Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming412Practical Part – 528 Hz-music- Schumann Resonances - Mindlink-system20.2 A dissipative system 325The attraction activities of the attractor (528 Hz) effect in a 'dissipative system"as an open structure” in which everything is seeking a balance. A reference tothe quote of Levitin about the balance between predictability and enjoyment remainsrelevant. The balance in this musical experience can be disrupted by "adisorder of rhythm." This disorder can be seen as an allusion of the homeostasis,of the disturbance of rhythm- or sound-production and speech.A dissipative system is dynamic, because it is of bootable influence by environmentalfactors. This system can be fuelled by such complex shapes that we cansay with impunity: life itself is a fine-grained shape of a dissipative system.The question we have to answer is: "What are the attractive and cohesive forceswithin the system?" Notice that all has been said in the foregoing assumptionsmay be a suffice designation of dynamic energetic attractions and emergent ostracismin places of new processes with formula a = a absolute : a relative = √1 abs - 1 rel .The a as the nucleus of the attractor 528 Hz as described above, is the supramentala = 1 rel which attracts the mutualistic and energetic process and keeps going anew emergent process, able to realize life in consciousness. This self-emergentsystems we find not only in biology, but also in art, and thus in music also.A self-emergent or dissipative process contains two values: autopoiesis and selforganisation.Both concepts are embedded in one energy stream. If the biologicalconditions are exact, then possibly a new biological system comes through. If thesound is compliant, it’s developing music, a phenomenon distinct from indifferentsound. This is the actual meaning of the Greek term autos, self, and poieisiscontaining creation. This means: autopoiesis apparently creates spontaneously a325 Term from the Russian-Belgium professor Ilya Prigogine who received the Nobel Prize for this open system, structuralexchanging matter and energy in a process of autopoiesis and self-organisation. See specific literature.

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming413Practical Part – 528 Hz-music- Schumann Resonances - Mindlink-systemnew system. The organization development is managed by a creative force withinthe system that also cares for an effective conservation of the activated system.Here I return to the previously mentioned matter.20.3 Music, a result of autopoiesis and self-organizationMusic is created in this definition only if the conditions for emerging of music areeffective. We have seen that the conditions for the emergence of life as potentialityis present and flowing through the process of osmosis towards the seeminglyemergent creation of the Universe. The concreteness, coming from the creativepotentiality fills the system, are the forces of self-organization, realising manydifferent processes, maintaining, refining, renewing or extending a complexitythat is extensively discussed in quantum mechanics. These matters of fact formhere a hypothesis to return unto the unity of a simplicity, creative, unknowablesingularity: a = 1 relatief in permanent bond with the a = 1 absoluut.When we apply the two concepts autopoiesis and self-organization of music as areflection on the processes of life, as the act of composing, or the act of interpretation(hermeneutics in the implementation and performance process), we noticethe music-analytical interpretation of the performance as "the process of bringinginto life on the scene”. In a good hermeneutical system of performance there anew composition comes true - maintaining the intention of the genotypic composition.The internal hermeneutics, which explicitly focuses on the written workand the executive interpretation becomes a source of external hermeneutics. Thecontext of the concert interpretations, inextricably embedded in the context - thecurrent environment - impacts the dynamics of the playing, creating a fictionalnew work. The interpreter leaves the genetic character of the present compositionand the active hermeneutics of the nomination comes to the creation of a new

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming


Practical Part – 528 Hz-music- Schumann Resonances - Mindlink-system

new system. The organization development is managed by a creative force within

the system that also cares for an effective conservation of the activated system.

Here I return to the previously mentioned matter.

20.3 Music, a result of autopoiesis and self-organization

Music is created in this definition only if the conditions for emerging of music are

effective. We have seen that the conditions for the emergence of life as potentiality

is present and flowing through the process of osmosis towards the seemingly

emergent creation of the Universe. The concreteness, coming from the creative

potentiality fills the system, are the forces of self-organization, realising many

different processes, maintaining, refining, renewing or extending a complexity

that is extensively discussed in quantum mechanics. These matters of fact form

here a hypothesis to return unto the unity of a simplicity, creative, unknowable

singularity: a = 1 relatief in permanent bond with the a = 1 absoluut.

When we apply the two concepts autopoiesis and self-organization of music as a

reflection on the processes of life, as the act of composing, or the act of interpretation

(hermeneutics in the implementation and performance process), we notice

the music-analytical interpretation of the performance as "the process of bringing

into life on the scene”. In a good hermeneutical system of performance there a

new composition comes true - maintaining the intention of the genotypic composition.

The internal hermeneutics, which explicitly focuses on the written work

and the executive interpretation becomes a source of external hermeneutics. The

context of the concert interpretations, inextricably embedded in the context - the

current environment - impacts the dynamics of the playing, creating a fictional

new work. The interpreter leaves the genetic character of the present composition

and the active hermeneutics of the nomination comes to the creation of a new

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