Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming522Practical Part – Mindlink sysrtem: “Concluding Remarks”logical account of the details of the process. Once we have this, the reductiveexplanation of the gene in terms of DNA molecules is complete.” 403The term “other than” must be a state of affaire in the consideration of Lee.This “other than” therefore will form a tool of explanation of the correlation andexplicitation of the five layers of the image of man as a part of the whole.We follow Lee again in summery of his observations about reductive explanations.Reductive explanations are largely empirical and scientific in nature. (...)Reductive explanations remove the mystery of why certain phenomena occur.When we reductively explain the gene we see that genetic mechanisms are notjust brute facts that have no explanation. Rather, the function of DNA moleculesnecessitates the mechanisms of genes. This paints an attractive ontological picture.Through reductive explanation, we see that once the base-level propertiesare fixed, the higher-level properties automatically are instantiated.“Reductive explanations remove the mystery of why certain phenomena occur.”(Lee).This statement must be held for jumping to conclusions. What remove what mystery?What phenomena occurs when and due by what reason?Dennett offers an argument against qualia. (...) In a series of thought experiments,he brings qualia into the world of neurosurgery, clinical psychology and psychologicalexperimentation. His argument attempts to show that, once the concept ofqualia is so imported, it turns out that we can either make no use of it in the situa-403 Lee, A. op. cit. page 2. We have to be grateful for this formular, very useful for broader applications. “Note however,that this sort of explanation is not a reduction of the gene to DNA molecules. Reductions are biconditional, such that areduction of property G to property F shows that property G <-> property F. (...) Thus, the reductive explanation of thegene in terms of DNA molecules is consistent with genes being instantiated by something other than DNA molecules, aawell as reductive explanations of genes in terms of things other than DNA molecules.

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming523Practical Part – Mindlink sysrtem: “Concluding Remarks”tion in question, or that the questions posed by the introduction of qualia are unanswerableprecisely because of the special properties defined for qualia. 404Dennett’s most interesting conclusion from one of his thought experiments about“Mary the colour scientist”. 405 I quote Dennett leading to the final conclusion,very important to our own vision.“Mary would therefore already know exactly what to expect of seeing red, beforeshe leaves the room (with only black and white, G.). Dennett argues that the misleadingaspect of the story is that Mary is supposed to not merely be knowledgeableabout colour but to actually know all the physical facts about it, which wouldbe a knowledge so deep that it exceeds what can be imagined, and twists our intuitions.”(...) Dennett uses this example to show us that Mary’s all-encompassingphysical knowledge makes her own internal states as transparent as those of arobot of computer, and it is almost straightforward for her to figure out exactlyhow it feels to see red.29.2.3 Finger down of the deficitDennett: “Perhaps Mary’s failure to learn exactly what seeing red feelslike is simply a failure of language, or a failure of our ability to describeexperiences. An alien race with a different method of communication ordescription might be perfectly able to teach their version of Mary exactlyhow seeing the colour red would feel. Perhaps it is simply a uniquely humanfailing to communicate first-person experiences from a third-personperspective.404 Dennett, Daniel, Consciousness Explained, London 1988, and Quining Qualia,http://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/papers/quinqual.html405 see for the entire thought experiments the extended article in Wikipedia (Qualia, Bennett).

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming


Practical Part – Mindlink sysrtem: “Concluding Remarks”

logical account of the details of the process. Once we have this, the reductive

explanation of the gene in terms of DNA molecules is complete.” 403

The term “other than” must be a state of affaire in the consideration of Lee.

This “other than” therefore will form a tool of explanation of the correlation and

explicitation of the five layers of the image of man as a part of the whole.

We follow Lee again in summery of his observations about reductive explanations.

Reductive explanations are largely empirical and scientific in nature. (...)

Reductive explanations remove the mystery of why certain phenomena occur.

When we reductively explain the gene we see that genetic mechanisms are not

just brute facts that have no explanation. Rather, the function of DNA molecules

necessitates the mechanisms of genes. This paints an attractive ontological picture.

Through reductive explanation, we see that once the base-level properties

are fixed, the higher-level properties automatically are instantiated.

“Reductive explanations remove the mystery of why certain phenomena occur.”


This statement must be held for jumping to conclusions. What remove what mystery?

What phenomena occurs when and due by what reason?

Dennett offers an argument against qualia. (...) In a series of thought experiments,

he brings qualia into the world of neurosurgery, clinical psychology and psychological

experimentation. His argument attempts to show that, once the concept of

qualia is so imported, it turns out that we can either make no use of it in the situa-

403 Lee, A. op. cit. page 2. We have to be grateful for this formular, very useful for broader applications. “Note however,

that this sort of explanation is not a reduction of the gene to DNA molecules. Reductions are biconditional, such that a

reduction of property G to property F shows that property G <-> property F. (...) Thus, the reductive explanation of the

gene in terms of DNA molecules is consistent with genes being instantiated by something other than DNA molecules, aa

well as reductive explanations of genes in terms of things other than DNA molecules.

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