NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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Hamilton would still have taken the

game 3-2

Ngaruawahia wa s at a decided

disadvantage against Hamilton when

it came to ball control and Hamilton

had , all the say in mid-field.

Saturday's matches were the first

in the second round replays.

Waikato 2nd Division


June 29th 1974

You make your own luck in soccer,

so it is said. And Fraser, with some

help from the referee, did just that

when they defeated Ngaruawahia by

two penalties to a field goal.

The first penalty taken by Fraser was

the result of a hand ball by fullback,

Dave Hall who deflected a shot that had

his keeper beaten. No argument—one nil.

The second came in the second hall

when fullback Ian Todd of Ngaruawahia

was penalised for allowing a Fraser

forward to back into him during a


Several good fingertip saves

were made by the Ngaruawahia

keeper and Sandy MacDonald

scissor­kicked away a ball that

was on its wa y over the goal

line. The Fraser keeper was

hardly extended as most of the

shots coming its way were high.

Ngaruwahia's goal was hotly

disp u t e d b y F r a s e r , w h o

claimed that the ball had not

crossed the line but the r e fer e e

was right up with play and

ruled it over.

Th e danger -man of th e Fraser

front line, Fisher, was ordered

from the field midway through the

second spell for continuing foul

tackles that culminated in him

kicking the keeper. His role as

striker was soon take ov e r b y

a n ot h e r for wa r d bu t the drive

had gone and the last 20 minutes

of the match saw all of the Fraser

team and 10 of the Ngaruawahia

team camped in Fraser territory.

The referee seemed to be nursing

the Fraser team along and

allowed many blatant fouls to go

un-heeded. The surprise came

when he awarded a direct free

kick in the penalty area and

allowed Fraser to form a wall

against it!

A Ngaruawahia player was

cautioned for placing his foot

where a Fraser player could step

on it!

Despite all this, Fraser showed

drive, determination, skill and

elation at beating Ngaruawahia

who could just not beat the odds.

Still with a chance

July 13th 1974

Ngaruawahia still has a chance

in the Marshall Cup soccer

competition. Only two points

behind Hamilton and having on e

gam e in hand they have given

Hamilton the challenge of

winning all of their next six


T e Kuit i had scor ed in all

games this season until they met

Ngaruawahia for the second time.

Their first encounter was 1-1.

Player/coach, Dave Hall, is

slowly moulding Ngaruawahia

into a fluid side with each player

being able to i n t er chan ge a s

th e gam e flows, giving the

opposition no on e striker t o

con centrate their defence on.

Geoff Brunning cooll y

vol l e yed a ba l l pun ch ed clear

by Te Kuiti goalie and wa t c h e d

i t r i s e i n t o t h e r o o f o f t h e

n e t t o p u t Ngaruawahia up 1-0.

Shortl y a ft er Ch arles G or ma n

notched a 30 yarder from

immediately in front that sped

inside the left upright.

Ngar uawa h ia kept up,

constant pressure and played

som e good possessi on football

in the muggy conditions,

interpassing and developing

attacks from the fullbacks who

were often in striking positions.

Phi l l i p B ul l i va nt bea t t h e

T o Kuit i keeper t o a back-pass

to give his team th eir thir d

goa l . He wa s later substituted

by Alan Rose.

George Sunnex moved on for

Ian Todd who was suffering

from cracked ribs incurred the

previous week.

D a v e H a l l , t i m e a n d

again, proved his worth as a

defensive player and one wh o set

up pr obi n g a t ta cks on T e

Kuiti’s goa l , wi th good

r esults.


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