Edloe Finch Brands // Pitch Deck


Our Team

Darryl SharptonCo-Founder & CEODarryl is the co-founder andCEO of Edloe Finch Brands,a digitally-native portfolio ofbrands that offers high-quality,designer furniture at a fair price.Darryl leads productdevelopment and marketingstrategy. His award-winningdesigns have redefined the waythat people buy furniture fortheir home.Darryl holds a Bachelors Degreein Finance from the Universityof Miami. In 2008, he beganselling furniture online fromhis college apartment whilepursuing his degree.Jessica SharptonCo-Founder & COOJessica was tired of furniturecompanies that were overpromisingand under-delivering.With a passion for solvingproblems and perfectingdesign, she leads the operationsand logistics -- ensuring everycustomer receives a productthat they love.Jessica has a degree inEconomics from Rice universityand is a former oil and gasconsultant. Jessica worked atPWC and Halliburton, beforestarting a home buildingbusiness and later teaming upwith Darryl to launch EdloeFinch in 2017.

Our Team

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