Lear∋ng the y ve.


The new

world of




Innovative, intuitive and surprisingly diverse.

S 02 S 03


the way

we live.

Dear coll euс ,

We experience every day how the need for fl exible, mobile, customized, and individual support

and learning opportunities for employees increases. The number of mandatory training courses

increases year after year, processes, and operating software change faster than expected and,

due to Covid-19, group events and face-to-face training are no longer a practical solution. In close

exchange with our customers and partners, we have put together a course portfolio of interactive

online trainings that will help you and your employees to master the professional challenges.

Simply choose the right course for your employees from our courses whether for ten or for 2000 ‒

we deliver the technical infrastructure at the same time!

Our key account managers will be happy to advise you and fi nd the perfect model for you.

Have fun,

sincerely yours

Dr. Michaela Meier

CEO Trenkwalder Learning GmbH


S 04 Three neccessary questions

Das spricht für uns S 05


can I easily implement information events

and training courses online despite

the Corona protection regulations?


S 06 Three neccessary questions

S 07


do I get online courses that help my

employees to be successful in the new

working formats like mobile working and

remote working as well as in cooperative

team structures?



S 08 Three neccessary questions

S 09


digitize our trainings and compulsory

courses quickly and inexpensively so that

we can launch them online immediately?

We have the

solution for all

those three




S 10 The solution

That speaks for us S 11



Online training without any additional

technical integration.

Create your own Mobile Academy easily in three steps.

You can choose exactly the right courses with us.

Thanks to our fl exible license models, we will quickly find the

optimal solution for you and your employees.


We digitize your content quickly and inexpensively.

Taking into account the latest findings in brain research and enriched

with tools that support at all times, such as reading functions,

help centres and, of course, certifi cates.

S 12 The solution

That speaks for us S 13

Learning in the flow of work.




+ 600 interactive







All Devices

(incl Apps)


Mobile Academy

as a Service


Brain Science

meets powerful





and App +

23 languages


S 14

Product innovation

S 15

Where brain

science meets

Our brain loves to learn.

And we love to create environments in which your employees learn motivated and successfully

and thus master the daily challenges of everyday work perfectly.




Based on the latest findings in neuroscience, the video limbic learning method enables a multidimensional,

unique learning experience. It systematically activates and focuses precisely on

the areas of the brain that are necessary to guarantee quick and sustainable training success.

S 16

Tecnology & brain science innovation

S 17


you love

building skills

you need.

Train efficiently with 800+

interactive video courses.

Choose exactly the courses that your employees need, and demand focused and

efficient learning. We offer you a wide range of certified, motivating training courses

through our multilingual learning platform and apps.

› Interactive video language courses with integrated learning tools and certificates:

according to CERF, A1 - C2

› Professional training for the branches: technology, health, logistics, automotive,

hotel & gastronomy

› Skills training and mandatory training, such as Data protection and occupational safety

Or let us digitize your content and training:

We prepare texts so that each participant can understand them ‒ with text formats,

explanatory videos, animations, audios, interactive exercises, tests etc.

S 18



Mobile Academy

Service innovation S 19

The Mobile


for your


three steps to your own

Select courses and / or choose your own content

Step 1

and let it digitized.

Step 2


Step 3

Start your own channel within three days without any

technical implementation, branded with your own company logo.

Enjoy success. Your employees can train in a completely new

dimension. From onboarding webinars to video help centres and

support: our team supports all learners at all times.

No hassle for you.

[ learning


S 20 [ learning



S 21




sation &



› Agile Leadership

› Organising Agile Teams

› Agile Working

› Managing Change Successfully

› Strengthening Changeability

› Digital Leadership

› Digital Mindset

› Digital Networking

› Organising Meetings

› New Work


› The Manager as a Coach

› Permitting a Culture of Mistakes

› Management by Objectives

› Leading Simple

› Managing Stakeholders

› Thinking strategically

› Building Teams

› Fostering Teamwork

› From Employee to Manager

› Benefi tting from Diversity

› Delegating Effectively

› Leading Effectively

S 22 S 23


1:45 h

Agile Leadership

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Agility requires courage,

openness and real teamwork across hierarchies.

Catalogue Number: 2201

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


1:45 h

Organising Agile Teams

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | You might think „agile“

is a new invention, but this is far from the truth.

Agile thinking is old!

Catalogue Number: 2195

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


1:45 h

Strengthening Changeability

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Changeability is an important

competitive advantage for companies, managers and


Catalogue Number: 2205

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


1:50 h

Digital Leadership

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | The course illustrates the

meaning of digital leadership in the context of modern

management research.

Catalogue Number: 2192

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Digitalisation & Management

2 h

2 h

2 h

1:45 h

Agile Working

Managing Change Successfully

Digital Mindset

Digital Networking

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | You might think „agile“

is a new invention, but this is far from the truth.

Agile thinking is old!

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Recognise the success

factors that correspond to respective change phases and

implement them.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Digitalisation is on everyone‘s

lips, everyone knows that digital skills are becoming more


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Connectivity – being networked

with others – has become ever more important here

in the digital realm.





Catalogue Number: 2189

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2187

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2190

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2196

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 24 S 25


1:45 h

Organising Meetings

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | This course gives you a few

basic rules and helpful tips on how to organise your


Catalogue Number: 2202

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


1:45 h

New Work

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Come along on a journey to

the working environment of tomorrow. Learn how work 4.0

could look like!

Catalogue Number: 2208

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

2 h

Management by Objectives

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Management by objectives

changes the role of the manager.


Catalogue Number: 2211

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


1:30 h

Leading Simple –

How Do I Manage Myself?

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Boris Grundl, successful

coach and leadership expert, shares important principles

of self-management.

Catalogue Number: 2193

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Digitalisation & Management

1:45 h

1:45 h

1:45 h

1:45 h

The Manager as a Coach

Permitting a Culture of Mistakes

Managing Stakeholders

Thinking strategically

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | In times of agile teams and fl at

hierarchies, the role of managers is changing immensely.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Mistakes are part of the game.

If you never make any mistakes, you keep doing what you

have always done and cannot make any progress.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Stakeholders are institutions

or people who have expectations of a company, department

or project.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Thinking strategically is more

important today, because our environment is defi nded by

constant change.





Catalogue Number: 2255

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2210

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2212

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2230

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 26 S 27

2 h

Building Teams

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Having a deeper knowledge

of people is important and helpful in strengthening individuals‘



Catalogue Number: 2218

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


1:30 h

Fostering Teamwork

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Find out what the necessary

components are to turn a group of people into a real team.

Catalogue Number: 2231

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


1:45 h

Delegating Effectively

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | For you as a manager,

effective delegation is THE means of attaining your goals.

Catalogue Number: 2033

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


1:30 h

Leading Effectively

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Explore the effects of values

and convictions on your leadership behaviour.

Catalogue Number: 2234

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Digitalisation & Management

2 h

2 h

From Employee to Manager

Benefitting from Diversity

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Many companies view their

employees as potential future managers.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | If openness and diversity

are defi ned as fi xed values, it makes the workplace more




Catalogue Number: 2242

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2232

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

[ learning


S 28 [ learning

] Content

S 29


Personal Development

Soft learning



› Writing E-mails

› Successful Presentations

› Giving Feedback

› Communicating successfully

› Intercultural Competence

› Avoiding Communication Pitfalls

› Competent Moderation

› Managing Confl icts

› Understanding Body Language

› The Power of the Voice

› Quick-witted Reactions

› Negotiating with Confi dence

› Mastering Telephone Calls

› Using Social Media

› Storytelling

› Making Strong Arguments

Creativity & Effectiveness

› What Effect Do I Have on Others?

› Implementing 5S

› Agile Methods – Kanban & Co.

› Design Thinking

› Increasing Effectiveness

› Healthy Workplace

› Creativity Techniques

› Creative Problem-solving

› Managing Projects

› Developing Process Understanding

› Lateral Thinking

› Faster with Scrum

› Visual Thinking

› Organising Knowledge Transfer

› Using Time Effectively

› Staying Authentic

› Recognising and Preventing Burnout

› Business Etiquette

› Controlling the Inner-Game

› Winning the Outer-Game

› Learning Discipline

› Self-directed Learning

› Strengthening Self-responsibility

› Improvisational Skills

› Staying Calm under Stress

› Living Innovation

› Dealing with emotions

› Projecting Self-confi dence

› Cultivating Talent

› Showing Appreciation

S 30 S 31

1:45 h

Writing E-mails

1:45 h

Successful Presentations

1:45 h

Intercultural Competence

1:45 h

Avoiding Communication Pitfalls

Soft Skills

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | E-mails do more than just

convey information, therefore they should be structured

and understandable.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | What is essential to ensure

that you can make a great presentation?

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | For economic success,

intercultural competence is just as important as industry


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Using the right amount of

judgement and empathy, you can avoid a range

of communication pitfalls.





Catalogue Number: 2214

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2244

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2246

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2207

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

2:00 h

1:30 h

2:00 h

2:00 h

Giving Feedback

Communicating successfully

Competent Moderation

Managing Conflicts

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Feedback is a valuable

resource. How you constructively handle it is the focus

of this course.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | You will learn conversation

techniques so that you will be able to communicate in

a goal-oriented manner.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Good moderators recognise

dynamics, pick up on ideas and steer the audience toward

a specifi c goal.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | I There are various options

for confl ict resolution that can act as a guide in specifi c






Catalogue Number: 2200

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2245

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2229

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2217

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 32 S 33

1:45 h

Understanding Body Language

1:35 h

The Power of the Voice

1:45 h

Mastering Telephone Calls

1:45 h

Using Social Media

Soft Skills

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | The body never stops sending

signals, which we perceive intuitively. How do we interpret


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | You can use your voice

deliberately as a tool for success.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | You will learn how you can

organise yourself and how to score points with the right


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Social media are like the

superstars of our online world. Practically everyone is on

a platform.





Catalogue Number: 2209

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2247

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2222

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2191

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

1:45 h

1:30 h

1:30 h

1:45 h

Quick-witted Reactions

Negotiating with Confidence


Making Strong Arguments

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Be prepared for verbal

attacks and defend yourself using appropriate, disarming


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | In negotiations you must show

willingness to compromise. Be able to respond fl exibly

to your partner.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Nowadays,companies use

the principle ofstorytelling to ensure more effective


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | There are various success

factors that impact the ability of your argumentation

to persuade.





Catalogue Number: 2248

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2203

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2184

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2226

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 34 S 35

1:45 h

What Effect Do I Have on Others?

1:30 h

Implementing 5S

1:45 h

Increasing Effectiveness

1:45 h

Healthy Workplace

Soft Skills

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | You cannot not have an effect.

But you can infl uence what kind of effect you have!

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | An untidy workspace can

waste a lot of time. The 5S method can be an effective


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | What does „Effectiveness“

really mean, and how can you become even

more effective?

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | In this course, you will receive

valuable incentive, ideas, concrete strategies and all sorts

of tips and tricks.





Catalogue Number: 2206

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2249

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2225

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2250

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

1:45 h

1:45 h

1:45 h

1:45 h

Agile Methods – Kanban & Co.

Design Thinking

Creativity Techniques

Creative Problem-solving

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Everyone talks about

KANBAN. It designates an agile method which concretely

visualises processes.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Design thinking is a creativity

technique which is successful in generating innovations


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Learn how you can

consciously and skilfully apply various

creativity techniques.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Problems have to be solved

creatively. In this course you’ll fi nd out what really matters.





Catalogue Number: 2199

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2213

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2198

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2188

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 36 S 37

2:00 h

Managing Projects

1:45 h

Developing Process Understanding

1:45 h

Visual Thinking

2:00 h

Organising Knowledge Transfer

Soft Skills

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Learn the basic necessities

of successfulproject work and how you bring your project

to a conclusion.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | A comprehensive understanding

guarantees that processes are handled uniformly

within a company.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Visual thinking offers a

variety of visual work methods that can be used

to structure thoughts, ideas or issues.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | What methods are there for

structuring and conveying knowledge?





Catalogue Number: 2220

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2251

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2254

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2253

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

1:30 h

1:45 h

1:45 h

1:30 h

Lateral Thinking

Faster with Scrum

Using Time Effectively

Staying Authentic

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | All companies are calling for

them, yet they are a rare breed: lateral thinkers.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | In the world of work, SCRUM

describes an agile method for project management.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Identify your personal time-wasters

and put your to-do list in a useful order!

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Coming across as authentic

and stayingthat way in tough situations requires practice.





Catalogue Number: 2252

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2215

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2221

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2219

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 38 S 39

1:45 h

Recognising and Preventing Burnout

1:45 h

Business Etiquette

1:45 h

Learning Discipline

1:45 h

Self-directed Learning

Soft Skills

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | You can only take preemptive

action against burnout if you are familiar with its risk


Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Knowing professional rules for

behaviour and the perfect way to act is indespensable.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Self-discipline helps us to

achieve our goals, in both the private and professional


Provided by ELUCYDATE | Learning is crucial in the

workplace and is fundamentally changing inthe age

of digitalisation.





Catalogue Number: 2224

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2238

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2197

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2185

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

1:45 h

1:45 h

1:45 h

1:45 h

Controlling the Inner-Game

Winning the Outer-Game

Strengthening Self-responsibility

Improvisational Skills

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | In emotionally stressful

situations, the goal is to keep a clear head and avoid

getting worked up.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Good Outer-Game management

helps you conquer challenges in conversations,

negotiations or meetings.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Scrutinising your attitude is

a prerequisite for active self-responsibility in your

professional life.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Improvisation has a bad

reputation – a state of affairs that is not justifi ed. The fact

of the matter is that we can‘t prepare for everything.





Catalogue Number: 2228

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2227

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2194

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2239

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 40 S 41

1:45 h

Staying Calm under Stress

1:45 h

Living Innovation

1:45 h

Cultivating Talent

1:30 h

Showing Appreciation

Soft Skills

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Together, let‘s explore how to

deal with stress in a more relaxed way.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | It is important to avoid simply

passively accepting innovation and instead to shape and

practise this innovation actively.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Ask yourself: „What am I really

good at?“ „Where do my strengths lie?“ Bring your talents

to life!

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | What effects does this social

behaviour have on our everyday lives?





Catalogue Number: 2223

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2216

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2204

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2243

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

1:45 h

1:45 h

Dealing with emotions

Projecting Self-confidence

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Learn helpful hands-on

strategies to regulate your emotional world.

Provided by: ELUCYDATE | Some people come across as

self-confi dent and competent. Learn how with this course!



Catalogue Number: 2240

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2241

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

[ learning


S 42 [ learning



S 43



› Dynamic Leadership

› Prescriptive Selling

› Impactful Communication

› Personal Productivity

› Security Awareness

› Fundamentals of Banking

› Active Shooter Response for Financial Institutions

› Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

› Benefi cial Ownership Rules

› Ethics for Bankers

& Finance.


S 44 S 45

Dynamic Leadership l Learning units

Coaching to Peak Performance

1:38 h 1:09 h

Communicating Why

Dynamic Leadership


Provided by: OnCourse | Dynamic Leadership is about

working to build a performance culture.

Accountability Meetings

Creating Buy In

Developing Trust

Effective Meetings

Employee Development Planning

Impactful Communication

Series Introduction

Provided by: OnCourse | When utilized properly, Impactful

Communication improves culture, relationships and work


Impactful Communication l Learning units

Assertive Behavior

Communication Rules

Effective Listening

Graduated Learning

Healthy Confl ict

Intro to Public Speaking

Banking & Finance

Learning path

Key Leadership Qualities

Learning path

Keys to Successful Emails

Key Training Principles

Series Summary

Catalogue Number: 1820

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Series Summary

Catalogue Number: 1841

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Setting Proper Expectation

Prescriptive Selling l Learning units

Personal Productivity l Learning units

Building Urgency

Block Scheduling

1:28 h

Prescriptive Selling


Provided by: OnCourse | Prescriptive Selling is all about

setting yourself up for success during your sales process.

Goal & Metric Planning

Matching Benefits

Next Step Selling

Objection Handling

Probing for Needs

Series Summary

1 h

Personal Productivity


Provided by: OnCourse | Personal Productivity is based

around being able to focus on more of the right things

with less time.

Email Management

Energy Management

Goal & Task Prioritization

How to Delegate

Leveraging Time

Managing your Schedule

Learning path

Situational Selling

Learning path

Planning your Schedule

Trial Closing

Series Summary

Catalogue Number: 1808

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


Catalogue Number: 1831

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Slush Time Management

S 46 S 47

1 h

Security Awareness

Provided by: OnCourse | In this course your will learn

how important Security Awareness is.

1 h

Fundamentals of Banking

Provided by: OnCourse | This course identifi es the

different types of fi nancial institutions that make up the

banking system.

0:25 h 1 h

Beneficial Ownership Rules

Provided by: OnCourse | Financial institutions are

required to identify and verify the identity of the benefi cial


Ethics for Bankers

Provided by: OnCourse | This course focuses on the

ethical standards that should guide employees at fi nancial


Banking & Finance





Catalogue Number: 1520

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1514

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1517

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1515

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

1 h 1 h

Active Shooter Response

for Financial Institutions

Provided by: OnCourse | This course will examine the

unique dynamics of active shooter occurring in fi nancial



Anti-Money Laundering (AML)

Provided by: OnCourse | This course explains the money

laundering process and educates you about ways to

prevent it.


Catalogue Number: 1519

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1518

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

[ learning


S 48 [ learning



S 49



& Quality



Safety At Work:

› Alcohol, drugs, medication

› Work in the office and at the computer

› Orientation for third-party employees

› Initial guidance and instruction

› Hygiene in the workplace – part 1: Basics

› Ladders and steps – part 1: Basics

› Safety on the road

› Tripping, slipping, falling

› Conduct in emergencies

Fire Hazards:

› Fire Hazards – part 1: Basics

› Fire hazards – part 2: Workshop and production

› Extinguishing fi res


› General Equal Treatment Act

› Code of Conduct

› Export Control and Embargoes

› Antitrust Law

› Corruption Prevention

Data Protection:

› Fundamentals of Data Protection

Electrical Safety:

› Electrical Safety Training

Quality Management:

› Quality management to ISO 9001:2015

› 5S-Methode für Mitarbeiter

› Risiken und Chancen nach ISO 9001

› Der Auditor kommt

› Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess – Produktion

› Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess – Administration


› Basic obligations of the employer and executives

S 50 S 51

0:30 - 0:40 h

Alcohol, drugs, medication

Provided by: WEKA | Employees suffering from an

addiction not only have personal problems but also

present dire consequences for their company.


Catalogue Number: 2096

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

0:30 - 0:40 h

Work in the office and at the computer

Provided by: WEKA | Organize your workplace

ergonimically to prevent health issues.


Catalogue Number: 2098

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

0:30 - 0:40 h

Hygiene in the workplace – part 1:


Provided by: WEKA | Hygiene measures at the workplace

are important for everybody. This course provides many

practical tips concerning hygiene.


Catalogue Number: 2120

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


0:30 - 0:40 h

Ladders and steps –

part 1: Basics

Provided by: WEKA | With this course you learn the correct

conduct and safeguards regarding the use of ladders.

Catalogue Number: 2109

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Savety & Quality Management

0:30 - 0:40 h

0:30 - 0:40 h

0:30 - 0:40 h

0:30 - 0:40 h

Orientation for third-party employees

Initial guidance and instruction

Safety on the road

Tripping, slipping, falling

Provided by: WEKA | With this course you can provide

third-party employees with information about your company

and warn them about potential dangers.

Provided by: WEKA | This course provides information

about potential dangers at the workplace and encourages

health-conscious behavior.

Provided by: WEKA | The objective of this course is to

raise awareness for accident hazards to protect yourself

and others.

Provided by: WEKA | The objective of this course is to

raise awareness for tripping hazards, slippery accidents

and the dangers of falling.





Catalogue Number: 2104

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2100

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2112

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2116

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 52 S 53

0:30 - 0:40 h

Conduct in emergencies

Provided by: WEKA | In this course you learn how to correctly

handle emergency situations with persons involved.


Catalogue Number: 2118

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

0:30 - 0:40 h

Fire Hazards – part 1: Basics

Provided by: WEKA | With this course every employee

learns relevant information regarding fi re safety.


Catalogue Number: 2122

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


0:30 - 0:40 h

General Equal Treatment Act

Provided by: WEKA | Diversity at the company has many

advantages, if it can be ensured that there is no discrimination.

Catalogue Number: 2128

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

0:30 - 0:40 h

Export Control and Embargoes

Provided by: WEKA | Are you dealing with produced

goods? If you do, you should know about your duties and



Catalogue Number: 2135

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Savety & Quality Management

0:30 - 0:40 h

0:30 - 0:40 h

0:30 - 0:40 h

0:30 - 0:40 h

Fire hazards – part 2: Workshop

and production

Extinguishing fires

Code of Conduct

Corruption Prevention

Provided by: WEKA | This course helps to prevent the

dangers of fi re, burns and smoke poisoning.

Provided by: WEKA | With this course your team can learn

everything there is to know about extinguishing fi res.

Provided by: WEKA | The Code of Conduct entails laws

and internal regulations ranging from cartel law to anticorruption.

Provided by: WEKA | Learn how to identify corruption and

how proper conduct can protect the company.





Catalogue Number: 2124

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2126

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2133

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2140

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 54 S 55

0:30 - 0:40 h

Antitrust Law

Provided by: WEKA | This course provides information

about cartel law: The risks, consequences and sanctions

based on real cases.


Catalogue Number: 2138

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month


0:30 - 0:40 h

Fundamentals of Data Protection

Provided by: WEKA | With this course you can instruct

your employees fast and efficient about data protection.

Catalogue Number: 2142

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

0:30 - 0:40 h

Basic obligations of the employer

and executives

Provided by: WEKA | Businessmen and managers have

to know about their basic duties regarding occupational



Catalogue Number: 2182

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Savety & Quality Management

0:30 - 0:40 h

0:30 - 0:40 h

Electrical Safety Training

Quality management to ISO 9001:2015

Provided by: WEKA | This course demonstrates qualifi ed

electricians which requirements exist and who is

authorized to which tasks.

Provided by: WEKA | With this course you can learn

about the principles and requirements of the latest

ISO 9001:2015.



Catalogue Number: 2159

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 2183

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

[ learning


S 56 [ learning



S 57




General English

› English for Culture B2

Business English

› English for Business & Politics B2

Subject-specific English

› English for great Personalities B2

› English through Football B2

› English to explore the World B2

› Englisch for Glitz & Glamour English C1


S 58 S 59

15:00 h

15:00 h

15:00 h


English for Culture B2

English for Business & Politics B2

English to explore the World B2

This course will enhance your culture-related vocabulary

and build your confi dence in small talk with culture lovers

around the globe.

With this course, learn what to pay attention to on the

career ladder while at the same time brushing up your


This English course opens your eyes up to heavenly

places and landscapes from all around the world.




Catalogue Number: 1291

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 753

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1278

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

15:00 h

15:00 h

15:00 h

English for great Personalities B2

English through Football B2

English for Glitz & Glamour C1

Politicians, directors and other great personalities make

your English ready for the world stage.

Learn with the greatest stars of Football: Maradona, Messi

and Pelé and you’ll learn about the history of Soccer.

Learn surprising facts about the lives of stars, movie

trivia and the history of pop music.




Catalogue Number: 1290

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: Number: 885

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 778

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

[ learning


S 60 [ learning



S 61

General German



› Deutsch lernen bei Ankunft A1

› Deutsch lernen und das Land entdecken A2

› Deutsch lernen und Erstorientierung A2

› Deutsch lernen und richtig ankommen B1

› Deutsch lernen und kontinuierlich verbessern B2

› Deutsch lernen und sicher präsentieren & kommunizieren B2

Professional German

› Deutsch lernen und erfolgreich bewerben B2

› Deutsch lernen für den Beruf: Technisches Deutsch C1

› Deutsch lernen für die Gastronomie B1

› Deutsch lernen für die Medizin B2

› Deutsch lernen für die Pfl ege & Medizin: Die 300 wichtigsten Vokabeln

› Techniker Krankenkasse – Welcome to Germany


Subject-specific German

› Deutsch lernen und reisen B2

› Deutsch lernen für Hollywood B2

› Deutsch lernen für Architektur & Wohnen C1

› Deutsch lernen für Natur & Umwelt C1

S 62 S 63

70:00 h

70:00 h

70:00 h

70:00 h


Deutsch lernen bei Ankunft A1

Deutsch lernen und das Land

entdecken A2

Deutsch lernen und kontinuierlich

verbessern B2

Deutsch lernen und sicher präsentieren

& kommunizieren B2

After having successfully completed this training, you will

be able to understand and use everyday expressions.

After successfully completing this course, you will be able

to understand and use phrases and frequently used expressions.

This course addresses all those learners of German who

already have basic language skills and want to enhance


Improve your use of German regarding presentations and

meetings and also in communicating with your colleagues.





Catalogue Number: 806

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 808

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 810

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1218

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

70:00 h

70:00 h

70:00 h

15:00 h

Deutsch lernen und Erstorientierung A2

Deutsch lernen und richtig ankommen


Deutsch lernen und erfolgreich

bewerben B2

Deutsch lernen für den Beruf:

Technisches Deutsch C1

The course is based topically on the workbook „Deutsch

für Asylbewerber – Thannhauser Modell“.

After this course, you will understand the main aspects of

a conversation when clear standard language is used.

You want to work in Germany and to expand you knowledge

about job applications? Then you have come to the

right course!

This course provides insights into highly diverse work and

manufacturing processes in Germany.





Catalogue Number: 1161

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 809

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1217

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1221

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 64 S 65

70:00 h

15:00 h

15:00 h

15:00 h


Deutsch lernen für die Gastronomie B1

Deutsch lernen für die Medizin B2

Deutsch lernen für Hollywood B2

Deutsch lernen für Architektur &

Wohnen C1

This course is perfect for getting started working in the

hotel and food service industry.

You want to work in medicine in Germany? This course

provides the basics regarding vocabulary in medicine.

Im Deutschkurs Hollywood erfahren Sie mehr über

Drehorte, Requisiten oder ausgefallene Kino-Projekte.

In this course, you’ll fi nd inspiration for your home and

learn German in the process.





Catalogue Number: 1249

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1224

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1293

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1297

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

30:00 h

15:00 h

15:00 h

Deutsch lernen für die Pflege & Medizin:

Die 300 wichtigsten Vokabeln

Deutsch lernen und reisen B2

Deutsch lernen für Natur &

Umwelt C1

Learn the 300 most important words for nursing and

medicine in this course in German-Polish.

This course presents you with a lot of interesting traveling

destinations in Germany. Broaden your vocabulary and

your horizons.

In this course, you’ll learn interesting facts that will help

you make a contribution to saving the planet.




Catalogue Number: 1935

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1225

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1295

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

[ learning


S 66 [ learning



S 67

Learn English with Angry Birds




› Angry Birds Learn English – Level 1: Beginners

› Angry Birds Learn English – Level 2: Intermediate

› Angry Birds Learn English – Level 3: Advanced

Learn German with Angry Birds

› Angry Birds Learn German – Level 1: Anfänger

› Angry Birds Learn German – Level 2: Fortgeschrittene

Learn Arabic with Angry Birds

› Angry Birds Learn Arabic – نيئدتبملا 1: ىوتسملا A2

› Angry Birds Learn Arabic – طسوتم 2: ىوتسملا B1

› Angry Birds Learn Arabic – مدقتم 3: ىوتسملا B2



Angry Birds.

S 68 S 69

15:00 h

Angry Birds Learn English –

Level 1: Beginners

There is a lot going on on Piggy Island – get ready for

adventure! While watching funny videos, you learn all

important words.


Catalogue Number: 1167

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Angry Birds Learn English –

Level 2: Intermediate

There’s always work to do on Piggy Island. Lend a hand

and learn English – it is very easy and real fun with the

Angry Birds!


15:00 h

Catalogue Number: 1168

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Angry Birds Learn German –

Level 2: Fortgeschrittene

There’s always work to do on Piggy Island. Lend a hand

and learn German – it is very easy and real fun with the

Angry Birds!


15:00 h

Catalogue Number: 1181

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

15:00 h

Angry Birds Learn Arabic –

A2 نيئدتبملا :1 ىوتسملا

There is a lot going on on Piggy Island – get ready for

adventure and learn Arabic at the same time!


Catalogue Number: 1191

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Weitere Learn languages Sprachen with Angry Birds

15:00 h

15:00 h

15:00 h

15:00 h

Angry Birds Learn English –

Level 3: Advanced

Angry Birds Learn German –

Level 1: Anfänger

Angry Birds Learn Arabic –

B1 طسوتم :2 ىوتسملا

Angry Birds Learn Arabic –

B2 مدقتم :3 ىوتسملا

Oh, oh, in Pig City trouble is inevitable. Together with Red

and his fl ock, be prepared for all kinds of attacks by the

egg thieves!

There is a lot going on on Piggy Island – get ready for

adventure! While watching funny videos, you learn all

important words.

There’s always work to do on Piggy Island. Lend a hand

and learn Arabic – it is very easy and real fun with the

Angry Birds!

Oh, oh, in Pig City trouble is inevitable. Together with Red

and his fl ock, be prepared for all kinds of attacks by the

egg thieves!





Catalogue Number: 1169

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1180

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1192

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

Catalogue Number: 1193

Pricing & License: From 5 € per user per month

S 70 Facts and figures

360 ° full service learning solutions from a single source ‒ your advantages S 71


to know.

Best in class content

You learn with the best content

from international media houses

from New York Times to BBC,

from Microsoft to

Red Bull Sports.

Online Teacher

Qualifi ed, experienced,

online language trainers

complement your video course

and prepare you for

specifi c situations.

Video Courses

Our interactive video courses

enable more intensive training

tailored to your individual

goals with a transparent

educational path.


video learning platform

in the industry



are already learning with us


interactive online courses,

and they keep growing daily

The best way to learn

Enjoy the combination of

immersive, brain-based training -

particularly motivating and

effi cient. Your brain loves

to learn like this.

Games & Exercises

You can learn even more successfully

with a variety of interactive

exercises, tests, games, learning

tools and AI instruments.



& Distinctions



alone in Austria and Germany

who trust us


Interactive Learning Objects ‒

that enable successful, motivating learning

every day

Individual Reward System

Your learning progress is

continuously documented and

reported for you (including

an automatic report for HR


Universal Solution

The award-winning technology

offers a multilingual training

experience on smartphones,

tablets, and computers.

Ease of use

The learning platform is also easy

and intuitive to use as an app.

Like a Netfl ix for learning..

S 72 Thats what our customers say

S 73

„... it was so simple

and intuitive ...

impressively innovative ...

scientifically sound“

Christian Sailer

Managing Director Weltbild Group


the way

we live.

Order form

S 74 S 75

Please send to: support@trenkwalder-learning.com

yes, I am interested in the following courses from your offer (course no.)

Course title



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Surname, first name contact person

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We are glad to be here for you!

Do you have a question and

need a quick, competent answer?

Do you have any special requirements?

Write to our online support team.

During our standard office hours, you will receive the prompt support you need

within a few minutes.

When and how can you be best reached for questions?


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