Lockdown Poetry Anthology

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King Edward VI School<br />

Life during<br />

<strong>Lockdown</strong><br />

<strong>Poetry</strong> <strong>Anthology</strong><br />


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‘We were quarantined; we were anxious; we learned new<br />

routines; we were resilient, we were strong…<br />

We are King Edward VI School.’<br />

This anthology was created to complement our Virtual Sports Day, which took<br />

place on 15 July 2020. The task of writing a poem provided our wonderful<br />

students with an opportunity to express themselves, to regain a sense of<br />

community, and to feel connected during a period of separation.<br />

Acknowledgements:<br />

Special thanks to…<br />

- The PE Department for organising our school’s Virtual Sports Day and<br />

enabling students to come together in this way. With special thanks to<br />

Miss Ward for masterminding the whole operation.<br />

- Mrs MacLachlan<br />

- Miss Warner<br />

- Mr Herbert<br />

- Mrs Frost<br />

- Mrs Fouracre-Smith<br />

- Mrs Dunning<br />

- Mr Last<br />

- Miss Reynolds<br />

- Miss Cochran<br />

- Mrs Diamond<br />

And finally to our fantastic students and their parents/carers who have worked<br />

hard to ensure that the home can be a place to learn!<br />

Contents:<br />

Thank you Key Workers | pp. 3-8<br />

Hope <strong>Poetry</strong> | pp. 9-21<br />

Togetherness and Community | pp. 22-30

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For Those Who Care<br />

Thank you for devotion to duty,<br />

For all your loving care,<br />

Healing lives at huge risk to their own,<br />

How can we thank them for the warmth they’ve shown?<br />

A big THANK YOU to Doctors, Nurses and more,<br />

For making our lives safe like before,<br />

My Mum is one of these a nurse no less,<br />

So on behalf of me and everyone,<br />

A big thank you to the NHS.<br />

So we all come together,<br />

And clap our hands,<br />

To say thank you to the key workers,<br />

Working hand in hand.<br />

By Jacob Griffin (Year 6)

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Coronavirus Can’t<br />

Thank you to our keyworkers,<br />

Thank you to all those who have helped us through this challenging, time, to<br />

those that stand proudly to those who quietly do their job, where would we be<br />

without you?<br />

Thank you to the inspirational teachers still supplying us with, an educational<br />

experience, to the lifesaving NHS staff, keeping us safe, to the friendly<br />

supermarket workers stocking our, shelves with food and drink for our health.<br />

Thank you to the courageous police force for keeping us, Protected, to the<br />

hard working transportation workers, Delivering essential goods to our shops<br />

and homes, to the, carers caring for our loved ones.<br />

Thank you to our community for making us laugh, for holding socially distanced<br />

street parties, making us feel safe, looking out for us and coming together.<br />

Coronavirus can’t break community.<br />

Grace Beasley (Year 6)

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The Hands of the Helpers<br />

My Aunt is in the NHS,<br />

She always helps and cares,<br />

She holds the hands of sick people in need,<br />

She helps the people who fall to their knees.<br />

She always risks her life for others.<br />

Even though she’s got type 1 diabetes herself,<br />

And during these terrible, bad times,<br />

She still goes into work for other people’s health.<br />

Working with a job like this is risky,<br />

Especially during these times,<br />

And when a soul is crying for help,<br />

She is there all the time.<br />

How could thanking the NHS be enough?<br />

They save lives every day.<br />

They help people with illness and injuries of every kind,<br />

And guide the poorly their way.<br />

My Aunt is in the NHS.<br />

She is as brace as a fearless lion,<br />

Each day has a traumatic experience.<br />

But the rain disappears, and the rainbow appears,<br />

And begins to cheer the NHS workers on.

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My Aunt and other nurses,<br />

Need to wear PPE,<br />

It is very hot and uncomfortable,<br />

But it is for everyone’s safety<br />

Each day has a scary experience,<br />

But their courage carries on growing,<br />

For them it’s like being in a rowing boat,<br />

But they still have to carry on rowing.<br />

That’s why I am grateful for the NHS.<br />

I thank them dearly every day.<br />

So, whenever you’re injured or ill,<br />

The NHS is here to stay!<br />

Grace Hindley (Year 6)

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Keyworkers<br />

Thanks to all the keyworkers<br />

Who help us every day,<br />

At 8 o’clock on Thursday nights<br />

We clapped and said ‘hooray’<br />

You are working so hard<br />

And doing your best<br />

We are lucky to have you<br />

Our countries’ finest<br />

You all work non-stop<br />

And never give up hope<br />

And seeing all that you must see<br />

I am not sure if I would cope.<br />

So we’ll make our signs<br />

To show we care<br />

For all key workers everywhere<br />

The nurses, doctors, drivers, soldiers,<br />

Teachers, Police and all shop workers,<br />

To brighten up this time of gloom<br />

We’ll show support from every room<br />

By putting rainbows on display<br />

Shows our appreciation every day.<br />

Brecken Walls (Year 6)

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Not all Heroes Wear Capes<br />

The silent killer has charged our world,<br />

School grounds deserted, now learning is online.<br />

Supermarket staff working over time.<br />

Hospitals bulging at the seams.<br />

Staff wearing masks and PPE,<br />

Protecting you and protecting me.<br />

Can you hear the clapping, the sound of our applause?<br />

The Thursdays’ that brought us together to thank you all.<br />

Duty bound in these unpredictable times,<br />

Keeping is safe but risking your lives.<br />

Filling our windows with rainbows of hope.<br />

Constantly cleaning our hands with soap.<br />

Waving keyworkers off to work,<br />

Eye to eye with the microscopic foe.<br />

Not all heroes wear capes!<br />

Kiara Moores (Year 6)

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Hope<br />

A candle in the darkness,<br />

Calm after the storm.<br />

A rainbow arching upwards,<br />

It really can transform.<br />

Forlorn blackness<br />

Becomes promising light.<br />

The depths of despair<br />

Have an end in sight.<br />

Smiling on situations<br />

Like sun on winter days.<br />

Opening doors<br />

In so many ways.<br />

Getting us through,<br />

It has; and it will<br />

Giving us a future,<br />

Something to fulfil.<br />

So now we can look forward,<br />

We can dream, we can aspire.<br />

We can come together as a team<br />

And aim for goals set higher.<br />

It conquers the hard times,<br />

The heartbreak and the tears.<br />

It is the thing that sees us through.<br />

Hope defeats our fears.<br />

Elodie Barnard (Year 7)

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Never Give Up<br />

When all is dark and there is no way out.<br />

When you are just about to give up.<br />

Hope.<br />

Hope comes and lightens up the room.<br />

It opens the door to success.<br />

And just before hope has to go to spread her<br />

Beautiful message to more people,<br />

She whispers in your ear…<br />

“Never give up.”<br />

Grace Hamre (Year 7)

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I Hope<br />

Desire whispers in my ear,<br />

As I run and train and try again.<br />

My goal is the light at the end of the tunnel.<br />

I hope.<br />

Faith is as constant as the rising of the sun,<br />

My prayers say that spring comes soon,<br />

And new life gives optimism.<br />

I hope.<br />

Belief in my body,<br />

As my strength and life slowly returns.<br />

But after the storm comes a rainbow.<br />

I hope.<br />

Hope beats along with my heart,<br />

Like poppies following a battle.<br />

The everlasting light will end this nightmare.<br />

I hope.<br />

Matilda Ainsworth (Year 7)

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Hope<br />

Hope,<br />

It’s what is keeping this country together,<br />

Even when we are apart.<br />

Hope,<br />

Is what is keeping the NHS<br />

From giving up.<br />

Hope,<br />

The feeling that we share,<br />

On zoom or FaceTime.<br />

Hope,<br />

The feeling we are giving the earth,<br />

On those Thursdays at 8pm.<br />

Hope,<br />

The feeling we all need right now,<br />

Rosie Walters (Year 7)

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Hope<br />

Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire<br />

for a particular thing to happen<br />

Don’t lose hope and you will score,<br />

After every hour of darkness in life you need<br />

Hope to survive<br />

Hope is a word that keeps you alive<br />

Hope gives you strength.<br />

Henry Goldup (Year 7)

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Hope<br />

Hope is the belief that<br />

Things will get better<br />

No matter how vast the storm<br />

It prevails.<br />

Hope is something that pulls us together<br />

When we are apart.<br />

Hope makes us stronger<br />

In our battles and over hurdles.<br />

Hope is the light<br />

In the darkness.<br />

Hope is something we hold onto<br />

And never lose.<br />

Hope is a chain which links us all together<br />

Whatever our race,<br />

Whatever our background,<br />

Whatever our story.<br />

We all have it<br />

No matter our beliefs,<br />

No matter our view of each other,<br />

No matter our current circumstances.<br />

Hope can change the darkest times<br />

Into the funniest,<br />

It can turn the most alone times<br />

Into times where we are more connected than ever.<br />

It changes the most divided people<br />

close to each other<br />

It drives us to believe in a better tomorrow<br />

Chelsey Makhubu (Year 7)

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Hope<br />

I always have hope when I look out the window,<br />

I will never lose hope,<br />

I always have hope when I think about my friends,<br />

I will never ever lose hope.<br />

I sometimes lose hope when it starts to rain,<br />

I will always have hope,<br />

I sometimes lose hope when I can’t go outside,<br />

I will always have hope.<br />

I will always have hope for the future,<br />

I will never lose hope,<br />

I will always hope for Covid-19 to end,<br />

And nobody can get me down.<br />

Rhys Whiting (Year 7)

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Hope<br />

Hope is the feeling you get when you’re waiting<br />

For something you want.<br />

You wait and want then.<br />

You’re waiting for longer and longer<br />

Then you feel yourself get stronger.<br />

Then you finally get what you want<br />

After a really long wait.<br />

Aidan Edrupt (Year 7)

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Hope<br />

Hope is a feeling that you have in your heart when you desire to do well in<br />

something or you want something to happen but you don’t know if it will.<br />

Survival - Everyone hopes to survive this deadly virus and want all of his or her<br />

friends to survive.<br />

NHS – Put their lives at risk to save the people with coronavirus and to stop it<br />

spreading.<br />

Keeping fit – For sport that we would have done before lockdown happened<br />

Getting out of lockdown – Everyone hopes for us to get out of lockdown and to<br />

resume what we were doing before lockdown and socialise with friends.<br />

People that are dying because of the deadly virus – They feel weak and they<br />

hope that there body can keep fighting the challenge to survive.<br />

Family – wanting to stay with them as much as possible because you never<br />

know if they could pass away.<br />

Government – Doing their best to advise people on what they’re allowed to do<br />

and what they can’t do.<br />

“There is hope, even when you brain tells you there isn’t”<br />

Kiera Broad (Year 7)

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I Hope<br />

I hope I can ride my bike this afternoon<br />

And that I can hug my grandparents again…<br />

That ‘Danger Mouse’ is on tonight<br />

And that my family don’t get ill.<br />

I hope when my heart hurts.<br />

I hope I get 27 gazillion presents for my birthday<br />

And that my dad doesn’t lose his job…<br />

That I can watch cartoons all night long<br />

And see my friends again one day.<br />

I hope when my heart sings.<br />

I hope I get Kylo Ren’s shuttle next week<br />

And that school will start again soon…<br />

That I can play ‘Doodle Jump’ on mums’ phone later<br />

And find enough food for dinner tonight.<br />

I hope when my heart burns.<br />

I hope I become the most famous “baller” ever<br />

That my teacher’s stop setting so much homework<br />

And that there are jobs left for my generation.

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I hope when my heart smiles.<br />

I hope I get to stay up past my bedtime<br />

And, above all, that we learn from this…<br />

That we remember what’s really important:<br />

Fish fingers sandwiches with ketchup AND mayo!<br />

I hope.<br />

Hamish Campbell (Year 7)

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Hope<br />

Hope is where you believe<br />

That something is going to happen<br />

Like when you get older you would like to be a footballer<br />

you have to practise and practise till someone may scout you.<br />

Zachary Cook (Year 7)

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The Brightest Light<br />

The<br />

Brightest<br />

Light<br />

Hope,<br />

Dares to fight even in<br />

The darkest night<br />

Hope,<br />

Tries to keep us from fright<br />

Even when there is no light<br />

Hope,<br />

Feeds our minds with confidence and promise<br />

Even when there seems like theres nothing<br />

Logan Clifford-Kennedy (Year 7)

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Changes in Our Life<br />

As I lay in my bed I enjoy the quiet of night,<br />

I think about the day of what I could have done,<br />

A walk around the neighbourhood,<br />

A meeting with my friends but…<br />

Daylight shines through. A day begins again,<br />

Cars driving by taking people here and there,<br />

A dog barking letting everyone know it’s there,<br />

People walking and talking.<br />

I hear the birds but here the rain is falling<br />

I should be going to school but…<br />

Keep my distance; watch who I meet.<br />

This year is different; a year has been changed.<br />

All helping each other, giving and receiving.<br />

Pulling together for the good of the people,<br />

Staying alert of the virus not seen<br />

Community spirit there and to keep clean.<br />

Tyler Goddard (Year 8)

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Community and togetherness<br />

Time well spent with family via zoom.<br />

Online learning in your pyjamas!<br />

Grandmas cooking missed considerably.<br />

Everyone missing family and friends.<br />

The kitchen has never been so busy.<br />

Home schooling with a new teacher.<br />

Elderly family members not to be seen.<br />

Really long queues at every shop.<br />

Neighbours helping each other.<br />

Every week clap for carers on the drive.<br />

Silly haircuts for everyone!<br />

Such an unprecedented time.<br />

Joshua Mizen (Year 8)

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When <strong>Lockdown</strong> is over<br />

When <strong>Lockdown</strong> is over,<br />

When all is said and done,<br />

I will go out dancing,<br />

Dancing in the smiling Sun,<br />

I will take my shoes off,<br />

And feel the grass between my feet,<br />

Under the Oak tree, wizened like a crone,<br />

My friends and I will meet,<br />

We will talk about the changes,<br />

And things that we have seen,<br />

Reassuring each other that things will get better,<br />

Because there’s no more quarantine,<br />

New-borns can meet their families,<br />

Lovebirds can finally tie the knot,<br />

Support groups can meet face to face,<br />

Charities can continue their invaluable work from the place that they left off,<br />

We will hug all of our neighbours,<br />

And paint rainbows on every door,<br />

For finally, after all of this time,<br />

Life, once halted and frozen, can go on once more<br />

Rachael Snelling (Year 8)

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Our New World<br />

We've been through it all, thick and thin<br />

We’ve heard of the people getting killed by the colour of their skin.<br />

We've celebrated many birthdays in this<br />

New world of ours and thought about fleeing<br />

To the planet we call Mars.<br />

It’s different here now, much different than before,<br />

We no longer have our best friends knocking at our door.<br />

Although there is one thing, one thing that has not changed<br />

Something that doesn't need to be rearranged.<br />

Togetherness and Community the thing that<br />

Has shown a rise, the thing that we<br />

Have shown more by opening our eyes.<br />

Opening our eyes to a place called earth,<br />

The place we live, the place<br />

We’ll give birth. The place we’ll make more memories<br />

Better ones than before and remember the time you never heard<br />

A knock on your door.<br />

Ryan Burgis (Year 8)

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Anonymous, Year 8

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Togetherness is…<br />

Togetherness is calling your friends, whilst you can’t be there,<br />

Togetherness is speaking to them, like nothing has happened.<br />

Togetherness is being there for each other even though we are stuck inside,<br />

Togetherness is speaking when you cannot be heard.<br />

Togetherness is getting outside every Thursday to say thank you,<br />

Togetherness is saying thank you to the people who we hardly know.<br />

Because they are the ones that will make us be together again,<br />

Because they will make this all end.<br />

Togetherness is looking after each other,<br />

Being there for each other,<br />

And Protecting each other.<br />

Togetherness is not giving up on each other,<br />

Staying with each other when we cannot.<br />

Sticking together throughout all this,<br />

And never leaving each other behind.<br />

Arthur Pettitt (Year 8)

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Togetherness<br />

Together is a place<br />

Where it’s wonderful<br />

To be side by side<br />

And here’s where<br />

The entire family<br />

Loves to reside<br />

Kindness is given and received<br />

With no guilt or demand<br />

All are leaders here<br />

There is no command<br />

That’s why you need togetherness and community<br />

Anonymous (Year 8)

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Waiting.<br />

Even in the darkest of times,<br />

we all stay as one community.<br />

Until we wait for our unity.<br />

Even though most of us are forced to be home,<br />

we still want to be together.<br />

Even if it takes forever.<br />

Even though we can talk online,<br />

I still feel very lonely.<br />

Always waiting until we can meet again.<br />

Anonymous (Year 8)

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Untitled<br />

We went and sat out in the rain,<br />

Just so we could see you again.<br />

Cranked up the barbecue and put on our coats,<br />

Talked about how dad can hit the high notes.<br />

The weather was miserable but spirits were up,<br />

Sat around the table and drank tea from a cup.<br />

The dog razzed around and dug up the garden,<br />

As we watched the sky starting to darken.<br />

With kisses blown and hugs passed across,<br />

We got in the car, coats damp like wet moss.<br />

Hopefully soon we'll see you again,<br />

But fingers-crossed not in the rain.<br />

William Blackwell (Year 9)

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