Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingAppendices: Literature and Register568145. IJzendoorn, M.H. et.al. Are Children of Holocaust Survivors Less Well-Adapted?A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Secondary Traumatization, Journal of TraumaticStress, 2003, pp 459-469146. Indian Council of Medical Health Research, Mental Health Research in India,Technical Monograph on ICMR Mental Health Studies, New Delhi, 2005147. Irwin, Michael, Psychoneuroimmunology of Depression, Brain Behavior Immunology,2000 (PubMed).148. Jewish Link, The Course in Jewish Healing, 2011149. Jourdain, Robert, Music, the Brain and Ecstasy: How music captures our imagination,New York, 1997150. Kaplan, Fara, Holocaust Survivors and Their Children: A Search for PositiveEffects, AAETS.org/article 96.htm151. Kares, Horst, et.al. Der etwas andere Kopf- und Gesichtsschmerz: CraniomandibuläreDysfunktionen CMD (The slightly different head and facial pain: Craniomandibulardysfunctions CMD), Erlangen, 2011152. Kellermann, Natan, P.F. Transmission of Holocaust Trauma, AMCHA, s.a.153. Kent, David, J. Tesla – The Wizard of Electricity, New York, 2013154. Klengel, Torsten, et.al. Allele-specific FKBP5 DNA demethylation mediatesgene-childhood trauma interactions, Nature Neuroscience 16, 2013 (PubMed)155. Klinghardt, Dietrich, Lehrbuch der Psycho-Kinesiologie, Instititut für Neurobiologie,2006156. Klotter, Jule, Light, Cancer and Fritz-Albert Popp, Townsend Letter, 2010157. Klotz, Neil Douglas, Methodical Madness: The “psychotic” and the “Spiritual” inthe development of Western Religious Hermeneutics, Edinburgh Institute forAdvanced Learning, 2000158. Knight-Jadczyk, Laura, Transmarginal Inhibition, Cassiopedia.com159. Köhler-Baumgartner, Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros, Leiden, 1908160. Kok, Albert, The hierarchical brain: Introduction of Cognitive Neuroscience(Dutch), Assen (Memory as Multiple System), 2004161. Kotermanski, Shawn Edward, Mechanism of block and behavioral effects of theN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists Memantine and Ketamine, NeurosciencePittsburgh, 2001162. Kour, Kamalpreet, et.al. Mematine for Schizophrenia, the Cochrane Library,2013163. Kuks, J.B.M. et.al. Clinical Neurology (Dutch) Springer Media, Houten, 2012164. Labuschagne, C.J. The Incomparability of YHWH in the Old Testament (diss.Pretoria), Leiden, 1966165. Laszlo, Ervin, The Akashic Field, Dutton/Penguin USA, 2007166. Lechner, J. Skalar-Musik für das gestresste, Raum & Zeit, 183, 2013.

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingAppendices: Literature and Register569167. Lechner, Johann, Das Handbuch: Armlängenreflex-Test und Systemische Kinesiologie(The Handbook: Armlength-reflextest and Systemic Kinesiology),Kirchzarten bei Freiburg, 2002168. Lechner, Johann, Dialog mit dem inneren Bewusstsein: Mit moderne Skalarwellen-Technikzu emotionaler Selbstbalance und autonomen Bewustseinsstrategien(Dialogue with the inner consciousness: With modern scalar wave technics toemotional balance and self-autonomous Consciousness Strategy), private edition,2008169. Lechner, Johann, Störfelddiagnostik, Medikamenten- und Materialtest II,Kötzling, 2000170. Lechner, Johann, Störfelder im Trigeminusbereich und Systemerkrankungen,Kötzing, 1999171. Lee, Andrew, Reductive Explanation and Qualia, Aporia vol. 24 no 2-2011172. Leone, Dino P. et.al. The determination of projection neuron identity in the developingcerebral cortex, Science Direct, Neurobiology 2008173. Levinas and Buber, Transcendence and society, Sophia 38, 1999174. Levinas, Emmanuel, Entre Nous (Between us), Paris, 1991175. Levinas, Emmanuel, Otherwise than Being or Beyond Essence, The Hague, 1988176. Levinas, Emmanuel, Totality and Infinity, London 1961177. Levitin, D.L. et.al. Musical rhythm spectra from Bach to Joplin obey a 1/f powerlaw., PNAS, vol 109 March 2012178. Levitin, Daniel, This Is Your Brain On Music; Understanding a Human Obsession,Dutton, 2006179. Lieberman, Ph. FOXP2 and Human Cognition, Cell 137, May 2009180. Lietaer, G. et.al. Client-centered and experiential psychotherapy in the Nineties,Louvain, 1990181. Lipton, Bruce, The Biology of Believe. Unleashing the Power of Consciousness,Matter and Miracles, Santa Rosa, 2005182. Lommel, Pim, van, Infinity Consciousness (NDE) (Dutch), Kampen, 2007183. Lorentz, Madeline, M. Stress and Psychoneuroimmunology Revisited: Usingmind-body interventions to reduce stress, Alternative Journal of Nursing, 2006,Issue 11184. Lubber, R. et.al. Hermeneutical Diagnostic and Problem Solving: human being astext185. Lubbers, R. Psychotherapy (Dutch University Utrecht), 1988186. Lundi, Miranda, et.al. Quadrivium, Wooden Books, New York, 2010187. Lyotard, Jead-Francois, La condition postmoderne: rapport sur la savoir, Paris,1979188. Lyotard, Jean-Francois, Phenomenology, New York, 1991189. Maes, Michael, From Freud unto Omega-3, a revolutionary approach of depression,ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome and chronical pain (Belgium), Antwerp,2005190. Mahesh, T.S., et.al. Implemental Logic Gates and the Deutsch-Jozsa QuantumAlgorithm by Two-Dimensional NMR Using Spin- and Transition-Selective

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming

Appendices: Literature and Register


145. IJzendoorn, M.H. et.al. Are Children of Holocaust Survivors Less Well-Adapted?

A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Secondary Traumatization, Journal of Traumatic

Stress, 2003, pp 459-469

146. Indian Council of Medical Health Research, Mental Health Research in India,

Technical Monograph on ICMR Mental Health Studies, New Delhi, 2005

147. Irwin, Michael, Psychoneuroimmunology of Depression, Brain Behavior Immunology,

2000 (PubMed).

148. Jewish Link, The Course in Jewish Healing, 2011

149. Jourdain, Robert, Music, the Brain and Ecstasy: How music captures our imagination,

New York, 1997

150. Kaplan, Fara, Holocaust Survivors and Their Children: A Search for Positive

Effects, AAETS.org/article 96.htm

151. Kares, Horst, et.al. Der etwas andere Kopf- und Gesichtsschmerz: Craniomandibuläre

Dysfunktionen CMD (The slightly different head and facial pain: Craniomandibular

dysfunctions CMD), Erlangen, 2011

152. Kellermann, Natan, P.F. Transmission of Holocaust Trauma, AMCHA, s.a.

153. Kent, David, J. Tesla – The Wizard of Electricity, New York, 2013

154. Klengel, Torsten, et.al. Allele-specific FKBP5 DNA demethylation mediates

gene-childhood trauma interactions, Nature Neuroscience 16, 2013 (PubMed)

155. Klinghardt, Dietrich, Lehrbuch der Psycho-Kinesiologie, Instititut für Neurobiologie,


156. Klotter, Jule, Light, Cancer and Fritz-Albert Popp, Townsend Letter, 2010

157. Klotz, Neil Douglas, Methodical Madness: The “psychotic” and the “Spiritual” in

the development of Western Religious Hermeneutics, Edinburgh Institute for

Advanced Learning, 2000

158. Knight-Jadczyk, Laura, Transmarginal Inhibition, Cassiopedia.com

159. Köhler-Baumgartner, Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros, Leiden, 1908

160. Kok, Albert, The hierarchical brain: Introduction of Cognitive Neuroscience

(Dutch), Assen (Memory as Multiple System), 2004

161. Kotermanski, Shawn Edward, Mechanism of block and behavioral effects of the

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists Memantine and Ketamine, Neuroscience

Pittsburgh, 2001

162. Kour, Kamalpreet, et.al. Mematine for Schizophrenia, the Cochrane Library,


163. Kuks, J.B.M. et.al. Clinical Neurology (Dutch) Springer Media, Houten, 2012

164. Labuschagne, C.J. The Incomparability of YHWH in the Old Testament (diss.

Pretoria), Leiden, 1966

165. Laszlo, Ervin, The Akashic Field, Dutton/Penguin USA, 2007

166. Lechner, J. Skalar-Musik für das gestresste, Raum & Zeit, 183, 2013.

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