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How Do You Survive on an Iceberg?: And Other Puzzles with



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How Do You Survive on an Iceberg?: And Other Puzzles with



Hardcover: 144 pages Publisher: Carlton Publishing Group (November 1, 2015) Language: English ISBN-

10: 1780976704 ISBN-13: 978-1780976709 Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.6 x 7.8 inches Shipping Weight:

10.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) Customer Reviews:

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Book Description

With 100 interesting questions and corresponding science facts, be prepared to have fun while

learning Why do boomerangs come back? Can you burst a beer barrel with water? Could you

survive on a diet of celery and ice cubes? This book is filled with fascinating scientific and

mathematical puzzles, all based on real-world principles. Learn why birds fly in formation, how

to steer a rudderless boat, and why the water levels of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans are not

always the same. Pen portraits of influential mathematicians and philosophers are included, so

you can discover more about how the greatest thinkers of all time have influenced us and our


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