Uberheroes - Coronavirus Edition - First 12 Pages & script for final pages

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Panel 5


Blaaa Blaaa Blaaa Blaaa Blaaa….You talk far too much!! Sanso… do us all a

favour and seal his mouth up and the opening to his core of the corona virus


Panel 6

Sanso using his laser eyes welds shut his mouth and opening.



Panel 7

We see Coroman teleport as he shakes his fist…



Panel 8

Shot of all the Uberheroes in front of the fallen CoronaBot 2020.


Glad he’s gone… he can’t be too dangerous now. Especially with the whole world

working against him…


Panel 1

Montage of each of teams battleing the Coronabots.



Over the next few weeks…

…And then the Uberheroes defeated most of the CoronaBot 2020 which was

spreading the disease. And along with all our front line heroes began to fight back

against the disease…

Panel 2

Montage of each of the teams around the world defeating the CoronaBot 2020 and cleaning up.

Panel 3

With the world working together we can fight back against this threat.

We see a shot similar montage to before of the Cafes and shops, but now happy to be re-opening all

over the world.

Lockdown was tough on all of us, but it worked, and now with it easing and people being

able to visit each other we’re slowly getting back towards normality and, so long as the R

number keeps reducing, we can get through this. It will take time, but we can beat this virus.

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