Parental Bulletin - 17th July 2020

<strong>Parental</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong><br />

<strong>17th</strong> <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

The Knights Templar School<br />

Headteacher:<br />

Mr T. Litchfield, G.G.S.M.<br />

Park Street<br />

Baldock<br />

Herts SG7 6DZ<br />

Email: Tel: 01462 620700<br />

Dear parents and carers<br />

PARENTAL WEEKLY UPDATE – <strong>17th</strong> <strong>July</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

(available on our website)<br />

As we close the school for the summer I would like to thank you all for your support this year and in particular since<br />

March 20 th . These have been quite extra-ordinary times and your support has been greatly appreciated.<br />

Mrs Levesley sent an email to you yesterday suggesting a whole range of activities that your child can do over the<br />

summer break. I would like to suggest that 2/3 of these are completed every week (more if you wish or course) and<br />

where possible, photos are sent to their form tutor. I would like to thank Mrs Levesley for pulling these ideas together.<br />

In the last week of term we would normally have run our annual enrichment week and so I hope these<br />

enrichment activities go some way to enrich our young people.<br />

Today your child will have received a message from their form tutor with a link to the school ‘Final Assembly’. In the<br />

assembly, we celebrate some of the achievements of our students both before and during lockdown. Do sit down<br />

with your child and watch it please.<br />

Over the last two days, I have shared with you my plans for how our school will open to all students, full-time<br />

from September. I am delighted that we will have all students back but we know there will be many challenges<br />

ahead. I have mentioned that each year group will be in their own bubble and that we will not be mixing the<br />

students together. Please click here to see the rooms that you child will be taught in (some KS4 and 5 classes<br />

will also be in specialist rooms) and to also see which entrances and exits your child will need to use.<br />

We will of course be working to complete the ‘back to school’ programme over the summer and any updates will<br />

be shared on the home page of the school website. Please click on the ‘returning to school in September’ section of<br />

the home page.<br />

Sets and classes for September<br />

We will confirm sets and classes for students in September when the students receive their timetables. Where<br />

current Year 8 students made choices regarding the Arts subjects that they will study next year, we have managed<br />

to fulfil all requests and other subjects (modern foreign languages and computing groups) will be confirmed in<br />

September.<br />

Staff leavers<br />

It is at this time of the year when we<br />

always say goodbye to some of our<br />

colleagues and this year is no exception.<br />

I would like to thank the following<br />

colleagues for their service to the<br />

students and community of The Knights<br />

Templar School. We wish them well as<br />

they go onto the next stage of their<br />

lives:<br />

Staff leaver<br />

Years of service<br />

Mrs A Brown (Maths) 12<br />

Mrs S Levesley (Assistant Headteacher/English) 8.5<br />

Mrs M Nott (Cover supervisor) 6.5<br />

Ms A Bailey 4.5<br />

Mrs S Bailey (Science) 2.5<br />

Mr M Ngwenya (Philosophy) 2<br />

Mr Peter Thornley (History) 1

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and safe summer. Thank you again for your continued<br />

support of the school and I look forward to seeing and meeting you again in the next academic year.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Tim Litchfield<br />

Headteacher<br />

Over Sixty Super Summer Activities!<br />

As we break for our long summer holidays we are aware that we were unable to hold our usual week of enrichment<br />

activities as usual. We hope you all of you have a good break this summer and that you switch off fully from<br />

school work but whether you are at home or away, these holidays might seem quite long so we have put together<br />

this list of over sixty enrichment activities to give you somewhere to look when you are fresh out of ideas!<br />

Click here to access the full list. Choose and complete as many activities as you like from any section you<br />

like. Send photos of your challenges to your tutors and year leaders to brighten up their holidays too.<br />

Whilst it is not how I imagined it this will actually be my last enrichment week at The Knights Templar School as I<br />

am moving on to a new challenge in September. I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and<br />

students past and present for their fantastic support whilst I have been in post over the last 8 years. Have a great<br />

summer holiday Knights Templar School.<br />

Sara Levesley<br />

Sport and PE celebration awards <strong>2020</strong><br />

As a department we have been unable to host the awards evening as we usually would but we are happy to still<br />

be able to recognise the achievements of some of our students. Unfortunately the sporting year was cut short<br />

and therefore we have fewer awards than in previous years, however we were still able to successfully complete<br />

some of the sporting seasons. Thank you to all the students who nominated via a google form, as a department<br />

we selected our winners from these nominations. Congratulations to the following winners, they have been<br />

awarded a certificate virtually. We look forward to a good year of Sport and PE from September.<br />

Have a good summer,<br />

Mrs Gamester<br />

Year 7 Football<br />

George Kingham<br />

Year 8 Football<br />

Nathan Lloyd<br />

Year 7 Rugby<br />

Year 8 Rugby<br />

James Crone<br />

Nathan Lloyd<br />

Year 7 Netball<br />

Year 8 Netball<br />

Lily Fastier Brooke Woodbridge<br />

Year 7 Hockey<br />

Year 8 Hockey<br />

Hannah Brewer<br />

Zoe Jardin<br />

Year 7 Basketball<br />

Lila Birtwisle<br />

Year 7 Girls Football Year 8 Girls Football<br />

Cerys Davies<br />

Esme Wastell<br />

Sports Personality of the Year <strong>2020</strong><br />

Zara Northern<br />

Year 9 Football<br />

Charlie Petre<br />

Year 9 Rugby<br />

Louis Burns<br />

Year 9 Netball<br />

Poppie Martin<br />

Year 9 Hockey<br />

Poppie Martin<br />

Year 9 Girls Football<br />

Olivia Sumner<br />

Year 10 Football<br />

Senior Football<br />

Archie Groves<br />

Gabriel Ryan<br />

Senior Rugby<br />

William Goldsmith<br />

Year 10 Netball<br />

Senior Netball<br />

Shakirah Rashid<br />

Millie Haywood<br />

Senior Hockey<br />

Zara Northern<br />

Senior Basketball<br />

Riley Sayer<br />

Sports Personality of the Year <strong>2020</strong><br />

Riley Sayer

Le petit déjeuner<br />

Year 7 French students have been learning about breakfast in France and some have responded with lovely photographs<br />

of their own French breakfasts, which they’ve had at home.<br />

Message from Baldock Beats Waste<br />

This summer holidays we are looking for as many people as possible to take part in our Create to Beat<br />

Waste competition. We are looking for entries where you have used your creativity to raise awareness of the<br />

impact of waste on our environment and our society. This could take the form of a story or poem,<br />

a picture, sculpture or other art form. For example you can make use of waste items or fabrics, inspire people to<br />

reduce waste or show what happens when waste gets where it shouldn’t.<br />

There will be two prizes of £20 each for two quite wide age categories of 11 and under and 12 and over. To enter<br />

please email a picture or document of your entry to by the 6th September with<br />

your name, age and contact email or address. A shortlist will be drawn up and entrants notified so we can gather<br />

in the entries where possible. We will display all the best on our Facebook page and at the Baldock Arts and<br />

Heritage Centre (Old Town Hall) when COVID permits.<br />

We’re really looking forward to seeing all your creative efforts.<br />

Christine and the team

A note to our Sixth Form students…<br />

It has been an incredibly challenging academic year for all involved and no one has experienced these challenges<br />

more so than our A Level students.<br />

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 12 students on the resilience and determination<br />

they have shown throughout these challenging times. Whether you are a student who has thrived in the working<br />

from home setting or have struggled and needed to reach out to staff for support, you should be commended on<br />

the resolve you have shown at a time when there are so many excuses available to justify ‘giving up.’<br />

For those students who have really struggled to work under the current conditions, we commend you on the<br />

maturity you have shown to be self-reflective, pragmatic and to make difficult, (sometimes brave) decisions,<br />

regarding your future.<br />

Our Sixth Form community is just that, a community. If there is one positive thing to take from what has been an<br />

awful period of time for many in our school, it is that our staff and students have embodied the school motto of<br />

Courage and Courtesy in their supportive communication with each other and their actions, moving towards a new,<br />

more positive academic year.<br />

We are more excited than ever to get back into school and support the students in a way that we are more<br />

accustomed to and we encourage the students to get plenty of rest over the summer holidays and position themselves<br />

well for a return to school in September.<br />

Take care and stay safe.<br />

The Sixth Form Team.<br />

The Project <strong>2020</strong><br />

We would like to congratulate Jess Plant, Molly Luckett and Maddy Redfearn for the wonderful work they have<br />

put in, alongside the Drama department, to produce a piece of verbatim theatre entitled The Project <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

The company began work on the project just before the lockdown restrictions were introduced and it would<br />

have been easy for everyone involved to not prioritise its completion and focus on the many other challenges in<br />

their day-to-day lives. Instead, our 3 superb Year 12 students led the company of younger students to create a<br />

brilliant piece of theatre, via Microsoft Teams.<br />

Initially, the project was due to focus on the portrayal of young people in the media and use the platform as a<br />

chance to challenge some of the misconceptions and bias. However, when the pandemic reached a point that<br />

lockdown measures forced school closures, the students changed their focus. Instead, the students used research<br />

and comments from others to provide an insight into the lockdown experience for a range of different<br />

people in our society. Having watched the final cut, their idea has been executed with a great deal of skill and<br />

insight, providing an intriguing analysis of these challenging times.

The initiative, enthusiasm and dedication that the students have shown really is something to be admired and<br />

we hope that the students involved feel as proud of their accomplishment as we do.<br />

A message to prospective Year 12 students<br />

While it will have been a very long break for Year 11 students we hope that you have been keeping busy with<br />

the work that has been set over the past few months, building towards the subject specific taster lessons that<br />

were recently released. This work is crucial in allowing students the chance to make final decisions about their<br />

subject choices and to look at the bridging work required to make a smooth transition into the Sixth Form in<br />

September.<br />

Details of form groups and interview times have been sent to students and we encourage students and parents<br />

to check their emails to ensure they are fully aware of the transition process to Year 12.<br />

If you have any queries or concerns, please email Mr Raymen via<br />

Thank you for your patience during these times.

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