Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


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Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming

Introduction: “A Verdict demands Evidence”

G’d considered their opinion but overruled them.

He said: “No, I will give the gift of music to humans. Because I want them to

have something to remember me with it.

Sometimes life will be difficult. In such times, the pressures can be overbearing.

They can feel depressed and hopeless. I, therefore, want them to have music to

remind them, that even their stuck in the dire straits of material existence, even

when they are experiencing existential loneliness and quiet desperation, they can

break out in songs, which will lift their spirits. Sometimes life will be comfortable,

too comfortable. Let them sing to remember that there is more to life than

instant gratification.”

“Yes indeed,” G’d concluded, “I will give the human being My unique tongue –

the language of music and song so that he can use it to discover transcendence.”

So music is a dialect from another plane. If the conventional word is the language

of man, music is the language of the Energy of Life, the Source of All.

The spoken and written word is the “quill of the mind: Music is the “quill of the


We live in a dichotomous, fragmented world. Matter and spirit compartmentalised,

make it terribly difficult to hear the music of our souls: in truth an ‘inner

hum’ fills all of the existence. Every creature, every molecule, every atom emits

its unique sound. Imagine: “What would it be like to hear the music of the cosmos?

How would it feel the music of your soul? Of other souls? How would life

be different, if you could generate a song at will?”

Every time you experience a moment of truth – an experience that resonates – we

hear the inner music of existence. This attitude taps into the very fabric of the

harmonic chords of existence, which allow us to hear the music from within.

In every life experience, we have two options to choose: To serve your needs, or

to serve a higher cause. When you touch the surface of the experience, it usually

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