England and Wales you should note that:<br />

1. Information supplied by the Environment Agency may be used to<br />

assist in<br />

producing a flood risk or flood consequence assessment (FRA/FCA)<br />

where one is required, but does not constitute such an assessment on<br />

its own.<br />

2. This information covers flood risk from main rivers and the sea, and<br />

you will<br />

need to consider other potential sources of flooding, such as<br />

groundwater or<br />

overland runoff. The information produced by the local planning<br />

authority<br />

referred to above may assist here.<br />

3. Where a planning application requires a FRA/FCA and this is not<br />

submitted or<br />

deficient, the Environment Agency may well raise an objection.<br />

4. For more significant proposals in higher flood risk areas, we would<br />

be pleased<br />

to discuss details with you ahead of making any planning application<br />

and you should also discuss the matter with the local planning<br />


Standard Notice [not for use with Special Data, Personal Data or unlicensed 3 rd party rights]<br />

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We (The Environment Agency) do not promise that the Information supplied to You will always be accurate,<br />

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This licence is governed by the laws of England and Wales.<br />

Definitions<br />

“Information” means the information that is protected by copyright or by database right (for example, literary<br />

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“Commercial” means:<br />

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� Internal Use for any purpose, or offering a product or service based on the Information for indirect<br />

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2011<br />

Contact: 08708 506506


Internal Drainage Board Correspondence<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


Ka Yan Cheng<br />

From: Gerald Allison []<br />

Sent: 02 December 2011 11:40<br />

To: Ka Yan Cheng<br />

Subject: Re: Request of information for a proposed overhead line near King's Lynn<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

My Board are aware of the scheme and have had meetings regarding siting of pylons etc.<br />

To the best of our knowledge ther is no recent history of flooding in this area.<br />

The Board do not hold records of private water supply, this is held by Anglian Water as well.<br />

To view the Boards infrastructure and bylaws and policies you can go to and<br />

click on East of the Ouse Polver and Nar IDB the information will be there.<br />

Any problems please do not hesitate to contact me.<br />

Regards<br />

Gerald Allison<br />

General Manager<br />

Downham Group of IDBs<br />

Tel:- 01366 387387<br />

----- Original Message -----<br />

From:<br />

To:<br />

Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 10:01 AM<br />

Subject: Request of information for a proposed overhead line near King's Lynn<br />

Dear Sirs,<br />

We are currently undertaking a flood risk assessment and environmental statement for a site in King's<br />

Lynn (location map and proposed works attached), grid ref. to the centre of the site is 561796,315674.<br />

Development will involve the construction of a new 400kV overhead line and 9no. new pylons.<br />

We understand that you have been with correspondence with TEP with regard to the project above.<br />

We would like to know if the the internal drainage board holds any information in relation to the site that<br />

may be relevant to our study, we have also contacted the local council to obtain similar information.<br />

In particular, we are after flooding history from all sources, i.e. tidal, fluvial, groundwater, sewers,<br />

reservoirs etc in the area. Furthermore, we have requested sewer record plan from Anglian Water and<br />

we would like to know if IDB has any record of private water supply within or in the vicinity of our<br />

proposed site.<br />

If the IDB also holds other information and advices that you feel may be relevant to our study, they will<br />

be gratefully received.<br />

Many thanks and looking forward to your reply.<br />

Kayan Cheng<br />

Hydrologist<br />

RSK<br />

18 Frogmore Road, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9RT, UK<br />

Switchboard: +44 (0) 1442 437 500<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 1442 437 550<br />

Direct dial: +44 (0) 1442 416 607<br />

email:<br /><br />

16/12/2011<br />

Page 1 of 2

RSK Land & Development Engineering Ltd is registered in England at Spring Lodge, 172 Chester Road, Helsby, Cheshire, WA6 0AR, UK<br />

Registered number: 4723837<br />

This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee, you should not disseminate, distribute or<br />

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therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required, please<br />

request a hard-copy version.<br />

Before printing think about your responsibility and commitment to the ENVIRONMENT!.<br />

16/12/2011<br />

Page 2 of 2


Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Correspondence<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


Ka Yan Cheng<br />

From: Kevin Kent []<br />

Sent: 08 December 2011 14:35<br />

To: Ka Yan Cheng<br />

Subject: Ref Request of information for a proposed overhead line near King's Lynn<br />

Kayan<br />

Thank you for your recent request for information. The various officers have checked<br />

records and the following is all we can find:<br />

Flooding/drainage – no historic records or reported issues.<br />

Private water supply – one identified in area.<br />

Nar Hideaway<br />

Thiefgate Lane<br />

Saddlebow<br />

St Germans<br />

King’s Lynn<br />

Norfolk<br />

PE34 3AP<br />

Easting: 561598<br />

Northen: 315364<br />

Single domestic dwelling ( As classed under regulation 10 of The Private Water Supplies Regulations<br />

2009)<br />

Supply type, Rain water/ river Nar<br />

Hope that helps.<br />

Kevin Kent<br />

District Emergency Planning Officer<br />

Borough Council Of King's Lynn & West Norfolk<br />

Tel Office: 01553 616287<br />

Fax Office: 01553 616729<br />

Tel Mobile: 07919 493409<br />

Airwave: 526 1512<br /><br />

Colleagues at NCC or other Districts using a partial implementation of the GCSx network may need to<br />

make any reply to if not restricted and NOT directly to this email account.<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

---------<br />

From: []<br />

Sent: 29 November 2011 12:07<br />

To:<br />

Subject: Request of information for a proposed overhead line near King's Lynn<br />

Dear Sirs,<br />

We are currently undertaking a flood risk assessment and environmental statement for a site in King's<br />

Lynn (location map and proposed works attached), grid ref. to the centre of the site is 561796,315674.<br />

Development will involve the construction of a new 400kV overhead line and 9no. new pylons.<br />

We would like to know if the council holds any information in relation to the site that may be relevant to<br />

our study.<br />

In particular, we are after flooding history from all sources, i.e. tidal, fluvial, groundwater, sewers,<br />

reservoirs etc in the area. Furthermore, we have requested sewer record plan from Anglian Water and we<br />

16/12/2011<br />

Page 1 of 2

would like to know if the council has any record of private water supply within or in the vicinity of our proposed site.<br />

If the council also holds other information that you feel may be relevant to our study, they will be gratefully received.<br />

Many thanks and looking forward to your reply.<br />

Kind Regards,<br />

Kayan Cheng<br />

Hydrologist<br />

RSK<br />

18 Frogmore Road, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9RT, UK<br />

Switchboard: +44 (0) 1442 437 500<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 1442 437 550<br />

Direct dial: +44 (0) 1442 416 607<br />

email:<br /><br />

This email and any files transmitted with it are private and intended solely for the use of an individual or entity<br />

to whom they are addressed. If you are not, or suspect you are not, the intended recipient, the email and files<br />

have been sent to you in error and any copying, distribution or other use of the information contained is strictly<br />

prohibited. Please inform the sender by returning the email with a suitable message.<br />

Please note that, whilst all reasonable efforts have been made, we cannot guarantee that this message or any<br />

attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted and amended. The views of the author may not necessarily<br />

reflect those of the Council.<br />

Nothing in this email message amounts to a contractual or other legal commitment on the part of the Borough<br />

Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk or the author unless confirmed by a signed communication.<br />

Senders and recipients of e-mail should be aware that, under the Data Protection Act 1998, the Freedom of<br />

Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and other related legislation, the<br />

contents of e-mails may have to be disclosed in response to a request.<br />

Data Protection Act 1998<br />

To provide you with our services we will need to record personal information, such as your e-mail address. This<br />

information will be kept securely and only accessed by approved staff. We will not share your information with<br />

anyone else without first telling you. If you would like more details about how we protect personal information<br />

then please contact our Data Protection Officer.<br />

Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk,<br />

King's Court,<br />

Chapel Street,<br />


PE30 1EX<br />

(01553) 616200.<br />

16/12/2011<br />

Page 2 of 2


Anglian Water Asset Records<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1250 Map Centre: 561486.2,315702.6<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 2<br />

Clean Water Plan A1<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

Kings Lynn overhead

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1251 Map Centre: 560825.4,316886.6<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 8<br />

Clean Water Plan A2<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

Kings Lynn

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1250 Map Centre: 561516.6,316350.6<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 6<br />

Clean Water Plan A1<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

Kings Lynn overhead

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1250 Map Centre: 561486.2,315049.8<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 4<br />

Clean Water Plan A1<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

Kings Lynn overhead

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1251 Map Centre: 561531,316886.6<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 10<br />

Clean Water Plan A2<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

kings lynn

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1251 Map Centre: 561851,317315.4<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 12<br />

Clean Water Plan A2<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

kings lynn

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1250 Map Centre: 561486.2,315702.6<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 1<br />

Wastewater Plan A1<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

Kings Lynn overhead

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1250 Map Centre: 561486.2,315049.8<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 3<br />

Wastewater Plan A1<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

Kings Lynn overhead

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1250 Map Centre: 561516.6,316350.6<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 5<br />

Wastewater Plan A1<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

Kings Lynn overhead

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1251 Map Centre: 560825.4,316886.6<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 7<br />

Wastewater Plan A2<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

Kings Lynn

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1251 Map Centre: 561531,316886.6<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 9<br />

Wastewater Plan A2<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

kings lynn

Ordnance Survey Mapping © Crown Copyright 1000018507 Date: 30/11/11 Scale: 1:1251 Map Centre: 561851,317315.4<br />

Data updated: 01/10/11<br />

Our Ref: 7537 - 11<br />

Wastewater Plan A2<br />

This plan is provided by Anglian Water pursuant its obligations under the Water Industry Act 1991 sections 198 or 199. It must be used in conjunction with any<br />

search results attached. The information on this plan is based on data currently recorded but position must be regarded as approximate. Service pipes, private<br />

sewers and drains are generally not shown. Users of this map are strongly advised to commission their own survey of the area shown on the plan before<br />

carrying out any works. The actual position of all apparatus MUST be established by trial holes. No liability whatsoever, including liability for negligence, is<br />

accepted by Anglian Water for any error or inaccuracy or omission, including the failure to accurately record, or record at all, the location of any water main,<br />

discharge pipe, sewer or disposal main or any item of apparatus. This information is valid for the date printed. The plan is produced by Anglian Water Services<br />

Limited from Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright, 100018507. This map is to be used for the purposes of viewing the location of Anglian Water plant only.<br />

Any other uses of the map data or further copies is not permitted. This notice is not intended to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury resulting<br />

from negligence.<br /><br />

kings lynn


Details of Tower Types<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />



Details of Pontoon Crossings<br />

TEP on behalf of <strong>National</strong> <strong>Grid</strong><br />

King’s Lynn 400kV Connection<br />


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