Trade Chronicle May - June 2020

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India invites global vessel owners

to register ships in country

The government of India has invited

global vessel owners to flag their

ships in India to take advantage of

the ‘Make in India’ policy.

The government has recently revised

its ‘Make in India’ policy for public

procurement, under which no global

tender enquiry will be issued, except

with the approval of the competent

authority, for the procurement of all

services with estimated value of less

than ₹200 crore.

“It is estimated that the ‘Make in

India’ policy will provide an

opportunity to at least double the

number of Indian flag vessels in the

immediate term - from the present

approximately 450 to at least 900

Turkey to enhance cooperation

in Maritime Sector

Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan, Hsan

Mustafa Yurdakul, called on Federal

Minister for Maritime Affairs, Syed Ali

Haider Zaidi, in Islamabad to discuss

widening the Pak-Turkish cooperation in

maritime sector.Since the Turkish

Minister for Transportation, Mr. Cahit

Turhan, supported the proposal for Visa

facilitation to Pakistani seafarers during

his visit to Pakistan in February 2020, the

matter was also brought into discussion.

Pakistan is also expected to benefit from

the vast experience of Turkish ship

building and maintenance of pilot boats

and tug boats. Further SOPs are

underway to attract Turkish collaboration

in the Maritime Services company in the

domain of dredging etc. Materializing the

vision of Minister for Maritime Affairs to

turn Pakistan into Maritime Nation,

Pakistan is actively developing its

industrial zones ancillary to ports hence,

the meeting also included discussion on

Pak-Turkish cooperation in development

of the joint Industrial port city.

T h e T u r k i s h

c o m p a n i e s w i l l

b e n e f i t f r o m

establishment of

industrial units in

Gawadar Free Zone

and Bin Qasim

Industrial Zone with

t h e i r p r o d u c t s

having expeditious

access to eastern

and western China

once the CPEC is

fully operational.

Bulk ship with fertiliser for Afghanistan

berths at Gwadar Port

and more over a period of 3 years -

leaving further scope for additional

investment in the Indian flag

tonnage,” Ministry of Shipping said

in a statement.

W i t h a m o d e r n m a r i t i m e

administration, continuous supply of

trained seafarers, ship management

skills are already available, ship

owners worldwide are invited to now

flag their ships in India to take

advantage of the Make in India policy

in respect of transportation of

government cargoes.

Shipping Minister, Mansukh

Mandaviya, has reviewed the

readiness of Indian shipping for

implementation of the government’s

Cargo Transportation Policy, the

statement said.

A ship carrying 16,400 tonnes of DAP

fertiliser for Afghanistan anchored at the

Gwadar Port on 29.5.2020.

The ship brought fertiliser from Australia

under the Pak-Afghan Transit Trade

Agreement. This is the first time Gwadar

port is being used for import of urea by

t h e A f g h a n


T h e c h a i r m a n o f

Gwadar Port Authority,

N a s e e r A h m e d

Kashani, said that with

the arrival of the urealoaded

ship, the

Gwadar Port had been

opened for Afghan

transit trade.`Another

ship loaded with 16,000 tonnes of urea

and 500,000 tonnes of sugar and wheat

would reach the port next month,` Mr

Kashani told Dawn, adding that urea

consignment would be sent to

Afghanistan by road.

The opening of Gwadar Port for

Afghanistan`s import and export of goods

would create a lot of job opportunities for

the people of Gwadar and Makran.

`We are happy to see start of trade

activities at the Gwadar Port which will

improve the living standard of the local

people,` Muhammad Essa Baloch, who

runs a small business in the area,said. He

said that the opening of the port would

also help the transport sector to flourish in

the area and would provide jobs to the

local people.

TRADE CHRONICLE - May.~ June. 2020 - Page # 19

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