Red Door Magazine 23

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What is Racial Oppression?<br />

Definition: “ ...burdening a specific race with unjust or<br />

cruel restraints or impositions... It maybe social, systemic,<br />

institutionalised or internalised.<br />

Social forms include exploitation + mistreatment that is<br />

socially supported.”<br />

The Black Lives Matter Movement protests in the USA<br />

sparked ally protests in Australia + a call to Government<br />

to answer why these deaths are still continuing + why<br />

the number of Aboriginal people incarcerated is 15<br />

times higher than non-indigenous people + 26 times<br />

higher for juveniles.<br />

Historically there are 5 primary forms of racial oppression.<br />

1. Genocide + geographical displacement<br />

2. Slavery<br />

3. Second Class Citizenship<br />

4. Non Citizen Labour<br />

5. Diffuse Discrimination<br />

The USA, Australia + Papua New Guinea were built on<br />

genocide + geographical displacement and slavery.<br />

Second class citizenship, non citizen labour + diffuse<br />

discrimination are still very active currently.<br />

Immigrants are still exploited as cheap labour with no<br />

citizen rights or incarcerated in detention centres with<br />

sub standard living conditions seeking political asylum.<br />

Diffuse discrimination is found buried in everyday language<br />

when people refer to people of colour in a way<br />

that is derogatory, erasing, as a joke, seemingly less intelligent<br />

or subhuman in their capacity to feel & live...<br />

And by arguing that opportunities are given to people<br />

of colour + that if those statistics are met then racism<br />

does not exist + it is somehow their fault if they cannot<br />

respond to the “opportunities” as the white dominant<br />

culture deems acceptable.<br />

And in blaming marginalised groups for the behaviours<br />

that are results of poverty, lack of education, support<br />

+ a long history of intergenerational trauma inflicted<br />

upon them by the very system that oppressed them +<br />

muted their voices.<br />

BLM Movement in Australia echoes the protests in the U.S.<br />

https://youtu.be/SBCbsW926N4<br />

In PNG, Amnesty International has recorded there<br />

have been over 100000 West Papuan deaths since the<br />

1960s + are on the rise again as renewed activism in<br />

the area continues between separatists + civilian militia<br />

clashes with the Indonesian Govt. security forces.<br />

Raising the West Papuan flag of independence carries<br />

a charge of treason with jail terms from 5 years to life.<br />

This was so very evident with George Floyd.<br />

Police officers killed this man in public, FACT, which led<br />

to the global explosion of the Black Lives Matter Movement<br />

+ a public outcry about racism + police brutality.<br />

Many stories circulated the media in the wake of his<br />

death saying he was a criminal, trying to discredit his<br />

innocence.<br />

The implicit bias + racism is implying that somehow he<br />

deserved this mistreatment + is diluting + even excusing<br />

the behaviour of the white officers.<br />

This kind of vitriol oozes the poison that produces the<br />

rotten fruit.<br />

Here in Australia (between 1991-2020) there have been<br />

at least 437 recorded Indigenous Australian deaths in<br />

custody + not a single police or prison officer has been<br />

charged.<br />

Since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths In<br />

Custody in 1991, the percentage of deaths has gone<br />

up 150%.<br />

Inside West Papua/ NGAIIRE IGTV<br />

https://www.instagram.com/p/CBhpwkinlrs/<br />

ISSUE # <strong>23</strong> - LANGUAGE<br />


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