2020 Edition Vol7 Issue 24 DIGITAL

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Types, Causes,







6 Children’s





newTWISTin the

Ause of






Salmon with Salad

Making Your Bedroom

Comfy for A Better Sleep

Use of Technology to

Enhance Business Security

Wonders of

South Africa


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine




Kata Kata is an authentic African cartoon

magazine with both online and printed versions.

In a humorous way, Kata Kata tries to discuss and

sensitize typical African / global socio - political

issues, mainly through illustrations, animations etc.

Furthermore, through its social network (Kata Kata

Community), it tries to keep those cultural entities

alive by stimulating personal interactions and

exchange of ideas amongst the readers.

At the same time, Kata Kata equally offers a maxim

that life is perhaps not all about seriousness. One

needs some laughs and relaxation to face serious

challenges in life.

The duality of Kata Kata is such that it tries to discuss

serious issues, at the same time, it offers a therapy for

the problems through laughter.

The quarterly printed edition of Kata Kata is widely

available in the Netherlands and some countries

in Europe. Equally, the digital version of Kata Kata

can also be read online or subscribed to via Kata

Kata website or Magzter, the world’s largest digital

newsstand with more than 20 million readers.

See: https://www.magzter.com/NL/KataKata-Cartoon-


With our East African edition, our readers in East

African countries can now enjoy our humorous

Kata Kata Magazine. Likewise, the magazine can be

read or borrowed from different libraries globally,

including Stanford University Library, USA, Federal

/ Royal Library (Koninklijke Bibliotheek) Den

Haag, (Netherlands), University of Leiden Library

-African Studies (Netherlands), University of Iowa

(Main Library), USA, Southern Africa Library, Basel,

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Editor-in-chief / Publisher

Ogo Ubabukoh

Art/Graphics Producer-in-chief

Deogratius Okudi

Editorial Advisory Board

Dr Pieternel Drijvers, Dr Ogu Okany,

Eng. Dan Olupot, Dr Beate Ubabukoh

Editorial Researcher

Andrea Schaffner

Legal Consultants

Riek Mollema - de Jong (The Netherlands)

Geoffrey Ntambirweki Kandeebe (Uganda)

Vivian Iro - Uchime (The Netherlands)

Ebele Topman (Nigeria)

Lyka Mtambo (Malawi)


Romolo Pusceddu - Consultant

(International Business Development)

Silvia Rugina - Marketing Consultant, Africa


Samuel Ouma

Liam Katabira

Robin Ubabukoh

Tedman Oscar

Tumwire Edward

Lara Ubabukoh

Uganda Office

Lydia Gift Namuswa - Country Manager

Malawi Office

Diana Namasani - Country Manager

Ambassador (Africa)

Liam Katabira

Welcome on board Kata Kata. Sit up and

get ready for a long laugh....


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This cartoon magazine contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

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2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 3








Types, Causes,




Six Children’s Attires

Trending In 2020



A New Twist In The Use

Of Makeup By Men








Fights Against Genderbased




Making Your Bedroom

Comfy For A Better Sleep



The Use Of Technology

To Enhance Business




Wonders of South









Fun Games For Your





Fried Salmon

With Salad


Dear Aunt Silvia


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine


An elephant is not overwhelmed by its trunk.

(Sukuma, Tanzania)

Mhuli idabhunagwa nkondo gwayo.

(Sukuma, Tanzania)

Publisher’s note

Tembo hazidiwi na mkonga wake. (Swahili)

L’éléphant ne s’accable pas par sa trompe.


An elephant is not overwhelmed by its trunk.


MEANING: With determination, no task is

difficult or impossible for one to fulfil.


Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence, which is violence directed against a person as a

result of their gender is a serious, yet often neglected human right violation.

We cannot talk about gender-based violence without first going back to

gender inequality, because gender violence is deeply rooted in gender

inequality, which offers the “reality” behind the violence.

This kind of violence can be perpetuated physically, psychologically,

sexually or economically on the victims through threats, coercion, liberty

deprivation whether in public or within the four corners of our private


Although from the definition, both men and women can be victims of

gender-based violence, in reality, women are mostly at the receiving end

of the violence. It is, therefore, not strange to know that the term “violence

against women” is often used to describe gender-based violence. In Africa,

where culture and tradition often segregate and relegate women to a secondclass

citizen position, African women have become increasingly victims of

gender-based violence, which is systematically legitimized in the continent.

That reality gives men the “right” to exercise their power, dominance and

control over women. This leads to an imbalanced relationship between male

and female.


Subscription to the printed version is possible via

the website (www.katakata.org) or E-mail


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Venloweg 34

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+31 (0) 61 38 46 788

The developmental benchmark of any country is measured by the position

of women in that country. In most cases, gender-based violence leads to

low economic productivity. Tackling gender-based violence must be an

uncompromising task of every progressive and responsible government

because gender-based violence constitutes a human rights violation, as well

as a blatant form of gender-based discrimination.

Since most of the gender-violence is rooted in our culture and tradition,

efforts must be directed to preventing any form of domestic violence against

women. Traditions are man-made, as such, they can be modified to suit the

present reality. Apart from discouraging domestic violence against women,

governments much back the initiative up, by making laws to seriously

punish gender-based violence offenders. Law enforcement agents must be

empowered and encouraged to enforce anti-gender-based violence laws.

It is by discouraging gender-based violence and seriously punishing the

perpetrators of such an evil act, that the government can positively change

the social cognition and the mindset of the people as well as the attitude that

encourages the violence.

The Kata Kata Village has decided to make gender-based violence one of

its 2020 priorities. Come and join the campaign. Let us head to the village

square and be part of the Kata Kata Village anti-gender-based violence

campaign. Come on, let’s go!

Yours in Kata Kata,

Ogo Ubabukoh

Editor In-Chief/Publisher


Account No: 453100619

IBAN: NL02ABNA0453100619


PLACE: Almere, The Netherlands

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 5




Types, Causes,

Symptoms &


By Samuel Ouma

Asthma is a chronic disease

that affects people of all ages,

sizes, colours. The common signs

are wheezing and a rattling sound

in the chest. Asthma often starts

in childhood but can also develop

in adults. Sometimes asthma can

be outgrown in the adult stage,

but it is not always the case.

Globally, approximately 235

million people are living with

asthma, according to the World

Health Organization Global

report 2018. About 250,000

asthma-related deaths are reported

annually, with 80 per cent of

deaths happening in lower and

middle-lower economic countries.

Deaths in poor countries are high due

to lack of modern health facilities and

poor government policies in handling

the scourge.

According to Medscape, the prevalence

of asthma increases in young people and

very old persons due to responsiveness

and lower levels of lung function.

The Medscape report indicates that

two-thirds of all asthma cases are

diagnosed before the patient is 18 and

Canada, Australia, England and New

Zealand among other industrialized

countries, have a prevalence rate

between 2-10 per cent. The trigger

factors are urbanization, air pollution,

environmental allergens and passive


Classification Of Asthma

Asthma is classified by medical experts

based on severity and is determined by

symptoms. However, the classification

may change over time and a person

in any category can experience severe

asthma attacks.

1. Mild intermittent asthma

Occurs less than two times a week and

nighttime symptoms also happen less

than two times a month. Here attacks do

not interfere with daily activities.

2. Mild persistent asthma

Symptoms occur 3 to 6 times a week

and nighttime symptoms take place 3 to

4 times a month. Attacks interfere with

daily activities.

3. Moderate persistent asthma

Symptoms occur daily; daily activities

are interfered with, and night-time

symptoms appear more than once in a



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

4. Severe persistent asthma

There are often nighttime symptoms

and daily symptoms. Daily activities are

severely affected.

Types of asthma

There are numerous types of asthma

caused by many different triggers.

1. Occupational asthma

This type of asthma develops in

adulthood. It is caused by the kind

of work you do. For instance, if you

work in chemical industries, dust and

chemical odour is likely to trigger the


2. Allergic asthma

This is asthma, which is caused by

pollen, pets and dust mites.

3. Non-allergic asthma

It is caused by extreme weather or when

you are stressed or have a cold.

4. Seasonal asthma

This increases during a certain period

of the year such as during winter or


5. Status asthmaticus

This is prolonged asthma, which is

resistant to treatment

6. Adult-onset asthma

This type affects an individual at any

age, but it is common in people under

age 40.

7. Eosinophilic asthma

This is also called nighttime asthma.

Individuals suffering from nighttime

asthma are likely to have symptoms

during sleep because asthma is triggered

by the circadian cycle, sleep-wake cycle.

Studies show that most deaths related to

asthma occur at night due to exposure

to allergens, hormone secretion, cooling

of the airways and reclining position.

8. Aspirin-induced Asthma (AIA)

This occurs when a person with asthma

takes in aspirin.


Common symptoms of asthma include:

i Airway irritability

Airways of an individual suffering from asthma tend to

overreact and narrow due to even the slightest triggers.

ii Inflammation

As a result of inflammation, bronchial tubes get swollen

and become red exposing lungs to damage.

iii Airways obstruction

When you have asthma, the bands of muscle that

surround your airways tighten and the air cannot

move freely. When there is less air in your lungs, there

is short of breath and the air moving out via your

tightened airways causes wheezing.

Asthma triggers and causes

Asthma triggers vary from one person to another.

They include strong emotions such as anxiety, laughter,

crying, tobacco smoke, air pollution, medication such

as aspirin, exercise, an infection like cold and changes

to the weather.

There is no cure for asthma, but treatment can

help control symptoms.


Inhaled corticosteroids

These medications are used every day to keep

asthma under control. They prevent swelling

inside your airways and cut mucus production.

One uses an inhaler to get the medicine into his or

her lung.

b Leukotriene modifiers

This medication makes leukotriene, the substance

that triggers asthma attacks, dormant.


Long-acting beta-agonist

Also known as bronchodilators. It relaxes the

muscle bands that surround the airways.

d Theophylline

Opens up your airways and eases tightens in your


Although asthma can be deadly, however, proper

diagnoses, treatment and adequate preventive

measures can keep the sickness at bay.


If you suspect you have asthma, see a doctor who

will refer you to pulmonologist, asthma specialist,

who will subject you to asthma tests.

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 7

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and watch funny and educative cartoons

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It can be a traumatic experience if your only son

is kidnapped. But that seems not to be the case

with Agama. Nza is kidnapped, and Agama the

father, is willing to negotiate with the kidnappers.

The kidnappers are happy, but Agama shows his

economic cum negotiation skills by making an

out what / why? Continue reading.

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 9



Agama and PICCOLO have just come back from a course, organized by the UNO to sensitize gender-based

violence. Kata Kata Villagers have assembled to hear their report

I thank you again

for dis honourment to

come here. You leave

your market en farm to

come here. Dat show

how we love Kata Kata


Me, I happy de

whole world now

know dat Kata kata

Village important

too much.

That’s why they always want us to be

involved in sending out many important

messages to the world. From UNO, AU,

UNICEF to UNPF, they all want to work

with us.

Agama en Piccolo. I beg come en

tell us again whot you learn

from dat course you attend with

United Nationment



Ahaa! Me, I no go to

school to speak big – big

grammar dat touch sky,

but Me I know whot is

good for Kata Kata



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine


Chief you

talk true

God bless

you plenty




Chief, help oh!

He wan’ beat me



help me oh

before I


You run to

Chief? So you

think Chief will

help you?


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 11

Your head contain acid

or Omo detergent?

Why you follow your

wife like Boko Haram?

Who is that

person jamming

my lecture


Wait, Me, I wan first teach dis

women small lesson so dat

she become good wife before

I start talk…


Teach your wife lesson in de

presence of Kata Kata Village

Assembly? You send de

respect inside your head to


Since when is

my wife’s your


Man, she might be your

wife but we have a

responsibility here at

kata kata village.

You people will

not understand.

Dis my wife

useless more

dan goat!

And only you can define what

the word “useless” is? That

includes beating your wife in

the presence of your children?

Can anyone help me define the

word “useless”?

Common good food,

she cannot cook.

Even in de bedroom,

you hear “ me, I get


But if woman

can’t cook food,

why is she



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

Bloody hell! Hold it!

You mean this dude has the right

to beat up his wife simply because

she could not cook the kind of

food he likes? Excuse me!

You don’


Dis is our


Chief, as the traditional ruler of this

respectable village, if you have decided

out of your own indecisive indecision to

become an obstacle to the progress and

peace of this village, I’ll have no option

than to report you to the UNO. I mean

United Nations Organization

How I become obstacle now?

You see me blocking road inside

kata kata village with chain and

stone? You smoke ganja dis

morning, Agama? Or your brain

have siesta ?

Reporting you to the

UNO does not end there.

They will depose and

banish you into exile to

Taliban or Boko Haram



God forbid bad thing.

Me, I do everything to help

Kata Kata village. I wan’ all

the organization like UNO,


with us and help our

village progress too


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 13

Now you are


If we hear you abuse

your wife again, we send

you to Ntumbako village to

fight Ebola & CORONAVirus.

Dey need workers



Ebola en corona!

God forbid!

Me, I swear I don’

touch her.

Please Piccolo en

Agama, tell us

more about the


So, as I was saying,

the UNO wants us to

campaign against

gender-based violence.

Yes, violence against


As we have

seen here..

Which violence

now? But me, I

didn’t beat her


Yet? So you wanna wait till you see

blood running like a tap from her body

before you know you have committed a

violence against her?

Me, I don’


Any kind of

intimidation or

coercion that causes

physical, mental or

sexual harm to the

woman is regarded as

violence against her.

This includes, abuse,

control of her

behaviour or even

arbitrary deprivation

of her liberty.


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

You head get

malaria or

chickenpox! So when

I shout at my wife

you call dat one

violence too?

That’s is verbal violence.

Apart from that, think of sexual

violence eg forced sex. In fact,

according to the course, attempt to

obtain a sexual act, directly or

indirectly through force against one’s

wish, regardless of one’s relationship

to the woman, is violence.


Men don’ have

power again as a

man in dis Kata Kata


Other forms of violence against women

can be through organized crime, human

trafficking like selling women and forcing

them into prostitution or slavery…..

Wait oh! Remind! Me, I don’ understand dis force

sex. So, me I first write letter for employment

en put stamp en signature before I touch my

wife at night?




Aya ya!!


When I say sexual act, I mean

rape, which can be through

physically force, coercion or

penetration of the vulva or anus

with a penis or other body part

or object.

Heee! Dis law too much oh.

Now you know why I prefer

marry my food. Me, I don

argue or fight with food.

I just sit down and enjoy my

sweet heart, food

Stay there en

laugh! Me, I mean



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 15

Women are not

property - not even

your wife is. You must

respect them and

treat them equally…


Dat one

hard, but


You started again?

As our Chief, you must show an example.

Or chances are that the UNO will arrest

and try you in a criminal court…

Me, I put my

mouth back

inside pocket

en lock it

with padlock!

gender-based violence is a breach of

one’s fundamental human rights.

Often, violence against women takes

place at home. Sadly, in most cases,

these domestic violent acts against

women are not reported

It is estimated that about 1 in 3 (1-3) of women

worldwide have experienced one kind of violence in

their lifetime – physically, emotionally, sexually,


Wait oh!

Which one is verbal

violence? In dat case

me’ am victim of verbal

violence. Why b’cause

my wife abuse – abuse

me when I don’ bring

enough money

Who abuse




Me useless?

Woman who marry en

stay with useless

man is useless


When she start to abuse, de mouth will sound

like popcorn inside microwave. You hear: “ So how

you wan me use dis small money buy meat, mkhwani,

nsima, ndiwo”


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine



Yes, you give plenty money

to beer and I receive

remaining small amount for

food and children

Me, I take


Order! Piccolo en

Agama, I beg you


Most gender-based

violence are committed in a

relationship - almost one

third (33%) of the cases.

38% of murder against

women are committed by a

male intimate partner

You now

understand why,

me, I don wan any

relationship with


I hear Obama wan

divorce Michelle en

marry you

Continuation on PAGE 26

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 17





Clothes for children

are evolving with time.

What is trending today

will be overtaken by

the new ones. While

the fashion industry is

booming, accounting

for billions of dollars

in revenue, Children

wear are not left


IN 2020

By Tedman Oscar

Children wears designers have

stepped up their efforts in

making sure children wears

do meet the metamorphosing trends,

creating billions to the economy.

Hardly do parents feel ashamed when

their baby is stylish, adorable and

trending. Kids, on the other hand, feel

confident and positive when they put on

trendy attires.

When you are planning to shop for

clothes for your kids whether in a

market, online or in a boutique, think

about the current trending clothes

for kids. Think critically what Kenzo

Takada, Japanese-French fashion

designer said when you are fond of the

same style every month or year. Takada

reiterated that style is like eating, you

shouldn’t stick to the same menu.

1 Jeans

Jeans are reigning in the entire globe.

They are the most embraced and

loved clothes by people across all ages,

according to a study carried out by the

BBC. Different people dress in jeans

for different reasons. Some say they are

comfortable, durable and fun to wear.

The ones for kids have a slight

difference from those of adults. They

have minor scuffs, fine embroidery,

pumped cuffs and are tight fits.

Baby boy in an adorable jeans


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

2 Polka dots

These have been in fashion since

the 1880s. Unlike in the early days

when polka dots were popular among

adults, they are at present among

the kids’ favourites. Any people

who put on such attires look stylish

and sophisticated. Moreover, the

designers have increased the size of

dots in baby girl dresses since the

ladies are attentive to details.

4 Animal prints 6 Stripe Alert

Kids are the most admirers of

animals. Clothes with animal prints

on them are eye-catching and are

loved by kids, especially when the

animal is cute. Your kid will always

talk about that attire while with his or

her colleagues.

Their unique nature makes them

special. Stripe alert may be wide,

narrow or irregular. A garment

with strips blends nicely with other

colourful attire.

Polka dot dress for young girls

3 Traditional


These go with occasions. When

putting on during appropriate

occasions, they change the outlook

appearance of your children. They

will stand out in the crowd of many

other kids, as well as feel lovely and

trending. Note that traditional attires

differ from one part of the world to


Kids’ brown leopard dress

5 Stylish shirts

Denim shirts, velvet, cage shirt

pattern, stripe pattern and shirt with

stand up collar are some of the types

of stylish shirts for kids. They make

your kid look pretty and charming.

Stripe alert for toddlers

There are many other fashion trends

out there to write about. So you

hardly can get enough of trendy

attires for your kids. However, as you

take care of the outlook appearance

of your kid, do also take care of your

budget to avoid unexpected financial

constraints. Opt for shops or websites

with prices you can afford.

Young girl in African attire

Stylish shirts for boys

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 19


By Romolo Pusceddu

lobally, things are changing

very fast with a lot of social

metamorphoses. The emerging

trends in the beauty industry

have brought about tremendous progress

in the world and have equally re-define

the use of makeup and challenged the

definition of gender.

An online survey conducted by the

Morning Consult, a global and privately

held technology and media based in the

United States of America showed that 33

per cent of men ages 18 to 29 and another

30 percent of men ages 30-44 said they

would consider applying makeup.

More gender inclusivity was achieved

in 2018,



launch of

Gender redefinition:

A new TWIST in the

use of makeup by men

Meaning is multiple;

the meaning of

meaning depends

on the context. So

is identity, which

is never single or

pre-given. Have you

ever thought of

the definition of

the word “woman,”

“man,” cosmetics”

“makeup?” Well,

perhaps, many years

ago, such definitions

would not have

posed any difficulty.

Not anymore.

In the past centuries, makeup was

associated with the woman; this is

hardly the case in our modern era. Men,

especially born in the mid-90s and early

2000s, have embraced makeup to beat

gender stereotypes.

“Back then, men’s makeup was virtually

unheard of and men were very much

of the mindset that they had to be

stereotypical ‘hurly-burly blokes’,” said

Alex Dalley, the pioneer of UK’s largest

makeup for men brand known as MMUK


He added, “The average male grooming

routine for men at that time was perhaps

a shampoo and shower gel and maybe

a moisturiser for the forward thinkers.

At that time the concept of MMUK was

almost offensive to people and judged as

an attack on their masculinity.”

Since 2017 there has been a breakthrough

in the use of makeup by men due to

the introduction of boundary-breaking

brands such as Covergirl, Milk Makeup,

Make Up For Ever, E.l.f. Cosmetics.

a channel dubbed as Boy De Chanel, a

line of men producing products with an

undetected presence in South Korea. The

chanel’s PR and Communications officer

said beauty should be pegged on style, not


Before the inauguration of Boy De Chanel,

men did not want to be seen wearing

up makeup or purchasing them. They

were afraid of being ridiculed and called


“Many customers would use different

names when ordering and ask that their

parcels be delivered in plain envelopes,

with no reference to makeup on them

whatsoever. Discretion was paramount

for customers when we began building

the brand and helping men find the

right products was tricky for an online

business,” reiterated Alex Dalley.

Millennials have become the main targets

of the brand companies due to their

positive attitudes towards the products

and Social Media, where they can access

more information about makeup.


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

It has become

a norm for

men to wake

up in the



and apply

makeup just

like women.

They work

harder to

improve their





This is not

about men


to be


it’s just



the best


version of


“Our core customer base consists of

men between the ages of 19-30, who are

generally more active on social media

and very much in the way they dress,

look and like to feel. Their most popular

products are BB cream and concealer (“for

its camouflaging properties”), both for

the urban man-on-the-go, to solve issues

such as dark circles, spots, acne scars and

blemishes,” Dalley revealed.

“The rise of social media, and just the

ubiquity of it, should not be underplayed,”

said Devir Kahan, co-founder of the men’s

makeup brand Stryx.

It has become a norm for men to wake up

in the morning, shower and apply makeup

just like women. They work harder to

improve their appearance without feeling


“This is not about men wanting to be

feminine; it’s just about creating the best

possible version of ourselves,” said Jake-

Jamie Ward, beauty blogger.

The Kata Kata cartoon Magazine has

gathered some of the reasons why men

wear make-up. They include:

According to Jules Lipoff, MD, an assistant

professor of clinical dermatology at

the University of Pennsylvania, there is

growing pressure among the millennial to

maintain youthfulness thus they seek out

aesthetic treatments.

Young people are more concerned about

their image. They spend much money on

powders, creams and other products to

live up to unrealistic beauty standards.

This young generation wants to look like

some artistes they watch on television,

YouTube and read in newspapers,

magazines, blogs and Vlogs.

Beauty experts allege that makeup makes

men live a happy life and enable them

to hold a high feeling of their lives. It is

also said that makeup is a route to selfactualization.

Jake Jamie attributed the

rise of male makeup to toxic masculinity

and mental issues arising from the strong

and silent archetype.

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 21

Any person wearing makeup wants to look

attractive by having flawless skin and strong


The outcome of makeup is often exaggerated.

Advertisers sometimes employ flattering

lighting or strategic camera angle to make

their images more attractive than they are to

attract more users. In most cases, men are

hooked to the advertising and marketing


In our present age when many social

expected are challenged and norms are

broken, identity has been put into some

tremendous pressure. Wearing earrings,

lipsticks, long hairstyle, to mention just a few

examples are no more traditional persevered

for women. They have become common

trends for men. The notion that makeup is

for women is now past tense. People have

gone past the DOS and DON’TS in life. The

emergence of companies producing makeup

for men has proved the naysayers wrong on

who should wear makeup. Unisex makeup

products have become more mainstream as

men try to enhance their facial appearance.

“One of

the main


of makeup is

that it makes

the users feel


without them.

Despite the advantages, the makeup comes

with some negative sides. One of the

main disadvantages of makeup is that it

makes the users feel unappealing without

them. They can also cause headache,

eye infections, hair problem, premature

ageing, hormonal imbalance and infertility.

The introduction of makeup for men and

its use by men have seriously altered and

redefined our identity and challenged the

meaning of meaning. Perhaps, by seeing

one’s self as having multiple identities

which are not static or pre-given, we are

equally presented with the sameness of

what we once regarded as different. Call it

gender rediscovery or redefinition, if you



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine





comfy for



By Tedman Oscar

The condition of

a bedroom has a

great influence

on the quality of

one's sleep.

Studies have shown that sleep is essential for health.

It allows your body to repair and be fit for a new

day. Sleep deprivation is dangerous to your health,

according to a study carried out by Healthline Media, an

American website and provider of health information.

The study found that poor sleep reduces concentration

and productivity, makes people susceptible to heart

diseases, stroke and diabetes, lowers immune functions,

and increases inflammation among others. Furthermore,

it is proved that the condition of a bedroom has a great

influence on the quality of one’s sleep. Hence, the need to

pay attention to the setup of the bedroom.

Painting the walls with the wrong colour may interfere

with your sleeping pattern. The same can be said about too

much light, high temperature and use of sprays with strong

smell etc. in the bedroom. Below are some of the ways you

can design your bedroom to ensure a good sleep every




After moving up

and down during

the day carrying

out errands, we

need to have a

cosy place where

we can relax


while waiting for

another day. No

other place fulfils

this necessity

than your



Regular cleaning

Keep your bedroom neat and tidy to escape the

adverse effects on your physical and mental health,

caused by a lack of quality sleep. An organized

bedroom environment looks gorgeous, unlike a

messy one. The first thing you should do when you

wake up in the morning is to make your bed. Spread

your sheets and duvet as well as put the pillows in an

organized manner. Making your bed look tidy brings

inspiration as you usher a new day according to Naval

Admiral William McRaven, the Commander of U.S.

Special Operations.



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 23

“If you make your bed every morning, you will

have accomplished the first task of the day. It

will give you a small sense of pride and it will

encourage you to do another task and another

and another,” he reiterated.

You can also keep your bedroom clean by

proper disposal of trash, washing dirty

clothes, wiping down windows and mirrors,

wiping curtains and light fissures, cleaning the

surface and arranging clean clothes and any

other document.


Blocking out light

Undoubtedly, good ventilation and windows

give your bedroom a perfect look, however,

to be able to sleep well during the night, one

must make sure the lights are well blocked. A

small source of light in your room can cause

you sleepless night; thus, cover all sources

of light before you sleep. Switch off lights on

electronics such alarm clock, cable boxes,

charging cords and television. Furthermore,

put black out curtains on your windows to

block light from outside. Also ensure that

your bed is not facing the direction of any

source of light or window. You can also put on

eye masks.


Opt for best colours for sleep

The colour of your bedroom walls

has much influence on your sleep.

Certain colours can create a relaxed

mood, while others can be aggressive.

Apart from the effects on sleep,

some colours give class and elegance

to your bedroom. The choice of

colour matters, thus. Go for cool

colours. Why? Cool colours make

your bedroom look more exclusive,

expensive and lower stress and

anxiety, thereby enhancing relaxation.

Some of the cool hues you can use

in your bedroom are deep blue, pale

blue, soft grey, lavender and soft



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine




Essential oils

Placing essential oil next to your bed does not

only bring some class to the bedroom, it equally

produces good smell, lifts the mood and relieves

stress, which leads to better sleep. Either use

a diffuser, atomizer/spray bottle or apply them

directly to your body. Examples of essential oils

are citrus, lavender, jasmine and vanilla.

Add an air conditioner or fan

Keep your bedroom cool to ensure undisrupted

sleep that might be caused by heat, especially,

during the hot season. Apart from using a fan

or air conditioner, keep the interior doors open,

put your sheets in the freezer or use pure cotton

bedding instead of poly-cotton.

Quality sheets

It is advisable you buy sheets with higher thread

counts since they are more comfortable and soft.

Last but not the least, is removing unnecessary

furniture to create more space and keep your

environment clutter-free.

Often people make a mistake of paying more

attention to the other parts of their houses at the

detriment of their bedroom. In reality, we spend

the longest hour of our day in the bedroom

during sleep. Apart from the decorative needs,

a good-looking and tidy bedroom helps you

achieve a better sleep, which logically increases

your productivity. You do not need to dig

deep into your pocket to make your bedroom

tastefully inviting; there are so many cheap ways

you can use to change the appearance of your

room without spending much. Why not give it

a try?

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 25

Continuation oF PAGE 17


You mean


Aya yaa!


No abusement !

Dis is serious.

You just stay

there en laugh


I don’ understand dis

talk – talk about woman

mistreatment. You hear

dem complain?

So you want to wait before women

complain before you know what

they go through? Wait, I want any

woman who feels she has

experienced gender-based violence

to raise up her hand


Dis serious oh!

We have problem

here in Kata Kata


Can anyone tell

us the effects the

violence has or

has had on you?

Me, apart from physical sickness, I feel emotional down.

I fear en distrust men due to violence against me. Even to

go to bed with my husband after violence is difficult…


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

How can one go

inside bedroom with

lion? Dat one


So you now become

bedroom inspector or

referee? Oya, give Chief


Your brain

go to Zomba

fetch firewood

or whot?

Me, I only say

de truth. We men

bad sometimes

dat our wife even

fear enter inside

de same room

with us

If I may come

in here; we only

talk about

violence against


What of the


exposed to



When kids experience

violence at home, chances

are that they internalise that.

While boys think it is right to

be violent against girls,

girls on the other hand, take

a subordinate position,

God forbid.

We train our


well – well

Don’t be too sure. Here in Kata

Kata Village, we have problem of

illiteracy. According to the UNO,

men with low education are more

likely to engage in violence acts

towards women.

You now

understand why

we must go to

school in this


You made a good

point here. Another

important cause of


violence is because

of lack of access to

high paid jobs

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 27

So people who go

to school don’

mistreat their wife?

Me, I don agree


An interesting


It could happen that educated men

still commit violence against women.

of course we have cases of marital

discord and dissatisfaction problems.

Also you have more cases of

violence when the

communication between partners

is not smooth.

Other causes of gender-based violence

is the use of drug, alcoholism. But that is

not all. In our culture, we still see

women as less worth than men and that

makes women subordinate to men. In fact,

men are more privileged than women in the


So, me en my wife

must put leg inside

same trouser? Me,

don’ understand dis


You can be equal

partners. This male’s

controlling and

superiority attitude

towards women


gender-based violence.

It is rooted in culture,

the same culture thAT

encourages beliefs in

family honour and sexual


Me, I am angry too

much when I hear

all the problem; I

pity our wives


The problems are

not limited to our wives

or women alone.

Children are also

Affected. Most of the

children are


Moreover the

rate of homicide or

suicide amongst

children associated

with violence is



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

We see women

with unwanted


Some of them are

raped or forced

to have sex.

I’ve seen girls

dropping out of

school or having

unsaved abortions

or even miscarriage

due unintended


Some innocent

women and girls

are infected with

STD and HIV due to



Agama dat STD and

HIV are biscuit? Me,

I like de name

Man, You damn don’t wanna have

Sexually Transmitted

Disease (STD) and human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV),

the virus that causes AIDS

Aids? Is dat not de

sickness you get from

yafu – yafu? Me, I run.

Thank God I marry



You run?

You don’ wan’

eat virus


give him HIV


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 29

Gender violence also

causes depression, anxiety,

fear, post-traumatic

stress, suicide attempts,

drug and alcohol misuse,

eating disorder….

Eating disorder?

Dat one serious


I know because

you are food’s

best friend

You wan’ me

befriend or marry

Saddam Hussein?

Me, am sad too much!

How we prevent dis

nonsense? I wan’

everyone in Kata Kata

Village happy. Our wives

work too much. They

carry our children,

cook, wash, work in

farm, even inside room.

Me, I suggest we make

strong law against dis


Me, I suggest

we make strong

law against dis



Good Idea

God bless

Kata Kata


Oya, Agama

please write

our law



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 31


Dis our Kata Kata

law even tough

more than North

Korea Law……

Chief wait, me,

I wan’ talk

on behalf of


Dat one good.

Or you think only

America get


We have dat one

here too



You start with

your nonsense

Jude en Duke name

again? You drink

Izal or Dettol

tea dis morning?

Please don’

mind Piccolo.

Go ahead

We women thank you all for

dis law. We wan assure you,

men dat we don’ want war or

coup in de family.


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

We wan’ love, peace,

unity en respect for

each oder in en

outside family.

If we treat each

oder with respect, we

can live in peace,

happiness and achieve

more as a family,

friends and village.

Thank you.

Today is my

happiest day.

I happy more

dan pregnant


Oya, bring

our law, me

I sign.

Even Trump

en Kim Jong-un

will sign dis one

en kiss each


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 33


The Use Of Technology To Enhance

Business Security By Samuel Ouma

Business enterprises all over the world are facing severe threats from cybercrimes. They have

incurred huge financial losses and experienced working disruption as a result of hacking, data

breaches and malware infections caused by the cybercriminals. The technological revolution has

changed the way we do business. No matter the size of your business, technology plays crucial

roles in the achievement of your objectives, which are the profits.

No system is foolproof due

to the internet; any person

has an ability to infiltrate

and compromise your system.

Cybercriminals do not target

specific companies, both small

and big ones are at risk.

With technology, firms

effectively communicate

with their customers,

understand cash flows and carry

out research plus many other roles.

However, with the advent of the

internet, enterprises’ security is in

limbo. A study carried out by the

University of Maryland in the US

shows that there is a rise in the

attack of computers by malicious

hackers. The research reported

that an average of one computer is

attacked in every 39 seconds.

Ransomware is also a matter of

concern for many companies. In its

2018 annual report, ENISA Threat

Landscape said that 39 per cent

of global data breaches caused by

malware were ransomware. The

report indicated that the virus hit 15

per cent of businesses in the top 10

industry sectors such as education,

financial services, government,

manufacturing, transport,

entertainment, IT and healthcare.

For instance, 17 per cent of the total

UK healthcare breaches were caused

by ransomware.

“58.8 per cent of the respondents to

a security incident was using tools

for ransomware prevention and 83

per cent of them claimed that these

tools were helpful to them,” stated

2018 ENISA Threat Landscape


No system is foolproof due to the

internet; any person has an ability

to infiltrate and compromise your

system. Cybercriminals do not

target specific companies, both

small and big ones are at risk.

Yahoo, Equifax, an American credit

company, Sony and Adobe are

some of the largest firms that have

borne the brunt of a cyber-attack.

However, Small and Medium-size

enterprises are major causalities

because they lack the strong

financial backbone to install security

measures to prevent the criminals

from infiltrating into their systems.

As the cybercrime rears its ugly face,

measures should be put in place to

counter any form of a cyber-attack.

Even though cybercrimes evolve

annually with new threats emerging,

Kata Kata Cartoon Magazine assures

you that if you incorporate one of

the following security measures

your enterprise might be safe - but

not at 100 per cent.


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

Here are the ways to make your

business secure:

1. Safe environment and smart

home technology

However, cloud computing requires

knowledge and expertise about the

implementations, updates and security

concerns involved in storing data.

In some cases, the business owner

has no option but to employ a cloud

computing service provider to

maintain the system and safeguard


3. Data encryption

5. Octopus

When your computer is stolen from

your premise, you are also exposed

to cybercrime since the information

contained in the gadget might be

used to cause harm to your firm.

Therefore, it is advisable to set

your premise in a safe location and

control the access to your facility

via the use technological equipment

like drones when you are located in

remote areas, high- resolution radar,

robots and Remotely Operated

Weapon System.

2. Cloud computing

Oxford dictionary describes cloud

computing as the practice of using

a network of remote servers hosted

on the internet to store, manage

and process data. It is a secure and

convenient way to store information.

Cloud data storage is 100 per cent

secure from any external attack.

Furthermore, it is cost-effective and

convenient as it allows the company

management and employees to access

data from anywhere in the world.

This is the conversion of data from

a readable format into an encoded

format that can only be read or

processed after it has been decrypted

as per Kaspersky. Encrypt your

confidential information such as

bank account numbers, debit or

credit card information before

entering it on your computer. This

will help to minimize cyber-attack.

4. Drainware

This technology allows you to

identify data leaks, the track which

office computers contain significant

documents; hence you will be able to

see where and how the information

was shared.

FutureShield defines octopus as

an innovating Physical Security

Information Management (PSIM)

which combines a comprehensive

security management software with

a robust smartphone application,

enabling the organization to

effectively manage all their security,

safety and cyber. It offers the

following solutions: PSIM command

and control, visitor management,

mobile distress signalling, Live

Mobile Video Transmission and fleet

management. This is another smart

application to safeguard business


Although cybercrime has become a

daunting challenge to the business,

various businesses and organisations

are doing what they can to thwart the

inglorious efforts of cybercriminals.

The cyberwar is not left for

businesses; various governments

have equally enacted anti-cybercrime

laws to counter the menace. The EU,

US, UK and Canada amongst many

others, have stepped up their efforts

to counter the menace. Hopefully,

with enough attention being paid to

the cybercrimes globally, the dirty

cyberwar will be minimized – but

not defeated.

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 35






PG13 1h 49min

Action, Superhero, Drama, Sci-Fi

After he and his wife are

murdered, marine Ray Garrison

is resurrected by a team of

scientists. Enhanced with

nanotechnology, he becomes

a superhuman, biotech killing

machine Bloodshot. As Ray first

trains with fellow super soldiers,

he cannot recall anything

from his former life. But when

his memories flood back and

he remembers the man that

killed both him and his wife, he

breaks out of the facility to get

revenge, only to discover that

there’s more to the conspiracy

than he thought.

Bloodshot is an average

movie that’s brought down

by its extremely generic and

predictable plot with nothing

shocking, smart or original.

Its also got some inconsistent

CG and action sequences

that border on being

incomprehensible but are

relatively enjoyable. However,

Vin Diesel is great and Eiza

González and Guy Pearce are

both really good. Its pretty well

paced and the music by Steve

Jablonsky is good.


Charm City Kings My Spy The Spongebob Artemis Fowl Charm City Kings Top Gun: Mar.

April 10 April 17 May 22 May 29 June 16 June 24




Jeremy and Jeremiah were playing with their friends

Jack and Louis in the grass in the evening. They were

using a ball rolled out of banana fibres collected from

their banana plantation. They liked to play football

every evening with their friends.

Jeremy was 6 years old and Jeremiah was 7 years old.

Jack and Louise were also 7 years old and went to the

same school called Masanafu Primary school.

While they were playing, they heard their mother

calling out for them. “You have been playing the whole

day”, said their mother. The sun was almost going to

sleep. They did not have any water in the drum to use

the next day. Their mother wanted them to collect

water from the village well they would use to wash

utensils and their dirty clothes early in the morning.

They rushed to pick their jerry cans. It was already

dark, but they still had to collect water from the well.

The path to the well was very narrow. At the time,

they had to go to the well alone to quickly fetch water

for their mother. Neither did their mother nor the

two friends go to the well with them this time. Their

mother stayed home to cook food for the family. Their

father had gone to the garden to plant the maize seeds

they had bought from Nakalo market.

Jeremy and Jeremiah started their journey carrying

their empty jerry cans tied with a cloth on their backs.

As they walked through the dark path to the well, a

lot unfolded.

Expect this fascinating book and Liam’s other book

“The Artman” (both edited and illustrated by Kata kata)

soon in the bookshops.


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

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2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 37





Written by

Samuel Ouma

I truly believe in the adage which says

that work without play makes Jack a

dull boy. When I was about four years,

playing games was not my favourite

thing. While my fellow kids were

intensely playing I used to sit on the

couch staring at them or watching via the

window in case they were yelling outside.

After several months of pressure and

persuasion from my mother, urging me

to be part of the playing kids, I finally

gave in to her wish. Thereafter, I could

see the joy written on my parents’ faces

because I became vibrant, joyous and

energetic all of a sudden.

Let me take a minute and address any

parent or guardian reading this article.

Please ensure your kid gets enough time

for playing since it is instrumental to his

or her growth and development and their

confidence also get a boost. Playing with

others teaches your kid team-work and

good sportsmanship.

Here is a list of indoor and outdoor

activities that your kid might engage

in after studying for a long. They are

fun and stress-buster. Indoor games

are useful when the weather outside is

unfriendly or you wish to spend some

family time together.

1. Hide and seek

This type of game can be played both

indoors and outdoors. One child closes

his or her eye and counts till 20 or 30

until the rest of them hide in different

places. Once the seeker is done with

counting, he or she will go to look for

others. The first person to be caught is

the one to count the next time while

others hide again.

Are you a child?

Can you write



Do you want

to be part of

the Kata Kata

Creative Club?

Please send us

your story (not

more than one

page) with your

e-mail contact

details. Perhaps

your story may

be published with

your photo or you

may win a prize

for your creative


Send your story to:



2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

2. Card games

Famous card games your kids can play are

spoons, go fish, crazy eights, pounce and

garbage and crazy fights. This game shapes

kids’ logical reasoning and colour.

4. Parachute

According to Wikipedia, a parachute

is a device used to slow the motion of

an object through an atmosphere by

creating drag. It is made out of light

and fabric material. Players disarrange

parachute up and down going all the

way up, then down or underneath

while sitting on the edge or the middle

of the parachute.

6. Jump rope

Jump rope was my younger sister’s

favourite game. She began to play alone

in our compound before children from

the neighbourhood join her. The way

they shouted and laughed was a clear

indication that they were enjoying the


3. Sorting colours

The only requirements here are bowls and

marbles or small items of different colours.

The first step entails mixing up items of all

the colours together. Ask your toddlers to

arrange items of the same colour and put

them each in a different bowl.

5. Four square

This game is played on a square court

divided further into four small squares.

Each player is to stand in each of

the squares with the highest-ranked

player occupying the first square and

the lowest-ranked the fourth one. The

player leader then bounces the ball

among the players, bouncing in each

person’s square before he or she catches

it. Anyone who goes against the rules

gets relegated to a lower-ranked square.

7. Balance beam

With space readily available, clean the

floor and stick the length of the tape

to create straight or curved lines to

walk on. The player is required to walk

on the tape and if he or she walks out

of it, the player gets disqualified. He

or she who walks on the tape without

stepping on the bare floor becomes a


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 39

8. Pitching pennies

Get pennies or currency coins, and large

plastic drinking cups. Issue each child

with 5 coins each after placing the cup

and ask them to toss the coins into the

cup. The child with many coins in the

cup is the winner.

10. Follow the leader

Entails getting your kids to do what you

are doing like jumping, clapping and


9. Hot potato

Put the kids in a circle and pass the

potato to each other while playing music.

Stop the music and the kid with the

potato is out of the game, whereas the

last one to remain wins.

These games, plus many others

are what your kids need to

avoid boredom. However, watch

them closely when they play,

especially when they are alone,

to ensure they are safe. They

might hurt each other with the

objects they are playing with.

Keep the playing environment

safe by removing any harmful

material when playing games like

pitching pennies. What nostalgic

childhood memories!


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine


Wonders of


By Samuel Ouma

In terms of international tourist

destination, South Africa is the

second most visited country

in Africa after Morocco. It is a

destination for both local and

international travellers, with the

tourism industry contributing

a whopping percentage of the

country’s revenue. France, Germany,

UK, Netherlands and USA are

top overseas countries visiting the

African country. African tourists

who visit South Africa are mostly

from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Botswana,

Mozambique and Lesotho.

Statistics show that South Africa

received 16.44 million tourists

in 2018 - a number that has

consistently grown over the last five

years. South Africa has virtually

everything a tourist looks for, from

its seductive beaches, breathtaking

landscapes, to the rich and

impressive wildlife.

Visitors head to the country

because it is home to a large

variety of animals; it is also rich in

plant diversity and has numerous

cultural attraction sites. Sites like

the Wine routes of the Western

Cape, the Ruins of the Kingdom

of Mapungubwa in the Northern

Limpopo and Cradle of Humankind

in Gauteng, all add to the tourist

attractions of South Africa.

The UNESCO World Heritage

incorporated eight South African

sites in its list, a move that has

marketed South Africa to the

entire world, causing an influx of

tourists to the country. The sites are

the Vredefort Dome, Richtersveld

Cultural and Botanical Landscape,

Cape Floral Kingdom, Robben

Island, iSimangaliso Wetland Park,

Cradle of Humankind, uKhahlamba

Drakensberg Park and Mapungubwe

Cultural Landscape.

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 41

If you are in South Africa the following

places below are a must-visit. Grasp the

opportunity to enjoy beautiful beaches,

stunning hotel services and fulfilling

games and activities.


Johannesburg is the capital city of

South Africa. The city is the country’s

commercial, financial, industrial and

cultural hub with a dynamic and

cosmopolitan population. The touching

Apartheid Museum that epitomizes the

rise and fall of Apartheid rule and the

Shocking Constitution Hill, where you

can learn about the country’s journey to

democracy, are some of the exciting sites

in the city.

You will also enjoy the cool nature of its

residents and lively markets, which have

international dishes and gorgeous locally

produced South African clothes.


Bo-Kaap is the oldest surviving

residential neighbourhood in Cape Town.

It was formerly known as Malay Quarter.

The site is famous for its brightly coloured

homes and cobblestoned streets.

Blyde River Canyon

Nature Reserve

The name Blyde means “River of Joy”.

It was named by a group of Dutch

Voortrekkers who camped there while

waiting for their colleagues to return from

a trip from Maputo Bay in Mozambique.

It is one of the most recognized as well

as the most beautiful natural landmarks

in the country. Blyde is the third largest

canyon in the world and second in Africa

after the Fish River Canyon in Namibia.

It is also the largest green canyon in the

entire globe.


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

The canyon has a 33-km gorge, abundant

wildlife and impressive landscape.

For travellers who enjoy the bush

experience, this is the best place for you.

It houses geological formations such as

Mariepskop, three Rondavels-circular

and grass-topped peaks, resembling the

traditional houses of the early people.

Others are Bourke’s Luck Pothones - a

series of cylindrical wells and plunge

pools carved out by the swirling waters,

God’s windows - an area of breathtaking

scenic splendour and Kadish Tufa

Waterfall-created by sheets of water

falling over rock formations that look like

a human face.

Robben Island

This is a notorious prison where the

first post-independence president of

South Africa, Nelson Mandela was

held for about 20 years for opposing

the Apartheid rule. The site symbolizes

freedom, the transformative power of

forgiveness and a political pilgrimage.

When you visit the prison be ready to

enjoy the tranquillity and plentiful of


Kruger National


Kruger National Park is the largest

wildlife park in Africa. This park is

home to Africa’s big five wild animals –

elephant, lion, leopard, rhinoceros and

buffalo. It houses 151 mammal species,

520 bird species and more than 2,000

plant species. Kruger further has 12 main

rest camps, 9 smaller camps and 3 private

bush lodges and luxury lodges. There

exist nearby shops for those in need of

supplies, beverages and souvenirs.


This seaside contains one of the highest

plant diversity levels in the world, with

over 1,000 plant species collected and

identified. It also has lush beaches and

stunning museums. The museums have

exhibitions that illustrate the whaling


West Coast National

This site is always crowded with people,

especially the locals, who find it their

favourite spot. It has beautiful beaches,

stunning coastlines, scenic hiking trails,

wildlife and wildflowers.

Despite its beauty and tourist attractions, South

Africa has its negative sides. The high crime

rate, violence and police corruption often dent

the country’s tourist reputations. Sadly, some

tourists have become victims of crimes in South

Africa. The crime situation is not unmanageable,

though. Efforts must be made by tourists to take

adequate precautions to avoid being a victim, but

rather, to enjoy the incredible tourist allure South

Africa offers.

2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 43


Ingredients per portion

By Tedman Oscar

400g salmon fish with skin, 2 eggs, 200g cherry

tomatoes, 100g onion, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1

tablespoon water, 1 tablespoon garlic sauce (or

1 sachet salad dressing), 1 tin sweet maize, 200g

seedless olive, 100g goat cheese, 400g field salad,

pepper, salt.

Preparation Time: 10 Minutes

Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

Preparation Method

Spice both sides of the salmon fish with salt

and pepper. Fry the fish in a pan with olive

oil under low temperature until it looks

brown. Fry both sides of the fish. Remove

and set aside.

In between, cook the eggs for 5 minutes.

Wash the vegetables. Peel and cut the egg

and onion.

Add garlic sauce (or 1 sachet salad dressing) in

a bowl with 1 tablespoon of water and olive oil.

Add the other vegetables and mix.

Serve the salad with the fried salmon and

garnish with egg.


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine


Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am Prospère, a 45-yearold

mother of 4 from the

Democratic Republic of

Congo. I’ve been married

for 20 years. Recently, our

relationship has been under

pressure due to my husband’s

new drinking habits. He

has become so aggressive,

abusive and irresponsible

that I am considering a

divorce. Honestly speaking,

that love I had for him has

started disappearing due

to his recent behaviour.

However, I am confused

because of our children, who

might be affected by such a

decision. Please I urgently

need your advice.



Dear Prospère,

I am so sorry to hear your

story. A 20-year marriage

is not a joke, and efforts

must be made to save it, if

necessary. But to achieve

that, there must be a clear

commitment and willingness

from both parties.

Unfortunately, since certain

things are not very clear to

me about your case, I still

have some questions for you

before I can give you a piece

of better advice. When you

talked about “aggressive,

abusive and irresponsible”

behaviour, does that involve

physical abuse, which is, to

me, the last border?

I am a 45-year-old mother of four from

the DRC. I’ve been married for 20 years.

Recently, our relationship has been

under pressure due to my husband’s new

drinking habits. Please help!

Of course, that does not

mean other abuses must

be tolerated. Hell no. Have

you quietly discussed your

husband’s ugly behaviour

with him? If yes, did he

accept he has problems? Did

he agree to work on them or

make changes (even though,

if any, has not yielded the

expected results)? What is

the frequency of his drinking

problems? Does it occur on a

regular basis or occasionally?

Have your kids experienced

your alleged abuse (whether

against you or the children)

by their father?

In as much as I

understand your


I suggest you

try to save

your marriage

by convincing

him to seek

some genuine



Excessive drinking is not

only dangerous for one’s

health, but it is also the cause

of many social problems.

It is not an experience

many would tolerate. I,

therefore, fully understand

your frustrations, Prospère.

From the possibility of

having heart damage,

pancreatitis, liver damage,

blackouts, shrinking brain,

hallucinations, cancer,

slurred speech, fatigue,

lung infections, diabetic

complications, sexual

dysfunction, etc, other social

problems such as behaviour

Relationship Quotes

“A man who drinks

too much on occasion

is still the same

man as he was sober.

An alcoholic, a real

alcoholic, is not the

same man at all. You

can’t predict anything

about him for

sure except that he

will be someone you

never met before.”

― Raymond Chandler,

The Long Goodbye

change (which you have

personally noticed),

dependence on alcohol,

shabbiness, physical abuse

are some of the problems

associated with alcohol.

I would advise your

husband to seek professional

help immediately before

it is too late. I can fully

understand the change

in your feelings for your

husband due to the

problems. In as much

as I understand your

predicament, I suggest you

try to save your marriage

by convincing him to seek

some genuine professional

help. He must be willing to

take that step. Otherwise, it

might be futile an attempt.

Every relationship has

its ups and downs; your

husband must clearly make

a choice between alcohol

and his family. If he really

loves his wife and the four

beautiful children, he must

take steps to avoid losing

them. You need to let him

know this obvious reality. If

he chooses his bottle over

his family, you may let him

know the consequences for

that choice. At a stage, the

sanity of the family and the

future of the children come

before the love for alcohol. I

hope your husband realizes

this reality and take the right

steps to win back the love

and happiness in the family.

Good luck, Prospère.


Aunt Silvia

“To a drinker the

sensation is real and

pure and akin to

something spiritual:

you seek; in the

bottle, you find.”

― Caroline Knapp,

Drinking: A Love Story

“Some of our

endeavours to

eliminate or forget

our problems invite

more problems.”

― Mokokoma


2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine 45




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2020 Issue 24 SPECIAL EDITION Kata Kata cartoon magazine

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