Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming434Practical Part – Mindlink sysrtem: “Concluding Remarks”We observed the basis and researched as long as we could find a defendable scientificconceptualization. Why could we not reach the real causes? Only after thisclearness of investigation we could make a model for recovery and structuralchange of negative self-awareness and self-esteem both “pressing gaps” in thesesuffering lives?Hence a central research theme is: negative self-image associated with selfdenial,caused by disturbances of the undeveloped emotive life in the early stagesof the pregnancy process. Is it only a matter of less attention or shortage ofwarmth in the primary stage of life, a non-attachment, is it?Contextual conditions seemed to be the cause of the later developed self-image,with a chain to self-rejection, feelings of uncertainty and guilt?The existential life-story is a reflection of what was in the mind and stored a diversityof experiences. The life-story became the representative of the personalreality. The hermeneutical conclusion was: “You don’t have a life-story; you areyour life-story!”Looking back to my professional life: I see forty years of lucky moments in help,but also of years with deep disappointments, because we only take some narrowsteps with our clients, without a completely healing and recovery, but notwithstandingthis always looking forward, searching the real wisdom and insights.21.3 Mindlink, an eye-opening confrontationHe was very sad.After a period of many years of speaking about uncertainty and concentrationdisturbances, I was convinced about the inner presence of sadness and tears thatcouldn’t discharge because of all the fear and traumatic experiences in the earlychildhood. Because I wasn’t interested in alternative medicine, coming from ascientific background, I was a bit in refusal at the moment he wanted me to go toan alternative neurological therapist.

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming435Practical Part – Mindlink sysrtem: “Concluding Remarks”He won. So I went with him.“I will do a mindlink-test with you,” the therapist said to him.To me: “Are you familiar with Mindlink?”My answer was: “no!”I didn’t understand the test-techniques. After one hour, the consult was finished.The next day he phoned me about the consult of the day before. He told me hecouldn’t stop crying. This was a miracle to me. The simple grains - as was told tome - loaded with the test stored energy, did in one day, what I couldn’t get donein many years.I was upset about the powerful system.In less of a month, I decided to involve this mindlink-system as a part of my dissertationresearch on the scientific and therapeutical value of 528 Hz music. Therepresentative of Mindlink Benelux, Mrs. Nini Kalisvaart, came to me and taughtme to be able to perform the test.So my new hermeneutic mindlink-research praxis has become true, involving my40-years experiences in clinical hermeneutics.Now, after about 650 tests, I am glad to be able to publish the statistical results,with the conclusion: “The Mindlink-system deserves to be accepted as an evidence-and value-based complementary medicine, with a recommendation as asupplying system for every type of treatment and therapy, any types of musictherapy included.The recovery results of about approximately 50 clients with prenatal disordershave convinced me. The solution I was looking for for many years – and I neverexpected as central - was the “womb as lost paradise” for many adult individuals,suffering from fundamental uncertainty and concentration disorders. The combinationwith 528 Hz music reveals the ideal powerful and energetic way of solving

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming


Practical Part – Mindlink sysrtem: “Concluding Remarks”

We observed the basis and researched as long as we could find a defendable scientific

conceptualization. Why could we not reach the real causes? Only after this

clearness of investigation we could make a model for recovery and structural

change of negative self-awareness and self-esteem both “pressing gaps” in these

suffering lives?

Hence a central research theme is: negative self-image associated with selfdenial,

caused by disturbances of the undeveloped emotive life in the early stages

of the pregnancy process. Is it only a matter of less attention or shortage of

warmth in the primary stage of life, a non-attachment, is it?

Contextual conditions seemed to be the cause of the later developed self-image,

with a chain to self-rejection, feelings of uncertainty and guilt?

The existential life-story is a reflection of what was in the mind and stored a diversity

of experiences. The life-story became the representative of the personal

reality. The hermeneutical conclusion was: “You don’t have a life-story; you are

your life-story!”

Looking back to my professional life: I see forty years of lucky moments in help,

but also of years with deep disappointments, because we only take some narrow

steps with our clients, without a completely healing and recovery, but notwithstanding

this always looking forward, searching the real wisdom and insights.

21.3 Mindlink, an eye-opening confrontation

He was very sad.

After a period of many years of speaking about uncertainty and concentration

disturbances, I was convinced about the inner presence of sadness and tears that

couldn’t discharge because of all the fear and traumatic experiences in the early

childhood. Because I wasn’t interested in alternative medicine, coming from a

scientific background, I was a bit in refusal at the moment he wanted me to go to

an alternative neurological therapist.

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