Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingThetic Part – Medical power in a narcissistic culture216cal world as already has been discussed. Medical doctors as Kraepelin, whichdementia praecox as the cause of what in qualifying by Bleuler, was also highlightedas a physician, schizophrenia that, gave the "psychiatrist" - the seeminglyirreversible position as a medical specialist - a permanent place in the spectrum ofmedical specialties. 204 Through this mental development, the human mind and its'disorders' were dominated by medical models and technological innovations.Resisting technological medicalization of the treatment of "mental illness" by thealternative anti-psychiatry that was dismissed as "goat woolly socks-hassle".The dehumanization of care for the mental suffering man fell gradually into atechnocracy led by neuro-psychiatrists and related neurosciences and led - almostirreversible - to devaluation of the etiologic and axiological meanings of the existential,personal story behind the syndrome. Hermeneutics and existential storyshifted from the subjective hermeneutic science proper understanding and translatingthe individual life to "evidence-based facts" that were consistent with thealleged scientific evidence. This development was an inevitable consequence ofdevelopments in society, with its emphasis on production, consumption and performance.The psychiatrist is a physician and a physician has patients. A physician writingmedication. Ergo: the life which must be listened to and which etiological factorsreside which make a fundamental contribution to the history and the diagnosis ortreatment, that disappeared behind the specialist medical scenes and was replacedby the reification and the mental distortion which medication should be developed.A new vision of the "social not trailing fellow man" took place, but the oldvision of Kraepelin remained of spite, albeit in other forms. The non-trailing fel-204 Psychiatry is as a term that was first mentioned by Reil in 1808 became the first professor of psychiatry, appointed in1810 at the University of Berlin.

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingThetic Part – Medical power in a narcissistic culture217low man was reappointed to carry a specific label. The humanitarian careprovidingcordiality which people in a deep hidden grief to cry 205 changed it in aclinical care, whether or not with harsh measures such as isolation and “chemicalcastration”.The future of psychiatry is in reverse to humanity and to listen to that technicaladvice, including implementation of supportive medication. First a talk, then pillsis the motto for this change. The current practice shows the opposite: no pills(therapy refuses) is therefore no talk.Within this reversal of policy - paradigm shift – there are systems like musiccommunication and therapy - as logical ruling power - into the limelight and thephysician in general and psychiatrists in particular a component of a functional,humanitarian interdisciplinary system with respect, acceptance and encouragementof human beings in his "socially non-trailing life opportunities."The anti-psychiatry cannot be denied any right when they lift a finger to our hardindustrialized society without falling into the "flowers and bees' atmosphere of205 How deep hidden grief in people can be we are only aware in recent decades by examination of the foetal programming,which, as in the Practical Section of this thesis, ensures that beyond the mental distortions physiological deficienciesand defects can be hidden, which previously said the term sickness behaviour alone. This applies not only to mental disordersbut also somatic problems such as cardio-vascular diseases and brain damages.

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming

Thetic Part – Medical power in a narcissistic culture


low man was reappointed to carry a specific label. The humanitarian careproviding

cordiality which people in a deep hidden grief to cry 205 changed it in a

clinical care, whether or not with harsh measures such as isolation and “chemical


The future of psychiatry is in reverse to humanity and to listen to that technical

advice, including implementation of supportive medication. First a talk, then pills

is the motto for this change. The current practice shows the opposite: no pills

(therapy refuses) is therefore no talk.

Within this reversal of policy - paradigm shift – there are systems like music

communication and therapy - as logical ruling power - into the limelight and the

physician in general and psychiatrists in particular a component of a functional,

humanitarian interdisciplinary system with respect, acceptance and encouragement

of human beings in his "socially non-trailing life opportunities."

The anti-psychiatry cannot be denied any right when they lift a finger to our hard

industrialized society without falling into the "flowers and bees' atmosphere of

205 How deep hidden grief in people can be we are only aware in recent decades by examination of the foetal programming,

which, as in the Practical Section of this thesis, ensures that beyond the mental distortions physiological deficiencies

and defects can be hidden, which previously said the term sickness behaviour alone. This applies not only to mental disorders

but also somatic problems such as cardio-vascular diseases and brain damages.

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