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Along the Riviera.<br />

towards Genoa, capital of Liguria and<br />

the Mediterranean’s second most important<br />

port after Marseille. Nicknamed ‘The Superb’<br />

by Petrarque, it even surpasses Venice,<br />

Amalfi and Pisa.<br />

The landscape is once again hilly.<br />

We wind across bridges and through tunnels.<br />

At the bottom of funnels of green, we can<br />

see gleaming streams. The warm-coloured<br />

small towns huddled around their campaniles,<br />

cling to the ravines. This disorderly scattering<br />

of houses has never been hurried by history<br />

and never will be. The old alleyways<br />

offer strollers subtle shaded recesses.<br />

Washing hangs from balconies on houses.<br />

You seem to hear the echo of women’s<br />

good-natured exclamations. You can just<br />

imagine the sun drenched little squares,<br />

large colourful markets, scented melons.<br />

Italy in the twinkling of an eye!<br />

Mediterranean<br />

The arrival on the Mediterranean is striking<br />

in the bright sunset. The sea seems to absorb<br />

the light of the fading day. The track literally<br />

licks the waves. If you were to lean slightly<br />

from a door, you would feel them with your<br />

fi ngertips. An endless succession of tunnels,<br />

ports and palm trees. Then, our fi nal<br />

stop at Ventimiglia. Only a few minutes more.<br />

The moon behind us, the train follows<br />

the rocky corniche between San Remo<br />

and Nice. In each car, it’s time to put<br />

our belongings away. The Provotniks suggest<br />

a fi nal tea, dusting the bar, cleaning<br />

their samovars. Everyone will shortly be<br />

saying goodbye.<br />

Nice. Already. At last. A little after 19 .00 pm.,<br />

the hall of the Gare Thiers, an immense glass<br />

dome in the Haussmann style,<br />

welcomes train number 17 from Moscow.<br />

I look for a red church with gilded<br />

onion-shaped domes. In vain. Nevermind.<br />

A stone’s throw from the station the orthodox<br />

cathedral of Saint-Nicolas stands, considered<br />

the fi nest outside Russia. A symbol.<br />

Éric Dumoulin<br />

Tale of a return to life<br />

3,318 km for a journey time<br />

of 50 hours 23 minutes departing<br />

from Moscow and 49 hours<br />

34 minutes departing from Nice;<br />

fi ve countries crossed – Belarus,<br />

Poland, The Czech Republic, Austria<br />

and Italy; twenty nine stops including<br />

Minsk, Warsaw, Vienna, Milan and<br />

Genoa… With this new service, RZD,<br />

in partnership with the SNCF, is<br />

mainly targeting a wealthy Russian<br />

clientele who appreciate the train<br />

and wish to travel to ski resorts<br />

in the Alps for the winter and<br />

to the beaches of the Côte d’Azur<br />

in the summer.<br />

The train is composed of twelve cars<br />

and has capacity for 136 passengers.<br />

Not to mention the 28 members<br />

of its crew, all Russian, recruited<br />

through a competitive application<br />

process based on their language<br />

skills and hotel know-how.<br />

The tickets, presently on sale<br />

in Russia and France, will soon be<br />

available in the main stations of<br />

the countries crossed.<br />

For passengers who are not of<br />

Russian nationality, it is necessary<br />

to obtain a Russian visa and<br />

a Belarus transit visa. Eventually<br />

RZD’s objective is to reduce<br />

the journey time to 36 hours and<br />

to propose up to four services each<br />

week if the commercial success<br />

is confi rmed.<br />


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