NUAFC 1968-2018

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club

50-year history of the Ngaruawahia United Football Club


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average from Te Kuiti and Hamilton in

the Waikato Second Division soccer

competition for ,the Marshall Cup.

'The defeat of Wanderers by Fraser

in the last round played and

Ngaruawahia's win over

Morrinsville saw Ngaruawahia take the

lead. Hamilton pulled itself up from

sixth to third and Wanderers dropped

from first to fourth.

Cameron is fading slowly back

through the table to

join Otorohanga, Fraser, Waikeria,

Morrinsville and Cambridge in the

bottom six.

This season Ngaruawahia is

developing the bite lacking in the

forwards in past seasons and has

players who can run and shoot hard

from most directions,

Wins over. Cameron (2-0) ,and

Hamilton (4-0) in the first games gave

Ngaruawahia the, confidence required.

It has its sights firmly on the top spot.

New signings such as Phillip

Bullivant, Dave Bennett and Peter

Vela will add the crispness required

in the forwards.

April 27th 1974

High School 1st XI

Chris Barakat netted

Ngaruawahia High School’s

only goal in their loss to St

John’s College at Ngaruawahia

on Saturday. Open goals were

missed (as well as a penalty)

and the finishing of St John’s

earned them their 3-1 win.

4th Division

On ANZAC Day Fraser met

Ngaruawahia in the replay o f a

p os t p on e d game. Ngaruawahia

had chances that went begging but

selfish moves and weak shots

thwarted early goals. Fraser netted

first when Rex McCowatt failed

to hold a low shot, having it

spin out under his arm onto the

boot of a following-up forward. Jeff

McLaughlin shortly after netted for

Ngaruawahia with a break through

the middle.

Several of the Fraser

defenders showed their skill in

niggling tactics, such as

threshing of the feet in a tackle

that will develop into nasty habits i n

l a t er yea r s. Fr a ser sealed the

game with an excellent lofted shot from

the right wing that sailed into the

left top corner to give them the

match 2-1.

The Juniors met Wanderers at

home on Saturday and found

themselves yet an oth er stat i sti c

in Wanderers big wins so far this

season. Completely outclassed,

Ngaruawahia went down 10-0.

2nd Division

With three wins out of `three

games (one game in hand) and the

defeat of Wanderers by Fraser,

Ngaruawahia moved one point clear

of the field on Saturday. Wanderers

previousl y held th e lea d with 5

points from 3 games closely followed

on goal average by Ngaruawahia

with 4 points from 2 games (one

match in hand).

Winners on Saturday wer e: T e,

Awa m utu 3, Cambridge 2;

Hamilton 5, Putaruru 2;

Ngaruawahia 4, Morrinsville 2; Te

Kuiti 3, Cameron 2; Fraser 4,

Wanderers 3; Otorohanga 3,

Waikeria 2.

Yes! Ngaruawahia has lad its

copy-book blotted when they saw

Morrinsville take two goals from

t h em . Perh a ps th er e i s some

consolation in that there were three

contributing factors: the atrocious

weather, the miniature fi e l d

( you c ou l d e a si l y throw the

ball from the sideline into the

goal), and a blatantly off-side goal by

M o r r i n s v i l l e .

The wet and windy weather made for

a slippery ball for both teams

but .Morrinsville made the .most of

their knowledge of t h e s m a l l

fi e l d . N e i l a n d Charles

Gorman started the scoring with

their shots spinning off the straining

fingers of the Morrinsville keeper.

Phillip Bullivant, a newcomer to

the team, scored his first from the

right wing to take the first half of the

match to a 3-1 position.

John Frankhouser took

Ngaruawahia’s last goal when his

30-metre shot went between the

keeper's legs. Steven Mark,

Ngaruawahia’s fullback, could not

quite get to a rolling ba ll in tim e

t o h ook i t clear of his goal and

this finished the match with a

win to Ngaruawahia 4-2.

An Interesting Situation

in Soccer

An interesting situation is

devel opin g a m on gst t h e top six

placing in the race for the Marshall


Ngaruawahia appears to have a

secure lead but the trailing five

are all eager to peg them back.

Putaruru h a s, on p a p er ,

s u p er i or str ikin g power - wi t h

53 goals to their credit and then


back to Te Kuiti with 44. However,

league-leaders Ngaruawa h ia h a ve a

defen si ve r ecord second t o none

having conceded only six goals in

10 matches and it has been the

inability of t h e opposi ti on t o

scor e against Ngaruawahia that

has been the problem.

Morrinsville has had he honours of

putting two shots past

Ngarua wahia’s defensi ve record

to none havi n g c on c e d e d on l y

s i x goals in 10 matches and it

has been the inability of t h e

op p osi t i on t o sc or e against

Ngaruawahia that h a s b e e n t h e

p r o b l e m ,

Morrinsville has had the honour of

putting two shots past Ngaruawahia’s

defence with Cameron, Hamilton, Te

Awamutu, Waikeria and Otorohanga

not being able to net at all. Te Kuiti has

been the only team to snatch a wellearned

point from the leaders.

Thirteen-1 and 12-1 have been the

b i g g e s t w i n s t o Te Kuiti and

Putaruru respectively and - no 0-0

games have been recorded to date.

Hamilton have gone down t o

Ngar ua wa h i a a n d Ot or oh a n ga

a n d h a ve dr a wn wi t h Fr a ser

a n d Camer on t o l os e si x vital

poi n t s i n s ea r ch for t h e l ea g u e

t i t l e, h a vi n g won i t l a st i n


Ngar ua wa h i a ’s past r e c or d i n

t h e Ma r sh a l l Cup h a s been 8th

(1970 ), 7th (19 71), 7th ( 1972 )

a n d 8th (1972).

M ay 4th 1 974

High School 11

Perhaps the opening of the

duck-shooting season had mor e

attracti on for some of the

Ngaruawahia High School

players than did soccer when

only nine local players travelled

to Te Awamutu to be beaten 5-0

by Te Awamutu High School.

4th Division

T wo goa l s by Phi lli p van

Houtte and one from Jeff

McLaughlin saw Ngaruawahia

leading Hamilton at the turn 3-1.

However Jeff had to leave the

field and Hamilton drove

through to notch the required

number of goals to take the game


2nd Division

Some tired Ngaruawahia United

players travelled to Putaruru on

Saturday after duck-shooting to

meet a scratch Putaruru side who


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