Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingAppendices: Literature and Register570Pulses, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2001191. Maier, Steven F. et.al. Psychoneuroimmunology, The Interface Between Behavior,and Immunity, American Psychologist, 1994.192. Maret, Stephen, M. The Prenatal Person: Frank Lake’s Maternal-Foetal DistressSyndrome, Maryland, 2007193. Marks, Hendrik et.al. The Transcriptional and Epigenomic Foundations ofGround State Pluripotency, Cell 149, April 2012194. Masataka, Nobuo, Music, evolution and language, Development Science, 2007195. McClain, Ernest G., The Myth of Invariance. The Origin of the Gods, Mathematicsand Music From the RiG Veda to Plato, York Beach, 1976196. McCraty, Rollin, et.al. Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention,Publication HeartMath, 2003197. McCraty, Rollin, The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Withinand Between People, Institute of HeartMath, 2003198. McTaggart, Lynne, The Bond – Connection Through the Space between Us, NewYork, 2011199. McTaggart, Lynne, The Field – The Quest for the Secret of the Universe, NewYork, 2004200. Meijl, Konstantin, Scalar Waves, Theory and Experiments, Report of a CongressGeman Association for Space Energy, s.a.201. Meijl, Konstantin, Scalar Waves: Theory and Experiments, Paper AmsterdamConference of the Society for Scientific Exploration, October 2000.202. Miller, Richard Allen, et.al. Schumann’s Resonances and Human Psychobiology,O.A.K. New Physics-Schumann’s Resonances*, 2003203. Mollon, Phil, Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy, London, 2008204. Molnar, I et.al. Music and mirror neurons: from motion to e-motion, Social Cognitiveand Affective Neuroscience, 2006.205. Moss, Roger, C.S. Integration Workshop-Part II about Frank Lake, 1986206. Mossop Philosophy, Use the Vibrational Energy of plants, Phytobiophysics, s.a.207. Mulisch, Harry, The Composition of the World (Dutch), Principium Contradictionis,Amsterdam 1980208. Muskiet, F.A.J. Evolutionary Medicine (Dutch) “U bent wat u eet, maar u moetweer worden wat u at”, (You are what you eat, but you should go back to whatyou ate) Ned. Tijdschrift voor Klinisch-Chemische Labgeneeskunde, 2005209. Nachman of Breslov, Anatomy of the Soul, Jerusalem, 1998210. Narby, Jeremy, the Cosmic Serpent, DNA and the origins of Knowedge, Geneva,1995211. Newham, James J, et.al. Effects of Antenal Yoga on Maternal Anxiety and De-

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingAppendices: Literature and Register571pression: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Depression and Anxiety, 2014212. Nickolaenko, Alexander, et.al. Schumann Resonance for Tyros, Essentials ofGlobal Electromagnetic Resonance in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity, Springer Geophysics,2014213. Nieuwenhuijze, Otto van, Independent Research Scientist, Consciousness and/ofFreedom of Choice in ou Living Body; The dynamic Logic of Dimensional PhaseChange, Amsterdam, s.a.214. Nugent, B.M. et.al. The omniscient placenta: Metabolic and epigenetic regulationof Foetal programming, Front Neuroendrocrinology, 2015215. Nummenmaa, Lauri, et.al. Bodily maps of emotions. PNAS10.1073/PNAS1321664111216. O’Neill, John J., Prodigal Genius, Biography of Nikola Tesla, Dartmouth, 1994217. Os, Jim, van Dutch Critical Comment on DSM-V – Towards Personal Diagnostics,2014218. Ouaknin, Marc-Alain, Mysteries of the Kabbalah, London/Paris, 2000219. Palmer, Richard, E. Hermeneutics, Evanston, 1969220. Patel, Aniruddh, D. Music, Language and the Brain, Oxford University Press,2007221. Peretz, Isabelle, et.al. Music, Language and modularity in action, keynote paper,August 6, 2008.222. Peretz, Isabelle, Music, Language and modularity framed in action, PsychologicaBelgica, 2009, 49-2&3, pp 157-175223. Peretz, Isabelle, The nature of music from a biological perspective, Science Direct,2006224. Pert, Candace, B. Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel, London,1997225. Philips, Stephen M. Derivation of Bone & Classical Acupoint Compositions ofthe Human Body and Their Relationship to the Seven Musical Scales, Article 32,http://smphilips.8m.com226. Picard, Michael, Philosophy adventures in thought and reasoning, Quid Publishing,Canada 2012227. Pierce, John, R. The Science of Musical Sound, Oxford, 1983228. Pitt, David, Unconscious Intentionality, California Phenomenology Circle, CaliforniaState University, June 2007229. Pok-Hon, Wally Yu, Schoenberg’s Transition to Atonality (1904-1908): The Useof Intervallic Symmetry and the Tonal-Atonal Relationship in Schoenberg’s Pre-Atonal Compositions, diss. University of Texas at Austin, 2005.230. Popp, F.A. et.al. Biophotons emission. New evidence for coherence and DNA assource, Cell Biophysical Journal 1984231. Popp, Fritz-Albert, Mistletoe vs Cancer, 2009,http://www.examiner.com/holistic*

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming

Appendices: Literature and Register


pression: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Depression and Anxiety, 2014

212. Nickolaenko, Alexander, et.al. Schumann Resonance for Tyros, Essentials of

Global Electromagnetic Resonance in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity, Springer Geophysics,


213. Nieuwenhuijze, Otto van, Independent Research Scientist, Consciousness and/of

Freedom of Choice in ou Living Body; The dynamic Logic of Dimensional Phase

Change, Amsterdam, s.a.

214. Nugent, B.M. et.al. The omniscient placenta: Metabolic and epigenetic regulation

of Foetal programming, Front Neuroendrocrinology, 2015

215. Nummenmaa, Lauri, et.al. Bodily maps of emotions. PNAS10.1073/PNAS


216. O’Neill, John J., Prodigal Genius, Biography of Nikola Tesla, Dartmouth, 1994

217. Os, Jim, van Dutch Critical Comment on DSM-V – Towards Personal Diagnostics,


218. Ouaknin, Marc-Alain, Mysteries of the Kabbalah, London/Paris, 2000

219. Palmer, Richard, E. Hermeneutics, Evanston, 1969

220. Patel, Aniruddh, D. Music, Language and the Brain, Oxford University Press,


221. Peretz, Isabelle, et.al. Music, Language and modularity in action, keynote paper,

August 6, 2008.

222. Peretz, Isabelle, Music, Language and modularity framed in action, Psychologica

Belgica, 2009, 49-2&3, pp 157-175

223. Peretz, Isabelle, The nature of music from a biological perspective, Science Direct,


224. Pert, Candace, B. Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel, London,


225. Philips, Stephen M. Derivation of Bone & Classical Acupoint Compositions of

the Human Body and Their Relationship to the Seven Musical Scales, Article 32,


226. Picard, Michael, Philosophy adventures in thought and reasoning, Quid Publishing,

Canada 2012

227. Pierce, John, R. The Science of Musical Sound, Oxford, 1983

228. Pitt, David, Unconscious Intentionality, California Phenomenology Circle, California

State University, June 2007

229. Pok-Hon, Wally Yu, Schoenberg’s Transition to Atonality (1904-1908): The Use

of Intervallic Symmetry and the Tonal-Atonal Relationship in Schoenberg’s Pre-

Atonal Compositions, diss. University of Texas at Austin, 2005.

230. Popp, F.A. et.al. Biophotons emission. New evidence for coherence and DNA as

source, Cell Biophysical Journal 1984

231. Popp, Fritz-Albert, Mistletoe vs Cancer, 2009,


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