Uberheroes - Coronavirus Edition - First 12 Pages & script for final pages

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Panel 5

Montage of people looking Sad.

Invictus - Whaaat I don’t believe this

Nadase - It can’t be true, I just can’t believe they’re gone…

Panel 6

We see an image of the grief stricken Uberheroes (heads down, some on knees,) as Lamentor and

villains laugh in delight at the top of a building.

Panel 7

Veritas’ eyes glow as she looks at her screen.

Veritas: No! Something’s wrong…I’ve a feeling that this isn’t right!


Panel 1

We see that Veritas’ eyes glow as she looks on to the screen and now it says that they are fine and at

home, “Recovered from Covid”.

Panel 2

VERITAS: They were tricking us with their lies, trying to defeat us emotionally before we’ve

challenged them … But lies can’t stop us!

A line up shot of the Villains - CoronaBot 2020/Coroman/ Relicta/Fovos/Mac/Lamentor ready for



Maybe you are too clever for my lies Veritas but we WILL stop you!

Panel 3

We see a shot of the villains attacking Relicta firing her arms towards Nadase as the focus, in the

background we see Fovos growing her flowers and weeds around Oni and Mac running at Invictus.


You can’t and never will defeat us!!

Panel 4

Veritas Squares up with Lamentor with her eyes still glowing.



You see, I know what you’re afraid of…

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