NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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The Huntly Press

Wednesday 22nd October 1978

Ngaruawahia A.F.F.C.O. Soccer

In his report presented at the annual general meeting

of the club, president Wal Williamson made special reference

to those who helped on the new club rooms project, and to the

ladies who had been responsible for the morning teas. On

behalf of the club he extended his thanks.

It has been hoped to have the club rooms in

Centennial Park ready and opened for the presentation of

trophies, however there is still some work to be clone, and the

rooms should be well and truly ready for the new season.

Financially the season had been good, but at the

moment finances are a bit stretched. Social members fees are

now $5, but other fees will be set after W.F.A. meeting.

Officers for 1979 season - president W. Williamson;

senior vice president, Ian Miller; hon. vice president, I. King,

Mr Metcalfe and Mr McDonald (Te Akau), Mr McDonald, Mr

Fry, Mr Barnard, Mr Terry O’Riley, Mr Brown, Mr R. Barnes,

Mr B. Crawford, Mr B. Henkel, Mr Staff McGee, Mr and Mrs

J. Cairns-Nelson; club captain, Jeff Tozer; secretary, Mrs M.

Gorman; treasurer, Mr M. Burt; committee, B. Henkel, A.

Launder, E. Thomas, W. Barnes, J. Anderson, D. Anderson,

M. Frankhouser, J. McCaig, Vi’ McGee, G. Sunnex.

The Huntly Press

Wednesday 20th December 1978

Permission Given by

Ngaruawahia Domain Board

The urban services engineer, tabled a report on

the development of the No 1 ground at Centennial Park

in varying stages of development, and the money left over

from the sports and recreation would be adequate to cover the

cost of draining the playing fields and the area around

the dressing sheds.

This was to be proceeded with as soon as possible so

that it could be completed before the wet weather. It was

planned to spread fertiliser over this area in the new year as


The Huntly Press

Wednesday 29th October 1978

Ngaruawahia Borough Council Report

Centennial Park

The drainage for Centennial Park came under

considerable discussion as it was felt something should be

done about this through the summer months.

A mistake had been made in placing the buildings

there at the lowest point, and at the wettest time of the year.

Councillor I.E. Todd said it was impossible to get from the

grounds to the changing rooms “without water-wings.”

It was hoped that clubs requiring allocations for these

grounds would do so as early as February 1979 in March or

April, was leaving it too late, but regardless of what the

fixtures were, the drainage of this park should be proceeded

with as soon as possible.

The amount of money available for this work was

limited, but Councillor Todd considered it was better to try

“and complete one project rather than little splinters around

the place.” It was thought that the county engineer, Mr R. B.

Murray, had taken levels last year, and drawn up a proper

plan, and council would like to be advised of the cost before

attempting this project in full.

Charles Gorman in the original Affco Rangers strip with the original clubhouse in the background.

The vehicle parked at the side of the building belonged to Barney Barnard, who did semi-regular match reports on our games for Radio 1ZH.


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