NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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was transmitted to the other 10 players.

A left-wing corner from Neil

Gorman was powered goal-wards off

the head of John Brown only to be

handled off the line. Ray Guy was a bit

too relaxed about the penalty and put it

around the post. Unicol retaliated with a

free kick that went across the field to an

unmarked player and it was only the

soft conditions under-foot that

prevented his shot from being effective.

Neil Gorman came close from

a Steve Williams cross but headed the

ball too finely and it was cleared.

Almost all the supporters

around the field were from

Ngaruawahia, who sported a large

banner with assorted trumpets and

hooters. At the interval young Trevor

Czichy went over to the Unicol huddle

with his trumpet and played the opening

bars of “Last Post”.

The second half opened as fast

as the first and attacks and counterattacks

were mounted by each team.

Jason Cargo demonstrated his maturity

at centre-half with intelligently laid-off

balls and assurance in the air. Eddie

Carrigan was unspectacular but

efficient in mopping up operations and

setting his forwards away.

Throughout the match it was

the Unicol centre-back who impressed

with his efficient destruction of the

United attacks.

John Brown shot through a

low ball after 15 minutes, quickly

chased by Charles Gorman. The

Unicol keeper came out well and

smothered the shot but the rebound

came to a fast following Neil Gorman

who “smoked” the ball into the net for a

1-0 lead to United.

John Brown, always reluctant

to use his left foot, waltzed the ball

through the defence and along the goalline

until he rolled it to a striking

position on his right foot, and then slid

it under the advancing keeper into the

far netting, 2-0.

Charles Gorman was

substituted by George Sunnex who

gratefully accepted a goal when a Steve

Williams cross was dropped by the

keeper and United were ahead 3-0. Just

on the final whistle, John Brown saw

his shot have the sting taken from it by

the keeper and roll to stop short of the

line in the mud.

Malcolm Burt went well in

defence along with the reflex defence of

Ken Murray. Brian McLuskie found

himself well marked on the wing but

received good support from a tireless

Ray Guy.

Pick of the players were

Unicol’s keeper and centre-back; and

United’s Bell, Cargo, Murray,

Carrigan and Guy.

Roofing of Ngaruawahia

Clubrooms Completed

The Huntly Press

Wednesday October 12th, 1977

Blessed with an unexpectedly

fine weekend, the Ngaruawahia-Affco

Soccer Club members were able to

complete the 2500 square feet of

roofing over their clubrooms on

Centennial Park, Ngaruawahia.

The 36 foot long roofing iron

proved less difficult than first thought

to lift onto the roof of the two-story

clubrooms and at last the weather is

kept out so that the interior wiring and

cladding can commence. The new roof

covers approximately 4000 square feet

of floor space over the main and the

mezzanine floor as well as the

observation terrace.

The club confidently expects

the building to be ready for the opening

of the 1978 season, which also heralds

in the 10th year of club soccer in


The end of the year has been a

busy time for the club with a trip to

Blockhouse Bay for about 200

members now over, and the prospects

of an excellent weekend hosting Mount

Wellington on October 29 and 30. It is

hoped that the Mount will be able to

bring down the majority of their

National League team to meet a club

invitational 11 on the Saturday.

The other team coming from

the Mount will be their junior boys 9th

grade. This same weekend will see the

club’s wind-up social in the

Ngaruawahia Town Hall on the

Saturday evening.

United Hosts Mt


The Huntly Press

Wednesday October 26th, 1977

This weekend introduces to

Ngaruawahia two teams from the

Mount Wellington Soccer Club,

arriving for their annual series of games

with Ngaruawahia-Affco United.

They bring with them their

National league reserve team and their

9th grade juniors. A full weekend of

matches and social activities should

leave all involved in a comatose state

by Sunday morning.

Arriving shortly after 10:00am

on Saturday morning at Ngaruawahia,

the Mount will move over to the

Ngaruawahia High School where the

Junior Prizegiving will be followed by

the Mount’s 9th grade team playing

United’s 8th grade. This match will be

followed by the senior team meeting a

United invitation 11.

After the games, barbecued

sausages and steaks will be held at

Centennial park for visitors and

members, followed at 7:30 in the

evening by the club wind-up social with

trophy presentations.

The second round of games

(also at the High School) will

commence near mid-day (depending on

the condition of the players) with

Mount Wellington meeting the

Northern League team of United and

their 9th grade team. From there

United’s visitors return to Auckland.

Then United can settle down to

their annual general meeting on

Tuesday, November 1, at the Waipa

School at 7:30 pm to plan for the 1978

season and the promise that it brings.

Ngaruawahia AFFCO

United Wind Up

The Huntly Press

Wednesday October 12th, 1977

The past weekend saw Mount

Wellington join with Ngaruawahia-

Affco United soccer club in their windup

festivities for 1977. On the Saturday

afternoon George Leadbetter (former

professional player with Ipswitch,

Everton and Leicester City) the coach

of the Mount Wellington 9th grade and

senior reserve team, presented the 6

junior United teams with their pennants

and trophies following a barbecue at

Centennial Park, Ngaruawahia.

Following this small function, the 8th

grade presented their coach, Mr Glen

Gray, with an autographed soccer ball,

with all 8th grade players names.

At 2:00 pm Mount Wellington

9th grade trounced United’s 9th grade

with three goals in each half from the

boots of Stewart Morrey (3), Alan

Looser (2) and Tony Davis without

conceding any. United looked like

learners except for Gary Jansen in

United’s goal, who put on a crowdpleasing

display with many fine saves.

The National League Reserves

of Mount Wellington defeated United’s

invitational 11 by 4 goals to 3, with the

scorers for the Mount being Derek

Selkirk (2), John Leigh and Frank

Guavia. United’s team scored thrice

from Tokoroa’s Mike Haddlington.

Following the afternoon

barbecue for the adults all met at the

Ngaruawahia Town Hall where 300

guests were present to see the senior

trophies awarded.


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