Trade Chronicle May - June 2020

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Ports & Shipping

KPT continues to operate

despite the global pandemic

Karachi Port Trust (KPT) is

operating round the clock

even during the pandemic

Covid-19 lockdown situation.

Port activities have been

declared by federal and

provincial governments as

essential services to keep the

economic wheel of the

country in momentum.

Being the economic gateway

of Pakistan, KPT has taken all

r e q u i s i t e o p e r a t i o n a l

measures in liaison with concerned

government departments to ensure that

cargo handling at the port remains

unaffected during the lockdown period.

Special storage and warehousing is

provided to the cargo being handled at

the port under the complexities arising as

a result of lockdown. Additionally, KPT has

given unprecedented waiver in

demurrage period to the trade


Under the policy guidelines and

the port.

c o n t i n u o u s

supervision of the

honourable Minister of

Maritime Affairs, Mr Ali

Haider Zaidi, KPT is

m e e t i n g t h e

requirements of all the

stake holders and Oil

Marketing Companies

( O M C s ) t h r o u g h

efficient and vigilant

handling of incoming

oil tankers arriving at

OMCs are receiving their respective

shipments without any delay on part of the

berthing and decanting arrangements.

Declaration of Karachi Port Services as

essential services by Federal Government

and complete support of the Provincial

Government in facilitating Port Operations

highlights the importance of essential

requirement of continuing imports &

exports for sustaining daily life and

economic activities, especially under the

global COVID-19 dilemma. Under these

daunting challenges of COVID-19,

numerous complications are emerging

including petroleum shortages.

About 56% petroleum products are

imported through shipping berthed at

KPT. KPT has instituted proactive

measures to enhance its liquid cargo

handling capacity. While ensuring

Government's directions for enhanced

precautions and reduction in non essential

staff at work to minimise spread of the

ongoing pandemic. KPT staff is

relentlessly performing to maintain the

port operations at its full potential rather

more efficiently. More so, under the

current petrol crisis situation in the

country, KPT is ensuring that no delay

takes place on its part in handling of POL

carrying ships. KPT has made all possible

arrangements for uninterrupted berthing

of tankers by using port's available

potential for smooth and quick decanting

of POL products without delay by giving

priority to MOGAS carrying vessels. KPT

management is undertaking all possible

efforts to ensure its traditional

commitment to serve the nation through

uninterrupted supplies, with least costs.

Uzbekistan looks

to Pakistani ports

accession to QTTA, and share its

experience on achieving the Generalised

System of Preferences Plus status.

Uzbekistan has formally sought

Pakistan`s support for accession to the

Quadrilateral Traffic in Transit Agreement

(QTTA) in a bid to utilise Karachi and

Gwadar ports for its trade operations.

The formal request was made by Uzbek

Deputy Prime Minister, Sardor

Umurzalcov during a video conference

with Adviser to the Prime Minister on

C o m m e r c e , R a z a k D a w o o d .

Uzbekistan`s Ambassador to Pakistan,

Furgat Sidikov also joined the meeting

held at the Ministry of Commerce in


The QTTA is a transit trade deal among

Pakistan, China, Kyrgyzstan and

Kazakhstan to facilitate the passage of

goods and traffic. A road project under

the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

will provide access to China and the

Central Asian States to Pakistani ports.

Responding to the request, Dawood

assured Pakistan`s support for

Uzbekistan in QTTA.

Pakistan plays a central role in the QTTA

which is believed to be an alternative

route bypassing Afghanistan and relying

on the Karakoram Highway via China to

r e a c h C e n t r a l A s i a n S t a t e s .

U z b e k i s t a n a l s o s o u g h t t h e

establishment of Joint Working Group for

trade and investment cooperation.

An official statement following the

meeting said that Uzbekistan requested

Pakistan to support its cause in

Dawood apprised the Uzbek side that a

memorandum of understanding (MoU)

for Pakistan-Uzbekistan Joint Working

Group on Trade and Investment will be

ready for signing after seeking approval

from the cabinet of Pakistan.

During the meeting, it was resolved that

all out efforts would be made to enhance

bilateral trade relations, establishing joint

ventures in various areas including

agriculture, textile, pharmaceuticals,

t o u r i s m a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n .

Pakistan`s exports to Uzbekistan stood at

$13.190 million in FY19 as against

$9.254m over the previous year.

Similarly, Pakistan`s imports from

Uzbel(istan are very negligible as it stood

at $5.449m in FY19 as against $3.640m

over the previous year.

TRADE CHRONICLE - May.~ June. 2020 - Page # 17

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