Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming342Practical Part – 528 Hz-music- Schumann Resonances - Mindlink-system"Recovery and Healing" are concepts that invite us wholeheartedly to work outthe mission to provide a better world and to help the injured individual. In Hebrewthis recovery process is called tikkun olam, repair of the world. The personalcharacter of music does not only has an advanced sense of the new world we lookfor. The entire mankind – without any religion - is subservient to this new world.But as far as a deep self-reflection is concerned, we come to our private andcommunal search of tikkun middot, the renewal of our personal lives, transformationof our souls and transforming our socio-political convictions.It would be great if the music of ancient Israel and its specific frequencies of restorative,regenerative energy transferring at the cellular level will improve thesuffering individuals. Here I have broken down the link with the Roman Catholicpoem - base of the later Solmisation system. Let us focus the presence of the Solfeggio-frequenciesin Torah, in line with the YouTube information.As a part of the scientific study of the question concerning the provability of correctnessit must be without falling into pragmatism like: "It works, so it's true”.An investigation to prove truth and reality of subjective experiences is doomed tofail. Therefore, this study has to research the structures of the theory of the experience.These structures are plural and empirically researchable. By this standingin the evolutionary history of nature and nurture - we cannot go along the ancientmysticism and the experiences of the mystics.19.5 Without mysticism no scientific knowledgeThere is no argument concerning the proposal that mysticism precedes scientificdevelopments subsequently providing a base for scientific developments. Thisdoesn’t mean that mysticism is blended with, or pushed away by the exact sciences.Any approach retains its own specific nature and is not separated. The distinctionbetween exact science and mystical experience seems insurmountable.But on closer inspection, expressis verbis dealing with a paradigmatic paradox

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming343Practical Part – 528 Hz-music- Schumann Resonances - Mindlink-systemwhich finally results in the "matter-mind" paradox of the apparent separation ofthe pathways of science in e.g. the two medical-therapeutic mainstream programsand their derivatives.Facing these paradoxes creating space for an open dialogue will give possibilitiesto resolve the hardly irreconcilable nature of the relationship between conventionaland complementary medicine: a dialogue within the common field of research,more specifically in this study: "the non-conventional scientific research".Because the developments of Jewish mysticism since the Middle Ages and theearly modern period exhibited in our time in astrophysics and cosmology. Thesemystical developments are nowadays associated with natural sciences in generaland biochemistry and nanotechnology in particular. Here I find a defiant justificationfor the choice for my research as a fundamental departure point with the influentialJewish mystical writings included. To be clear: I am not a mystic, but Iam really open to the deepened layers of life (meta-positions and -dispositions) aswe find in Tanakh.Invisible presence off the Source of Creative EnergyAt this moment I do not hear any music. However, the radio signals with classicalmusic are around in my room but I do not hear them. They are present because Iknow about it. If we don’t perceive, they are not exactly present quantum physiciststaught which have changed the security of Einstein into "probabilities" anduncertainty (Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Copenhagen interpretation).Let’s go back to the musical frequencies in my room. When do I hear the"waves"? At the moment I turn on the receiver. But if I don’t turn on the tuner/amplifierthe sound waves are converted into particles because of my lack ofknowledge, converted into "inaudible, subliminal musical particles of experience"stored in my unconscious memory. These particles are unconsciously, stored on

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming


Practical Part – 528 Hz-music- Schumann Resonances - Mindlink-system

"Recovery and Healing" are concepts that invite us wholeheartedly to work out

the mission to provide a better world and to help the injured individual. In Hebrew

this recovery process is called tikkun olam, repair of the world. The personal

character of music does not only has an advanced sense of the new world we look

for. The entire mankind – without any religion - is subservient to this new world.

But as far as a deep self-reflection is concerned, we come to our private and

communal search of tikkun middot, the renewal of our personal lives, transformation

of our souls and transforming our socio-political convictions.

It would be great if the music of ancient Israel and its specific frequencies of restorative,

regenerative energy transferring at the cellular level will improve the

suffering individuals. Here I have broken down the link with the Roman Catholic

poem - base of the later Solmisation system. Let us focus the presence of the Solfeggio-frequencies

in Torah, in line with the YouTube information.

As a part of the scientific study of the question concerning the provability of correctness

it must be without falling into pragmatism like: "It works, so it's true”.

An investigation to prove truth and reality of subjective experiences is doomed to

fail. Therefore, this study has to research the structures of the theory of the experience.

These structures are plural and empirically researchable. By this standing

in the evolutionary history of nature and nurture - we cannot go along the ancient

mysticism and the experiences of the mystics.

19.5 Without mysticism no scientific knowledge

There is no argument concerning the proposal that mysticism precedes scientific

developments subsequently providing a base for scientific developments. This

doesn’t mean that mysticism is blended with, or pushed away by the exact sciences.

Any approach retains its own specific nature and is not separated. The distinction

between exact science and mystical experience seems insurmountable.

But on closer inspection, expressis verbis dealing with a paradigmatic paradox

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