2019 Edition Vol 6 Issue 22 DIGITAL

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w w w . k a t a k a t a . o r g


Why Your Body

Needs A Good






Tribute To

Gabriel Okara


KIDS Liars


COOKING: Smoked Mackerel Fish

In Mango-Tomato Sauce And Rice

How To Create More Space

In Your Small Bedroom


The 5G


Cape Verde: The African Heart-

Stopping Paradise On Earth



Kata Kata is an authentic African cartoon

magazine with both online and printed versions.

In a humorous way, Kata Kata tries to discuss and

sensitize typical African / global socio - political

issues, mainly through illustrations, animations etc.

Furthermore, through its social network (Kata Kata

Community), it tries to keep those cultural entities

alive by stimulating personal interactions and

exchange of ideas amongst the readers.

At the same time, Kata Kata equally offers a maxim

that life is perhaps not all about seriousness. One

needs some laughs and relaxation to face serious

challenges in life.

The duality of Kata Kata is such that it tries to discuss

serious issues, at the same time, it offers a therapy for

the problems through laughter.

The quarterly printed edition of Kata Kata is widely

available in the Netherlands and some countries

in Europe. Equally, the digital version of Kata Kata

can also be read online or subscribed to via Kata

Kata website or Magzter, the world’s largest digital

newsstand with more than 20 million readers.

See: https://www.magzter.com/NL/Kata-



With our East African edition, our readers in East

African countries can now enjoy our humorous

Kata Kata Magazine. Likewise, the magazine

can be read or borrowed from different libraries

globally, including Stanford University Library,

USA, Federal / Royal Library (Koninklijke

Bibliotheek) Den Haag, (Netherlands), University

of Leiden Library -African Studies (Netherlands),

University of Iowa (Main Library), USA, Southern

Africa Library, Basel, Switzerland etc.

Hurry now and get your copy or become a


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relax yourself with our humorous cartoons.

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Sit up and get ready for a long laugh....

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Kata Kata


Editor-in-chief / Publisher

Ogo Ubabukoh

Art/Graphics Producer-in-chief

Deogratius Okudi

Art/Graphic Editor

Kors de waard

Editorial Advisory Board

Dr Pieternel Drijvers, Dr Ogu Okany,

Eng. Dan Olupot, Dr Beate Ubabukoh

Editorial Researcher

Andrea Schaffner

Legal Consultants

Riek Mollema - de Jong (The Netherlands)

Geoffrey Ntambirweki Kandeebe (Uganda)

Vivian Iro - Uchime (The Netherlands)

Ebele Topman (Nigeria)

Lyka Mtambo (Malawi)


Romolo Pusceddu - Consultant

(International Business Development)

Silvia Rugina - Marketing Consultant, Africa

Uganda Office

Arthur Adil. N- Country Manager

Lydia Gift Namuswa - Deputy Manager

Malawi Office

Diana Namasani - Country Manager

Ambassador (Africa)

Piksy (Evance Zangazanga)


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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This cartoon magazine contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is

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2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine







HEALTH: Why Your

Body Needs A Good

And Adequate Sleep



Nza, The Sleepwalker



Help! I Want A

Perfect First Date



Tooth Whitening

Gives You That

Confident Smile



How To Create More

Space In Your Small





Who Is Who In The

5G War




Cape Verde: The

African Heart-

Stopping Paradise

On Earth








Tribute To




How To Avoid Kids

Becoming Liars




Smoked Mackerel

Fish In Mango-

Tomato Sauce And



Dear Aunt Silvia

4 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org


Ente encheke achwe ekinaga egamba, “Kiki


( Runyoro)

Ng’ombe dhaifu kavunja nyungu kasema

“Namlaumu mtu aliye nisukuma. ( Swahili)

La vache faible brisa le pot et dit, “Je condamne

la person qui m’avait poussee!” ( French)

The weak cow broke the pot and said, “I blame

the person who pushed me” . (English)

Explanation: A We should not blame others for

our failures, rather we must take responsibilities

for them and try to make things right. Hence, we

must be encouraged to make an attempt and

fail, rather than not making any attempt at all

or blaming others. Shifting blames on another

is a sign of irresponsibility and weakness, which

must be discouraged if we want to make a

meaningful progress in our society.




Use Your Talent And Skill

Religion And Semantics

Every individual is naturally empowered with, at least, a talent, which is

clearly different from a skill. For the sake of clarity, talent is one’s natural

ability, which allows them to demonstrate some immediate skill, especially,

without practice. On the other hand, a skill is something we learn through

practice, experience and development. Music, advertising, public speaking,

drawing, all fall under skills. When we talk about talents, issues like

entrepreneurship, honesty, adaptability come to mind. You need both talent

and skill to make your life meaningful, as well as change your life positively.

However, to achieve that aim, one needs to first discover their talents and

skilfully utilize them well. To each according to their ability, you would

say. You may as well ask yourself: what are my talents and skills, and how

best can / have I use(d) them? Have you used them to move your life and

those of others forward and positively? Or are they used to impend on other

individuals’ progress? To rather make life more difficult, if not impossible for

yourself and others?

Sadly, our inability to discover our talents and skill leads to making wrong

choices and decision in life. On the other hand, those wrong decisions hardly

make our lives and future anything meaningful. Yes, one might not have a

given talent, but commitment and determination could help one acquire the

necessary skills needed to get things done.


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African societies, just like many other countries in the world have unique

talents and skills. You only need to harness and put them into good use to

move the countries forward. One needs to be encouraged. For example,

Africa is naturally blessed with constant sun, which can easily be converted

into solar technology and help make life meaningful for Africans. The ability

to acquire skill in solar energy technology would drastically change African

lives and societies in a positive way. What makes more sense: to import

generator plants from abroad in order to provide electricity or invest in the

solar energy expertise skill? Would to become experts in solar technology

increase productivity? Definitely, yes. Unfortunately, one of the greatest

mistakes Africans make is to look down on their talents and skills and rather

try to copy those of others. But often, different talents fit better in different

environments. Hence, developing one’s skills and talent pays off.

Is Nza listening? His father has just discovered that the son has an

extraordinary talent. Nza must be fully encouraged to put his talent into use

so that the talent can help the Kata Kata Village. Unless Nza is encouraged

immediately to harness his talent, he might end up mis-using it. That could

obviously put his life in jeopardy – and indeed, his future, in a precarious


Follow me to the Kata Kata Village and let us advise Nza before it is too late.

Coming with me? Cool, join the train.

Yours in Kata Kata,

Ogo Ubabukoh

Editor in Chief / Publisher


2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine



Why Your

Body Needs

A Good And



By Tedman Oscar

Medically speaking, sleep

is, in fact, important to

health as much as eating and

having regular exercises are.

Faced with work stress and other

social challenges, many research

works have shown that a greater

percentage of people sleep fewer

hours than they should. This

lack of adequate sleep, although

harmless as it might seem, comes

with numerous health problems,

amongst them are:

1. Risk of heart disease and


Research has clearly proven that

the quality and duration of one’s

sleep matter a lot. Poor quality

and less sleep could lead to health

problems like heart disease and stroke.

To avoid the risk of heart disease, it is

medically recommended that you have

between a 7-8 hour sleep every day. Of

course, to take a siesta is good, however,

it is equally healthier to sleep 7-8 hours at

night rather than in the day time and stay

awake at night. Your body and mind are

accustomed to a night’s sleep.

2. Productivity and better


Sleep goes hand in hand with your brain

functions. Lack of good sleep affects

not only your brain productivity and

performance, it equally, influences your

cognition and concentration. Medical

research works have proved that sleep

deprivation can impact your brain to a

significantly similar degree as alcohol

intoxication. On the other hand, a night

of good sleep can lead to improved

concentration and memory, as well as

problem-solving skill.

3. Sleep poorly, gain weight.

Poor Sleep has been linked to weight

gain, hence people who sleep less or

poorly, often become fat. Of course, being

fat comes with other health problems

like diabetes, heart problems, stroke,

obesity, etc. In other words, good sleep,

amongst others, is crucial if you want to

lose weight.

4. Suicide

Most people who commit suicide

or those about to, have a history of

depression. Patients with sleeping

disorders like obstructive sleep apnoea or

insomnia are often depressive as well as

more likely to commit suicide than those

who have no sleeping disorders.

5.Less consumption of calories

As said earlier, poor sleep could lead to

weight gain and obesity. While often,

people gain weight due to too much

food and unhealthy eating habit, poor

sleep can cause an increase in appetite,

which could lead logically to eating more

calories. This is because lack or poor

sleep affects the daily fluctuations in

appetite hormones like ghrelin, which

stimulates appetite and reduces the level

of Leptin hormone, which suppresses

appetite. The result is that with adequate

sleep, you tend to eat fewer calories than

when you have poor sleep.

6. Depression

Recent studies have indicated that

many people sleep less than before.

Industrialisation, globalisation and

other economic factors play a major

role in the result of the studies. Having

less sleep could lead to depression,

bad mood, headache and other health

challenges. It has been medically proved

that lack of sleep or poor sleep could

lead to depression. Research has equally

pointed out that a greater percentage

of people who are depressed equally

complained about poor sleep or sleeping


7. Inflammation increase

Another health issue linked to poor

sleep is an increase in inflammation in

the body and cell damage. According to

some medical research, inflammatory

bowel diseases, long-term inflammation

of the digestive tract is associated

with poor sleep. To avoid the risk of

recurrence of inflammatory bowel

diseases, patients are often advised to

have adequate sleep.

8. Good sleep can maximize

athletic performance

Has it ever occurred to you why athletes

are often advised to have enough

sleep? The advice is not for nothing

because poor sleep can affect one’s

athletic performance. Be it in football,

basketball, cycling, running, good sleep

is necessary to improve physical as well

as mental functionality like one’s speed,

reaction, mental judgement, accuracy,

etc. On the other hand, lack of sleep

causes weakness, inaccuracy, functional


6 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org

9. Anger management

Poor sleep can affect one’s mood. More often than

none, those who have poor sleep are more likely to get

angry quickly. On the other hand, good sleep has been

linked to the improvement of one’s mood and mental


10. Fight Common Cold, Improves Your

Immune system

Have you asked yourself why you often get sick after

you have had a bad or less sleep? The answer is simple:

Every amount of poor sleep can have negative effects

on your immune system and functionality. Think of flu,

headache, pain, etc. Studies have repeatedly shown that

those who sleep fewer hours a day are much more likely

to develop sicknesses such as common cold or flu.

11. Social interaction

Apart from causing poor mood and depression, poor

sleep can impend your social interaction due to its

effects on one’s emotional state. More than that, poor

sleep can cause an inability for one to recognise social

cues and emotional information such as expressions of

happiness and anger.

12. Risk of type 2 diabetes

Poor sleep affects blood sugar and causes a reduction

in insulin sensitivity. Medical research works have

shown that deprivation or restriction of sleep up to

four hours per night for six nights in a row could result

in prediabetes caused symptoms. Interestingly, these

symptoms disappear one week after the experiment is

stopped, according to research. Clearly, those who sleep

less than 7-8 hours a day are more likely to develop

type 2 diabetes.

Myths About Sleep You

Didn’t Know About











Our brain and body can adapt to

less sleep.

Adults need five or fewer hours of


It’s healthy to be able to fall asleep


Snoring, although annoying, is


Drinking alcohol before bed helps

you fall sleep well.

It doesn’t matter what time of day

you sleep.

Watching tv in bed helps you relax

Remembering your dreams means

you had a good sleep.

Older people need less sleep than

young people.

Your brain shuts down for a rest

when you sleep.

IN CONCLUSION: We should never take our sleep

for granted. The earlier we pay more attention to our

sleep and have adequate quality sleep, the healthier

we keep our lives. More than that, having enough

sleep, which is free from nature, saves us thousands

of money, spent on medical bills due to the negative

effects of poor sleep on our health. Do yourself a

favour and never joke with your sleep.


2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine


© Copyright (2019), Kata Kata Cartoon Magazine






With his characteristic

school uniform - like

short, big glasses,

‘elephant ears’

(apologies Agama) and

typical haircut, Nza

comes across at first, as

a quiet bookish little

boy, but beyond his pupil

- like looks, lies an

artful silent spoiler

cum “tormentor” who in

reality is not the best

friend of classroom. The

son of Baba Agama, who

has problems keeping

secrets, Nza admires his

father whom he sees as a

role model even though

Agama constantly has

problems fulfilling this

sacred duty.

It can be a traumatic experience if your only son

is kidnapped. But that seems not to be the case

with Agama. Nza is kidnapped, and Agama the

father, is willing to negotiate with the kidnappers.

The kidnappers are happy, but Agama shows his

economic cum negotiation skills by making an

unexpected offer to the kidnappers. Wanna find

out what / why? Continue reading.


2:00 AM

The more I look at you,

the more I lose my


I thank God for

giving me such a

beautiful wife….


Which one is “what?”

Are your ears on a sabbatical

leave or hearing exile?

Flashback in: "Agama Meets His Alleged Wife’s lover In Heaven"

How come everyone greets and

greets you as if you were

the Queen of England?

What else am I?

I don’t blame you because you don’t

know the worth of what you have

I was even

thinking seriously about going to

your parents quickly to ask for

reimbursement of my dowry before

it is too late.

You‘ll regret

I started already

after paying your


I am sure you need a heavy

dosage of your malaria


Malaria medicine?

Why have you decided to

quinine – bitter my love, woman?

If you have stopped taking your

medicine, then I now understand the

reason behind your loss of senses.

So in any case, you need your medicine

Why are you relegating my pure and

undiluted love to a reckless medical

background? Haba! What kind of

unromantic wife are you?

10 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org

Which love? You only love twice:

when you need something in the

bedroom and in the kitchen.

The rest of your love is reserved

for your best lover: beer

What kind of romance downgrade

is that? Why is beer always in your

jealousy - lover romantic dictionary?

Leave beer alone. Are you seeing

any bottle of beer in this bedroom?

Yes, this talking beer

Since when have you become

a priest or engaged in an

unholy baptism?

Now, come my dream. My

walking early morning


MEAN WHILE: NZA staggers and sleepwalks

into the PARENTS’ room…






Who is that unwanted visitor

jamming my romantic frequency?

Are you now a security - Askari?

Do you know what time is it?

You have now become a

dreadlock less Rasta?



You see what I meant? I told you he

is behaving very strange nowadays.

Always waking up during sleep and

talking to himself

Must he come to this room when

talking to himself? Can't he hear

or understand himself when he

talks to himself in his own room?


2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine


My little friend, I don’t care which demon has built an

upstairs in your brain, but I know the exact devil to flog

dead in you if you ever disturb my peace again

what is wrong with you Agama?

You need to pity the boy instead….

Pity? What type of reckless partiality is this? Tell your son

whether your father ever allowed me to even see your washed

underwears you hanged outside, talk less of a bold intrusion

into romantic home department

Leave my parents alone

You hear madam FIFA impartial? “Leave my parents alone.”

Would do if you tell your son to also leave his

parents alone. What type of partiality rubbish is….

Oya, evaporate from my site before I phone Oga

Nebukadnezar to order Nebo god and the gods

of Baal to descend on you..


You still stay here and

boil like a pot of soup?

Why can't you listen to

me once and……

Not when it concerns

your son

I told you he has been behaving

like that. Of course you never

noticed that because you were

always in the land of Masaka

after drinking your daily beer.

Woman, the rate at which you call

beer, if care is not taken, you will

end up telling me you want to

marry it instead

I wouldn’t mind. At least it

doesn’t disturb me every night

like a He-goat….

12 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org

Woman, don’t let me

commit murder in this my

pension age

Of course, you noticed your son

now because you want something

different from your lover, beer,

hence you are awake

I told you, ever since you sent

him to that juju man, he has

turned from bad to worse.

It is all your fault

FLASHBACK: “Nza is sold to the Village oracle.”

Now leave this place

before I commit murder

Nza‛s Room

1 Week later. Agama is sleeping with his wife. He is dreaming of drinking

his beer. Nza is busy dreaming of urinating on the “hill”








2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine


“ I love my beer, I will

not lie; I will drink my beer

until I die, I never regret

to love my beer…….”

….. I will drink my beer

until I die, I never regret

to love my beer…….

Has it reached to the

stage of urinating in the bed,

you useless animal?

Now get up!!

Wait! Me.. Am…



Agama, what is this?

Since when have you become….?

No, this can’t be true

How come?

2 days after. Agama is feeling sleepy while trying to keep

watch, hoping to catch whoever is messing up their sleep....

mEAN WHILE: Nza is dreaming. He is on the Katumba

island trying to eat a coconut. He cannot open it…

Agama since when have you turned

into a security guard?




5 minutes later,

14 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org

What type of

car panel beating

is this?

Which rascal demon has

colonized and hijacked

your brainless brain?

Please stop shouting.

It is late…

Late? Better late than late.

Do you really know what he did and…

You hear that?

Is that sound from

a demon you can trust?


3 days after. Agama is sleeping with the wife.

NZA is dreaming of eating a watermelon…..





Keep your hands and

mouth at home

Did I tell you I left

them in the church?

What??? Since when have you graduated

into Oedipus – mother recklessness? What

are you doing on those blessed breasts?

Now answer me? So I’ve now

become your bedroom


This is getting too far. Breaking my

head into pieces is not enough for you,

now you’ve crossed the romantic

border. What are you doing in that

forbidden sacred anatomy department?

If I don’t get a clear explanation

from you, I’ll hang you on the tree

till that your silly sleepwalking demon

is cast out permanently.

Child what? You still call him a child? Have

you ever seen any child near that anatomy

department? I say give me a pen, I’ll also

sign my signature after killing him



You want to commit murder?

That is child abuse!


2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine







By Tedman Oscar

Having a first

date comes with

much anxiety and

expectations. As a

man, you want to

create a lasting first

impression in the

mind of the lady.

Most women judge their potential

lovers-to-be based on their first

impression of the men. Logically

speaking, the First date calls for preparations

in terms of what to wear, your physical

appearance, your behaviour, etc. all aim

at creating a good impression of yourself.

More than that, your appearance gives you

the confidence to face the woman you’re

with. Here are certain issues you must pay

attention to during your first date:

1.Dressing: First impression matters.

Apart from your facial looks, your date

pays attention to your dressing. You

might not have that George Clooney look,

but you cannot afford to dress shabbily.

Your dressing compensates whatever you

may be lacking facially. You must dress

in a manner that gives your partner the

impression that you take them seriously.

Equally, the way you dress during the first

date shows the lady or guy how much

respect you have for her/him. However,

do not overdo it, dress sharp, but not too

extravagantly. Yes, women care about

appearance, but everything has to match

to give the girl a responsible impression

about you

But the type of date one has, determines

the dressing. Are you on a lunch, dinner,

casual date? Casual dates, call for a

relaxed but respectable outfit. Avoid sports

clothes or plain blue jeans; rather, put on

dark denim jeans or a khaki. A good polo

shirt comes in line with a casual date.

For a Dinner date, consider wearing a

jacket or blazer. For evenings or events

that do not require a suit, look for a blazer

jacket. A sports jacket can complement a

more casual dinner date; but avoid a sport

trouser. Of course, there is nothing wrong

with taking the jacket off if and when

necessary, for example, if the weather is

unbearably hot.

2.Pay attention to your haircut.

Make sure your date fits with your usual

routine. Try to cut your hair some days

or a week before the date. Keep it the

same old style; and use the same barber.

Consider not to try something new

because you could end up spoiling your

first date with a terrible haircut.

3.The shoes do the talking, so make

sure you choose the right shoes because,

believe it or not, women pay attention to

16 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

them. Of course, the type of date determines the

choice of shoes. Go for dark brown leather laceup

shoes with a rounded toe for a dinner date

and perhaps sneakers for a casual date. Whatever

kind of shoes you are wearing, make sure they

are clean and neat.

4.Belt. It might sound strange, but the belt

you wear says a lot; and many women notice

that. Your belt must rhyme with (colour of) your

shoes and the rest of your clothes.

5.Cut your nails. They must

look clean and well cut. Women pay

attention to your finger, which might

say a lot about your character.

6.Perfume: Let your cologne

or scent say more about you. Many

women place you in a particular class,

based on how you smell. Moreover,

your scent creates attractiveness.

It could be with your aftershave or

the perfume you wear, create an

identity of yourself. However, do not

overdo it. Let the perfume not be

too aggressive otherwise, it could be


7.Be punctual. You cannot afford to come

late to your first date. You rather come earlier

than late. Coming late and allowing a lady to

wait for you, says much about your character.

It might give the impression that you do not

take your partner seriously. More than that,

coming late creates the impression of you as a

disorganized person.

8.Gift or Present: Surprise her with a gift.

It might not be a very expensive one, but that

thoughtfulness leaves a good impression; even

a bunch of flower speaks a volume. Women like

surprises. A present from you may leave a lasting

impression in her mind.

9.Too much alcohol: For sure, the

purpose of a date is to have fun and know each

other better. That calls for better interaction.

More often than not, women pay attention to

your interaction during the date. Yes, taking a

glass of wine or beer is not too bad, but drinking

a lot could affect your social behaviour. It can

send a clear message to your partner. Try to

avoid depending on drinks to enhance your


10.Talk less, listen more: Do not be

too talkative. Give your partner the impression

that you have enough time for her. Allow her to

talk; listen and show approval. Do not forget to

simply smile and nod politely, if necessary. This

gives a positive image of you. However, do not

overdo it, otherwise, you might make yourself

look mechanical and somehow stupid.

11.Pay attention to the use of the

cutleries. How do you hold the knife, Fork,

spoon etc? Which cutlery comes first? If your

date involves eating in a restaurant where you

have different course menus, start with the

cutlery “outside.” Often tables in a restaurant are

set in such a way that forks are placed on the left

hand side, while the knives and spoons on the

right. If for whatever reason your cutlery drops

on the ground, do not pick it; instead ask for a

new one.

12.Bill: Offer to pay for the bill. Many women

judge your type of person based on this little

offer; and they appreciate the offer, anyway.

However, some women may consider it a slap

on her dignity to allow a “stranger” to pay for

her, as such, they might insist they pay for their

bill. You may try to persuade her otherwise; but

depending on her degree of persistence, do not

give her the impression you do not respect her


13.Escort her to the taxi. This gives her

the impression that you care about her as well

as make her feel safe and secure in your hands.

Generally, women like attention and making

them feel important and protected is not a bad

idea. If you are with your car, suggest giving her

a lift. Don’t give her the impression you want to

know where she lives by trying to give her a lift.

Women like to be given enough time. She will

definitely tell you where she lives once she feels

the time is ripe for that. So don’t rush it.

Good luck with your first date!


2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine



By Romolo Pusceddu

here is nothing more terrible than not having the confidence to be

yourself. You want to laugh, but you feel shy or uncomfortable to

do so, simply because you feel your teeth are not bright enough.

Not anymore. With tooth whitening, you get back your lost


Over time, the natural white colour of the teeth becomes darker,

particularly due to the consumption of coffee, wine, chocolate and

smoking. A good reason why you might consider tooth whitening.

Tooth whitening

Gives You That

Tooth whitening, a method, used in the dental industry to whiten your

teeth, is practised globally. According to several studies, cosmetic tooth

whitening is a global industry with a market value of more than $3

billion. And still, the market is growing fast because many people love

to have a brighter smile. Don’t you too? What makes tooth whitening

very popular, is that it comes in different forms and methods. More than

that, it is easily available in shops, pharmacy or dental clinics, thus giving

consumers enormous choices and possibilities. Due to the availability and

varieties, it is very important for consumers to have more knowledge of

the product

to enable

them to

make the

right choice

and avoid

any major health problems the product

may come with.

Confident Smile

Tooth whitening contains hydrogen peroxide with varieties of strength.

Most Tooth whitening purchased in a drugstore and dental practices has

strength ranging from 0.1 to 15 per cent, while the same product from

specialised dental office has 15 to almost 40 per cent strength.


teeth whitening

does not damage

the enamel,

hence a good

reason why it is

advisable to go

for rofessional

tooth whitening

instead ..

In Western Europe, only a dental practitioner is allowed to use products

containing or releasing between 0.1%-6% hydrogen peroxide. In other

countries such as New Zealand, non-dentists may apply up to 10%

hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth.

After the whitening process patient may experience some teeth sensitivity,

which is very normal due to the chemicals available in the tooth

whitening. It is, therefore, not something to panic about, if sensitivity

occurs after the treatment. After the application of the whitening gel

pores in the teeth are opened and stains lifted. Furthermore, tooth

whitening hardly damages dental work. Professional teeth whitening does

not damage the enamel, hence a good reason why it is advisable to go for

a professional tooth whitening instead of otherwise.

Whitening systems are considered medically safe, however, treatments are

not suitable for everybody. It is medically advised that pregnant women,

children with milk teeth and patients with gum disease, should avoid

tooth whitening.

Give yourself that confident smile and go for tooth whitening. Yes, a

healthy smile indeed.

More information, contact:


18 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org


10 Ways

How to create




your small


By Tedman Oscar

“Naturally, most

of us would

rather go for an


with a big, spacious

sleeping room, but

unfortunately, not

all of us can afford


You may have an

accommodation with

a small bedroom,

but the question is

what can you make

out of it?”

You can turn

that your small

bedroom into a

cosy, romantic,

stylish bedroom.

Naturally, most of us would rather go for

an accommodation with a big, spacious

sleeping room, but unfortunately, not

all of us can afford it. With limited available

accommodations in many major cities, coupled with

thousands of students and workers trooping to cities

yearly for their studies and work, you are faced

with the law of demand and supply - high demand

for accommodation, chasing limited available but

expensive accommodation. It means sometimes,

one has to make do with what they have; after all, all

fingers, they say, are not equal.

You may have an accommodation with a small

bedroom, but the question is what can you make

out of it? For sure, you can turn that your small

bedroom into a cosy, romantic, stylish bedroom.

But you need some creative ideas. While some,

would want you to believe you need a sitting space

to make your bedroom comfortable, however,

conventional wisdom tells us that, the main

function of a bedroom is to provide a space for your

rest. So you should be the focus of your attention as

you try to create more space in your bedroom. Try

the following tips:


Keep Colours Light and Bright.

The colour of your room is very important because

the choice could drastically change the look of the

room. Generally, white colour can be fresh and

inviting; moreover, it makes a small room to look

bigger. Apart from white, other lighter colours can

equally do, as they brighten the small space and

make it less busy.


2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine





Minimal furniture

Naturally, the bedroom is meant for sleeping, as

such, minimize adding many types of furniture

in the bedroom helps create less traffic in the

bedroom, as well as economize your space.

Try to focus on your bed and less on other


Magnify with Mirrors

Mirrors can have magnified effects in a room.

It can create an illusion of a bigger and cosy

room. It is necessary to position the mirror

in such a way that it can reflect the light of a

window, as such, welcome the natural light in

your bedroom space.

Don’t go for big beds

You need all little space in your small sleeping

room, as such, using a big, bulky bed can take

up the less space you have. Even those big

bulky frames and feet of the bed could take

unnecessary space. A simpler, modern, stylish

bed can give your room a captivating look and

save much-needed space than that bulky bed.


Use shelves

Adding creative shelves can save you

space as well as make your room tidy.

Different shelves for books, laptop, clothes

and other accessories can create a unique

atmosphere in your room at the same

time, make your room look less busy.


Set the Bed in a Corner

The economy of space calls for a critical

choice for the bed’s position. For a big

room, it can be appealing to set the bed

in the middle of the room, but this is not

the case with a small space. Setting your

bed against a wall or corner instead of

traditionally centering it on the wall, is

ideal where space is lacking.

20 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org




If your bedroom has a higher ceiling, you may

save a lot of space by building a platform or

loft in the room. By creating a platform as your

sleeping area, you are left with much space under,

which you can use for your storage and shelves.

Of course, not everyone likes climbing into their

bed, but it definitely can create enough space in

the room as well as make the room look like an


Use under the Bed as Storage

Having storage under your bed saves a lot of

space and keeps your room tidy. You can build

the storage with drawers to enable you to reach

the stored items with ease. However, bear in

mind that the size of your room might determine

whether storage with drawers can fit in the room.

If you have limited space it might be a problem

opening the drawers.



Add Wallpaper

Wallpapers could beautify your bedroom

and make it very appealing. However, the

wallpaper must be beautiful and not dark in

colour, otherwise, it would make the room

look small and dull. A large-scale pattern

wallpaper comes out better in a small room

than a small, busy one. It doesn’t hurt if

your beddings match perfectly with your

wallpaper pattern.

Minimize TV in the Sleeping


Adding a TV in your bedroom requires

extra space. Moreover, having in mind that

the essence of a bedroom is for sleeping, the

presence of Tv or phone in your bedroom

could distract your sleep.

Try out these tips and see how cosy and

stylish your small bedroom could be. Enjoy

your sleep in your newly transformed



2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine



Who Is Who In The 5G War

By Ogo Ubabukoh

You may have heard about the USA – China Trade War. Recently, the “war” has moved beyond

hiking of tariffs on goods; now Chinese technology giant with an intimidating presence globally,

Huawei is paying a big price as well. The question you might ask is why Huawei? To answer this

question well requires a good knowledge of Huawei’s technological power and influence as well as

what is at stake technologically in the future. Welcome to the G5 war.

5G is the latest cellularnetwork

technology capable of

transmitting data via the internet

at an incredibly faster speed than

the G4 technology presently used


Huawei headquaters in china

5G is the latest cellular-network

technology capable of transmitting

data via the internet at an incredibly

faster speed than the G4 technology

presently used globally. More than

catering for faster speeds, 5G equally

provides lower latency, or if you like, the

time it takes data to move back and forth.

With the speed, which is about 20 times

faster than the G4 networks, it means

you could download a long video in the

twinkle of an eye. What does this mean

in the technology world? A lot. It means

that with 5G, mobile gaming, video chats,

etc will be much quicker than they now

are. But that is not all. 5G technology

could give birth to other wireless

innovations which will play vital roles in

the technological industry, development,

as well as in our lives.

So what has 5G got to do with Huawei

and the USA’s campaign to minimize the

Chinese company’s business interests

with other companies and countries? A

lot. And a lot is at stake as well. Presently,

Huawei has almost exclusive control

of 5G technology with its expected

market value running into trillions in

the future. The control of 5G technology

means not only a huge revenue. It

means global power and influence

as well. The USA seems to have been

taken unawares by Huawei, and to that

extent, China, which is far ahead of

any country in the 5G race. Huawei has

pumped in billions to the technology

and it is clear to the USA, that its global

power and influence will not only be

challenged by China, the control of the

5G technology means global control and

income as well. That is why the USA

is not taking the matter lying down. It

becomes worse that Huawei has been

accused of working closely with the

Chinese government, a charge Huawei

vehemently denied. But reading Article

VII of China’s 2017 National Intelligence

Law, which mandates any Chinese

citizen or company to support, assist,

cooperate with the country’s intelligence

work, one may buy the USA’s claim that

Huawei may pose a national security

risk because it could act as a mole for the

Chinese government. Washington’s uses

this claim to justify banning US firms

from collaborating with the Chinese tech


That does not end there. The 5G war has

become so blunt that the US even went

as far as requesting Canada to arrest

the Financial director of Huawei Meng

Wanzhou, also known as Sabrina Meng

and Cathy Meng, who is the daughter

of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei. Meng

Wanzhou faces unspecified charges,

although sources close to the case

revealed the US Justice Department

22 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org

was investigating whether Huawei violated

US sanctions on Iran. Whether the USA ‘s

case against Meng Wanzhou is legitimate or

her arrest and detention legal, is a matter of

discussion. However, the USA has used the

accusation that Huawei is a security threat

to convince many countries and companies

around the world to cancel certain sensitive

contracts with Huawei. Yes, Huawei may be

helping the Chinese government to steal tech

knowledge from companies and countries they

work with, but to believe that Washington’s

actions are only borne out of security concerns

is to underestimate the global power, influence

and financial muscle whoever controls 5G will

possess in the future. Hence the US is doing

everything within its power to win the 5G war

and to remain relevant globally; something

China is not ready to succumb to the US


So you could say that the fight to control the

5G technology goes far beyond accusations

of security threat. Others have asked: if

Washington succeeds in persuading different

countries and organisation from doing the 5G

related businesses with American companies

instead of Huawei, what stops those US

companies from being a security threat to

their overseas partners? That question brings

one back to the hidden agenda behind the

5G war. It is about two elephants fighting to

control territory. While the war is going on,

as if they just suddenly woke up from their

slumber, four major network carriers are

presently busy trying to introduce 5G coverage

in many USA cities.

While we look forward to the introduction

of the 5G, it is important to know what the

new technology comes with. Does it mean

extra expenses for consumers? New phones?

New updates? Well, the answer depends on

one’s choice. You may decide to use your

present G4 phones until you upgrade to 5G.

Depending on your pocket, you may also say

goodbye to your G4 and switch over to 5G

and enjoy the benefits that come with the new

technology. Who wouldn’t like to, as far as

they can afford it? To take advantage of the

new technology and make billions of dollars,

many mobile phone companies like Samsung,

Apple and Motorola are investing heavily in

5G technology.

But limiting the advantage of 5G solely to the

telephone network is a huge understatement.

5G technology comes with more possibilities.

Think of law enforcement agencies tackling

crimes much faster and easier. Tracing

criminals will be easier than it is now. Facial

recognition will be much easier. Governments,

farmers, military using the technology to

control their robots, is another advantage.

What about car makers trying to develop

self-driving cars? Wow, will Uber save same

billions from paying its drivers across the

world and introduce self-driving cars?

Despite its enormous advantages, 5G equally

comes with its shortfalls. While 5G technology

could help reduce crime, it equally could

be counterproductive in the sense that it

could be prone to abuse by some lawless law

enforcement agencies. Individual privacy

will be drastically reduced. Individuals can

be tracked easily since 5G phones connect to

multiple devices.

With 5G technology, practically everything

will be gathered and stored in a chip and

connected to a wireless network. Imagine how

powerful, influential and rich one will become

when they use the 5G technology to control

the seaport, airport, hospitals, government

agencies and business?

A good reason why the 5G war is far from



2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine





The Secret Life Of Pets 2


PG 13 1h 25min

Animation, Adventure, Comedy

The secret life of pets is a 3D

animation movie produced by

illumination, about how pets

behave when their owners are

not around( have either gone to

work or school). The Secret Life

Of Pets 2, continues were The

secret life of pets 1 left off. Max

a dog must cope with some

major changes in his life, when

his owner takes a trip to the



Spiderman Away..

July 5

21 Bridges

July 12


Augast 2

Dora & The Lost C..

Augast 2

The Angry Birds 2

Augast 16

Rambo 5 Last

September 10

Coming Soon Review

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt,

Margot Robbie.

Director: Quentin Tarantino

RELEASE DATE: July 26, 2019 (United States)

BUDGET: $95–100 million

Imagine a movie with highly

talented actors like Leonardo

DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and

Margot Robbie? Well, you

need not wait long to watch

such a film. Once Upon a Time

in Hollywood, an American

black comedy crime film

set to be released in the US

on July 26th 2019 is written

and directed by Quentin

Tarantino. As the name

suggests, the film is set in

Los Angeles and talks about

television actor Rick Dalton

and his stunt double Cliff

Booth, who struggle against

all challenges to find their

way in much competitive and

challenging film industry.

Why all eyes are set on this

film is not just because of

the story; more or less, it is

because it will be the first

film the director Quentin

Tarantino will produce

without collaborations with

the Weinstein Company,

the company founded by

Harvey Weinstein, who is

facing multiple sexual abuse

allegations from many female

actresses. Having ended ties

with the Weinstein Company,

and with Sony Pictures

won the distribution rights,

many in the film industry

are looking forward to

seeing how the new film

will perform after release.

Furthermore, Once Upon

a Time in Hollywood is to

feature Luke Perry, who died

in March 2019. Hence that

equally makes the upcoming

film interesting to watch.

Apart from Brad Pitt,

DiCaprio and Robbie, other

Tarantino regular actors such

as Kurt Russell, Tim Roth,

and Michael Madsen are

expected to join the cast.

24 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org


Tribute To A Rare Literary Icon





Written by Ogo Ubabukoh

Gabriel Okara

( 1921 - 2019)

Gabriel Okara, who

died on 25 March 2019,

needs no introduction

in the literary world. A

renowned Nigerian

poet and novelist whose

literary works have been

translated into several

languages, Gabriel

Imomotimi Gbaingbain

Okara was born in

1921 in the Niger

Delta region located in

the Southern part of



Okara attended the

prestigious Government

College Umuahia, where

other Nigerian prolific literary wizards

like Chinua Achebe, Christopher

Okigbo, Elechi Amadi,

Chukwuemeka Ike and Chike

Momah started their literary journey.

After his education in Umuahia, he

went to Yaba Higher College and

Northwestern University (USA),

where he studied journalism.

Often called “the Nigerian

Negritudist,” Okara’s literary works,

especially poems, clearly show deep

consciousness and value of black or

African culture and identity, through

a careful infusion of African social

realities, religion, thought, folklore

and imagery. Gabriel Okara started

his literary work after working as a

printer and bookbinder from 1945,

for the pre-independence Nigerian

government owed publishing

company. Conscious of his local

language, and an attempt not to

impose English on the local language,

Okara tried to translate his literary

works from his native Ijaw language

into English. By so doing, Okara’s

works carefully exhibit the African

culture and identity, as well as, indeed

disclose their importance. More than

that, most of his work discusses the

cultural conflicts facing Africans and

their cultures, as they live side by side

with Western culture and influence.

This thematic preoccupation is vividly

demonstrated in his poetry like You

Laughed and Laughed and Laughed,

Piano and Drums, and The Voice,

his most popular book, published

in 1964. His poem The Call of the

River Nun, which was written in

1953 won an award at the Nigerian

Festival of Arts. The Fisherman’s

Invocation won the Commonwealth

Poetry Prize in 1979. So did some

of his poetry works, which did

not only win international awards

but were published in the literary

magazine Black Orpheus. His other

literary works include The Fisherman’s

Invocation (1978), Little Snake and

Little Frog (1981), An Adventure to

Juju Island (1992), The Dreamer,

His Vision (2005), As I See It (2006),

Collected Poems (2016). Mr. Okara

equally wrote plays and features for

broadcasting, although most of his

literary works were destroyed during

the Nigerian Civil War.

A closer look at Gabriel Okara’s poem

Piano and Drums clearly shows how

he creatively infused African cultural

elements in his literary work as well

as discussed the conflict between old

and new (African culture and western

modernism) in post-colonial Africa.

With powerful imagery used in the

poem to express African’s (or poet’s)

confused state, as one battles with

the conflict between African social

reality and the Western influence,

Piano and Drums is one of Okara’s

best poems. Using metaphors like the

Turn to Page 26

2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine


From Page 23

drums to represent traditional African life, and the

piano for the Western world, one is left in a confused

state of mind, as both instruments are difficult (for

one) to choose from. It becomes even more difficult

and confusing, hearing a “mystic rhythm” of the

drum that is “urgent” and “raw” and the “wailing”

and “a tear-furrowed concerto”(the piano) that is

being played. Both instruments “speak” in different

“languages” and “speak of ” primal life, in the case

of the drum and “far away lands and new horizons,”

“speaks” the piano. Definitively, the primal language

of the drum reminds one of the local cultures and

old memories and childhood (“mother’s laps a

suckling”), while the piano’s sound (western), though

very seductive, yet too complicated. Complicated,

the language of the piano might be, the love of

the drumming is not strong enough to prevent

distraction from the piano sound. All these conflicts

put together increases one’s confusion and concern.

Piano and Drums clearly discusses the conflict

between old and new. Between (slow) traditional

African life and (modern/fast) Western life. Looking

at today’s world, the poem still makes sense. Western

life is represented by modern technology like the

internet, social media and other modern appliances,

which are re-defining our social life, interaction and

world view. On the other hand, the simplicity of life

(drum) is being put to test and challenged.

Okara explained the conflict and confusion during

one of his interviews, saying that the poem is about

change. To him, it talks about a change brought

about by the West and the effects of the change, as

the change encounters an African way of life. From

listening to the drums of old ways and the piano of

new ways…. and suddenly, the stop of the music

at a dagger-point, which symbolises the fights, the

wars, the dissensions and the tensions in the Western

world; all go a long way in explaining the speaker’s

confused state as one faces two different cultural

worlds and realities. How true is this in our everyday

lives? Definitely true in every sense.

Adieu Gabriel Okara, a rare literary genius who

succeeded in telling the true African story in words,

images and imagination.

26 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org


Written by

Ogo Ubabukoh

Some behavioural experts have argued

that lying is natural. In most cases, we

lie out of shame, to save face or avoid

embarrassments, to brag or due to

low-esteem. These make lies become

inevitable, more or less. Yet, sometimes

we lie to avoid danger. Regardless,

whatever prompts one to lie, lying is not

socially acceptable, as such, it must be


Since kids are the leaders of tomorrow, it

is often recommended that parents teach

their children to avoid lies. This will help

them a lot when they grow older. How

can you achieve this task as a parent?

Below are some steps you need to take as

a parent:

Show Example

Kids look up to their parents as

their hero and for guidance, so in

order to inculcate the spirit of honesty in

your kids, parents must live by example.

You cannot expect your kids not to lie

when you as a parent lie - especially, in

their presence. Nor do you have the moral

ground to punish your children for lying if

you cannot prove yourself otherwise.


Children are more likely to adapt

to a situation if they are expected

to follow certain rules. When parents

make it a rule that lies are prohibited at home,

children are more likely going to obey the rules;

they will, in most cases, equally carry the same

rules outside their homes.

Stories about moral and

advantage of telling the truth

Children often identify with the

stories; buy your kids, children books

that deal with moral issues. Spend time

with them, for example, when they want

to go to bed, and read some portion of

the book and explain to them clearly, the

importance of saying the truth. In most

cases, children identify with the message

of those books and try to channel their

behaviour towards the message.

Consequences for lying

Let your children know that every

action has repercussions. Same

with lying. Kids should know that lying

could put them in danger; they might be

punished by the authorities for lying; also

they might not be trusted if they are found

lying. Worse still, when kids often lie, it

comes difficult for their parents to know

when they are saying the truth. Hence a

good reason to stick to the truth.

Learn to be pragmatic

without lying

Kids are a product of society and

they interact with others. Sometimes,

Are you a child?

Can you write



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for your creative


Send your story




Continuation on PAGE 28

2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine


Continuation of PAGE 27

certain actions might be interpreted

negatively by others. So there is a need to

take into account the feelings of others.

While it is necessary, to be honest,

sometimes, you can be honest in a

diplomatic way to avoid hurting others.

Would you allow your kids to tell their

friends they hate their faces or that their

faces look ugly simply because your kids

must be honest? It can be tricky because

such a comment might hurt others and

even create a negative perception of your

kids by others. You must learn to teach

your kids to create some sense of balance

between honesty and taking the feeling of

others into consideration. This requires a

lot of social skills to achieve.

Identify reasons for the lie

Sometimes, kids lie simply out

of fantasies, trying to leave

an impression or to avoid negative

repercussions. It is your duty as a parent

to identify the reason why your child has

lied and try to address that. Imagine your

child said they saw a ghost yesterday? You

could try to explain to them the difference

between imagination and reality and

that helps your child to differentiate the

difference. Moreover, sometimes, kids

lie due to low-esteem. They might claim

things they never did, simply to boast. If

you can identify the reason behind the

lies, you are equally in a better position

to find solutions to it. Equally, kids lie

sometimes simply to get out of trouble.

Perhaps, they are afraid of being punished;

and that leads to lying. Make it known to

the kid in question that it pays them to tell

the truth rather than lying. It is important

you let them know they cannot get away

with lying, rather, they might get less

punishment when they tell the truth and

more when they lie. A condition like this

could discourage kids from lying.

Be strict and consistent

Kids often try to see how far

they can go. They want to know

where the border is. It is your duty to

define the border. Make sure you issue out

punishments when the red line is crossed.

First, try to give a warning to the kids if

they lie. If they repeat it, you issue out a

punishment. The punishment must reflect

the degree of the lie. Be consistent with

your punishment.

Reward for honesty

Most children like to be

rewarded for their good

behaviour. So make it a point of duty

to clearly set a reward for honesty, and

punishment for the opposite.

Praise your child for being


This will definitely encourage

children to tell the truth. Do not just

do, but say it to the child’s hearing. For

example, “I am happy that you decided

to tell me the truth about what happened

today at school, rather than lying about

it.” Statements like this motive kids to say

the truth.

Consult professional advice

Sometimes, it is fruitful to seek

professional help to stop your

kids from lying. It is not something you

should be ashamed of as a parent. It

is, in fact, better to start early to find a

solution to the problem rather wait till

the problem is beyond remedy. Don’t

give your child the impression that they

are “abnormal” rather try to explain the

advantages of such professional help.

Good luck!


Never lie to someone who

trusts you.

The only people mad at you

for speaking the tuth are

those that are living a lie.

Fools lie, clever persons

stick to the truth.

Don’t lie to your mum, if

you do, don’t assume you

got away with it.

The naked truth is always

better than the bestdressed





With his characteristic

school uniform - like

short, big glasses,

‘elephant ears’

(apologies Agama) and

typical haircut, Nza

comes across at first, as

a quiet bookish little

boy, but beyond his pupil

- like looks, lies an

artful silent spoiler

cum “tormentor” who in

reality is not the best

friend of classroom. The

son of Baba Agama, who

has problems keeping

secrets, Nza admires his

father whom he sees as a

role model even though

Agama constantly has

problems fulfilling this

sacred duty.

28 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org

Destinations & Travel

Think of a country that offers different kinds of vacation

experiences. Welcome to Cape Verde or Cabo Verde, as it is

officially called in Portuguese..

The African

Heart-Stopping Paradise

On Earth By Ogo Ubabukoh

Forget for a moment, those big

names and countries in Africa,

if you are planning for a truly

rewarding vacation to Africa. Yes, not

that countries like South Africa, Egypt,

Morocco, Tanzania, Kenya, etc. do not

have much to offer; they sure do. But

why not try something more exciting,

exotic and unique? Think of a country

that offers different kinds of vacation

experiences. Welcome to Cape Verde or

Cabo Verde, as it is officially called in


Even though discovered by the

Portuguese in 1456, Cape Verde became

independent from the Portuguese only

in 1975. With seductive blue beaches,

breathtaking mountains, tranquil

seaside villages, coupled with incredibly

friendly and hospitable people, the

captivating island, which is made up of

an archipelago of 10 volcanic islands

chain, offers what a very few countries

possess. Situated in the central Atlantic

Ocean, Cape Verde, which is just

about 630 km to Dakar, Senegal, is an

epitome of contrast, as each island of the

country possesses distinctive charms

and uniqueness, making Cape Verde

and all its beautiful islands a must-visit


Although Cape Verde is made up of

10 islands, each with its idiosyncratic

characteristics, however, the three

biggest islands of the country are

Santiago, which covers an area of 991

km2. This is followed by Santo Antao

with 779 km2. Cape Verde’s third largest

island Boa Vista measures 620 km2

What makes Cape Verde a tourist

paradise? Many. Apart from having

warm temperatures throughout the year,

making it a perfect island to escape the

chilly winter weather, Cape Verde is a

melting point for cultural diversity. Of

course, which island you choose to visit

depends on where your interest lies.

Are you into hiking, wind/kite surfing

or the beach type? Are you one of those

mountain climbing enthusiasts? Cape

Verde is a perfect destination for you.


2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine


San Tiago

With the beautiful blend of African and

Portuguese cultures due to its historical past,

San Tiago island offers the kind of cultural

diversity rare in many countries. These

diversities are typically visible in architecture

such as the colonial buildings in Mindelo,

on Sao Vicente, and cuisine, a blend of

African food and seafoods. Furthermore, Sao

Vicente offers a perfect destination for music,

art and culture lovers. Are you looking for

the country’s great musicians, writers, art

collections or colonial architecture? Sao

Vicente is the right place for you.

For those who are beach addicts, Sal is a

perfect destination. Its magnificent golden

bright blue sandy

beaches earn Sal’s

beach the lover’s

paradise. That does

not mean that other

beaches on other islands of Cape Verde are

far from being stunning. Even though Boa

Vista offers 55 km long irresistible beaches,

it is equally paradise for those who seek total

relaxation and escape from the hassles and

stress that come with everyday life.

Boa Vista

Santo Antao

Like on the beaches of Sal, a name coined

from the salt lake in a volcanic crater, Boa

Vista is a perfect destination for (kite)

surfers due to the strong regular winds.

Apart from the fact that the water of the salt

lake is 26 times saltier than the sea, other

noticeable things about Sal is that it equally

offers 15 species of shark, five species of

turtle, amongst them the endangered

loggerhead turtles. You can also find the

same species of turtles on Santiago and Boa


Are you adventurous? Head to Fogo, where

the thrilling-sight of an active volcano is

worth the trip. The rich black soil from

the volcano provides natural manure for

agriculture. Hence Fogo island is well

known for its grapes and wine production.

Santo Antao offers the greenest nature

and panoramic views of the mountains on

Cape Verde. But one cannot talk about

nature without mentioning Santa Luzia,

the smallest island of Cape Verde, which

was nearly uninhabited for almost two


Visit this truly amazing part of Cape Verde

and have yourself a treat of nature.

30 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org


A trip to Brava, the island with the

least population, offers you flowers,

mountainous scenery and much more. The

island is another signatory proof of Cape

Verde’s beauty.

Even though Cape Verde is reminiscent

of beauty, it does not possess natural

resources. Mostly covered by mountains,

ocean, volcanoes and other natural beauty,

only just ten per cent of Cape Verde has

been suitable for agriculture. Hence,

tourism, which has contributed immensely

to the economy, is predominantly the

country’s source of income.



Name: Cape Verde

Continent: Africa

Capital: Praia

Currency: Cape Verdean

escudo. Both Euro and

dollars are widely used.

Note: It’s illegal to take the

local currency out of the


Population: 560,349,

(2019 estimate)

Official language:

Portuguese. However,

Creole is widely spoken

due to the historical past.

The booming in tourism has

equally necessitated the

use of English too.

When is the best time to visit Cape

Verde? It all depends on your area

of interest; however, a visit between

November and June provides you with

a great opportunity to enjoy the most of

the white-sand beaches the islands can

offer. Other advantages of choosing this

period of the year are friendly climate

which is generally around mid-to-high

twenties, as well as minimal rainfall.

Yes, every tourist wants to feel safe

where ever they visit. Cape Verde is

hardly an exception. Generally, the

country is very safe, although minor

petty crimes are not exempted – just

like you have in any other countries

or cities. That said, some degree of

precautions is always recommended.

Avoid dark places or walking alone

at night, as this might attract some

unnecessary attention.

All in all, Cape Verde is truly a virgin,

the unspoiled island of Africa for those

who look further. With its abundant

nature, stunning mountains, seductive

beaches, arts, architectural masterpiece,

coupled with unbelievably friendly

inhabitants, your trip to Cape Verde is

worth every single effort made and cent



2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine



Ingredients per portion

2 smoked mackerel, 400g tomatoes, 1 teaspoon dry

thyme, 1 tablespoon parsley, 2 tablespoons sugar,

1 tablespoon margarine or butter, 1 piece of garlic,

2 riped mangoes, 2 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 fishbouillon,

a hand-full fresh parsley leaves, 1/2 teaspoon chili

pepper, 200g onions, 4 tablespoon white wine , oil, salt.

Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

Cooking Time: 30 Minutes

Preparation Method

Wash and peel mango, garlic and onions.

Wash tomatoes and parsley leaves. Cut mango,

onions, parsley and tomatoes. Crush the garlic.

Cut the fish open with knife. Sprinkle the fish

with lemon juice, wheat flour (1 TSP per fish),

and a little chili pepper, garlic, thyme and

parsley. Fill the fish with onions, thyme, parsley

and close the opening with hooks or tie it with

a strip. Marinate for 10 minutes.

Fry the fish in deep Fryer (or frying pan with

oil) at 160 degrees for about 5-10 minutes. Add

butter in a pan and warm it up. Add tomatoes,

onions, thyme, chili and garlic, and fry for 3

minutes. Add 1 tsp salt, fish bouillon, sugar

and allow to cook for 2 minutes.

Add the baked fish in this pan, sprinkle wine

on the sauce/fish. Turn the temperature lower.

Cover the pan and cook for 10 minutes.

Add mango and cook for 4 minutes. Garnish

with parsley leaves and cook for 1 minute.

Serve with rice (or Yam.

32 Kata kata cartoon magazine Issue 22 2019 www.katakata.org


Ask Aunt Silvia

Hi Aunt Silvia,

I am a regular reader of your

articles. I am a 35-year old

man, married with three

children. My wife and I love

each other. Previously, my

wife was not working because

she was busy raising up our

kids; however, with our kids

now in school, both my wife

and I work daily. My wife and

I love each other. Recently,

some of my male family

members and friends have

been critical about me because

I sometimes help my wife at

home with domestic work,

including cooking. At times,

I feel ashamed when they

make jokes of my action; but

on the other hand, I feel my

wife needs some help at home.

My wife really appreciates my

help, which has made things

easier on the family. What

shall I do – to stop the help at

home or ignore the mockery

from family and friends and

continue what I am doing?



Bushenyi, Uganda

Dear Sam,

Thanks for your letter. It is

good that you acknowledged

that your wife needs some help

at home after work. Secondly,

you mentioned that your wife

took care of your kids when

they were young. I assume she

equally cooked for the family

as well during the said time

she took care of your kids.

Am I a gender role deviant?.

That was a huge demanding


The one thing you have to

know is that, as a couple,

you must operate as a team

if you want to achieve any

meaningful success in your

relationship. Doing so

means sharing duties and

responsibilities. Unfortunately,

our economists defined

labour as any activities you

engaged in which you are paid

a wage / for. That definition

automatically excludes

domestic work, performed

mainly by women as labour

– even though housework is

more tedious and strenuous

than an office job. That

is a legal and systematic

dichotomy of women.

Hence, women activities,

If helping each

other to solve

problems and

tasks at home

will make you

and your wife

live happily as

a couple, do


including labour, are often less

appreciated. Housewives spend

much more hours at home

doing domestic works than

an average worker spends in

the office. Yet housewives are

neither paid nor appreciated for

their demanding work at home.

That brings us back to your

comment that you feel that your

wife needs some help at home.

Relationship Quotes

“Gender bias does

worldwide damage.

It’s a cause of low

productivity on

farms. It’s a source

of poverty and

disease. It’s at the

core of social customs

that keep women


― Melinda Gates,

The Moment of Lift:

How Empowering

Women Changes the


“Equality is not just

the right thing to do.

It’s smart economics.

How can an economy

achieve full potential

if it ignores, sidelines,

or fails to invest in

half its population?”

― Robert Zoellick9

Yes, she does. Let us be fair

enough; both your wife and

you work, yet some people

expect her to still go back to

the kitchen and take care of

the food after her work. Isn’t

that irrational? I applaud you

for thinking otherwise. How I

wish other men would follow

your example! I challenge

those who mock you for, in

fact, being a real man, to look

into their own families and

say who is happier in their

relationship – them or you?

Happily, your help at home is

rewarded with appreciations

and happiness from your wife.

Endeavour to follow your

instinct and do what you think

is fair, good and reasonable.

More than ever, you have your

children at home whom you

“We’ve begun to raise

daughters more like

sons... but few have

the courage to raise

our sons more like

our daughters.”

― Gloria Steinem

are, by your actions, teaching

what is right and good for

their future. You are indeed,

planting a good seed. You

share your life and future with

your wife and children, in

good and bad times. If helping

each other to solve problems

and tasks at home will make

you and your wife live happily

as a couple, do it. Those who

mock you for doing so and

being happy with your wife,

need to, perhaps, question

their honesty, fairness, realism,

rather than being controlled

and blinded by gender


I wish you good luck and

happiness in your marriage.


Aunt Silvia

“Repression is a

seamless garment;

a society which is

authoritarian in its

social and sexual

codes, which crushes

its women beneath

the intolerable

burdens of honour

and propriety, breeds

repressions of other

kinds as well.”

― Salman Rushdie,



2019 Issue 22 Kata kata cartoon magazine





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