portfolio copy for regis



The program was to design thecontext of the year 2030 and a40,000 sq.m vertical building inthis context.My imagination of the year2030 involved the completebreakdown of social interaction.People have been imagined to beliving digitally with an augmentedreality displaying before theireyes at all times. Everyone hasbecome indifferent to the spacesand people around them and donot interact with anyone outsideof the virtual realm. People workfrom and stay within the confinesof their single room occupanciesfor weeks at a time, having food,water and all the services theycould need delivered at theirdoor. Architecture turns into themaking of banal spaces that areonly optimum and nothing more,since no one would be able toappreciate or even experienceit. A storyboard was made tosolidify the concepts existing inthis imagined world, showing aday in the life of a person livingin it.78

The program was to design the

context of the year 2030 and a

40,000 sq.m vertical building in

this context.

My imagination of the year

2030 involved the complete

breakdown of social interaction.

People have been imagined to be

living digitally with an augmented

reality displaying before their

eyes at all times. Everyone has

become indifferent to the spaces

and people around them and do

not interact with anyone outside

of the virtual realm. People work

from and stay within the confines

of their single room occupancies

for weeks at a time, having food,

water and all the services they

could need delivered at their

door. Architecture turns into the

making of banal spaces that are

only optimum and nothing more,

since no one would be able to

appreciate or even experience

it. A storyboard was made to

solidify the concepts existing in

this imagined world, showing a

day in the life of a person living

in it.



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