Womb as Paradise Lost

Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life. My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics. Dissertation 2015. Womb as Paradise Lost - Regained by the Energy of Life.
My name is Dr. Gideon Benavraham, professor-emeritus Clinical Hermeneutics. "What happens in a human being fundamentally during the proces of prenatal development (Fetal Programming) and what are the consequences to distortions and diseases later on life?" Research tools: Mindlink-Tesla-Transformation Technology (MTTT) as diagnosticum with PEMF and music frequencies as treatment methods. A RCT-double blind and placebo-controlled research, with statistics.


Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingThetic Part 2 – Prolegomena194fit? Is it a fictitious example is it, or an illustration of the global reality existinginside the medical domain with superiority of knowledge, represented by the individualphysician or therapist? Adjusts the balance of power as "acting subject"(physician) versus "treating object" (patient) still in our modern, autonomic westernsociety? Adjusts this balance of power also in the politics of healthcare withinthe cultures of the East with their disparities in capabilities? In my humble opinionthe answer on the two questions has to be negative, and a purpose of fundamentalchangements.The philosophical hermeneutics, implemented in the medical domain via universityfaculties e.g. under the guise of hermeneutical psychotherapy and pedagogyas far as I know first originated and developed at the University of Utrecht in theNetherlands 186 , the medical subject-object relationship is replaced by a new therapeuticalsubject-subject relationship. In the footsteps of these developments, thecare questioning man - medical, therapeutic or paramedics – has got a new positionwithin the value area, where the expert radiates servitude, a renewed attitudeevolutionarily belonging to human individuals as single entities, living by thepower of a curative altruism 187 with compassion as a core value. 188Anchored in the immutable conventions the suffering human being in his fulldignity is slipping into a dehumanizing qualification "patient", similar to thepraxis in the therapeutic speaking as "client" or "customer".186 Prof. Dr. Rob Lubbers is the founder of this educational method of treatment. The Langeveld Institute for the RUU iscontinuing this development. Reference to the main work of Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics can not beneglected.187 The term curative altruism is shaped by me as a counterpart of mutualist altruism where "I do something for you, thenI can later aks you to do something to me”. The characteristic of human involvement is an attitude without self-profit,giving care for others! This brings us close to the philosophy of the French-Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas withhis philosophy of responsibility, with the Other as the Face of G’d that looks upon us and requires to altruistic curativecare.188 Ricard, Matthieu, Plaidoyer pour l’altruisme, Paris, 2013

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal ProgrammingThetic Part 2 – Prolegomena195There is a sociological problem: unique individuals we can’t count. To solve thisproblem, we have to create a “format” as sociological group designations, whichdepersonalisation as an inevitably result.It is not only the terminology inside the specific discipline that forms the rigidpart of the ruling conventions, it is also an inevitable part of the economic system:the first part carries gainfully caregiving services and the other part has to furnishthe necessary financial counter achievement. In this way, the term "customer"applies reasonably well in this medical and paramedical liberally market idea.Any society that ignores the Face of the Other, is entangled in a narcissistic desireand builds a culture with a real downfall trace.Production, achievement and consumption are core values of our modern, neoliberalwestern society – also increasing in the new economy’s like India – a socio-politicalcommunity which is responsible for many cultural indicated diseases.These diseases ask in particular psychiatric related care, but concerned as aneconomic burden, which surpasses, together with other factors inside the medicaldomain, the ability to pay our narcissistic culture.Our conclusion is: a revision of the scientific image of man, and the cultural imagetoo, is inevitable. At the moment we accept our scientific attitude and therebywe recognize our human limitations, we perceive our Apex, the Source of CreativeEnergy, as described in the Prolegomena. So we are able to widen new fundamentalscientific horizons.The music of 528 Hz, the centre of the Hexachordum Duplex, the corner positionof this thesis, that forms the energetic image (sound and colour) as the channelbetween our existence and the essence, situated behind the Universal Consciousness.Consciousness can’t be the source of existence, because it is creational. Iwill elaborate this problem below. For now we conclude this “natural” music sys-

Womb as Paradise Lost – Foetal Programming

Thetic Part 2 – Prolegomena


There is a sociological problem: unique individuals we can’t count. To solve this

problem, we have to create a “format” as sociological group designations, which

depersonalisation as an inevitably result.

It is not only the terminology inside the specific discipline that forms the rigid

part of the ruling conventions, it is also an inevitable part of the economic system:

the first part carries gainfully caregiving services and the other part has to furnish

the necessary financial counter achievement. In this way, the term "customer"

applies reasonably well in this medical and paramedical liberally market idea.

Any society that ignores the Face of the Other, is entangled in a narcissistic desire

and builds a culture with a real downfall trace.

Production, achievement and consumption are core values of our modern, neoliberal

western society – also increasing in the new economy’s like India – a socio-political

community which is responsible for many cultural indicated diseases.

These diseases ask in particular psychiatric related care, but concerned as an

economic burden, which surpasses, together with other factors inside the medical

domain, the ability to pay our narcissistic culture.

Our conclusion is: a revision of the scientific image of man, and the cultural image

too, is inevitable. At the moment we accept our scientific attitude and thereby

we recognize our human limitations, we perceive our Apex, the Source of Creative

Energy, as described in the Prolegomena. So we are able to widen new fundamental

scientific horizons.

The music of 528 Hz, the centre of the Hexachordum Duplex, the corner position

of this thesis, that forms the energetic image (sound and colour) as the channel

between our existence and the essence, situated behind the Universal Consciousness.

Consciousness can’t be the source of existence, because it is creational. I

will elaborate this problem below. For now we conclude this “natural” music sys-

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