Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingThetic Part – Medical power in a narcissistic culture210vance of the number 528 within the Hebrew texts, especially the book of Bemidbar/ Numbers. 198When I started I thought - beyond all scepticism - "Interestingly, for sure, becauseit is a very old sound system. Maybe we'll get this thing on the track of the musicof ancient Israel, the lost music system? "If it is really as effective as they claim, there is a music development for musictherapy with the 528 Hz development a new era, with a strictly relevant place formusic therapy within the medical spectrum, as I have already pointed out.I am going to stop the introduction of this section that makes a considerationabout the appreciation of music therapy in relation to neuroscience and neuropsychiatrya critical analysis of Western psychiatry necessary. 199198 Horowitz, Dr. Leonard G. writes extensively in his book The Book of 528. Prosperity Key of Love, in which he dealtwith the codes from the English alphabet. With respect for his opinions anyway I think we must critically must respond tothis treatment because he was a Jew and needed to be aware of the major differences in numerological logo techniquebetween the original Hebrew Torah (Numbers) and the English language and translation. Although he states clearly religiousenough, it is perfectly clear that he stands for the Christian interpretation of the Hebrew Tanakh and the original textwhere it is suitable for him, explaining from the New Testament: a hermeneutical method that even in modern Christiantheology is to be referred to as outdated. Of course, he says interesting things in his study that I have in my study of theUltimate Concern of 528 Hz will take and it will reflect critically. Where and disband my research paths definitivelycaused by the place that the Latin Church poem takes with him and with all other 528 sympathizers. It's not about theobjectivity of 528 Hz, but the word "miraculous" whose name Mi tone in later Solmization system is the abbreviation.Without this line of poetry "Mi" would not have been the miracle tone. As an example of the nonsensical fooling withnumbers that have previously been on, I met with Horowitz in his conspiracy theory. The figure 6 is an integral number.With this I agree, albeit differently than on its grounds. However, at the when he will connect the Mi as the divine numberto six, making "Mi6" created which is regarded by him as the MI-6 as the British Secret Service, I radically am sayinggoodbye to this treatment because the health-giving power of the 528 Hz music is abused by the diabolical conspiracy ofthe Illuminati and the music invaded to therewith earn much money. I quote: "This MI6 also designates the IlluminatiGestapo - the intelligence agency of the British Secret Service. MI6 is really the western world's center of espionage andwar operations. MI6 is another example of hashing to serve evil. The designation covers the greatest secreted truth, in thiscase "528" - the miraculous healing power of LOVE ", op. cit. page 22. This is how the fantasies when you do not reallyanalyse, but stories braid around one basic fact: the poem and not the Hebrew Bible reference number, regardless that itrefers to Torah. One thing is clear: the music of Ancient Israel does not know the poem on which it is based on a solmisationsystem?. The zestonige music system as we are going to see is a hexachordum duplex (double six tune sound system,a 12-tone circular distributed based on the classic Pi = 22/7, as I will elaborate below).199 In anticipation of a treat in part four I mentioned here the discrepancy between biological psychiatry and neurobiologyor by Maes proposed molecular psychiatry because it is a form of medicine that goes to the very core of the cells. Theneuropsychiatrist takes into account what is in, going around and between all body cells. Maes also tackles all problemsand the causes of the disorders with molecular and personalized therapy ... a combination of conventional medication,omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and antioxidants ... successfully applied to CVS and ADHD. The attention to theimmune system and the production of cytokines cannot be underestimated. Deviations from the autoimmunity in particularthe cytokine production appears as experimental research to lay a foundation for psychiatric disorders such as depression,obesity, ADHD, dyslexia and othersPsychiatric disorders may therefore not be separated from the molecular imbalance in the overall system. That makes thepsychiatric disorders disorder with physiological etiology. I will share the conclusion of Maes when he speaks of psychiatricdisorders such as sickness behaviour. Prof. Dr. Michael Maes "From Freud to Omega-3", Antwerp, 2005.

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingThetic Part – Medical power in a narcissistic culture211To bring the music therapy for further growth, it is necessary in my view to firstexamine the power of today's psychiatry and peeling off down to the core. That isanother way to create greater authority for other forms of care within the psychiatricand general medical domain. If the medical psychiatry no longer explicitlypretentious the position of "evidence based medicine" that can take on the base offundamental research 200 than there will be room for "value-based medicine,"which we will find in the Integrative Medicine, and also in the presented here,specialized form of energy-neurologic music therapy, specialized and authoritativepart of the physiological, biological and psychiatric fields of application.Now will Follow an overview of the historical and contemporary developments inWestern psychiatry, focusing on the 2013 published DSM V. Without this placeto make plenty of room for a fundamental critique of the DSM classification anddiagnostic method for mental disorders, I cannot single a critical comment bypeople from the research to, otherwise my research will stagnate.After a historical overview that took place in the Netherlands and qualifying forthe qualification of "universal validity in the western area", we will end up with"attempted hypothetical relocation of music therapy within the medical spectrum,"which Active solidarity with the Tesla-technology transformation ofMindlink a prerequisite showed. The reason for this lies in the unique possibilitiesof the inferential accessibility of the "awareness low among the symptomatic patternsand disorders", making "behaviour change is no longer in the mind, but requiresrevision to universal sickness behaviour (retrocipation) and the reliquary(renewal of connectivity), which is developing the dialectic between the internalconsciousand the "transcendental consciousness of the unknowable," that at theIn the sickness behaviour we will find a possible connection with the Foetal Programming as in Section 4 will be demonstrated.200 APA study of scientific evidence for mental disorders or DSM-IV as evidence-based medicine by the commissionKupfer in 2002 has demonstrated the unsustainability of it (see below).

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming

Thetic Part – Medical power in a narcissistic culture


vance of the number 528 within the Hebrew texts, especially the book of Bemidbar

/ Numbers. 198

When I started I thought - beyond all scepticism - "Interestingly, for sure, because

it is a very old sound system. Maybe we'll get this thing on the track of the music

of ancient Israel, the lost music system? "

If it is really as effective as they claim, there is a music development for music

therapy with the 528 Hz development a new era, with a strictly relevant place for

music therapy within the medical spectrum, as I have already pointed out.

I am going to stop the introduction of this section that makes a consideration

about the appreciation of music therapy in relation to neuroscience and neuropsychiatry

a critical analysis of Western psychiatry necessary. 199

198 Horowitz, Dr. Leonard G. writes extensively in his book The Book of 528. Prosperity Key of Love, in which he dealt

with the codes from the English alphabet. With respect for his opinions anyway I think we must critically must respond to

this treatment because he was a Jew and needed to be aware of the major differences in numerological logo technique

between the original Hebrew Torah (Numbers) and the English language and translation. Although he states clearly religious

enough, it is perfectly clear that he stands for the Christian interpretation of the Hebrew Tanakh and the original text

where it is suitable for him, explaining from the New Testament: a hermeneutical method that even in modern Christian

theology is to be referred to as outdated. Of course, he says interesting things in his study that I have in my study of the

Ultimate Concern of 528 Hz will take and it will reflect critically. Where and disband my research paths definitively

caused by the place that the Latin Church poem takes with him and with all other 528 sympathizers. It's not about the

objectivity of 528 Hz, but the word "miraculous" whose name Mi tone in later Solmization system is the abbreviation.

Without this line of poetry "Mi" would not have been the miracle tone. As an example of the nonsensical fooling with

numbers that have previously been on, I met with Horowitz in his conspiracy theory. The figure 6 is an integral number.

With this I agree, albeit differently than on its grounds. However, at the when he will connect the Mi as the divine number

to six, making "Mi6" created which is regarded by him as the MI-6 as the British Secret Service, I radically am saying

goodbye to this treatment because the health-giving power of the 528 Hz music is abused by the diabolical conspiracy of

the Illuminati and the music invaded to therewith earn much money. I quote: "This MI6 also designates the Illuminati

Gestapo - the intelligence agency of the British Secret Service. MI6 is really the western world's center of espionage and

war operations. MI6 is another example of hashing to serve evil. The designation covers the greatest secreted truth, in this

case "528" - the miraculous healing power of LOVE ", op. cit. page 22. This is how the fantasies when you do not really

analyse, but stories braid around one basic fact: the poem and not the Hebrew Bible reference number, regardless that it

refers to Torah. One thing is clear: the music of Ancient Israel does not know the poem on which it is based on a solmisation

system?. The zestonige music system as we are going to see is a hexachordum duplex (double six tune sound system,

a 12-tone circular distributed based on the classic Pi = 22/7, as I will elaborate below).

199 In anticipation of a treat in part four I mentioned here the discrepancy between biological psychiatry and neurobiology

or by Maes proposed molecular psychiatry because it is a form of medicine that goes to the very core of the cells. The

neuropsychiatrist takes into account what is in, going around and between all body cells. Maes also tackles all problems

and the causes of the disorders with molecular and personalized therapy ... a combination of conventional medication,

omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and antioxidants ... successfully applied to CVS and ADHD. The attention to the

immune system and the production of cytokines cannot be underestimated. Deviations from the autoimmunity in particular

the cytokine production appears as experimental research to lay a foundation for psychiatric disorders such as depression,

obesity, ADHD, dyslexia and others

Psychiatric disorders may therefore not be separated from the molecular imbalance in the overall system. That makes the

psychiatric disorders disorder with physiological etiology. I will share the conclusion of Maes when he speaks of psychiatric

disorders such as sickness behaviour. Prof. Dr. Michael Maes "From Freud to Omega-3", Antwerp, 2005.

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