Trade Chronicle May - June 2020

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Banking & Insurance

Shazad Dada appointed


I n a l a t e s t

c o r p o r a t e


a seasoned

banker and

capital market


Shazad Dada

h a s b e e n

appointed as

the President

a n d C h i e f

Executive Officer (CEO) of United

Bank Limited (UBL) with effect from

July 1, 2020 for a period of three

years. He is currently the CEO of

Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan)

Limited, a position he assumed in

October 2014.

Dada has around 30 years of diverse

experience with renowned financial

institutions in the United States and in

Pakistan. He has been at the helm of

several landmark deals executed on

behalf of Government of Pakistan,

including Ministry of Finance, and

large corporate clients.

An honours graduate from University

of Pennsylvania with Bachelors of

Science and Bachelors of Arts

degrees, Dada did his MBA from the

Wharton Business School.

In October 2014, Dada moved to

Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) as its

CEO which has grown substantially

since then. In 2019, the SCB attained

3rd position in terms of profitability

within the country's banking sector,

posting record profits for the franchise

since incorporation.

During his tenure at the SCB, the bank

increased its total assets, net loans

and deposits by over 50 percent while

undertaking branch optimisation and

growing the bank's digital presence.

NBP announces financial

results for 9MFY20

A meeting of the Board of Directors of

National Bank of Pakistan

was held recently to approve

the financial statements of

the bank for the three-month

period ended on March 31,


Total income of the Bank

amounted to PKR 24.87

billion which is 4.8% higher

than PKR 23.73 billion

earned during the corresponding threemonth

period last year. For this period, net

interest income closed at PKR 16.57

billion, whereas the non-mark-up /

interest income closed at PKR 8.30

billion, up by 7.2% and 0.4% respectively.

The Bank's profit before provisions and

write-off amounted to PKR 11.06 billion,

being 0.7% higher than PKR 10.98 billion

for the similar period last year. The aftertax

profit for the period under review

Ali Habib appointed HBL’s

Chief Marketing &

Communications Officer

HBL is pleased to announce the

appointment of Mr. Ali Habib as the Chief

Marketing & Communications Officer. Ali

is currently leading the Bank’s Corporate

Affairs function. He will now also lead the

Bank’s marketing efforts, in addition to

his current portfolio. Ali’s appointment,

effective immediately, reflects the Bank’s

strategy of developing and promoting

talent from within.

C o m m e n t i n g o n A l i H a b i b ’s

appointment, Sagheer Mufti, Chief

Operating Officer-HBL said, “We are

delighted that Ali is taking on this critical

closed at PKR 4.12 billion, lower by 1.5%

as against PKR 4.18 billion earned during

the corresponding period of 2019. Drop in

after-tax profit is attributed to higher

provision charge and some increase in

operating expenses.

Going forward, the Bank's business will

focus around innovatively addressing

development finance needs through

reaching and supporting underserved

sectors including SME, Microfinance,

Agriculture Finance and finance for Micro-

Housing on a priority basis. Given the

slow growth of brick and mortar relative to

digital channels, they are realigning their

selves with emerging e-banking realities

with accelerated attention to Digital

Banking solutions.

role for HBL. Ali knows the HBL brand

well, given he is already part of the team.

He brings a rich experience of having

worked in similar roles not only in other

leading banks but also outside the

financial industry. His skills in managing

multi-disciplinary teams and knowledge

of the financial industry is a bonus. We

are confident that under his leadership,

HBL will continue to evolve its brand.”

Ali joined HBL in November 2018 as

Chief Corporate Communications

Officer. Since his joining, he has played

an integral role in building HBL’s profile

externally and developing and enhancing

various communication channels across

the Bank. Ali’s career span’s is 30 years,

in both local and international markets.

During his career, he has been

associated with numerous blue-chip

organizations like Procter & Gamble

(P&G), Reckitt Benckiser, Standard

Chartered, NIB and UBL.

Ali is an alumnus of IBA, Karachi and

Aitchison College, Lahore.

TRADE CHRONICLE - May.~ June. 2020 - Page # 25

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