NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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27 minutes when striker Bullivant

was tackled in the Kelston penalty


Liddle latched on to the loose

ball and crossed it to substitute

Steve Williams who was left to

sidefoot into an e m p t y g o a l .

United's fall started in the

82nd minute when Danny

McCabe shot beyond keeper Sandy

MacDonald's reach into the top

corner of the net for Kelston’s first


Kelston advanced with a penalty

scored by Willy Fulton after the other

United substitute Doug Sturm

brought down an opponent.

The winning goal was a

stunning 25m shot by Jim Carter,

.which whistled under the crossbar

with just a couple of minutes to


Northern League Soccer

Huntly Press

May 11th 1977


looked set for their second win

of the season when they headed

Kelston of Auckl and 2-0 wi th 8

minutes to go.

John Brown, Unit ed’s n ew

signing opened th e 'scoring

from a corner in the opening

minutes and United came close on

several other occasions in the first

spell but held at 1-0 at the turn.

Kelston never looked dangerous

in their shooting and wer e hel d

well by Bowers, Coyne, McGee

and Sowerby in the backs.

Charlie Gorman opened up the

second goal when he pushed a

shot across the face of Kelstons

goal for "Stevi e Wonde r " t o

push gen t l y h om e. T h e Kelston

woodwork was hit on three other

occasions but it looked all


With time running out Kel st on

seem ed t o fe el that they had

nothing to lose. A high dropping

ball out of the sun was taken by

MacDonald in United's goal who

was bundled into the back of the

net by a charging forward. With

the goal disallowed Kelston

came back with a scorching shot

into the top left c or n er fr om a

ba l l la i d back from the


Within 3 minutes United

conceded a penalty to have Kelston

draw level at 2.2. With about 90

seconds remaining Kelston won

the m a t ch wi t h a l e ft -foot

drive from the left wing into the

top left corner.

Un i t e d l e ft t h e fi e l d

wondering how they had lost

after making much of the football

and creating the majority of

chances, but credit goes to

Kelston wh o tried for th e goal s

and got them. Pla yer of the

Da y for United went t o

M alc ol m Sower by in defence.

Reunion Soccer

for Ngaruawahia High


The Huntly Press

Wednesday May 11th, 1977

The third annual soccer match

between ex-pupils and the

Ngaruawahia High School 1st 11 was

played last Friday afternoon before

school dismissed for the May holidays.

With the kick-off time at 2.30

it was difficult for many of the expupils

to get time off work and, as a

result, only 9 past pupils were able to

be at the High School to play.

With the exception of Gary

Smith, all ex-pupils had been, or are,

playing Waikato 1st division soccer,

and the skills of Michael Rooney,

Tony Janssen, Mark Snowden, Taffy

Tengu, Phillip Jerry, Kerry Barakat,

Jeff McLaughlin, Neil Gorman and

Gary Smith were there to put the 1st

11 to the test.

Within the past week the

school lost the services of keeper

Grant Prendergast when he left for a

job and his place was taken by the

dimuative David White, previously the

2nd 11 and 4th division keeper. The expupils

were well served in goal by

Michael Rooney whose deftness

would provide a stumbling block for

the 1st 11 strikers.

Danny Rooney and Greg

Bradshaw, two promising juniors,

joined the ex-pupils to fill out the team

and both acquitted themselves well in

striking roles. Rooney, Jerry and

Barakat had been in the 1st 11 the

previous year and many of the boys

knew their style and countered it, for

the most part, effectively.

Glen Solomon scored the

only goal of the match (NHS) when a

misread back pass was coolly collected

and pushed home. The schoolboys

scored again through Solomon and

McIntosh but had it disallowed.

Andy Bell (NHS) caused

Rooney a few aches in goal with his

well-driven shots but Rooney’s

experience in top football served him


Very little passed Jason

Cargo in the 1st 11 backs and Kani Te

Wiata teamed well with Dean Haggie

in midfield, and were the nucleus of a

hard-working school team that is

showing promise.

1st 11: White, Anderson,

Cargo, Dooley, Harding, Harrop, Te

Wiata, Haggie, Bell, McIntosh,

Solomon and Brown.


Returning Tozer Out With

Shoulder Injury

Waikato Times

May 13th, 1977

Transfer of struggling

Ngaruawahia - AFFC0 United's star

player and captain, Jeff Tozer, to

Claudelands Rovers struck a sour note

this week.

Tozer, apparently unhappy

about the way United has plummeted to

the bottom of Northern League soccer's

fourth division, went along to train

with Rovers on Tuesday night and

dislocated his shoulder in a tackle.

He's now off work for three

weeks and misses tomorrow's Chatham

Cup game when he would have been

playing for third division Rovers

against the club he has just left.

Rovers manager, Alan

Cornish, said: "It's very disappointing.

He was the player We were looking

for, we got him and then he's out

straight away.

'Next week we're away to

University. They are top of the league

and we want as strong a side as we can


Ironically Tozer — a Waikato

representative — played for Rovers

about seven years ago but left with

some other players, dissatisfied with

the way things were going at the club.

This group, including the

present United coach Les Vuletich,

then formed the AFFCO Rangers team

which joined forces this year with


Vuletich said about Tozer's

departure: "I thought he was enjoying

his football and I couldn't see any


"But if he wants to go it's

entirely up to him."

Vuletich said his main aim at

the moment is to avoid relegation this

season, so the club's up and coming

youngsters could break through to

Northern League football next year.

He said he would be moving

Malcolm Sowerby, who played well in

defence last week, to fill in the midfield

vacancy left by Tozer and he was

considering, playing himself in the

United defence tomorrow.

Last week United, like,

Rovers, lost due to a last minute goal,

but with United it was a drastic

collapse after being 2-0 up eight

minutes from time.

Taking over as captain for

United tomorrow will be the team's

skilful new Scottish player John


At 26, Brown has had a

wealth of experience in top Australian

soccer, but lack of training and recent

match practice is holding him back.

Although it will be a shock if

United beats Rovers, the result of the


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