auCtion 795 - Bruun Rasmussen

auCtion 795 - Bruun Rasmussen

auCtion 795 - Bruun Rasmussen


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Program<br />

onsdag den 12. november<br />

18.00 Jesper <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Velkomst Auktionssalen<br />

18.10 Frederik <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Skagensmalerne på auktion Auktionssalen<br />

18.20 Anna von Lowzow Om filmen P.S. Krøyer – Sikken Fest Auktionssalen<br />

18.40 Lise Svanholm Kunstnerkolonien på Skagen Auktionssalen<br />

Filmen P.S. Krøyer – Sikken Fest vises løbende samtlige eftersynsdage Bredgade 31<br />

Foredrag af 15 minutters varighed ved husets specialister kl. 17.30, 18.30 og 19.30:<br />

Birte Stokholm C.W. Eckersberg 1. sal (1.1)<br />

Bettina Sinnet Vilhelm Hammershøi 2. sal (2.1)<br />

Anders Fredsted Ældre møbler 1. sal (1.11)<br />

Alexa <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Sølv Mezzanin<br />

Katrin Mikkelsen-Sørensen Diamanter 1. sal (1.15)<br />

Kristian Haagen Armbåndsure 2. sal (1.7)<br />

Kasper Nielsen Russisk kunst 3. sal<br />

Sebastian Hauge Lerche Bøger 1. sal (1.8)<br />

Henrik Schleppegrell Tæpper 1. sal (1.10)<br />

Peter Christmas-Møller Moderne kunst Bredgade 25<br />

Peter Kjelgaard Dansk møbelkunst Bredgade 25<br />

Vi kan desværre ikke tilbyde parkering i gården.

Alexa, Frederik and Jesper <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

with <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Auctioneers of Fine Art<br />

request the pleasure of your company<br />

for the opening of the Auction Preview:<br />

Tres år – Trésor – 60 years at Bredgade<br />

Wednesday, the 12th of November 2008<br />

at 17.00 to 20.00 hours.<br />

Alexa, Frederik og Jesper <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

samt <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Kunstauktioner<br />

har hermed den glæde at invitere Dem med ledsager<br />

til åbningen af eftersynet:<br />

Tres år – Trésor – 60 år i Bredgade<br />

Onsdag den 12. november 2008<br />

kl. 17.00 til 20.00.

antique<br />

<strong>auCtion</strong> <strong>795</strong><br />

tuesday 18 november<br />

wednesday 19 november<br />

thursday 20 november<br />

friday 21 november<br />

monday 24 november<br />

tuesday 25 november<br />

wednesday 26 november<br />

thursday 27 november<br />

friday 28 november<br />

6 pm trésor - 60 years 1 - 79<br />

selected paintings<br />

1 pm paintings 200 - 424<br />

1 pm paintings and drawings 425 - 614<br />

6 pm trésor - 60 years 101 - 187<br />

selected modern paintings and design<br />

antiques<br />

11 am russian paintings and antiques<br />

700 - 1070<br />

1 pm furniture, bronzes and clocks 1101 - 1295<br />

1 pm furniture, bronzes and clocks 1296 - 1488<br />

1 pm silver and jewellery 1489 - 1777<br />

1 pm oriental works of art and oriental carpets<br />

1778 - 2018<br />

1 pm ceramics and glass 2019 - 2126

antique<br />

decorative art and jewellery<br />

from ancient days up to the present<br />

auction 18 - 28 november 2008<br />

preview wednesday 12 november 5 pm - 8 pm<br />

thursday 13 november 1 pm - 5 pm<br />

friday 14 november 1 pm - 5 pm<br />

saturday 15 november 11 am - 4 pm<br />

sunday 16 november 11 am - 4 pm<br />

monday 17 november 11 am - 4 pm<br />

Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112<br />

bredgade@bruun-rasmussen.dk · www.bruun-rasmussen.dk

antikviteter<br />

auktion <strong>795</strong><br />

tirsdag 18. november<br />

kl. 18 tres år - trésor 1-79<br />

udsøgte malerier<br />

onsdag 19. november<br />

kl. 13 malerier 200 - 424<br />

torsdag 20. november<br />

kl. 13 malerier og tegninger 425 - 614<br />

kl. 18 tres år - trésor 101 - 187<br />

udsøgte moderne malerier og design<br />

antikviteter<br />

fredag 21. november<br />

kl. 11 russiske malerier og kunstindustri<br />

700 - 1070<br />

mandag 24. november<br />

kl. 13 møbler, bronze og ure 1101 - 1295<br />

tirsdag 25. november<br />

kl. 13 møbler, bronze og ure 1296 - 1488<br />

onsdag 26. november<br />

kl. 13 sølv og smykker 1489 - 1777<br />

torsdag 27. november<br />

kl. 13 orientalsk kunst og tæpper 1778 - 2018<br />

fredag 28. november<br />

kl. 13 porcelæn, fajance og glas 2019 - 2126

antikviteter<br />

kunstindustri og smykker<br />

fra antikken til vore dage<br />

auktion 18. - 28. november 2008<br />

eftersyn onsdag 12. november kl. 17 - 20<br />

torsdag 13. november kl. 13 - 17<br />

fredag 14. november kl. 13 - 17<br />

lørdag 15. november kl. 11 - 16<br />

søndag 16. november kl. 11 - 16<br />

mandag 17. november kl. 11 - 16<br />

Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112<br />

bredgade@bruun-rasmussen.dk · www.bruun-rasmussen.dk

Dette efterår står som noget særligt i <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>s historie. Huset fylder 60 år, og det<br />

markeres med en lang række jubilæumsauktioner. Katalogerne, der indeholder antikviteter,<br />

kunsthåndværk, smykker og ure, viser med al tydelighed, at udvalget er stort og kvaliteten høj<br />

på auktionen den 20. – 28. november.<br />

To antikke marmorsøjler fra hellenistisk periode i det 3. – 1. årh. f.Kr. (kat. nr. 1891) og en romersk<br />

marmortorso af en ung mand fra det 1. – 2. årh. e.Kr. (Trésor, kat. nr. 184) med proveniens fra<br />

professorerne og billedhuggerne J.A. Jerichau og E.Utzon-Frank markerer starten på<br />

auktionens tidslinje.<br />

Særlig stærkt på denne auktion står de danske møbelsnedkere fra 17- og 1800-tallet. Som fine<br />

eksempler på den nordeuropæiske rokoko ses hofsnedker Mathias Ortmanns kommode, der har<br />

været i minister Viggo Starckes eje (kat. nr. 1194), samt et par kommoder (Trésor, kat. nr. 151).<br />

To konsoller, der tidligere har stået på Lilliendal Gods, udgør en kontrast hertil. De er antagelig<br />

lavet af professor og hofbygmester C.F. Harsdorff, der udbredte de enkle og ny-klassicistiske<br />

idealer i Danmark og dermed kom med et modspil til den mere pyntede rokokostil (Trésor, kat.<br />

nr. 178). Arkitekten Theophilus Hansen, der ellers mest er kendt for sin arkitektur, er repræsenteret<br />

med en kunstnerarmstol fra ca. 1840. Stolen er kendt fra en tegning på Kunstindustrimuseet og<br />

stammer antagelig fra familien Scavenius på Klintholm Gods, der i perioden 1837-1840 netop<br />

fik indrettet værelser af hans læremester fra Kunstakademiet, C.F. Hetsch (Trésor, kat. nr. 128).<br />

Det er alt sammen ældre dansk møbelkunst, når det er bedst!<br />

Et af auktionens højdepunkter, et smukt skrivebord, stammer imidlertid fra en udenlandsk møbel-<br />

snedkers hånd, nemlig Paul Sormani, der var den foretrukne ebenist hos Napoleon III’s stilbevidste<br />

hustru, kejserinde Eugenie, som yndede at indrette sit hjem i de gamle stilarter Louis<br />

XV og Louis XVI. Ofte overgik Sormanis reproduktioner originalerne i kvalitet og udførelse, og<br />

derfor er hans møbler i dag blandt de mest eftertragtede i 1700-talsstil overhovedet (Trésor,<br />

kat. nr. 164). Der findes også mange andre eksempler på prægtige stilkopier på auktionen.<br />

Der bydes desuden på en række fajancer fra den anerkendte antikvitetsforretning <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

og Bielenberg i Berlin. Disse effekter blev bragt i sikkerhed, før forretningen blev bombet i 1945<br />

(f.eks. kat. nr. 2102). Den legendariske grundlægger af Nordisk Film, generaldirektør Ole Olsen,<br />

var en velkendt kunde i denne forretning.<br />

Med et sjældent antikt Heriz-tæppe tager vi turen fra Europa til Orienten. Tæppet blev knyttet<br />

som gave til Shahen i anden halvdel af 1800-tallet og indeholder en lang ode til Persiens hersker<br />

med disse storslåede ord som indledning: ”Kongelige Højhed, unge konge, verdens ejer, modige<br />

konge, landets sol (...)” (Trésor, kat. nr. 154).<br />

Smykker fra boet efter direktør Oscar Pettersson og frue indleder smykkeauktionen den 26.<br />

november (kat. nr. 1526-1535), der blandt meget andet indeholder en række smykker fra<br />

internationalt anerkendte smykkehuse, f.eks. en art déco Cartier diamantbroche fra de brølende<br />

1920’eres London (kat. nr. 1679). I den helt eksklusive ende findes et par franske diamantøreclips<br />

på over 30.00 ct. fra 1970’ernes Paris (kat. nr. 1675). Af danske urmagere udbydes f.eks.<br />

et herrearmbåndsur fra det flere hundrede år gamle urmagerfirma Urban Jürgensen (Trésor,<br />

kat. nr. 122), men også den danske urmager Jens Olsen, der har lavet det berømte Verdensur på<br />

Københavns Rådhus, er repræsenteret med et af auktionens standure (kat. nr. 1468).<br />

Velkommen til <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>s jubilæumsauktion i Bredgade!

The autumn of 2008 has special significance in the history of <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>. The auction house<br />

celebrates its 60th anniversary, and this is marked by a number of anniversary auctions. The catalogues,<br />

comprising antiques, applied art, jewellery and wristwatches, clearly testify to the scope and quality<br />

of the selection of the auction held November 20th – 28th.<br />

Two antique marble columns from the Hellenistic period, the 3rd to the 1st century BC (Lot 1891)<br />

and a Roman marble torso of a young man from the 1st - 2nd century AD (Trésor, Lot 184), with<br />

provenance from the professors and sculptors J.A. Jerichau and E. Utzon-Frank mark the beginning<br />

of the auction’s timeline.<br />

The Danish cabinetmakers of the 18th and 19th century are especially well-represented at the auction.<br />

As fine examples of North European Rococo, the auction presents Court Cabinetmaker Mathias<br />

Ortmann’s chest of drawers, formerly a possession of Minister Viggo Starcke (Lot 1194), and a pair<br />

of chest of drawers (Trésor, Lot 151). Two consoles, formerly placed at Lilliendal Manor, constitutes<br />

a perfect contrast. Presumably, they were made by Professor and Architect C.F. Harsdorff, who propagated<br />

the simple Neo-Classicist ideals in Denmark and thereby fielded an alternative to the more<br />

ornate Rococo style (Lot Trésor, Lot 178). The Architect Theophilus Hansen, who is otherwise mostly<br />

known for his architecture, is represented by an artist’s chair from c. 1840. The chair is known from<br />

a drawing at The Danish Museum of Art and Design and presumably derives from Klintholm Manor<br />

where, in the years from 1837 to 1840, the Scavenius family is known to have had a number of<br />

rooms decorated by his teacher from The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, C.F. Hetsch (Trésor, Lot<br />

128). It is one fine specimen after another of older Danish furniture!<br />

However, one of the highlights of the auction, a beautiful bureau plat, derives from the French<br />

cabinetmaker, Paul Sormani, the favourite ebonist of Napoleon III’s style-conscious consort, Empress<br />

Eugenie, who liked to decorate her home in the old styles of Louis XV and Louis XVI (Trésor,<br />

Lot 184). The auction features many specimens of these magnificent stylistic copies.<br />

The auction also presents a number of works in faience from the renowned antique shop <strong>Rasmussen</strong> &<br />

Bielenberg in Berlin. These items were secured, before the shop was bombed in 1945 (e.g. Lot 2102).<br />

It is a known fact that the legendary founder of Nordisk Film, Ole Olsen, was amongst the clients at<br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> & Bielenberg.<br />

By way of a rare antique Heriz rug, we turn from Europe to the Orient. The rug was knotted as a gift<br />

to the Shah in the second half of the 19th century and contains a lengthy ode to the Persian ruler with<br />

these grand opening words: ”Your Royal Highness, Young King, Owner of the World, Brave King, Sun of<br />

our Country ...” (Trésor, Lot 154).<br />

Jewellery from the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pettersson opens the jewellery auction November<br />

26th (Lot 1526-1535). Among many other items, this auction includes jewellery from internationally renowned<br />

jewellery houses, e.g. an Art Déco Cartier diamond brooch from the London of the roaring<br />

1920’s (Lot 1679). In the most exclusive end of the selection, we find a pair of French diamond ear<br />

clips in more than 30.00 ct. from the Paris of the 1970’s (Lot 1675). In addition, the auction presents<br />

a number of watches made by Danish watchmakers. Notably, these include a gentleman’s wristwatch<br />

from the centuries old watchmaker’s company Urban Jürgensen (Trésor, Lot 122), but also the<br />

Danish watchmaker Jens Olsen, who made the famous astronomical clock at Copenhagen City Hall,<br />

is represented by one of the auction’s long-case clocks (Lot 1468).<br />

We look forward to seeing you at <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>’s anniversary auction in Bredgade!

department of antiques<br />

head of department<br />

Kasper Nielsen<br />

8818 1121<br />

k.nielsen@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Ralph Lexner<br />

8818 1161<br />

r.lexner@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

cataloguing<br />

silver<br />

Alexa <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

8818 1165<br />

alexa@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

ceramics, glass and oriental art<br />

Charlotte Hviid<br />

8818 1162<br />

c.hviid@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

jewellery<br />

Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen<br />

8818 1174<br />

k.m.sorensen@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

jewellery<br />

Heidi Schophuus Jensen<br />

8818 1163<br />

h.s.jensen@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

watches<br />

Kristian Haagen<br />

8818 1168<br />

k.haagen@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

furniture, bronzes and clocks<br />

Thomas Lembourn<br />

8818 1141<br />

t.lembourn@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

furniture, bronzes and clocks<br />

Anders Fredsted<br />

8818 1142<br />

a.fredsted@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

carpets and gobelins<br />

Henrik Schleppegrell<br />

8818 1145<br />


ceramics<br />

glass<br />

friday 28 november 1 pm<br />

catalogue no. 2019 - 2126

2019<br />

Three porcelain figurines, decorated in overglaze<br />

colours comprising "Apollo", "Patriotism" and<br />

"Mars". Royal Copenhagen, late 18th century. (3).<br />

Fredstrup: Series A no. 24, series K no. 4 and series M<br />

no. 1. DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100<br />

2020<br />

Three porcelain figurines, decorated in overglaze<br />

colours "The Elements" i.e. "The Air" depicted<br />

by a little boy standing at an aviary, "The Earth"<br />

by a little girl gardening a flowerpot and "The<br />

Water" by a boy holding a fish. Royal Copenhagen,<br />

late 18th century. H. 8-15 cm. (3).<br />

The figurine "The Air" formerly comprised in Erik<br />

Hasselbalch's Collection.<br />

DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100<br />

2021<br />

Two porcelain figurines, decorated in overglaze<br />

colours "Chinese boy" and "Chinese girl". Royal<br />

Copenhagen, late 18th century. H. 13 cm. (2).<br />

Fredstrup: Series C, no. 2 and 3. DKK 6.000 / € 800<br />

2022<br />

Three porcelain figurines, decorated in overglaze<br />

colours "The Seasons of the Year". "Fall" depicted<br />

by a man with an apple, "Winther" by a boy with<br />

skates and "Spring" by a woman with a basket of<br />

flowers. Royal Copenhagen, 18th-19th century.<br />

H. 13-14. (3).<br />

Fredstrup: Series A no. 4, 7 and ?.<br />

DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100<br />

2023<br />

Two porcelain figurines, decorated in overglaze<br />

colours "Winther" depicted by a boy staying at a<br />

trunk, and "A Man with a Marmot". Royal<br />

Copenhagen, about 1800. (2).<br />

Fredstrup: Series A, no. 11. And series M, no. 8.<br />

DKK 5.000 / € 670<br />

2024<br />

Porcelain figurine "Woman selling fruit" decorated<br />

in overglaze colours, depicting a woman<br />

sitting by two fruit basket, one in the shape of a<br />

saltcellar. Royal Copenhagen, before 1800.<br />

H. 15 cm.<br />

Fredstrup: Serie S, Sanserne. No. 21.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2025<br />

Porcelain figurine "Winther", decorated in overglaze<br />

colours, depicting boys cutting wood.<br />

Royal Copenhagen, about 1800. H. 18 cm. 2nd<br />

assortment.<br />

Fredstrup: Aarets Tider (The seasons of the Year), series<br />

A, no. 15. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2026<br />

Meissen porcelain "Monkey Orchestra", decorated<br />

in colours and gold, consist of 8 musicians, 2 singers<br />

and a conductor with a music rest. Germany,<br />

20th century. (12).<br />

Modelled by J. Kändler.<br />

DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700<br />


2021<br />

2019<br />

2024<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2022<br />

2020<br />

2025<br />

2023<br />


2026<br />


2027<br />

Series of porcelain figurines, decorated in overglaze<br />

colours comprising five groups of so-called<br />

"Bergmænd" - miners at the Norwegian silvermines<br />

in Kongsberg. Royal Copenhagen, end of 18th<br />

century. H. 8 cm - 15 cm. (5).<br />

Literature: Fredstrup: Series B. No. 11 b, 11 d, 12,<br />

17, 18. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2027<br />

2028<br />

Porcelain figurine, decorated in overglaze colours<br />

depicting "The Judgement of Paris". Royal<br />

Copenhagen, about 1790. H. 32 cm.<br />

Provenance: The Ole Olsen Collection.<br />

DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />

2028<br />


2029<br />

2030<br />

2029<br />

Large porcelain centrepiece, pierced<br />

basket on squared, stairshaped base, the<br />

flanks with medallions, decorated with<br />

Saly's statue and Amalienborg Palace.<br />

Juliane Marie's mark. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

H. 42 cm. DKK 25.000 / € 3.400<br />

2030<br />

A pair of porcelain table obelisks, decorated<br />

in purple, green and gold, channeled<br />

stems with festoons and medallions, top<br />

with flame. Juliane Marie's mark. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. H. 40 cm. (2).<br />

Similar pair at display at David's Collection<br />

in Copenhagen. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />


2031<br />

Rococo porcelain tureen, decorated in colours<br />

with flowers in apple-green cartouches, rocailles<br />

shaped handles; the lid adorned with repoussé<br />

flowers. Royal Copenhagen, about 1775. H. 24 cm.<br />

Provenance: Formerly, in the Collection of Emil<br />

Glückstad, Esq. Further, Erik Hasselbalch's Collection,<br />

his auction ABR 148, lot no. 205; Knud Abildgaard's<br />

Collection, his auction ABR 494, part 1, lot no. 9.<br />

DKK 40.000 / € 5.400<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2031<br />

2032<br />

Sévres custard porcelain cup, decorated in colours<br />

and gold with exotic birds on "bleu du roi" ground;<br />

finial in the shape of a flower. France 1755.<br />

Provenance: Erik Hasselbalch's Collection, no. 204.<br />

DKK 8.000 / € 1.100<br />

2032<br />


2035<br />

2036<br />

2033<br />

"Flora Danica" oval dish, decorated in colours<br />

and gold with flower. 3519. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

L. 44 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100<br />

2034<br />

"Flora Danica" plate with open-worked rim,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with flowers.<br />

3574. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 28,5 cm.<br />

DKK 4.000 / € 540<br />

2035<br />

"Flora Danica" six dinner plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with herbs and flowers. 3549.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 25.5 cm.<br />

DKK 20.000 / € 2.700<br />

2036<br />

"Flora Danica" six soup plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with flowers and herbs. 3546.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 22 cm. (6).<br />

DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700<br />

2037<br />

"Flora Danica" six cups and saucers, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers and herbs.<br />

3597. Royal Copenhagen. (6).<br />

DKK 20.000-24.000 / € 2.700-3.200<br />

2033<br />

2037<br />

386 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2034<br />

2038<br />

2039<br />

2038<br />

"Flora Danica" six side plates, decorated in colours<br />

and gold with herbs. 3551. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

Diam. 17 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2039<br />

"Flora Danica" six lunch plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with herbs and flowers. 3550.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 22 cm. (6).<br />

DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />

2040<br />

"Flora Danica" four lunch plates decorated in<br />

colours and gold with herbs and flowers. 3550.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 22 cm. (4).<br />

DKK 10.000 / € 1.300<br />

2041<br />

"Flora Danica" four lunch plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with herbs and flowers. 3550.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 22 cm. (4).<br />

DKK 10.000 / € 1.300<br />

2042<br />

"Flora Danica" four soup plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with flowers and herbs. 3546.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 22 cm. (4).<br />

DKK 12.000 / € 1.600

2042<br />

2045<br />

2043<br />

"Flora Danica" four dinner plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with flowers and herbs. 3549.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 25.5 cm. (4).<br />

DKK 14.000-16.000 / € 1.900-2.100<br />

2044<br />

"Flora Danica" four dinner plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with herbs and flowers. 3549.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 25.5 cm. (4).<br />

DKK 14.000-16.000 / € 1.900-2.100<br />

2045<br />

"Flora Danica" four side plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with herbs and flowers. 3551.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. (4). DKK 5.000 / € 670<br />

2046<br />

"Flora Danica" four side plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with herbs and flowers. 3551.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. (4). DKK 5.000 / € 670<br />

2047<br />

"Flora Danica" four cups and saucers, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers and herbs.<br />

3597. Royal Copenhagen. (4).<br />

DKK 14.000 / € 1.900<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2046<br />

2043<br />

2047<br />

2040<br />

2048<br />

2044<br />

2041<br />

2049<br />

2048<br />

"Flora Danica" four cups and saucers, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers and herbs.<br />

3597. Royal Copenhagen. (4).<br />

DKK 14.000 / € 1.900<br />

2049<br />

"Flora Danica" four soup plates, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with flowers and herbs. 3546.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 22 cm. (4).<br />

DKK 12.000 / € 1.600<br />

2050<br />

"Flora Danica" thirteen porcelain lunch plates,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with flowers and<br />

herbs. 3550; one plate 3572. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

(13). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400<br />

2051<br />

"Flora Danica" nineteen porcelain plates with<br />

pierced rims, decorated in colours and gold with<br />

flowers and herbs. 3554. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

Diam. 22,5 cm. (19).<br />

DKK 60.000-70.000 / € 8.000-9.400<br />

2052<br />

"Flora Danica" three oval porcelain dishes, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with herbs. 2 x 3517<br />

and 1 x 3519. Royal Copenhagen. L. 43,5 cm<br />

and 36,5 cm. (3). DKK 18.000 / € 2.400<br />


2050<br />

2057<br />

2051<br />

2058<br />

2056<br />

2052<br />

2053<br />

"Flora Danica" four porcelain soup plates and<br />

four dinner plates with pierced rims, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers and herbs. 3447<br />

and 3553. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 24 cm and<br />

25,5 cm. (8). DKK 30.000-35.000 / € 4.000-4.700<br />

2054<br />

"Flora Danica" twenty porcelain dinner plates,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with flowers and<br />

herbs. 3549. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 25,5 cm.<br />

(20). DKK 80.000 / € 11.000<br />

2055<br />

"Flora Danica" twelve porcelain plates with pierced<br />

rims, decorated in colours and gold with flowers<br />

and herbs. 2 x 3574 and 10 x 3526. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

Diam. 27 cm and 28 cm. (12).<br />

DKK 50.000 / € 6.700<br />

2056<br />

"Flora Danica" oval open-worked porcelain fruit<br />

basket decorated in colours and gold, handles in<br />

the shape of branches, exterior with repoussé<br />

flowers; and matching dish. 3536-3537. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. L. 25 cm and 26 cm. (2).<br />

DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />

2059<br />

388 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2053<br />

2060<br />

2054<br />

2061<br />

2062<br />

2055<br />

2063<br />

2057<br />

"Flora Danica" vegtable porcelain dish, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with herbs. 3568. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. Diam. 24 cm.<br />

DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000<br />

2058<br />

"Flora Danica" open-worked porcelain fruit basket,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with herb, exterior<br />

with repoussé flowers and foliage, handles in the<br />

shape of branches. 3532. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

Diam. 22 cm. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300<br />

2059<br />

"Flora Danica" porcelain sugar bowl and matching<br />

lid and hole for the spoon, decorated in colours<br />

and gold with flowers. 161-160. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

L. 15,5 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2060<br />

"Flora Danica" porcelain sauceboat on solid<br />

foot, decorated in colours and gold with flowers.<br />

3556. Royal Copenhagen. L. 24 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2061<br />

"Flora Danica" porcelain sauceboat on solid<br />

foot, decorated in colours and gold with herbs.<br />

3556. Royal Copenhagen. L. 24 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300

2066<br />

2064<br />

2062<br />

"Flora Danica" seven porcelain plates, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers and herbs.<br />

3573. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 19,5 cm. (7).<br />

DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000<br />

2063<br />

"Flora Danica" porcelain sugar bowl and matching<br />

lid, decorated in colours and gold with herbs.<br />

3582. Royal Copenhagen. L. 15,5 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2064<br />

"Flora Danica" three porcelain soup bowls and<br />

saucers, decorated in colours and gold with<br />

flowers. 3612. Royal Copenhagen. (3).<br />

DKK 12.000 / € 1.600<br />

2065<br />

"Flora Danica" five small porcelain dishes, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers, handles<br />

in the shape of branches adorned with repoussé<br />

flowers. 2 x 3540, 2 x 3541 and 1 x 47. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. (5). DKK 16.000 / € 2.100<br />

2066<br />

"Flora Danica" porcelain, decorated in colours<br />

and gold with flowers comprising a cake plate,<br />

two fruit bowls and two ashtrays. 3552, 3501 and<br />

3590. Royal Copenhagen. (5).DKK 6.000 / € 800<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2067<br />

2068<br />

2065<br />

2069<br />

2070<br />

2067<br />

"Flora Danica" six porcelain custard cups with<br />

matching lids, decorated in colours and gold with<br />

flowers and herbs. 3514-3515. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

(6). DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700<br />

2068<br />

"Flora Danica" seven porcelain coffee cups and<br />

saucers, decorated in colours and gold with<br />

flowers and herbs. 4 x 3597 and 3 x 073. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. (7).<br />

DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400<br />

2069<br />

"Flora Danica" two porcelain mocca cups, without<br />

handles, decorated in colours and gold with<br />

flowers. 3618. Royal Copenhagen. (2).<br />

DKK 4.000 / € 540<br />

2070<br />

"Flora Danica" ten porcelain chocolate cups and<br />

saucers, decorated in colours and gold with<br />

flowers and herbs. 6 x 3513 and 4 x 3512. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. (10).<br />

DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400<br />


2074<br />

2072<br />

2075<br />

2071<br />

"Flora Danica" oval dish, decorated in colours and<br />

gold with anemone. 3518. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

L. 40,5 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100<br />

2072<br />

"Flora Danica" openworked fruitbasket, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with berries and leaves.<br />

Exterior with repoussé flowers and leaves, handles<br />

in the shape of branches. 3534. Royal Copenhagen,<br />

1894-1922. Diam. 22. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300<br />

2073<br />

"Flora Danica" vegetable dish, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with flowers. Finial in the<br />

shape of curved branches and repoussé flowers.<br />

3568. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 24 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2074<br />

"Flora Danica" round bowl, decorated in colours<br />

and gold with herb. 3504. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

Diam. 23 cm. DKK 5.000 / € 670<br />

390 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2071<br />

2073<br />

2076<br />

2075<br />

"Flora Danica" sugar bowl with lid, handle in the<br />

shape of branches and repoussé flowers, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers and foliage.<br />

3582. Royal Copenhagen. L. 15,5 (2).<br />

DKK 8.000 / € 1.100<br />

2076<br />

"Flora Danica" sauceboat on solid foot, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with herbs. 3556. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. L. 25 cm. DKK 8.000 / € 1.100<br />

2077<br />

"Flora Danica" two four-sided porcelain bowls,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with flowers.<br />

3510. Royal Copenhagen. W. 22 cm. (2).<br />

DKK 12.000-16.000 / € 1.600-2.100<br />

2078<br />

"Flora Danica" four-sided porcelain cake serving<br />

dish, decorated in colours and gold with herb.<br />

3564. Royal Copenhagen. L. 24 cm.<br />

DKK 5.000 / € 670

2077<br />

2082<br />

2078<br />

2079<br />

"Flora Danica" two round porcelain dishes,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with flowers.<br />

3577. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 38,5 cm. (2).<br />

DKK 16.000 / € 2.100<br />

2080<br />

"Flora Danica" two various round porcelain<br />

dishes, one with pierced rim, decorated in colours<br />

and gold with herbs. 3524 and 3529. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. Diam. 33,5 cm and 35,5 cm. (2).<br />

DKK 12.000 / € 1.600<br />

2081<br />

"Flora Danica" rectangular porcelain cake dish,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with flower –<br />

Vaccinium Vitis Idaea. 364. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

L. 30 cm. DKK 6.000 / € 800<br />

2082<br />

"Flora Danica" two salad porcelain bowls, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers and herbs.<br />

3505. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 20,5 cm. (2).<br />

DKK 10.000 / € 1.300<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2083<br />

2079<br />

2084<br />

2080<br />

2085<br />

2086<br />

2081<br />

2083<br />

"Flora Danica" porcelain bowl, decorated in<br />

colours and gold with herbs. 578. Royal Copenhagen.<br />

Diam. 24 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2084<br />

"Flora Danica" three porcelain soup plates,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with herbs. 3546.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 22 cm. (3).<br />

DKK 9.000 / € 1.200<br />

2085<br />

"Flora Danica" two porcelain cakestands, decorated<br />

in colours and gold with flowers. 3511-<br />

3588. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 20,5 cm. (2).<br />

DKK 12.000 / € 1.600<br />

2086<br />

"Flora Danica" six small porcelain dishes with<br />

handles, decorated in colours and gold with flowers<br />

and herbs. 3541, 2 x 3542 and 3 x 3544. Royal<br />

Copenhagen. L. 16,5 cm and 21 cm. (6).<br />

DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />


2087<br />

"Flora Danica" nine porcelain lunch plates with<br />

open-worked rims, decorated in colours and gold<br />

with flowers. 3554. Royal Copenhagen. 7 plates<br />

1895-1922. Diam. 23 cm. (9).<br />

DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400<br />

392 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />


2089<br />

2088<br />

"The Game Service" oval porcelain dish, decorated<br />

in colours with a pheasant. Royal Copenhagen<br />

L. 47 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000<br />

2089<br />

"The Game Service" seven porcelain plates with<br />

open worked rim, decorated in colours and gold<br />

with various animals; further, one dinner plate<br />

with a skunk. Royal Copenhagen. Diam. 22,5 cm<br />

and 25,5 cm. (8).<br />

DKK 18.000-20.000 / € 2.400-2.700<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2088<br />

2090<br />

2090<br />

"The Game Service" fourteen porcelain plates,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with different<br />

birds. 3549. Royal Copenhagen. Diam 25,5 cm.<br />

(14). DKK 40.000 / € 5.400<br />

2091<br />

"The Game Service" fourteen porcelain plates,<br />

decorated in colours and gold with different<br />

fish. 3549. Kgl.P. 1905-1922. Diam. 25 cm. (14).<br />

Not depicted. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400<br />


2093<br />

2092<br />

"Blue Fluted" A Royal Copenhagen porcelain<br />

dish, decorated in underglaze blue. Marked for<br />

Hans Jacob Hansen 1779-1819. Before 1800.<br />

Diam. 35 cm. DKK 6.000 / € 800<br />

2093<br />

"Blue Fluted" Royal Copenhagen porcelain ice<br />

dome and stand, decorated in underglaze blue,<br />

open-worked cover in the form of leaves. Dish<br />

and bell marked for Friderich Gregorius Schaltz<br />

1780-1837. Before 1800. Bell H. 30.5 cm. Dish<br />

Diam. 33 cm.<br />

DKK 20.000-30.000 / € 2.700-4.000<br />

2092<br />

394 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2094<br />

2094<br />

"Blue Fluted" Royal Copenhagen porcelain ice<br />

dome, decorated in underglaze blue, open-worked<br />

cover in the form of leaves. Marked for J. Chr.<br />

Hansen 1803-12. H. 30 cm. After 1800.<br />

H. 30 cm. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000<br />

2095<br />

Deruta faience salt cellar, four sided on four legs,<br />

the centre decorated with amorial in colours.<br />

Italy, 16th century. H. 10 cm. W. 14 cm.<br />

DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000

2095<br />

2096<br />

Palermo faience vase, decorated in colours blue,<br />

green and yellow, medaillion with profil portrait<br />

and inscription FRABRIC IV among stylised foliage.<br />

Italy, 16th century. H. 28 cm.<br />

DKK 20.000 / € 2.700<br />

2097<br />

Foursided Jever faience tile, decorated in underglaze<br />

blue with an angle of the Lord came from<br />

the sky and the roman soldier tumbled over.<br />

(Matthew. chap. 28). Germany, 18th century. 30<br />

cm x 28 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2096<br />

2097<br />


2098<br />

2098<br />

Lesum faience tureen with two handles and finial in the<br />

form of two apples, decorated in mauve and green with<br />

flowers and scrolls. Lid sign. V/B/L, bottom sign. V/B/3.<br />

Germany, Late 18th century. H. with lid 29. L. 39.<br />

DKK 6.000-8.000 / € 800-1.100<br />

2099<br />

Two French faience figurines, decorated in colours in the<br />

shape of Bacchus and Venus, both mounted on four-sided<br />

sockets. Presumably Marseille, 18th century. H. 21 cm. (2).<br />

DKK 10.000 / € 1.300<br />

2100<br />

A German faience tureen, manganese, decorated with<br />

blossoms and foliage in relief. Signed underneath<br />

CR/37/69 and N2 and the lid numbered. Presumably<br />

Rendsburg, 18th century. DKK 10.000 / € 1.300<br />

2100<br />

396 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />


BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2101<br />

2101<br />

Schleswig faience tea tray, decorated in underglaze blue<br />

depicting a couple in an architectural scenery, bordered<br />

by rocailles, foliage and grapes. Back engraved with 3.<br />

18th century. 82 x 53 cm. Later Louis XVI style table.<br />

DKK 300.000 / € 40.000<br />


2103<br />

2102<br />

2104<br />

Interior from <strong>Rasmussen</strong> und Bielenberg<br />

The following lot no. 84-89 was before World<br />

War II the part of the stock of the distinguished<br />

Antiques firm <strong>Rasmussen</strong> und Bielenberg,<br />

Wilhelmstrasse 105 in Berlin, from where it was<br />

brougt to safty. Wilhelmstrasse was destroyed<br />

during a boming raid in March 1945.<br />

2102<br />

Faience plat-de-menage, decorated in<br />

underglaze blue with borders, consisting<br />

of two shakers, two spice bowles and<br />

jug. Crowned by tray cayrried by four<br />

helmeted soldiers. Presumably Italy,<br />

18th century. L. 43 cm. H. 28 cm.<br />

DKK 30.000 / € 4.000<br />

2103<br />

An Urbino Maiolica dish, decorated i<br />

colours with Madonna and Child sitting<br />

in a landscape. Italy, 16th century.<br />

Diam. 25 cm.<br />

DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400<br />


2105<br />

2104<br />

An Urbino Maiolica dish, decorated in colours<br />

with laying Venus in landscape. Reverse handwritting<br />

with no: 1766 LRS. Italy, 16th century.<br />

Diam. 20. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />

2105<br />

A Berliner faience vase and matching lid, decorated<br />

in underglaze blue with storks, peacocks<br />

and blossoms. Germany, 18th century. H. 47 cm.<br />

DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000<br />

2106<br />

A Berliner faience vase and matching lid, decorated<br />

in underglaze blue en chinoiserie. Germany,<br />

18th century. H. 53 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2107<br />

A German faience vase and matching lid, decorated<br />

in colours with foliage and flowers. Finial in<br />

the shape of an artichoke. 18th century. H. 63 cm.<br />

DKK 15.000-20.000 / € 2.000-2.700<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2106<br />

2107<br />


2108<br />

A Nöstetangen wine glass "Viin Glas Chrystal No<br />

21" engraved with coat of arms for the Leuchs<br />

and Collets. Stem with clear glass spirals. Norway,<br />

about 1760. H. 19,5 cm.<br />

2110<br />

2108<br />

2111<br />

2112<br />

2113<br />

400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2109<br />

Provenance: James Collet (1728-94) married on Nov.<br />

10 to Karen Leuch (1733-58). Or more likely: Morten<br />

Leuch (1732-68) married Mathea Collet (1737-<br />

1801). Literature: Illustrated and mentioned in Ada<br />

Buch Polak: Gammelt Norsk Glass, 1953. No. 89. Pl.<br />

p. 27. DKK 20.000 / € 2.700<br />


2109<br />

A Nöstetangen "Perlkelchen" strong Hessian<br />

style wine glass, conical cup engraved with<br />

crowned and mirrored monogram with<br />

HI and CI, the bottom constructed with a<br />

centre pearl surrounded by eight air pearls.<br />

Norway, about 1760. H. 20 cm.<br />

DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />

2110<br />

A Nöstetangen "Perlkelchen" slight manganese<br />

tinged wine glass, the bottom<br />

constructed with a centre pearl surrounded<br />

by six pearls, conical cup with cut crowned<br />

monogram for King Christian VII. Norway,<br />

c. 1740. H. 16 cm.<br />

DKK 10.000-12.000 / € 1.300-1.600<br />

2111<br />

A Nöstetangen "Perlkelchen" wine glass,<br />

the bottom constructed with a centre pearl<br />

surrounded by six pearls, conical cup with<br />

cut crowned monogram in a vignette of<br />

foliage. Norway, about 1790. H. 16 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2112<br />

A Nöstetangen "Scnekke Kelchen" wine<br />

glass, conical cup cut with "I Lange 1778<br />

and U C Lange" in a rococo vignette;<br />

straight stem with clear glass spirals. Norway,<br />

about 1778. H. 17 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2113<br />

So-called "Kreppige Desert" wine glass,<br />

bell-shaped cup with cut monogram for<br />

King Frederik V. Presumably Norway,<br />

about 1750. H. 16,5 cm.<br />

DKK 8.000 / € 1.100<br />

2114<br />

Bohemian glass beaker, thick-walled, lilac<br />

tinged glass, engraved with the Austrian<br />

twofolded eagle in crowned cartouche.<br />

Austria, 18th century. H. 12,5.<br />

DKK 5.000 / € 670<br />

2115<br />

A Bohemian cut glass goblet engraved<br />

with English coat of arms and inscribed<br />


DIEU ET MON DROIT"; baluster shaped<br />

stem on round foot. Cup and stem<br />

connected by a thread. 18th-19th century.<br />

H. 60 cm. DKK 80.000 / € 11.000<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2115<br />


2116 CD<br />

Cathrine Helene Zernichow<br />

b. 1864, d. 1942<br />

Lamp of white porcelain, decorated in underglaze<br />

blue with flowers. Signed C. Zernichow 17/10-1917.<br />

Royal Copenhagen. Wired. H. incl. the mounting<br />

67 cm. DKK 8.000-10.000 / € 1.100-1.300<br />

2117<br />

2118<br />

402 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2116<br />

2117<br />

Theodor Philipsen<br />

f. Copenhagen 1840, d. sst. 1920<br />

Clay jar decorated in colours and relief depicting<br />

a peasant, a foal and a stork. Signed<br />

monogram TP. H. 19 cm Diam. 28 cm.<br />

DKK 20.000-25.000 / € 2.700-3.400<br />

2118<br />

"Odelberg Junior" Kosta crystal glass set,<br />

cuppa decorated with harlequin pattern<br />

and gold, consisting of 12 "snaps" glasses,<br />

12 dessert wine glasses, 12 water glasses, 12<br />

wine glasses and 12 beer glasses. Sweden,<br />

20th century. (60). DKK 30.000 / € 4.000

2119<br />

2119<br />

Daum<br />

Art Nouveau glass vase, hourglass shaped, yellowish<br />

glass with green overlay, painted with flowers. Signed.<br />

France, 1910-1915. H. 58 cm.<br />

DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000<br />

2120<br />

Gallé<br />

Vase of orange frosted glass, dark red overlay cut<br />

through with burning Notre Dame and text "Heure<br />

viendra qui tout paiera" and "1914". Signed Gallé.<br />

1914. H. 50,5. DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000<br />

2121<br />

Daum Nancy<br />

Art Nouveau silver monunted jug, iced glass, decorated<br />

with blackberry twig in light relief painted with<br />

gold. Signed Daum. France, c. 1910. H. 25 cm.<br />

DKK 10.000-15.000 / € 1.300-2.000<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2121<br />

2120<br />


2122<br />

Daum Nancy<br />

An overlaid and etched art nouveau<br />

vase, decorated with flowers. Orange<br />

and red glass. Signed Daum Nancy<br />

with Cross of Lorraine. H. 34 cm.<br />

DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />

2124<br />

404 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2122<br />

2123<br />

2123<br />

Daum Nancy<br />

A tall overlaid and etched art nouveau vase, decorated<br />

with winter landscape of nacked trees. Yellow, orange<br />

and brown glass, with partial enamel painting. Signed<br />

Daum Nancy with Cross of Lorraine. H. 57 cm.<br />

DKK 30.000 / € 4.000<br />

2124<br />

Daum Nancy<br />

An overlaid and etched three-sided art nouveau vase<br />

on round base, decorated with trees. Orange, green<br />

and yellow glass. Signed Daum Nancy, France with<br />

Cross of Lorraine. H. 18. W. 19 cm.<br />

DKK 10.000 / € 1.300

2125<br />

2125<br />

Daum Nancy<br />

An overlaid and etched art nouveau vase, decorated<br />

with sea landscape with boats, mountains<br />

and tall trees. Yellow, orange and bordeaux glass.<br />

Signed Daum Nancy with Cross of Lorraine.<br />

H. 35 cm. DKK 15.000 / € 2.000<br />

2126<br />

Emile Gallé, f. 1846, d. 1904<br />

A large overlaid and etched art nouveau vase,<br />

decorated with landscape with mountains, lake<br />

and trees. Brown, blue and yellow glass. Signed<br />

Gallé. H. 50,5 cm. DKK 30.000 / € 4.000<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION <strong>795</strong><br />

2126<br />


katalogiseringsprincipper<br />

explanation of cataloguing principles<br />

forklaring vedr.<br />

kunstnernavne i katalogerne<br />

Jens Juel: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Et originalt arbejde<br />

af kunst neren, for hvis ægthed <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

indestår i henhold til købskonditioner § 9.<br />

Nedennævnte forbehold ved katalogiseringer er foretaget<br />

efter vor bedste overbevisning og tjener som vejledning<br />

for køber, men kan ikke gøres til genstand for reklamationer.<br />

Jens Juel tilskrevet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Værket<br />

er sandsynligvis fra kunst-nerens tid og muligvis udført<br />

af denne.<br />

Jens Juel's atelier/skole/værksted: I henhold til vor<br />

opfattelse: Udført under kunstnerens indfly delse og<br />

antagelig fra dennes tid.<br />

Jens Juel, (?): I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kan være<br />

udført af kunstneren eller en senere kopi efter kunstneren.<br />

Jens Juel, kopi efter/Jens Juel's stil/Jens Juel efterfølger:<br />

I henhold til vor opfattelse: En senere gentagelse<br />

eller i stil med kunstneren.<br />

?: Yderligere forbehold for den i kataloget angivne<br />

beskrivelse.<br />

sign.: Efter vor overbevisning original signatur af kunstneren.<br />

Betegnet: I henhold til vor opfattelse: Kunstnersignatur<br />

er gengivet, men ikke nødvendigvis udført af kunstneren.<br />

Hvis ingen signatur nævnes i kataloget, drejer det sig om<br />

et antagelig usigneret arbejde<br />

Hvis ingen aldersangivelse nævnes i kataloget, drejer det<br />

sig om et antageligt nyere eller helt moderne arbejde<br />

u.r.: Uden ramme.<br />

For beskadigelse af ramme ydes ingen kompensation.<br />

Ovenstående beskrivelse er <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>s opfattelse<br />

og tjener som vejledning for køber. det er ikke nogen<br />

garanti. Køber skal selv overbevise sig om de forskellige<br />

katalognumres autencitet og kondition.<br />

forkortelser:<br />

* = Fuld moms<br />

cd = copy-dan<br />

sst. = Samme sted<br />

diam. = diameter<br />

L. = Længde<br />

B. = Bredde<br />

H. = Højde<br />

d. = dybde<br />

explanation of names of<br />

artists used in the catalogues<br />

Jens Juel: In our opinion, an original work by the artist<br />

the genuiness and authenticity of which is guaranteed<br />

by <strong>Bruun</strong> Ras mus sen according to the conditions of<br />

purchase § 9.<br />

Below cataloguing reservations are made according to<br />

the best of <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>'s knowledge. They are for<br />

guidance only and cannot be subject to claims.<br />

Jens Juel tilskrevet (ascribed to): In our opinion, probably<br />

a work of the period of the artist, and possibly<br />

executed by the artist.<br />

Jens Juel's atelier (studio)/skole (school)/værksted<br />

(workshop): In our opinion, a work made under the<br />

influence of the artist, and probably of his period.<br />

Jens Juel, (?): In our opinion, possibly a work by the<br />

artist, or a (later) copy of the artist’s work.<br />

Jens Juel, kopi efter (copy after)/Jens Juel's stil (style<br />

of)/ Jens Juel efterfølger (follower of) : In our opinion,<br />

a later copy of a work by the artist or in the artist's style.<br />

?: The catalogue description is subject to further reservations.<br />

sign.: In our opinion, the work has been signed by the<br />

artist.<br />

Betegnet (bears the signature): In our opinion, the in -<br />

scription may be by a hand other than that of the artist.<br />

If no signature is mentioned in the catalogue the work is<br />

apparently unsigned.<br />

If no date is mentioned in the catalogue the work is ap parently<br />

from the last century or of comparratively resent date.<br />

u.r.: Unframed.<br />

No compensation is given should the frame be damaged.<br />

Above description is a statement of opinion by <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> and is to be considered only as guidance to<br />

the buyer and not as a statement of fact. The buyer is to<br />

satisfy himself of the authenticity and the condition of<br />

the works of art.<br />

abb.:<br />

* = Full VAT<br />

cd = droit de Suite<br />

sst. = Same place<br />

diam. = diameter<br />

L. = Length<br />

W. = Width<br />

H. = Height<br />

d. = depth<br />

406 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong>

Book Auction<br />

in Bredgade<br />

William Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories and Tragedies.<br />

London 1632. Second folio.<br />

Sold for € 84.000<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong><br />

Preview: 12 - 17 November<br />

and 2 december<br />

Auction: 2 december<br />

For further information, please<br />

call Sebastian Hauge Lerche<br />

+45 6035 1005 or e-mail<br />

boger@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />


Wine Auction<br />

in Bredgade<br />

Chateau Mouton Rothschild, Pauillac 1945. Two bottles.<br />

Sold for € 10.500<br />

Preview: 2 - 3 december<br />

Auction: 3 december<br />

For further information,<br />

please call Henrik christensen<br />

+45 8818 1206 or e-mail<br />

vin@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

408 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong>

coin Auction<br />

in Bredgade<br />

Charles II of England (1660-1685), Halfcrown.<br />

Sold for € 30.000<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong><br />

Preview: 15 - 17 November<br />

and 4 december<br />

Auction: 4 december<br />

For further information,<br />

please call Michael Fornitz<br />

+45 8818 1201 or e-mail<br />

m.fornitz@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />


410 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong>

Net-auktioner<br />

– hver dag året rundt...<br />

Hammeren falder hver uge på <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>s net-auktioner:<br />

Mandage sælges: ældre møbler & tæpper<br />

Tirsdage sælges: moderne kunst & design<br />

Onsdage sælges: ældre malerier & tegninger<br />

Torsdage sælges: smykker, sølv, porcelæn & varia<br />

Herudover afholdes jævnligt net-auktioner over bøger,<br />

frimærker, mønter, vin og våben. Følg med i auktionerne<br />

på vores hjemmeside.<br />

For indlevering samt yderligere oplysninger, kontakt os<br />

venligst på telefon 8818 1111. Er dine spørgsmål af teknisk art,<br />

kontakt supporten på telefon: 8818 1114 eller på mail:<br />

support@bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Velkommen på www.bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong><br />


køBskonditioner<br />

§ 1. Budgivning<br />

Køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. den, der byder for<br />

andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af<br />

købet.<br />

På opfordring fra <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Kunstauktioner (herefter<br />

benævnt <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de ønsker<br />

at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet<br />

eller afgive en kommission pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside eller<br />

byde direkte pr. telefon eller hjemmeside, kunne dokumentere<br />

deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud,<br />

hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en<br />

passende à conto betaling har fundet sted.<br />

Bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet<br />

eller ved skriftlig kommission enten pr. brev, fax<br />

eller hjemmeside. På online-auktioner afgives bud direkte fra<br />

hjemmesiden. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse<br />

forudsætninger, der afgøres af <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl eller fejltagelser,<br />

der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Auktionarius bestemmer<br />

overbuddets størrelse og træffer ligeledes afgørelse i alle<br />

tvivlstilfælde om budgivningen.<br />

For at kunne byde på online auktioner kræves forudgående registrering<br />

af byders betalingskort- / kreditkortoplysninger.<br />

§ 2. Betaling<br />

For numre, der handles til brugtmoms, opgøres købesummen<br />

som hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af 25% i auktionsomkostninger<br />

inklusive afgift.<br />

Visse numre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover<br />

auktionsomkostninger på 20%, beregnes moms på 25% af hammerslag<br />

og auktionsomkostninger. Hvilke numre der sælges til<br />

fuldmoms fremgår af katalog og hjemmeside med stjerne (*).<br />

danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

oplyse deres SE-/cVR-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de<br />

fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms.<br />

For visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for<br />

afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke EU private<br />

købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende<br />

dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande,<br />

samlerobjekter og antikviteter.<br />

Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. der kan betales<br />

kontant op til dKK 100.000 eller med dankort, banknoteret<br />

check, rejsechecks, Visa-, Master-, diners club- eller Eurocard.<br />

Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter<br />

forudgående aftale.<br />

Betaling kan finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen<br />

og under alle omstændigheder skal betaling finde sted<br />

senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. På online auktioner trækkes<br />

købesummen på de af byderen oplyste kort- og kontooplysninger<br />

i forbindelse med at det købte emne udtages til transport<br />

(ca. 12 timer efter dagens salg). Samtidig tilsendes køber faktura<br />

og transportoplysninger.<br />

Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf<br />

med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned.<br />

Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på<br />

ny auktion hos <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> eller underhånden og afkræve<br />

køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder<br />

den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion.<br />

Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter<br />

hos <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, er <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> berettiget til at<br />

berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning.<br />

Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg,<br />

er <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter<br />

på auktion hos <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> uden at være bundet af en af<br />

den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. den misligholdende<br />

køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve udlevering af effekter<br />

indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses<br />

at overstige forfalden gæld.<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en<br />

køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over<br />

for <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den<br />

pågældendes vegne, ligesom <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> er berettiget til at<br />

kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud.<br />

§ 3. fortrydelsesret<br />

For privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om<br />

fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle<br />

omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra<br />

køber, betales af køber selv.<br />

Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt<br />

retur og modtaget af <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> gør<br />

opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne,<br />

hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto.<br />

§ 4. afgiftsfritagelse<br />

Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser,<br />

betaler 20% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget, og bliver<br />

ikke belastet af danske afgifter.<br />

A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land:<br />

Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages<br />

for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres<br />

over for <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, som skal påføre momsnummeret<br />

på fakturaen.<br />

B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU:<br />

1. Forsendelse gennem speditør:<br />

Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift.<br />

2. Udførsel som rejsegods:<br />

der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager<br />

det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser<br />

er opfyldt:<br />

Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af<br />

fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>.<br />

a. Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms<br />

refunderet, så snart <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> har modtaget købsfakturaen<br />

retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det<br />

endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætningsafgiftsområdet<br />

kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger<br />

dKK 1.200.<br />

b. Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den<br />

danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist<br />

til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra<br />

EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> efter<br />

at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis<br />

købet overstiger dKK 300. dette gælder også for Færøerne<br />

og grønland.<br />

§ 5. afgiftsBetaling<br />

A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre<br />

brug af § 4, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuldmoms<br />

på lige fod med private købere. dette skal meddeles<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag.<br />

B. Momsregistrerede i danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms<br />

med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger.<br />

dette skal meddeles inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag.<br />

412 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong>

§ 6. udlevering<br />

Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til<br />

køberen. det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning<br />

og risiko. For varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget,<br />

vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko.<br />

Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive<br />

videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden.<br />

§ 7. forsendelse<br />

Såfremt <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> påtager sig at emballere og fremsende<br />

købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på<br />

købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser.<br />

§ 8. kunstnerafgift til copy-dan cd<br />

Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der<br />

opkræves følgeretsvederlag på værker af alle nyere danske og<br />

visse udenlandske kunstnere. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves hos<br />

køber af <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> på vegne af kunstnernes organisation<br />

copy-dan, for de kunstværker, der er omfattet af loven. disse<br />

værker er mærket cd for copy-dan ud for katalognummeret.<br />

Følgeretsvederlaget beregnes som følger for det enkelte kunstværk,<br />

når hammerslagsprisen overstiger dKK 1.864:<br />

• 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem<br />

dKK 0 og dKK 310.729 med tillæg af auktionsomkost ninger<br />

på 20% ekskl. afgift<br />

• 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem<br />

dKK 310.729 og dKK 1.242.917 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger<br />

på 20% ekskl. afgift<br />

• 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem<br />

dKK 1.242.917 og dKK 2.175.104 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger<br />

på 20% ekskl. afgift<br />

• 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem<br />

dKK 2.175.104 og dKK 3.107.292 med tillæg af auktions -<br />

om kostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift<br />

• 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger over DKK<br />

3.107.292 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl.<br />

afgift<br />

copy-dan afgiften kan ikke overstige dKK 93.219 for det enkelte<br />

kunstværk.<br />

§ 9. eksporttilladelse<br />

Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor<br />

dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier<br />

i danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive<br />

meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget.<br />

derefter vil <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på<br />

købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. gives eksporttilladelse ikke,<br />

er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den<br />

opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber<br />

§ 10. Beskrivelse af emner<br />

Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde<br />

og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere<br />

offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer.<br />

Beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under<br />

anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper.<br />

de solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker,<br />

at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering<br />

eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller<br />

på hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er<br />

blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes<br />

stand.<br />

Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på<br />

de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede<br />

effekters stand.<br />

Beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde<br />

og eksperter herskende opfattelse.<br />

Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller<br />

dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles<br />

til <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>.<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong><br />

Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller<br />

såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der<br />

har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt<br />

beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber<br />

berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte<br />

købesum tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive<br />

refunderet køber.<br />

Væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes<br />

kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen.<br />

Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb<br />

eller kræve erstatning kan kun udøves af den, der købte den<br />

pågældende effekt hos <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> og er betinget af, at<br />

krav om annullering og/eller erstatning fremsættes skriftligt over<br />

for <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> inden 2 år efter købsdagen (datoen for<br />

genstandens overlevering), og, i tilfælde af annullering, af at det<br />

købte inden samme frist returneres til <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> i den<br />

samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet.<br />

Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling<br />

af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve<br />

anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste,<br />

dækket.<br />

Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret og køber kan ikke kræve<br />

erstatning efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt:<br />

a. beskrivelsen i katalog eller på hjemmesiden på hammerslagsdagen<br />

var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt<br />

gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter, eller<br />

b. den eneste måde til på salgstidspunktet at få fastslået et falskneri<br />

var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis<br />

gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter salgstidspunktet, eller<br />

som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende<br />

eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende<br />

effekt.<br />

I tillæg til ovenstående frist gælder de almindelige forældelsesregler<br />

i forældelsesloven, efter hvilke køber ikke under nogen<br />

omstændigheder kan gøre noget krav gældende over for <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong>, når der er forløbet mere end 5 år fra købsdagen.<br />

kommissioner<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Kunstauktioner<br />

Jesper <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, Auktionsholder<br />

Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere,<br />

der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. det er en forudsætning,<br />

at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt<br />

bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Via hjemmesiden<br />

er denne deadline 3 timer. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> påtager sig<br />

intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug<br />

af denne service.<br />

konditionsrapporter<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere<br />

nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. dette er ment som<br />

en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn<br />

at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. det understreges, at de<br />

givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer;<br />

her henvises til beskrivelsen.<br />

fritagelse for dansk fuldmoms<br />

Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i katalog<br />

eller på hjemmesiden er markeret med stjerne (*).<br />

Når virksomheder, der er momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande,<br />

køber hos <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> og videresælger til private, skal der<br />

ikke betales dansk moms, men moms i henhold til de regler der<br />

gælder, hvor den udenlandske virksomhed er momsregistreret.<br />

det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder.<br />


conditions of purchase<br />

§ 1. Bidding<br />

The buyer shall be the highest bidder at the “hammer price”. Any<br />

person bidding on behalf of a third party shall be liable in surety<br />

for completion of the sale.<br />

At the request of <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Kunstauktioner (herein after<br />

called <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>), all bidders, whether they wish to make<br />

bids in person at the place of auction or commission bids by letter<br />

or fax or direct telephone bids, should be able to document<br />

their ability to pay and be able to provide proof of identity at<br />

any time. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> is entitled to refuse to accept a bid<br />

if, when requested, adequate security or adequate payment on<br />

account has not been rendered.<br />

Bids should be made by the bidder in person at the place of auction<br />

or by written commission. Telephone bidding is possible<br />

within certain conditions made out by <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>. <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> is not to be held responsible for any errors that may<br />

occur using this service. The auctioneer shall have absolute discretion<br />

as to the increment of the bids. The auctioneer will also<br />

make decisions in all cases of doubt regarding the bidding<br />

credit/debit card information must be registered with <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> before bids can be submitted at our online auctions.<br />

§ 2. payment<br />

The purchase price is the hammer price plus 25% in buyer’s premium,<br />

including VAT, for lots sold subject to the special VAT<br />

scheme for sales of Works of Art, collectors’ items and Antiques,<br />

and secondhand goods by Public Auction (hereinafter called Special<br />

VAT).<br />

certain lots are sold in accordance with specific rules on normal<br />

VAT arrangement (hereinafter called normal VAT), so that<br />

the purchase price is the hammer price plus an additional 20%<br />

in buyer’s premium and VAT of 25% levied on both the hammer<br />

price and the buyer’s premium. The lots subject to Full VAT are<br />

indicated as such in the catalogue with an asterix (*).<br />

danish VAT registered buyers shall provide <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

with documentation of their SE-/cVR-number (VAT No.) as this<br />

has to be quo ted on the invoice for goods bought at full VAT.<br />

For some foreign buyers, specific VAT-exemption rules apply (cf.<br />

Article 3). VAT-exemption does not apply to private buyers from<br />

the EU who are considered as danish buyers (cf. current da nish<br />

legislation on Special VAT Scheme for Sales of Works of Art,<br />

collec tors’ items and Antiques by Public Auction).<br />

The purchase price falls due for payment when the goods have<br />

been knocked down. Payment may be made in cash up to dKK<br />

100,000, by dankort, banker’s cheque, traveller’s cheque, Visa-,<br />

Master-, diners club- or Euro card. Personal foreig n cheques may<br />

only be used for payment by prior arrange ment.<br />

Payment may be made during or immediately after the auction.<br />

Under all circumstances payment must be made no later than<br />

eight days from the date of the invoice. With online auctions,<br />

payment takes place when the items are prepared for dispatch<br />

(circa 12 hours after the purchase has been made) using the<br />

banking details (credit/debit card and bank account) submitted<br />

by the purchaser. At the same time an invoice and dispatch<br />

information will be sent to the purchaser.<br />

Should the purchase price not be paid by the due date, interest<br />

at 1.5 % per new month will be charged.<br />

If the purchase price and interest are not paid within eight<br />

days after <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> has sent its demand to the buyer,<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall be entitled to rescind the sale and re sell<br />

the goods at a <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> auction or privately, and to<br />

demand reimbursement of any related losses from the defaulting<br />

buyer. Any further profit on the sale shall be payable to the person<br />

who had deposited the goods for sale by auction.<br />

If the defaulting buyer is entitled to proceeds from a sale of goods<br />

by <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall be entitled to set off<br />

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If the defaulting buyer has deposited other goods for sale,<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall be entitled to sell such goods at a <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

Ras mussen auction without being bound by the reserve stipu-<br />

lated by the defaulting buyer. The defautling buyer shall not be<br />

entitled to demand the surrender of goods deposited for sale as<br />

long as the debt payable to <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> has not been discharged,<br />

regardless of whether the value of such goods may be<br />

deemed to exceed the debt payable.<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall be entitled to refuse a bid made by a<br />

buyer who is in default in respect to his payment obligations<br />

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be half of such a defaulting buyer. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall further<br />

be entitled to demand a deposit as a condition of accepting any<br />

future bids from such a purchaser.<br />

§ 3. money-Back guarantee<br />

Online purchase of items by private individuals is subject to danish<br />

consumer law, which extends 14 days of money-back guarantee.<br />

The purchaser is liable for any costs related to the transport of<br />

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Should a purchaser seek to avail himself or herself of the moneyback<br />

guarantee, <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> will refund the payment on<br />

receiving the returned items. Please note that the date on which<br />

accounts are debited is subject to the policy of the purchaser’s<br />

bank/credit card company.<br />

§ 4. exemption from vat<br />

Foreign buyers who fulfil the conditions stated below shall pay<br />

20% of the hammer price in buyer’s premium and shall not be<br />

subject to danish taxes and duties:<br />


Buyers are exempt from paying danish VAT as long as they<br />

have provided <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> with documentation of their<br />

VAT registration. The VAT number will then be quoted on<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>’s invoice.<br />


1 dispatch through forwarding agent: Lots exported through a<br />

forwarding agent approved by <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> are exempt<br />

from VAT.<br />

2 Export as personal luggage: goods may be exempt from<br />

danish VAT when the buyer personally takes the goods out<br />

of the country as luggage, provided the following conditions<br />

have been met:<br />

The invoice must have been paid and the danish duty of 25%<br />

of the invoice amount must have been deposited with <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong>.<br />

a Buyers residing in Norway will be refunded the danish VAT<br />

as soon as the invoice of sale has been returned to <strong>Bruun</strong><br />

<strong>Rasmussen</strong> endorsed by the customs authorities of the country<br />

in question or by any other authority with jurisdiction<br />

over matters of purchase tax with respect to official imports<br />

of goods into the country in question if the purchase price<br />

exceeds dKK 1,200.<br />

b Buyers residing in other countries outside the EU will be<br />

refund ed the danish VAT after the goods have been presented<br />

for customs clearance in connection with the departure<br />

of the buyer from the EU. The exporter’s form should be<br />

returned to <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> after being endorsed with the<br />

customs autho rities’ export certificate if the purchase price<br />

exceeds dKK 300 This also applies to the Faroe Islands and<br />

greenland.<br />

§ 5. payment of taxes and duties<br />

A. Buyers with VAT-registration in other EU member states who<br />

do not wish to make use of Article 3 may instead choose to<br />

purchase items subject to Special VAT/Normal VAT in the<br />

same manner as private buyers. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> must be<br />

notified of this before 10 a.m. on the following auction day.<br />

B. Buyers with VAT-registration in denmark may choose to purchase<br />

subject to Normal VAT at 25% of the hammer price<br />

plus premium. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> must be notified of this<br />

before 10 a.m. on the following auction day.<br />

414 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong>

§ 6. collection of purchases<br />

The purchase price must be paid in full before the purchased lot<br />

can be passed over to the buyer. From the time of the lot being<br />

knocked down to the buyer, until its collection, the purchased lot<br />

will be held at the buyer’s own expense and risk.<br />

A storage fee will be charged for lots which have not been collected<br />

within 14 days after the time of the lot being knocked down. goods<br />

which have been paid for but not collected within 1 year will be<br />

resold at auction or privately at the buyer's expense.<br />

§ 7. dispatch<br />

Should <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> undertake the packaging and forwarding<br />

of purchased goods, this shall be done at the buyer’s<br />

own expense and risk. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> shall thus not be held<br />

liable neither for any damage caused to purchased goods during<br />

dispatch nor for any missing consignments.<br />

§ 7. droit de suite<br />

Pursuant to current danish legislation on copyright, an artistic<br />

royalty shall be collected on works of modern art by all danish and<br />

some foreign artists. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> will from the buyer collect<br />

the royalties required on behalf of the artists’ organisation copydan<br />

for any work of art subject to this law. These works are identified<br />

in the catalogue by cd for copy-dan, marked beside each<br />

relevant lot number.<br />

The artistic royalty will be calculated as follows for each work of art,<br />

when the hammerprice exceeds dKK 1,864:<br />

• 5% of the part of the hammerprice ranging from DKK 0 to<br />

dKK 310,729 plus the buyer’s premium (20% excl. VAT)<br />

• 3% of the part of the hammerprice ranging from DKK 310,729<br />

to dKK 1,242,917 plus the buyer’s premium (20% excl. VAT)<br />

• 1% of the part of the hammerprice ranging from DKK<br />

1,242,917 to dKK 2,175,104 plus the buyer’s premium (20%<br />

excl. VAT)<br />

• 0.5% of the part of the hammerprice ranging from DKK<br />

2,175,104 to dKK 3,107,292 plus the buyer’s premium (20%<br />

excl. VAT)<br />

• 0.25% of the part of the hammerprice lying above DKK<br />

3,107,292 plus the buyer’s premium (20% excl. VAT)<br />

The artistic royalty cannot exceed dKK 93,219 for each work of art.<br />

§ 9. export licence<br />

Applications for an export licence must be made to the danish<br />

cultu ral Assets committee when required in accordance with<br />

current danish legislation on the protection and preservation of<br />

cultural assets in denmark. Where such a licence has not been<br />

obtained, the foreign buyer will be informed thereof immediately<br />

after the lot has been knocked down to the buyer. Another<br />

application will subse quently be sent to the danish cultural<br />

Assets committee by <strong>Bruun</strong> Ras mussen on behalf of the buyer,<br />

now that the price is known. Should an export licence not be<br />

granted, the danish cultural Assets com mittee would be obliged<br />

to acquire the purchased lot at the purchase price, and the buyer<br />

would thus not be bound to the purchase.<br />

§ 10. cataloguing<br />

All lots are sold in the condition in which they are found when<br />

knocked down and as described in the catalogue with subsequently<br />

published changes and modifications. cataloguing is<br />

done according to the best of <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>’s knowledge<br />

and on the cataloguing principles stated.<br />

The lots auctioned are often of some age or of a kind which<br />

makes it possible that they may contain defects, deficiencies, or<br />

may have been subject to restoration or damage not necessarily<br />

stated in the catalogue. catalogue pictures are for identification<br />

only and cannot be used for an evaluation of the condition of<br />

the goods.<br />

Any person who wishes to bid at an auction should therefore<br />

sa-tisfy himself of the condition of the lots for which he intends<br />

to bid by personal inspection at the preview held prior to the<br />

auction. The catalogue description is an indication of the prevailing<br />

oppinion of scholars and expert at the time of the printing<br />

of the catalogue. If any doubts should arise after the purchase<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong><br />

regarding the genuineness of the purchased lot or its conformance<br />

with the catalogue description, <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> should<br />

immedia te ly be informed thereof.<br />

Should the purchased lot be proved to be a forgery, or if the<br />

catalogue description contains material errors which lead to<br />

a consi derably higher hammer price than that which a correct<br />

catalogue description would presumably result in, the buyer shall<br />

be entitled to cancel the purchase, after which the buyer shall<br />

be reimbursed for the total purchase price paid plus buyer's premium<br />

and VAT, when applicable.<br />

For material errors in the catalogue description in respect to<br />

measure ments or weight, compensation shall only be paid on a<br />

percentage basis in proportion to the difference.<br />

The right of cancellation of a purchase in pursuance of the<br />

present conditions can only be exercised by the party who has<br />

bought the lot in question at <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> and shall be subject<br />

to the presentation of a claim for cancellation in wri ting to<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> within 2 years of the purchase date and to the<br />

purchased lot being returned to <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> in the same<br />

condition in any and all respects which the purchased lot was in<br />

at the time of the lot being knocked down to the buyer.<br />

In the event of cancellation the buyer shall not be entitled to<br />

claim pay ment of interest on the purchase price nor shall the<br />

buyer be entitled to claim compensation for any other ex pen ses<br />

or loss incurred, including any possible loss of profit in connection<br />

with reselling.<br />

It shall not be possible to state cancellation of a purchase in<br />

pursuance of the above provisions if:<br />

a the catalogue description on the day the lot was knocked<br />

down to the buyer was in accordance with the then generally<br />

accepted opinion of scholars and experts;<br />

b the only way of establishing whether the lot was a forgery<br />

at the time of the publication of the catalogue was the<br />

implementa tion of scientific processes, the validity of which<br />

was only acknowledged after the time of publication of the<br />

catalogue, or which would have required a disproportionate<br />

amount of cost, or which would have been impossible to carry<br />

out without damaging the lot in question.<br />

In addition to the time-limits stated above, all purchases are<br />

subject to the Statute of Limitations stipulated by danish law<br />

by which <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> is under no circumstance liable for<br />

purchases after 5 years from the date of purchase.<br />

commission<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> rasmussen auctioneers<br />

Jesper <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>, auctioneer<br />

Jørgen Byriel, officially appointed external supervisor<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> undertakes to execute commission bids for<br />

bidders who are unable to be present at the auction. It is a<br />

prerequisite that <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> receives the commission<br />

24 hours before the start of the auction for the bidders’ credit<br />

to be checked, if necessary. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> is not to be held<br />

responsible for any errors that may occur using this service.<br />

condition reports<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> undertakes to provide further information<br />

about the state and condition of the lots if possible. This is<br />

regarded as a service for customers who are unable to make a<br />

personal inspection of the lots at the preview. <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong><br />

stresses that the informa tion given cannot be used as the basis<br />

for complaints; complaints can only be based on the catalogue<br />

text.<br />

exemption from vat<br />

Buyers shall, according to § 2, pay full VAT on lots marked with<br />

an asterix *.<br />

No danish VAT is to be paid when VAT registered companies<br />

from other EU countries buy at <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> and resell<br />

to private buyers, The private buyer then only has to pay VAT<br />

according to the rules in force in the country where the foreign<br />

company is VAT re gistered. For further information please consult<br />

your local authorities.<br />

The above is an English translation of the Danish version of the Conditions of Purchase. In case of dispute, only the Danish version of the present Conditions of Purchase of <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> is valid.<br />


information<br />

afhentning<br />

Afhentning af effekter købt på traditionel<br />

auktion SKAL SKE senest 2 uger efter sidste<br />

auktionsdag (eller efter aftale).<br />

Uafhentede effekter vil herefter uden<br />

yderligere varsel blive sendt til opbevaring<br />

for købers reg ning og risiko.<br />

salgsresultater<br />

Hammerslags-priser fra de seneste auktioner<br />

kan ses på vores hjemmeside:<br />

www.bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Hammerslags-priser kan også fås ved at<br />

ringe til vores automatiske telefon svarer på<br />

telefon: 33 43 69 08.<br />

foto<br />

Fotos af alle effekter kan ses på vores<br />

hjemmeside: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

euro<br />

det bydes og faktureres i danske kroner.<br />

Ved omregning fra dKK til Euro er anvendt<br />

Nationalbankens officielle valutakurs på<br />

tids punktet for udarbejdelse af kataloget.<br />

Beløbet i Euro er afrundet til et tal, der<br />

efter <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>s skøn fremtræder<br />

på en præsentabel måde i forhold til<br />

beløbet i dKK.<br />

Bevaringstilstand<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> henleder opmærksomheden<br />

på, at katalognumrene som<br />

udgangs punkt ikke er forsynet med oplysninger<br />

om tilstand (jvf. købskonditionernes<br />

§ 9). Vi henviser imidlertid til vores<br />

hjemmeside:<br />

www.bruun-rasmussen.dk, hvor der under<br />

det enkelte katalognummer ofte er oplysninger<br />

om bevarings tilstand, reparationer<br />

o. lign. Er disse oplysninger ikke tilstrækkelige<br />

kan én af afdelingens sagkyndige kontaktes<br />

for yderligere informationer.<br />

BankforBindelse<br />

danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638<br />

IBAN: dK4130004310970638<br />

Swift-BIc dABAdKKK<br />

virksomhedsregistrering<br />

cVR-nr. dK25472020<br />

dispatch<br />

collection of purchases bought at<br />

traditional auctions must be no later than<br />

2 weeks after the last auctionday.<br />

Uncollected items will without further<br />

notice be sent into storage at the expence<br />

and risk of the buyer.<br />

sales results<br />

Sales results from the latest auctions are<br />

available at our website:<br />

www.bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

Sales results are also available at our<br />

answering machine.<br />

Please call: +45 33 43 69 08.<br />

photo<br />

Photos of all items are available at our<br />

website: www.bruun-rasmussen.dk<br />

euro<br />

Bids and invoicing are made in ddK.<br />

For the conversion from dKK into Euro,<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> has used the official rate<br />

of exchange from denmarks Nationalbank<br />

(the danish National Bank) at the time of<br />

preparation of the catalogue.<br />

The amount in Euro is, in <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong>'s<br />

judgment, roughly adjusted to<br />

presentable figures.<br />

condition<br />

<strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> draws attention to the<br />

fact that, as a rule, no information is<br />

provided regarding the condition of the lots<br />

(cf. conditions of purchase § 9).<br />

However, we refer to our website:<br />

www.bruun-rasmussen.dk where information<br />

regarding condition, repairs, etc.<br />

can usually be found for the individual lot.<br />

Should this information be insufficient,<br />

further details can be obtained by contacting<br />

one of the experts of the department.<br />

Bankers<br />

danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638<br />

IBAN: dK4130004310970638<br />

Swift-BIc dABAdKKK<br />

Business registration<br />

cVR-nr. dK25472020<br />

416 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong>

moms og kunstnerafgift<br />

vat and copy-dan information<br />

standard auktionsomkostninger<br />

25% - Brugt moms<br />

1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende<br />

moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunstgenstande,<br />

samler objekter og antikviteter, der nu kan<br />

handles til brugt moms.<br />

Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der<br />

skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde<br />

pris. I auk tionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget<br />

moms.<br />

fuld moms *<br />

anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt<br />

moms. disse er mærket med en stjerne *. Købere skal<br />

betale 20% i auk tionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25%<br />

moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne.<br />

reducerede<br />

auktionsomkostninger 20%<br />

betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser:<br />

1. danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale<br />

20% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele<br />

(fuldmoms). Moms beløbet kan køber modregne, og<br />

betaler derved 20% i auktionsomkostninger.<br />

2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at<br />

anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms<br />

og derved betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger.<br />

3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for EU, der<br />

op fylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse<br />

med eksport, betaler derved 20% i auktionsomkostninger<br />

(se købskonditioner, §3, Afgiftsfritagelse).<br />

kunstnerafgift til copy-dan cd<br />

Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal<br />

der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen<br />

med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% excl. afgift<br />

på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske<br />

kunstnere. disse værker er mærket cd for copy-dan ud<br />

for katalognummeret.<br />

For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne.<br />

BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong><br />

Buyer’s standard premium<br />

25% auctioneers’ margin scheme<br />

As of 1 January 1995 new Ec regulations came into<br />

effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of<br />

art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now<br />

be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme.<br />

Under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme the premium<br />

only is subject to VAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted<br />

from VAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth<br />

include non-refundable VAT.<br />

full vat *<br />

will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under<br />

the Auc tioneers’ Margin Scheme. These lots are marked<br />

with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of<br />

20% plus 25% VAT on the hammer price as well as the<br />

buyer’s premium.<br />

Buyer’s reduced premium 20%<br />

is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions:<br />

1. danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay<br />

the 20% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total<br />

amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT<br />

refunded and thus pays 20% in buyer’s premium only.<br />

2. VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may<br />

avoid danish VAT by using their VAT registration<br />

number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 20%<br />

only.<br />

3. Residents of countries outside the EU meeting the<br />

danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding<br />

the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 20%<br />

only (see conditions of Purchase §3, Exemption from<br />

VAT).<br />

artists’ royalties<br />

payaBle to copy-dan cd<br />

Pursuant to current danish legislation on copyright an<br />

artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT<br />

(i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 20%) shall be<br />

collected on works of modern art by all danish and most<br />

foreign artists. These works are marked cd for copy-dan<br />

next to the lot number.<br />

For further information please refer to the conditions of<br />

Purchase.<br />


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kommissionsBud<br />

commission Bids<br />

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Når de afgiver en kommission, beder de vores kundeservice<br />

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"<br />

kommissionsBud<br />

commission Bids Bredgade<br />

Skal være <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> i hænde senest 24 timer før auktionens start.<br />

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AUKTION NR AuCTIoN No: <strong>795</strong><br />

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Lot. No. description Bid dKK<br />

AUKTION NR AUcTION NO: <strong>795</strong><br />

Max +15% +25%<br />

422 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong>



BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION <strong>795</strong><br />


7, Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées – Paris – France<br />

BRUSSELS TAPESTRY, MOSES MAKING THE WATER SPOUT OUT OF THE ROCKS, MOSES LIFE (detail), circa 1730, 307 x 631 cm. Est.: � 40 / 60 000<br />

Inquiries: Sophie Peyrache, +33 (0)1 42 99 20 41, speyrache@artcurial.com<br />

www.artcurial.com<br />

Hôtel Marcel Dassault � 7, Rond-Point des Champs-Élysées 75008 PARIS � Tél. : +33 (0)1 42 99 20 20 � Fax : +33 (0)1 42 99 20 21 � contact@artcurial.com � www.artcurial.com<br />



Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2008 <strong>Bruun</strong> <strong>Rasmussen</strong> Kunstauktioner<br />

Foto: Bent Lange & Henrik Wichmann Tryk: Narayana Press<br />

grafik og dtp: Jorge Figueiredo, Steven Leweson & Lene Klibo

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