Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


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Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming

Thetic Part 1 – Philosophical Introduction

1.3.2 Mozart effect

Don Campbell writes in his book “The Mozart Effect” after his life threatening


"For years I had as my own thoughts about what is eternal and what is transient,

what is essential, and what is superficial. As a musician, I had been

looking for that one fundamental tone that brings us into rapture and carries

our entire universe. I knew since time is immemorial, sound and music

were associated with the power of creation - the primordial vibration - of

the universe itself." 16

I also have been searching my entire conscious life time for the explanation of the

beginning, the Absolute Singularity. I always was looking for the reason of the

“missing link”, to me the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, missing as the initial

character of the Hebrew Bible. Caused by a hidden, unknowable Power, the creation

has broken open and formed phenomenologically a duality with appropriate

natural laws. Obviously the “Point One”, the Singularity, must be the letter

Aleph, the One, as the absolute and undividable unity of all. By this I have found

the answer: the Aleph, being the primal frequency as Word and Sound, carries as

the Tonic of the Whole reality, which we will bring on a short formula, connected

with science of languages and math’s in addition to come to a fundamental medical

philosophy and the report of our energetically therapeutic research. 17

16 Campbell, Don, The Mozart Effect”, New York 2001, page 14

17 See: Prolegomena

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