NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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If United can maintain the spirit it

showed on Saturday through the

remainder of its Northern fourth

division matches, it should stay

clear of relegation and have time

to strengthen its weak spots.


The all-round strength of

Huntly was too much for United

to contain but one can only speculate

what the score would have been if

Huntly had been without canny

striker Hugh Malone and captain

Graham Hancock.

Malone put away two brilliant goals

and Hancock scored one in the last

minute, after hitting the woodwork

three times and thinking it was not

his lucky. day. But it was also

Hancock's command in mid­field

which was a telling factor in the


United had its own heroes.

For m er Ha m i l t on player Eddie

Carrigan was named as his team's

man of the match.

He had a solid game in the centre

of United's defence along with

Graeme Bowers, while

midfielder Malcolm Sowerby

worked like a beaver all over the

park and captain John Brown

showed ball skills up front.

Where United fell down once again

was lack of finishing power.

Brown was fighting a solo battle up

front, without support against the

likes of J i m m y M oye s a n d

D ou g Snapes in Huntly's defence.


Surprisingly it was United who

came out attacking from the kickoff,

but this situation was shortlived

when Huntly found its feet on

the slippery surface.

Huntly went into the lead after

10 minutes when Hancock caught

the United defence unawares with

a quick piercing ball down the

centre to Malone, who turned on the

spot and hammered a right foot

shot into the net from 15 metres.

United was beginning to leave

gaps at the back, so Ken Murray

was moved from midfield to the

defence — allowing Hancock and

his men even more space to set up

moves in the middle.

Huntly turned on the pressure

straight after the break. Within five

minutes Hancock had shot against

the United crossbar twice, Carrigan

made a goal-line clearance and the

United defence scrambled the ball

clear in a goalmouth melee.

To their credit, the United

players never gave in and had a

few promising breaks. Their first

true scoring opportunity came in

the 69th minute when Brown


mis­connected with a loose ball

in front of the Huntly goal.

A couple of minutes later right

winger Charlie Gorman charged

down his flank and only had

Huntly's goalkeeper Warren

Mankelow to beat when he halfheartedly

kicked wide.


In the last 15 minutes the pace

was fast and furious as United tried

hard to equalise and Huntly tried

equally hard to make sure of a


With about seven minutes to go

Huntly left winger Alan Nobilo

beat his marker Barklay McGhie

and put a hard cross along the


United keeper Sandy MacDonald

could not hold the ball and the evereager

Malone pounced to bang

home the rebound.

From then until the final

whistle, Huntly ran riot. A long

range Hancock blast just skimmed

t h e p ost a n d a Moyes' header hit

the cross section of the bar and


Hancock eventually gained a

reward for his efforts when he ran

in to head home a Moyes' free

kick in the dying seconds of the


Ngaruawahia Soccer

in 1-13 Rout

The Huntly Press

Wednesday June 8th, 1977

With the junior grades games

cancelled all interest focussed on the

senior section of the Ngaruawahia-

Affco soccer club. Two wins, a draw,

three losses topped off a changeable


The Ladybirds lost 0-2 to

Wanderers with the Under-16s

defeating Fraser 6-4 (4th div.). The 3rd

division had a royal time over Unicol

to the tune of 7 goals to nil, while the

2nd division held off a challenge from

Claudelands to draw 2-2 with goals

from Dean Haggie and Bruce


An early game at 11:00 am

between Ngaruawahia and Hamilton

1st division saw Ngaruawahia go from

a 1-1 early start to a 1-13 rout. With a

slippery ball and no gloves, keeper

Czichy for Ngaruawahia had to parry

nearly every shot. His moment of glory

came when he pushed a penalty off the

line but could not recover in the

slippery goalmouth to stop the second

shot. In this instance he did not have

the advantage of the defence coming in

to cover the rebound, all being

spectators of the initial save.

Hamilton handled the

conditions more effectively than did

United and played the game with short

balls until a through ball could be used

to best advantage. Tony Armstrong

netted for the home team to avert the


The United senior team lost

their sight of the Chatham Cup when

they were eliminated 3-0 by Huntly

Thistle in the Waikato finals.

Lower level results

Huntly Press

June 15th 1977

An enviable record has been

established by one of Ngaruawahia-

Affco United’s two consistently

winning t ea m s - th e 8th an d

t h e 13th grades.

The 8th grade (un der 12

yea r s) boa st s thr ee Wa i kato

r eps an d from six games played

to d a t e h a v e w o n 5 a n d

drawn 1, gaining 40 goals and

conceding 2. Striker John Bell

has amassed 21 of th ese goa l s

dist antl y chased by Paul

McMillan with 11.

Peachgrove were at the

recei ving end of the on slaught

on Saturday when J o h n B e l l

p u t 5 g o a l s t h r ou gh wi t h

P a ul M c Millan and Kerry

McKee addin g on e ea ch. Goa l ­

keeper Keri McGee touched th e

ba l l t wi ce i n th e match but

wa s still well in vol ved wi th his

t eam.

Pe te r McGe e an d Phil i p

Gray played the consistent

football expected of them and all

the team showed a devel oping

cohesion not a l t og e t h e r

a p p a r en t i n 9th grade yea rin

1976, wh er e th ey fin i sh ed th e

season in the middle of the table.

Coach Glen Gray feels t h a t

p e r h a p s t h e t e a m should have

been graded by the Hamilton

Association as "A" division, but

the boys are making the most

of the B di vi si on. The team has

been carryi n g n o r e s e r v e s

s i n c e Graham Herman, one

of th e squads out standin g

forwards, suffered injury four

weeks ago and had to withdraw

from the team.

G a r y R i d l e y h a s be e n

really dependable and confiden t

in defen ce, con sistently setting

up counter-attacks from

opposition forays.

Other results: Northern

L e a g u e dr e w 2 - 2 wi t h Hi gh

School Old Boys of Auckland. 1st

division lost 1. 2 t o Wa n der er s.

2n d divi si on l ost 0. 7 t o T e

Aroha. 3rd division lost 1.2 to

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