Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingPractical Part – Recommandations as result of dissertation research534Recommendation 1Truth between conventional and complementary medicineLogic of Principium Contradictionis and Tertium non DaturThe conflicting trends between the various movements within medicine maintainingin the world on basis of multi-coloured power.Argumentative logic have the field of classical Aristotelian logic abandoned,leaving the principle of contradiction to a theorem has become, since the developmentof the Principium Mathematic.In modern axiomatically built logical systems, such as the Principium Mathematic,the principle of contradiction is no longer part of the axioms. "The law of contradictionsis merely one among logical propositions, it has no special preeminence."It is surprising that there is a distinction between the modern axiomatic,and the mathematical theorem. A theorem ever loses all validity if it is notbuilt on the basis of the absence of contradiction.The proposition which I posit here as part of the recommendations is:If the principle of contradiction as Aristotle gave forms no longer the preliminarytruth and the exclusive third, sacrificed to a multi-conventional understanding butclaiming the "truth", is not essentially different from a pluralistic tolerance,wherein each his "truth" can exist.The formula of Aristotle is: it is not correct ("¬") ... and ("∧") ... is not correct("¬"). These elements create the formular or his Principium Contradiction Is: ¬ (P∧¬P). That Means P and ¬P: can not be true. Statement P and the contradiction P(¬P) is true as well. As a completion we added the "tertium non datur". BetweenP ∧¬P is no space (option) for a Third phenomenon or statement.Transpositions¬ (evidence based medicine ∧¬ evidence based medicine)¬ (value based medicine ∧ ¬ value based medicine)¬ (value based medicine ∧ ¬ evidence based medicine)

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingPractical Part – Recommandations as result of dissertation research535Tertium Datur(evidence based medicine ∧ value based medicine)It is recommended, concerning the controversy between conventional and complementarymedicine, to screen on the actually presence of principle of contradictionand tertium non datur. That will order in both camps the same assignment tostop creation of "authoritive opinions" out of which infinite distractions can bedone, however within its own ranks. "Opinions" are nothing but a way for "truth".It's simple to distil two opinions, finding a "tertium datur", worn by the PrincipiumMathematic.Arrange a Committee of Wise Men researching a new foundation for joining scientificdevelopments, acceptance of pluralism and mutual fertilization, instead ofthe traditional PC and TND. This can be able to open the way of an applicableunification between Eastern and Western medicine in education and practice.Recommendation 2Tesla-Schumann resonances geopathic heart beat of nature, Brainwaveentrainment,Tesla-Schumann-entrainment and 528 Hz music as attractorThe research for this thesis has delivered a wealth of new insights and opportunitiesthat require an in-depth and interdisciplinary research. The complexity of 528Hz, which now consists of three parts, (water, light and heart) which are alsocoupled to the individual sine waves of the Hexachordum Duplex and SchumannResonances, must longitudinal be tested for patients with the MFD-syndrome asmodel variant groups epigenetic inheritance and foetal programming.This continued research requires a multidisciplinary approach in collaborationwith geneticists and biochemists.

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming

Practical Part – Recommandations as result of dissertation research


Recommendation 1

Truth between conventional and complementary medicine

Logic of Principium Contradictionis and Tertium non Datur

The conflicting trends between the various movements within medicine maintaining

in the world on basis of multi-coloured power.

Argumentative logic have the field of classical Aristotelian logic abandoned,

leaving the principle of contradiction to a theorem has become, since the development

of the Principium Mathematic.

In modern axiomatically built logical systems, such as the Principium Mathematic,

the principle of contradiction is no longer part of the axioms. "The law of contradictions

is merely one among logical propositions, it has no special preeminence."

It is surprising that there is a distinction between the modern axiomatic,

and the mathematical theorem. A theorem ever loses all validity if it is not

built on the basis of the absence of contradiction.

The proposition which I posit here as part of the recommendations is:

If the principle of contradiction as Aristotle gave forms no longer the preliminary

truth and the exclusive third, sacrificed to a multi-conventional understanding but

claiming the "truth", is not essentially different from a pluralistic tolerance,

wherein each his "truth" can exist.

The formula of Aristotle is: it is not correct ("¬") ... and ("∧") ... is not correct

("¬"). These elements create the formular or his Principium Contradiction Is: ¬ (P

∧¬P). That Means P and ¬P: can not be true. Statement P and the contradiction P

(¬P) is true as well. As a completion we added the "tertium non datur". Between

P ∧¬P is no space (option) for a Third phenomenon or statement.


¬ (evidence based medicine ∧¬ evidence based medicine)

¬ (value based medicine ∧ ¬ value based medicine)

¬ (value based medicine ∧ ¬ evidence based medicine)

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