NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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He played schoolboy football and Under-19 reps for

Quillotas Dynamos and will always remember a fantastic shot at

goal where he nearly tore the n e t o ff t h e p o s t s . A ft e r

h i s exhuberance had died down he embarrasingly

walked into the goal to retrieve his boot, the ball hadn't even



He said that he had learned his skills by chasing

Llamas through Chilean police riots squads! In 1976 he and his

brother Jimmy arrived in NZ and t u r n e d o u t f o r F r a s e r

a n d t h e Hamilton Under-19s. He was a member of the Fraser

side that engaged N arra in that infamous Battle of

the Waikato (where most of both teams got really friendly!).

He wa s so impr esse d wi th o ur fighting spirit

that he joined us the following season so he could teach Dave

Hall how to speak Spanish so that more intimate

conversations could be arranged with practicing referees.


Known to many as Snoz and to some as Boof Head.

He started his skills early in life kicking the

family hamster against the side of the house, then going on

to represent Waikato schoolboys from 1965 through to 1969.

Northern League with Claudelands Rovers from 1966 to 1974

came along with a stint in the NZ International Tournment

s q u a d i n ' 6 9 a t t h e M e r d e r k a Tournament (luckily Mike

caught laryngitis and had to stay home!).

He played around with AFF Co R a nge r s f or

f ou r ye a rs bef o re arriving at Narra on a Lend/Lease

arrangement - AFFCo lent him, Narra leashed him!

Mike compliments his soccer with other sports

such as cricket, golf, snooker and darts with equal skills. He

kicks over the cricket stumps, strikes the golf ball with the

outside of his foot, can't get the ball into any of the pockets in

snooker, and needs a long run-up in darts!

An electrician by trade he did a lot of work on the

clubrooms. His legacy is still with us. When we open the

fridge door the stove turns on or the c l u b a l a r m g o e s o ff

w h e n t h e telephone is answered..

He is a two-footed player (both of them the wrong

ones) and was often seen clearing the tops of the pines when

shooting at the southern goal.


Known as Snapper, Fish-head and The Flying Ferret

Keith didn't kick a ball seriously until he was 15 having been a

rugby adherant.

P laying f or Ngaruawahia H igh School he top

scored with 37 goals from 9 matches followed the next year

with 16 goals in the Waikato 2nd Division. Known for his

electrifying speed he was often approached to be the hare at

greyhound meetings.

With a desire to succeed Keith trained four

nights a week, twice with the seniors and twice with th e

women's side. He supplimented his training by trying to date

Dave Hall's daughter and had to spend the early parts of his

visits dodging bricks thrown by Dave!

Mike played League at Glen Afton until becoming 13

then changed to soccer under P addy Murph y at Huntly.

At 16 he reverted for two years back to League and then

signed on f or the AFFCo R angers 2nd Division side. During

these formative years he was in the Waikato Reps with Les


He was nicknamed Sunshine by Dave H a l l ( w h o

c a l l e d e v e r y b o d y Sunshine!) and was known to be a

regular battler. He had more lumps on his legs that a poor

liposuction patient and had a neon-light beard ( off-on-offon).

He claimed he learned all his skills from the Beano and the

Dandy comics e s p e c i a l l y f r o m t he c h a r a c t e r desperate

Dan. Mike had a powerful shot in both feet (but not at the same

time) and loved breaking crossbars, nets and keepers' fingers.


Bertie (obviously) was born in Upper Hutt but as his

parents loved in the Lower one they sent his food up to him

on a rope.

Bertie has played for many teams, not always

successfully. He spent some time in Fiji with his father

where he used to dribble coconuts amongst the tree. He

tried heading one once, that's why he now wears glasses!

He has played for Melville and has attended

Canterbury University, gaining a degree in something or

other. He then played one season for Huntly and became an

original member of the Green Machine when it was just a

Dinky Toy. He has played at all levels and, as he does not have a

left foot, he has spent most of his playing days at left fullback.

T here was a time when he was moved into the

strikers role. He had a point -blank shot at goal from 2

meters out and creamed the corner flag.


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